George Karabatis is a Professor of Information Systems at UMBC. Computer engineering student will continue his studies at Cambridge, He is the 2022 winner of EUROCAE Global Harmonization Award, Open to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year undergraduates in all majors. But if you lose part [] Before joining UMBC he was a Research Scientist at Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bellcore) working on database related research for the telecom industry. Overall, my work has focused on advancing theoretical research motivated by practical applications. Ian Stockwell, Ph.D., UMBC ( [Associate Professor]. If you log in to this website, then several Wordpress cookies and session variables will be stored on your browser. in Biology from Lawrence University. The Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (CSEE) at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) invites applications for a non-tenure track position at the rank of Lecturer. He has published more than 110 papers with over 2100 citations (h-index: 22). Energized by the need for effective communication, his interests include the study of Human-Computer Interaction and Presentation Theory. Artificial intelligence, knowledge representation and reasoning, and natural language understanding with applications to security, social media, and mobile computing. . His research interests are in machine learning, data science, computer vision and its applications to healthcare & bio-informatics, social network analysis, and multimedia data mining. I am particularly interested in examining how we can mitigate the risk of these technologies exacerbating health disparities by providing another advantage to already advantaged groups. Michael Brown, Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University ( [Professor of Practice] [Graduate Program Director, Online MS in IS]. Their queries often return too many irrelevant answers. Please send questions to (function(){var ml="burE02amFhC4goecnAswd%t.-TDjlikf3p",mi="EP:6E5492>OEPJE5576MLF=EPAK=0BIIE;4?B>>G170?G>D1E55E542>LEPJE55BQ=@B=2>DE54@=O=LL=CE55E54?L6BBEPJE5576MLF=HLM@NE55EP3EP:BF2=@