'Daring' coral rescue as officials attempt to safeguard genetics of Florida reef tract, Why four nesting shorebirds had Palm Beach County officials jumping for joy, How coral is thriving in a trashy, polluted port thrashed by cruise ships, Giant manta ray babies and a study that could save a threatened species, Great hammerhead shark nursery discovered in urban area of Florida, Marine detectives: They're tracking syringes, blood vials, other disgusting stuff that washes up on our beaches. More than a mile of floating barrier was placed off the coast of Mexicos Tulum National Park in August. By doing this they can see how much is located in the ocean. 4301 Rickenbacker Causeway Looking ahead, the doubling of Sargassum quantity from November to December does not bode well for the region, as such increases during this season have historically preceded major blooms in the following years. The berries are filled with air and other gases; they float and help sargassum drift at the ocean surface, where it grows. The purpose of this forecasting system is to predict extremely large windrows, rather than patches or debris of seaweed. 4, 764773. Beaches with the highest seaweed count include Playa del Carmen, Tulum, and some points between Cancun and Puerto Morelos. We will continue to closely monitor Sargassum coverage, with more updates provided by the end of January 2023. Scientists at the USF College of Marine Science who have used NASA . Thus, both the image and surface currents can be displayed in Google Earth with a simple mouse click (see example below), thereby facilitating visualization and navigation. According to Reportur, the amount of sargassum floating in the Central Atlantic Ocean in November 2022 increased to an astounding 6 million tons by December 2022. February 17, 2022. "It's not pleasant for swimmers. environmental and public health harm. The University of South Florida's December . Any use of the image, data, or graph from this bulletin page in reports or publications should obtain permission from the USF OOL group. What is certain is 2023 will be a major sargassum year, Hu said. A screenshot of a typical web interface is presented below. Bayahibe, a beautiful resort town about an hours drive from Punta Cana, offers pristine beaches free of seaweed all year. This is the collection of Presentations from the Sargassum Symposium.Feel free to download what you wish. Environ., 113, 21182129. SARGASSUM Sargassum is a type of brown seaweed that is washing up on beaches in Florida. In Punta Cana and the Dominican Republic, as it does every year, major sargassum waves are expected to arrive at the beginning of March 2023. Help support our local journalism, subscribe today. And, as it does every year, it is predicted that sargassum will continue to wash up on the beaches of Punta Cana until the end of sargassum season in September. Robert Webster ingeniously navigated the development of the SEAS Program. Palm Beach, like many towns, cleans its public beaches with mechanical raking devices. Example video title will go here for this video. Help support our local journalism, subscribe today. In June 2021 (shown above) they found it in record-high amounts in the Caribbean, central west Atlantic Ocean, and Gulf of Mexico. Whether you are swimming or wading in it it's going to smell bad. "We do believe that the Congo River is also contributing to the formation of the bloom in the eastern tropical Atlantic.". 1 0 obj Florida Seaweed Problem 2022: Everything You Need to Know! Punta can is located on the Atlantic ocean so the water is cooler and rougher. In 2019, the Parks Department said they spent an estimated $45 million dollars removing Sargassum from a 15-mile stretch of beaches in Miami-Dade County. Remote Sens. While not toxic to humans, the rotting seaweed on the sand can create quite a strong odor. Environ., 167:247-258. Jupiter is hot spot for sharks munching on line-caught fish; now what can be done about it? Yet the University of South Florida Optical Oceanography Lab has said "2022 is likely going to be another moderate or major sargassum year," with observable amounts in all waters lower than in 2018 and 2021. The Caribbean-wide clean-up in 2018 cost $120 million, which does not include decreased revenues from lost tourism. Sept. 3, 2022, at 3:10 a.m. South Florida's Beaches See Record Seaweed This Summer More By NATALIA GALICZA, Miami Herald MIAMI (AP) Every morning, before a storm of visitors rains down on. Sargassum, a seaweed that often washes up the Florida coast, is expected to be extra abundant this year. June 2022 had a record high sargassum amount compared to any previous year, according to Hu. Beachgoers have been reporting mounds of seaweed washing up on the shores of South Florida and scientists say record amounts are choking the coasts of the Atlantic and the Caribbean. <> Lindsay said the decaying seaweed could be smelled several streets away from the beach depending on the wind direction. 3 0 obj Its too early to know how much seaweed will reach Floridas beaches, but it has shown up in varying degrees and depths during every major growth year, hitching a ride on the loop current to assail the Keys and areas north from Miami to Jacksonville. In 2022, Punta Canas shoreline experienced a record-breaking influx of seaweed, ruining the beauty of its world-famous beaches and making it difficult for tourists to explore water activities. Lapointe, B. E., L. E. West, T. T. Sutton, and C. Hu (2014), Ryther revisited: nutrient excretions by fishes enhance productivity of pelagic Sargassum in the western North Atlantic Ocean, J. Exp. You wont have to worry about sargassum if you visit these places at any time of year. However, you must understand that the sargassum is a natural phenomenon. Never, said Gigi Rodriguez, a beachgoer trying to avoid the soggy situation on Dania Beach. So raking the stuff off the beach can be controversial, often pitting tourism against conservation interests. . Feb 22, 2023 5 min. This year, though, forecasts predict there will be less of the stinky seaweed than in the previous two years. Hardy, and E. J. Hochberg (2015), Spectral and spatial requirements of remote measurements of pelagic Sargassum macroalgae, Remote Sens. Within Google Earth, once a Sargassum raft is identified with latitude and longitude, current speed and direction (available through a mouse click over the current vector) near the raft can be used to predict the movement of the raft and a possible beaching time, in essence, forming an early warning system. Images might take a minute to load with slow internet speed. It literally fills manmade canals, coming right up in front of people's homes and surrounding docks.. Marine Science Home | USF St. Pete | Search, Satellite-based Sargassum Watch System (SaWS). It also broke the previous January record set in 2018. "All we can do now is keep a close eye on what's going on.". Continuous and improved monitoring and. And then also Climate change, as these waters get warmer, and we are not having the reprieve with cold waters. "Nitrogen appears to be increasing in the Atlantic basin, driving these blooms,"Brian Lapointe, a research professor at FAU-Harbor Branch in Fort Pierce. More:These mysterious 'devices' keep washing up on Floridas beaches. 2 0 obj But experts at the . SIR is the result of the collaboration between the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory In 2023, the estimation is not clear as it's not possible to see it on the ocean from satellites yet. To facilitate visualization and navigation, the imagery products are divided into different geographic regions, for example Central Atlantic, Eastern Caribbean, Western Gulf of Mexico, Bermuda, etc. The forecast indicates the possibility of a medium to high chance of more Sargassum polluting the beaches. Finally, from October 2023 to December 2023, Punta Cana is expected to remain sargassum-free. A 2019 report on the group's findings pointed to two main culprits for the increase in sargassum higher nutrient levels in runoff from the Amazon River and when an upwelling in the eastern Atlantic brings cooler water and nutrients from the bottom of the ocean to the surface. Written by Kristen Kusek, Communications Director for USF CMS. When asked why, Dr. Hu noted, we dont know, that is a direct answer. In 2022, Mexican federal officials expected the arrival of 32 thousand tons of sargassum seaweed in the country. Does Punta Cana still Have a Sargassum Problem in 2023? Mexico : Norma Muoz: La gente no est informada de los efectos del sargazo, dice que las afectaciones las mand Dios, Mexico : EL SARGAZO NO SE CONVIERTE EN ARENA, France : Bilan du BRGM : les taux mesurs en arsenic et en chlorure de sodium dpassent les normes imposes, Sargassum is worsening the conditions of the poorest people in Ghana, Un mystre aux proportions ocaniques : des algues sargasses forment dsormais un pont vgtal entre lAmrique et lAfrique, Republica Dominicana : Sargazo llega hasta las costas de Saman afectando las aguas del mar, Mexico : Sargazo, amenaza para el turismo y la salud, Mexico: On Mexicos Caribbean coast, mountains of seaweed grow, Florida USA : Invasion of the seaweed. Belize Seaweed Problem [2023]: Everything You Need to Know! huc@usf.edu. South Floridas beaches see record volume this summer, Sargassum, the brown tide that is invading the Caribbean. Bayahibes beaches are more relaxed than Punta Canas, with fewer tourists and far fewer vendors trying to sell you souvenirs. Is there still a seaweed problem in Punta Cana in 2023? . an A&M Galveston research project dedcated to predicting Sargassum. For the second consecutive month, Sargassum abundance in the central Atlantic Ocean doubled, again setting a new historical record. Hardy, R. F. (2014). Related: Check here for the local weather forecast. In the past five or six years we tend to see more and more sargassum than five or six years ago, said Hu. ", Penalties:Jupiter divers who freed sharks, destroyed angler's gear avoid harshest penalties. The seaweed originated from the tropical Atlantic, and is believed to be a result of climate variability and other natural and unnatural processes. Sargassum has leafy tubular branches and berries. About 70 to 80% of the seaweed is taken away by truck along four miles of . The University of South Florida Satellite-based Sargassum Watch System has predicted 2018 will be a major bloom year, which is already impacting the Caribbean. Sargassum decomposes into stinging thick layers on the surface of the water, depleting the oxygen in the water and destroying the marine life in the area. Puerto Rico: Buscan soluciones en el Caribe al sargazo, que marc un rcord histrico, Afrique : Influence des algues sargasses (sargassum fluitans, sargassum natans) sur les activits socioconomiques le long du littoral ivoirien Cte dIvoire Afrique de louest, Puerto Rico : Record amount of seaweed chokes Caribbean beaches and shoreline, Mexico : SARGAZO PROVOCA MUERTE DE TORTUGAS EN MAHAHUAL. USF scientists use NASA satellite images to track Sargassum, a brown seaweed. ", She continued, "I think the major issue is it's unpleasant. If you like to fish, you may have heard these floating algae mats called the "weed line," and they . Sargassummonitering.com is a website that keeps an eye on the current sargassum level on the beaches. Green and golden seaweed tides on the rise, Nature, 504:84-88. FRANCE : Le ministre dlgu au Outre-mer Jean-Franois Carenco a annonc la cration, au 15 octobre 2022, de quatre structures pour grer le sujet sargasse aux Antilles. Considering published CERMES forecasts issued in January, March and May of 2022 (Sargassum Sub-Regional Outlook Bulletin, Volume 2, Issues 2-4), it is evident that seasonal increases of sargassum fluxes are reliably forecast with both systems, but the CERMES forecast is better suited to prediction of major pulses. Sargassum peaks in summer, in June in July, there is no exception," explains Hu. These monthly bulletins are also made available at the bottom of this page. According to Reportur, the amount of sargassum floating in the Central Atlantic Ocean in November 2022 increased to an astounding 6 million tons by December 2022. Cancun Seaweed Forecast. However, apart from the seaweed, there are many good reasons to choose Bayahibe over Punta Cana. Gower, J., E. Young, E., and S. King (2013), Satellite images suggest a new Sargassum source region in 2011, Remote Sens. A decade after the first sargassum blooms were spotted in the South Atlantic, these massive brown mats of macro-algae represent one of the largest ecological threats to the . Sargassum, like other seaweed, also gives off hydrogen sulfide gas as it rots, which can cause irritation to the eyes and respiratory system. Sargassum is almost non-existent in Bayahibe. Hu said 2023 will be another major sargassum year, possibly surpassing 2022. According. Sargassum removal from Texas beaches during earlier, less severe inundations was estimated at $2.9 million per year and Florida's Miami-Dade County alone estimated recent removal expenses of $45 million per year. Sargassum: The What, Where, and Why of this Seaweed, Sargassum is a genus of large brown seaweed (a type of algae) that floats in island-like masses, Govt allocates initial $5 million for removal of sargassums. In the Gulf, sargassum serves as essential habitat for young sea turtles while crabs, bait fish and other critters that hang around it are munched on by game fish such as mahi mahi and wahoo, he. The forecast for the arrival of seaweed ranges from medium intensity to very strong. Updated: May 22, 2021 / 11:08 AM EDT. By no means should it be used for commercial purpose, or used for predicting bloom conditions for a specific location or beach. Scientists are concerned. These experimental Sargassum Inundation Reports (SIR) % Sargassum Early Advisory System The month of June in 2022 had a record high Sargassum amount compared to any previous year, said Chuanmin Hu, a professor with the University of South Floridas Oceanography Lab. Atlantic OceanWatch In fact, experts are predicting that the sargassum crisis in 2023 could be as bad as the one in 2022, or even worse. Fish. Record-high Sargassum quantities for December were observed, approximately double the amount recorded in November (of note, the November quantity reported in the previous bulletin was revised downward after data reprocessing). Sargassum contains arsenic, which it uptakes from what's naturally in ocean water. Seasonal seaweed strikes back: Tons of seaweed washes up on the Space Coast. Unfortunately their forecast for 2022 was accurate. Inst., 64:6-8. Further readings are also available under the Reference page. Last month, strong winds blew a thick layer of dust from the Sahara Desert westward over the Atlantic Ocean. Belize Seaweed Problem [2023]: Everything You Need to Know! Noah's Ark for coral:'Daring' coral rescue as officials attempt to safeguard genetics of Florida reef tract. Jupiter divers who freed sharks, destroyed angler's gear avoid harshest penalties. The Galveston Daily News printed an honorable memorial for Robert after his passing. However, the important point to understand is that this problem is not limited only to Punta Cana. Sargassum is a type of seaweed, or brown algae, that spends its life on the ocean's surface and floats in large masses. Franks, J., D. R. Johnson, D. S. Ko, G. Sanchez-Rubio, J.R. Hendon, and M. Lay (2011), Unprecedented Influx of pelagic Sargassum along Caribbean island coastlines during summer 2011, Proc. Worldwide mystery: What are those things the oceans been dumping on Palm Beach? Hotels in Punta Cana are investing heavily in cutting-edge technology and skilled manpower to tackle this problem. Tulum SEAWEED Problem [2023]: Everything You Need To Know! Hotels in Bayahibe are usually 6 to 12 % cheaper than hotels in Punta Cana. 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