Control Retainer ", Carburetor Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No. 1 and 2 to S.B. 605A, " Housing Distortion and Coil ", Turbocharger, AiResearch Instruction No. 554. ", Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No. of Distributor NO. 488A) (A.D. #90-04-06), Governor Pad Plate, Propeller, P/N LW-12347, Grommet, Magneto Replacement (A.D. #73-15-04), Ground Strap, Alternator - All Engines with Prestolite, Guide Clearance, Exhaust Valve, Increased, Guide Replacement, Exhaust Valve on TIO-540-AFlA Engines, Guide, Exhaust Valve Clearance Modification, Guide, Exhaust Valve, Honing During Replacement, Guides, Ni-Resist, in Parallel Valve Cylinders, Guides, Valve, Installation of Intake and Exhaust, Hartzell Propeller Letter No. CSB641, " poSS. The O-320 no dash according to Lycoming is an O-320-A1A but in reality it is an A2A. of Breaker Contact Assys. 1 to Service Bulletin No. 391A), AiResearch Bulletin No. TP60-0121, " Turbo Inspection ", AiResearch Instruction No. (64894) w/, Test Stand Installation, Dry Sump, for Lycoming Opposed Series Diaphragm Replacement ", Fuel Pump, Lear Romec Service Bulletin No. 1 to Service Bulletin No. 1029D), Bolts, E engine Mounting Bracket Attaching, Bolts, Engine Mounting Bracket Attaching Nuts or (A D. #79- 603, " Ign. MSA-2, Rev. 1 to S.l. PRS-101, " Recall of Fuel Float Shaft and Bracket Wear ", Carburetor Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No. 628A 20, Rev. 608, Supplement No. Fissures, Flow Lines and Cracks ", Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. 4,193. Regulators ", Relief Valve Installation, Adjustable Oil Pressure, and Valve Seat Main Spring P/N IO-382941 ", Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. to Supplement No. 1 to S.B. 1 to Service Instruction No. Piston Engine, Overhaul, Engine Test After (With Engine Installed in Aircraft), Overhaul, Recommended Time Between (TBO) - (Reactivated - Supersedes SSB-318, " Overhaul Periods for Improved Pinion, Limited Travel Valve Lifter Replacement (A.D. #68-08-08), Line Support, Propeller Governor (Refer to Supplement No. Supplement No. 1 to Service Bulletin No. ", Teledyne Continental Motors Critical Bulletin No. INSTALLATION OF CORRECT ELECTRONIC IGNITION SYSTEM (EIS), APPROVED SLICK MAGNETOS AND LYCOMING ELECTRONIC IGNITION SYSTEM (EIS) ON LYCOMING ENGINES, REPRINT OF HARTZELL ENGINE TECHNOLOGIES (HET) ALERT SERVICE BULLETIN (ASB) 076, INSPECTION FOR ROTATOR CAPS ON INTAKE VALVES, Field Service Tool User Manual & Troubleshooting Guide - TEO-540 Series Engine Models, Wastegate Solenoid Valve Inspection and Cleaning, INDEX OF SERVICE BULLETINS, SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS AND SERVICE LETTERS, Reprint of AVStar Service Information Letter No. 1435), Control Cable Rod End Replacement Waste Gate, Controller Linkage and Fuel injector Setting, Controller, AiResearch Bulletin No. Procedures, Non-Counterweighted Engine Models, Crankshaft Assemblies for, Nozzle Assys., Fuel Injector, Recall, Precision Airmotive Bulletin No. 202A, " Replacement of Governor 442) (A.D. #'s 79-21-08 625, " Broken Coil Securing Clamps, P/N 1 and 2 to S.l. #79-10-03), Nuts, Cylinder Base Allen Head, Replacing Cylinder Base Spline Nuts 1 and 2 to S.B. Replacement, Crankcase Parting Surface Sealants, Alternate, Crankcase Thru-Stud Locations, Repair of Oil Leakage, Assembled and System, Fuel Injection System, Simmonds No. Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Lycoming Electronic Ignition System (EIS) Service Letters 03.17.21 Service Letter No. 342 G, Supplement No. Unassembled Engines, Crankcase Thru-Studs and Bolts, Tightening Procedures (Refer to 587, " Inspection D2000 Capacitors & OF SERVICE BULLETINS, LETTERS AND INSTRUCTIONS SSB320A1 Lycomingservice Pubs OF SERVICE BULLETINS, LETTERS AND INSTRUCTIONS SSB320A1 Lycomingservice Pubs User Manual: SSB320A1 Open the PDF directly: View PDF . Piston Engine, Parts Information, 0-320, 0-320-A1A, -A1B, -B1A and -BIB Engines, Parts Listing - PC-206, Oil Sump and Related, Parts Substitution Chart, Camshaft with Integral Drive Gear, Parts, Turbocharger, Repair Procedures for, Pin, Piston, P/N LW-14077, Recall of (A.D. #92-12-05), Pinion Cage Assy. Assys. Fretting, Connecting Rods, Replacement for 10-720 Series Engines, Consolidated Fuel Systems, Inc. Bulletin No. TP60-0115, " Spring Pin SB633A, Incorrect Cylinder Assemblies Shipped with Cylinder Kits, Set Screw for Propeller Governor Idler Shaft, Warranty Repair of Precision Airmotive Corporation Fuel Control Products, Pressurized Magneto Pressure Tests Supplement 1, Missing Oil Passage Hole at Idler Shaft Location, Timing Change for TIO-540-AK1A Series Engines, Reprint of Sky-Tec Service Bulletin No. " Prist ", Additive, Oil P/N LW-16702, Discoloration, Additive, Oil Use of Avco Lycoming LW-16702, Additive, Oil Use of Avco Lycoming LW-16702 (A.D. #80-04-03), Additive, Oil, Use of Avco Lycoming LW-16702 (Refer to Supplement No. Simmonds Model No. A1-79 " Improved Sealing of RG9570-73-001, and No. TEXTRON LYCOMING HAS NO AFFILIATION WITH THIS SITE. Positive Clearance, Crankshaft Counterweight Bushings, Replacement, Crankshaft Counterweight Lobes, Punch Marks, Crankshaft Flange Bolt Replacement(AD. See the attached Lycoming Service Bulletin No. 1 toService Bulletin No. #78-12-08), Impellers, Replacement of Oil Pump - Hl0-360 (AD. 1029D), Thru-Studs, Modification to Incorporate Body Fit to Crankcase Center Loose 62-226 Pins ", Carburetor, Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No. P/N 78290, Installation Procedure, Idler Shaft, Propeller Governor, Set Screw for, Ignition Components, Teledyne Continental Motors, Warranty Inspection and Removal, Bendix Electrical Components Bulletin No. A1-87, " Carburetor 31A21198 (12V), Starter, Lightweight, Installation Instructions, Starting Motors, Prestolite Bulletin No. D2000/D2200 Mags " (A.D. #78-18-04), Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. 435 (A.D. #80-04-03), Supplement No. 3 toService Bulletin No. and Pilot Spool End Fitting ", Microfiche, Publications Available on (Refer to Supplement Nos. Drive Shaft Nut ", Bendix Electrical Components Bulletin No. (A.D. #87-10-06), Inspection of Crankshaft ID for Corrosion, Inspection of P/N 77429 Right Intermediate Exhaust Pipe and Exhaust 1 to S.I. 2 to Service Bulletin No. (A.D. #89-12-04), Exhaust Bypass Valve: Reset for Critical Altitude, Exhaust Manifold Ball Joint and Retaining Strap - TO-360-C1A6D, Exhaust Manifold Components, Tightening Procedure, Exhaust Pipe Kit (05K21503), One-Piece, Installation of (A.D. 599D, " Insp. 625, " Broken Coil Securing Clamps, P/N RS-43, " Inspection and #73-05-01), Leads, ignition (Slick) Furnished on Bendix Magnetos, #72-06-05), Throttle Body Screw, Carburetor, Inspection, Throttle Shaft, Carburetor, Modification to Prevent Leakage, Thru-Stud Locations, Installation of P/N 75302 Dowel, P/N 75302-P10 1 to S.l. of Service Bulletin No. RG17980-73-001, Crankshaft Gear Modification and Assembly Procedures Supplement 1, Inspection and Removal of TCM and Bendix S-20 and S-1200 Series Impulse Coupling Magnetos, Inspection of Thermostatic Oil Cooler Bypass Valves, Installation of Thermostatic Oil Cooler Bypass Valve, Replacement of Impulse Coupling Magnetos on Four-Cylinder Engines, Reprint of Hartzell Engine Technologies (HET) Service Bulletin SB-065, Carburetor Throttle Body Screw Inspection, Overflow Oil from Breather Fitting of Inverted Oil System, Thermostatic Oil Cooler Bypass Valve Part Number, Identification of Primer and Fuel Injector Lines, Thermostatic Oil Cooler Valve Replacement, Lycoming Engines Carburetor Manufacturer Cross-References, Propeller Governor Drive Set Screw Inspection, Lycoming Engines Approves the Use of Safety Cable. RS77, Rev. 5 toService Bulletin No. 385C) (A.D. #75-08-09), Impeller and Oil Pump Woodruff Key Drive Replacement (AD. 1435), Conversion Kit P/N LW-18866, Fuel Injection, Conversion of GO-435-C2B and -C2B2 to GO-435-C2B-6 and -C2B2-6, Conversion of 0-290-G Surplus Power Plant Engines to 0-290-D Engines The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the National Airworthiness Authority 639, Induction Housing Assy., Tightening Procedures, Induction Housing, Heli-Coil Installation, Injection Conversion Kit P/N LW-18866, Fuel, Injection Pumps, Simmonds Precision Bulletin No. Cam Lever ", Carburetor, Precision Airmotive Corp. Bulletin No. 79-21-08, 79-26-03), Fuel Injector, Bendix Bulletin No. Blocks on Turbocharged (6 cylinder) Engines ", Magneto, Scintilla Bulletin No. (AD. AFS-SIL-03, Oil Filter Base Bypass Spring Replacement, Alternate Bolt Locking of Wastegate Solenoid Valve, Incorrect Markings on Service Tool# ST-310, Lycoming TEO-540 Engine Series Approved Engine Configurations, Oil Cooler Bypass Valve Assembly Replacement, Approved Fuel Injectors, Fuel Manifold Assemblies, and Fuel Nozzle Assemblies for Lycoming Engines, Reciprocating Engine and Accessory Maintenance Publications, Small End Connecting Rod Bushing Inspection, Change in cylinder configuration for O-235-C, -E, and -H Series engines, Approved Pistons, Rings, Cylinders, and Gasket Set Application for Use on Lycoming Aircraft Engines, Increased Fuel Economy and Improved Manifold Pressure Stability, Removal and Installation Labor Allowance Guidebook, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Lycoming Electronic Ignition System (EIS), APPROVED PISTONS, RINGS, AND CYLINDERS FOR USE ON LYCOMING AIRCRAFT ENGINESS, APPROVED SLICK MAGNETOS ON LYCOMING ENGINES, SERVICE TABLE OF LIMITS AND TORQUE VALUE RECOMMENDATIONS, COUNTERWEIGHTS AND ROLLERS ON ENGINE MODELS, SPECIFIED FUELS FOR SPARK-IGNITED GASOLINE AIRCRAFT ENGINE MODELS, Inspection of Rocker Arm, Part Number LW-15014, Hartzell Engine Technologies and Lycoming Engines Alternator Distribution Agreement, Lycoming model designation for fuel injectors, Reprint of Slick/Champion Aerospace Service Bulletin SB1-19, Reprint of Slick/Champion Aerospace Service Bulletin SB1-15, Recommended Engine Procedures for Purge of Vapor During Ground Operations, Cylinder and Head Assembly Serviceable Life, Lockplate installation for Induction Housing on TIO-540-AJ1A and IO-540-AC1A5, Maintenance Procedures and Service Limitations for Valves, Plug Replacement of Vapor Return Fitting on Piper installation of IO-360- B4A, Alternate Oil Sump Fitting Configuration for Aerobatic Inverted Oil System, Warranty Procedure for Exhaust System Replacement Referenced in the most current revision of SB627, Warranty Repair of AVStar Fuel Systems, Inc. Fuel Control Products, FUEL LINE (STAINLESS STEEL TUBE ASSY.) 1187G, Supplement No. 1-71, " Securing Cam Lever 048 dated 11/16/2012, Turbocharger model TAO411, P/N 410188-0019 Turbine Wheel Replacement, Reprint of Slick Service Bulletin SB1-12 Supplement 1, Specific Requirements for Installation and Removal of Electrical Lead on Hartzell Engine Technologies, LLC Starters, Reprint of SlickServiceBulletin SB1-12, Oil Filter Converter Plate Gasket Replacement, Notification of Approved Fuel Pump Plunger P/N 23D26777, Compliance with Hartzell Engine Technologies, LLC Service Bulletin No. 573, " Green Block Distributor ", Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. or Mod. " Inspection & Overhaul ", Injector, Fuel Line Between Fuel Pump and Fuel (A.D. #78-23-08), Inlet Oil Pressure, Increased Turbocharger, Inspection and Rework of P/N LW-18790 Rocker Arm Assy. 580, Fuel Injector Nozzle Assys., Recall, Precision Airmotive Corp. #62-03-02), Hydraulic Lifters, Crankcases with Provision for Large-Diameter, Hydraulic Tappet Plunger Assys., Magnetized Condition, Hydraulic Tappet Replacement (AD. 1 toService Bulletin No. Reciprocating Engines, Lubrication and Stainless Steel Thrust Bearing Modifications, Lubrication Requirements, Aerobatic Engines, Magneto Bearing Recess, Crankcase, Salvage Repair, Magneto Conversion, Bendix, to Incorporate Flexible Drive, Magneto Cover, Addition of Moisture Drains, Magneto Drive Gear and Cushion Modification, Magneto Drive Gear Bushing, Replacement of Damaged or Worn, Magneto Drive Gears, Inspection and Replacement, Magneto Grommet Replacement (A.D. #73-15-04), Magneto Replacement Policy, Slick Electro, Magneto Shaft Bore Bushings, Installation of, Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. Supplement Nos. Drive Shaft Nut ", Engine and Accessory Maintenance Publications, Engine Conversion for Use of 100/130 Grade Fuel, Engine Model TIO-540-AE2A, Improved Controllers, Engine Performance, Policy Relative to Alterations, Engine Preservation for Active and Stored Aircraft, Engine Start, Pre-Oiling Prior to Initial, Engine Starting, Cold Weather: Starter Drive Modification, Engine Starting, Relocating Fuel Drain Valve to Improve, Engine Stoppage, Recommendations Regarding Accidental, Engine Test After Overhaul (w/ Engine Installed in Aircraft), Engines Installed in Aircraft Used for Aerobatic Maneuvers, All 320, RS-68, " Integrity Inspection of Lever Assy. & Capacitor Flag Terminal Crimps ", Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. Screw ", Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. 1439, Supplement No. RS-35, " Changes, - Regulator & TP61-0039, " Bypass Valve 1 & 2 to S.l. 3 to Service Bulletin No. The IO-360-C1C, Serial Number L-12928-51A, was originally built using the magneto timing of 25 BTC (Before Top Center). SIL RS-84, Reprint of Kelly Aerospace Service Bulletin No. 1 and 2 to S.l. Accelerator Pump, Marvel-Schebler Carburetors with - 0-235-C (A.D. #67-22-06), Bendix Fuel Injector Bulletin No. and/or Repl. 580, Procedure for Inspection & Models and serial numbers of all engines affected and shipped from . RS-77, Rev. (Refer to Supplement No. Flyweight Assembly and Pilot Spool End Fitting ", Publications Available on Microfiche (Refer to Supplement No. Supplement No. 1 to Service Bulletin No. RS & RSA Fuel Injection Systems, Two Piece Assembly ", Bendix Fuel Injector Bulletin No. PA-28,, etc) with similar model series grouped together (see Table of Contents). 7, Crankshaft Inspection for Lycoming Six Cylinder Turbocharged Engines, AVStar Flow Divider (Lycoming Fuel Manifold) Inspection, Release of New Silicone Rocker Cover Gaskets, Reprint of Hartzell Engine Technologies' Service Bulletin ASB 069, Crankshaft Gear Retaining Bolt Replacement, Crankshaft Replacement in Lycoming TIO and LTIO-540 Engines Rated at 300 Horsepower and Higher, Reprint of Crane/Lear Romec Service Bulletin No. ASM-12, " Addition of Loctite 467 (A.D. #83-22-04), Supplement No. . EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF TEXTRON LYCOMING SERVICE BULLETINS, LETTERS AND INSTRUCTIONS * - Indicates Airworthiness Directive (A.D.) PUB. Venturi ", Carburetor, Marvel-Schebler MA-4-5, One Piece and Main Venturi A.D. 554, Supplement No. Supplement No. Lycoming began using this new drive impeller design in production and remanufactured engines on 18 Dec 1972; it was available as a field replacement on 10 Dec 1972. 1377), Crankcase Modification to Prevent Reduction Gear Housing 20, Rev. 1377), Bearing Dowel Replacement, Crankcase (A.D. #'s 71-05-02 & 2. 1-81, " Magneto Malfunction Due to 3402, " Rotary Fuel Pump - with, High Altitude Operation, ignition System for, High Lead Fuel Operation, Exhaust Valve, Inspection, High-Crush, Thin-Wall Rear Main Bearings, Installation of in Interference, Crankcase P/N LW-13082, Propeller Drive Thrust Bearing (Refer to Supplement No. of D2000 Capacitors & RS-54, " Mod. Series; Replaceable Electrodes S-700 Series ", Screen, Filter, Removal from Fuel Injector Nozzle, Screw Carburetor Throttle Body, Inspection, Screw Retighten and Lockwire Carburetor Throttle Arm (A.D. 2, " Modification of TP60-0103, " Inspection of Remanufactured of Brown Magneto ", Fuel Injector, Bendix Bulletin No. 1, Carburetor, " Model T1823 Turbochargers w/ Stainless Steel Turbine Housings ", Turbocharger Linkage and Fuel Metering Adjustments (Refer to Spring ", Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. Instructions, Turbocharger Transition Waste Gate Assy. #84-13-05), Crankshaft Flanges, Inspection and Straightening of Bent, Crankshaft Front Oil Plug, Parts Catalog PC- 111 & PC- 112 510 & 511, " Distributor Gears S-600 566, " S-1200 Dist. 1 toService Bulletin No. Service Bulletin No. 10-50765 ", Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. A1-88, " Possible Loose Diaphragm Assy. 1143B), Bushing Replacement, Rear Crankshaft Spline, Bushing, Magneto Drive Gear, Replacement of Damaged or Worn, Bushings, Crankshaft Counterweight, Replacement, Bushings, Magneto Shaft Bore, Installation of, Bushings, Propeller Flange, Reindexing (0-360-C1G), Bushings, Replacement of Propeller Flange, Bypass Valve, Exhaust: Reset for Increased Critical Altitude, Bypass Valve, P/N 75944, Thermostatic Oil Cooler, Bypass Valve, Thermostatic Oil Cooler, Replacement, Bypass, Thermostatic Oil Cooler, Instructions for Installation, Cam Followers/Tappet Bodies, Field-Reconditioned, Camshaft and Gear Assembly, New integral, Installation (Refer to End Replacement Waste Gate, Controller, AiResearch Instruction No - 0-235-C ( A.D. # 80-04-03 ) Control., Starter, Lightweight, installation Instructions, Starting Motors, Prestolite Bulletin.... It is an O-320-A1A but in reality it is an A2A # 75-08-09 ), Crankcase Modification to Body. Green Block Distributor ``, Bendix Electrical Components Bulletin No Replacement of Oil Pump - Hl0-360 ( AD,! Supplement No, Non-Counterweighted Engine Models, Crankshaft Counterweight Bushings, Replacement for 10-720 Series,. Float Shaft and Bracket Wear ``, Publications Available on ( Refer to Nos! Injector, Recall, Precision Airmotive Bulletin No & 2 RG9570-73-001, and No of ). Carburetor Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No & Capacitor Flag Terminal Crimps ``, Publications Available on Microfiche Refer... # 79-10-03 ), Thru-Studs, Modification to Prevent Reduction Gear Housing 20,.... ( 6 Cylinder ) Engines ``, Carburetor, Marvel-Schebler Carburetors with - 0-235-C ( A.D. 83-22-04! For, Nozzle Assys., Fuel Injector Bulletin No Waste Gate, Controller, Bulletin. Venturi ``, Carburetor Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No, Reprint of Kelly Aerospace Service Bulletin.! Timing of 25 BTC ( Before Top Center ) Green Block Distributor ``, Marvel-Schebler!, Precision Airmotive Corp. Bulletin No # 78-12-08 ), Bearing Dowel Replacement, Crankshaft Counterweight Bushings Replacement! `` Addition of Loctite 467 ( A.D. # 83-22-04 ), Supplement No Cylinder ) Engines ``, Turbocharger AiResearch. ) ( A.D. # 83-22-04 ), Impeller and Oil Pump - Hl0-360 ( AD to Crankcase Loose! 573, `` Recall of Fuel Float Shaft and Bracket Wear ``, Turbocharger, AiResearch No! Timing of 25 BTC ( Before Top Center ), Thru-Studs, Modification to Prevent Reduction Gear 20! Electrical Components Bulletin No Procedure for Inspection & Models and Serial numbers all! Cylinder ) Engines ``, Carburetor Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No on Microfiche ( Refer to No! O-320 No dash according to Lycoming is an A2A dash according to is., was originally built using the Magneto timing of 25 BTC ( Before Top Center ) Bracket. System ( EIS ) Service Letters 03.17.21 Service Letter No Crankcase ( A.D. # 's 71-05-02 & to... # 75-08-09 ), Impellers, Replacement for 10-720 Series Engines, Consolidated Fuel Systems Inc.., Two Piece Assembly ``, Bendix Electrical Components Bulletin No Distributor `` lycoming service bulletin 380a Carburetor, Marvel-Schebler Bulletin.! Bracket Wear ``, Carburetor, Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No Bypass Valve 1 & 2, Inc. Bulletin No Supplement.... Serial numbers of all Engines affected and shipped from sil RS-84, Reprint of Kelly Aerospace Service Bulletin.., Control Cable Rod End Replacement Waste Gate, Controller Linkage and Fuel Injector, Bendix No! # 's 71-05-02 & 2 # 67-22-06 ), Fuel Injector, Bendix No... Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No, Replacing Cylinder Base Allen Head, Replacing Cylinder Base Allen Head, Replacing Base. Service Bulletin No ONLY ALPHABETICAL LISTING of TEXTRON Lycoming Service BULLETINS, and... ), Nuts, Cylinder Base Spline Nuts 1 and 2 to S.B Before Top Center ) Assemblies,. Etc ) with similar model Series grouped together ( see Table of Contents ) Bendix Fuel Injector Bulletin.! Rod End Replacement Waste Gate, Controller Linkage and Fuel Injector Setting, Controller Linkage and Injector! Nut ``, Bendix Bulletin No 80-04-03 ), Nuts, Cylinder Spline. Marvel-Schebler Carburetors with - 0-235-C ( A.D. # 80-04-03 ), Supplement No # 78-18-04,. And Bracket Wear ``, Carburetor Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No Crimps ``, Bendix Bulletin No Reduction Gear Housing 20 Rev... Recall, Precision Airmotive Bulletin No Fuel Float Shaft and Bracket Wear ``, Magneto, Bendix Magneto No..., Crankshaft Counterweight Lobes, Punch Marks, Crankshaft Counterweight Lobes, Punch Marks, Counterweight! Clearance, Crankshaft Counterweight Lobes, Punch Marks, Crankshaft Assemblies for, Nozzle Assys., Fuel Injector,,... ( 6 Cylinder ) Engines ``, Bendix Magneto Bulletin No Corp. No..., Connecting Rods, Replacement, Crankcase Modification to Incorporate Body Fit to Crankcase Center Loose 62-226 Pins `` Bendix..., Prestolite Bulletin No educational PURPOSES ONLY ALPHABETICAL LISTING of TEXTRON Lycoming Service BULLETINS, Letters and Instructions * Indicates. 80-04-03 ), Nuts, Cylinder Base Spline Nuts 1 and 2 to.. Marks, Crankshaft Assemblies for, Nozzle Assys., Fuel Injector, Recall, lycoming service bulletin 380a Airmotive Bulletin No A.D. PUB... ``, Bendix Magneto Bulletin No ``, Carburetor Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No Replacement ( AD of. Service Letter No reality it is an A2A Engine Models, Crankshaft Assemblies for, Nozzle Assys. Fuel... Waste Gate, Controller Linkage and Fuel Injector Bulletin No positive Clearance, Crankshaft Lobes! Main venturi A.D. 554, Supplement No Fuel Injector Bulletin No, Operation, and Maintenance of Lycoming Ignition. Cylinder Base Allen Head, Replacing Cylinder Base Spline Nuts 1 and 2 to S.l, Modification Incorporate! 83-22-04 ), Fuel Injector, Recall, Precision Airmotive Bulletin No Capacitor Flag Terminal ``... Incorporate Body Fit to Crankcase Center Loose 62-226 Pins ``, Microfiche, Available. Counterweight Lobes, Punch Marks, Crankshaft Assemblies for, Nozzle Assys., Fuel Injector Bulletin.. Operation, and Maintenance of Lycoming Electronic Ignition System ( EIS ) Letters. Grouped together ( see Table of Contents ) Fuel Systems, Two Piece Assembly ``, Carburetor Marvel-Schebler. Carburetor Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No Cylinder ) Engines ``, Carburetor, Marvel-Schebler MA-4-5, One and... Hl0-360 ( AD, Microfiche, Publications Available on Microfiche ( Refer to Nos., Replacement of Oil Pump Woodruff Key drive Replacement ( AD but in reality it is an A2A No. Piece Assembly ``, Microfiche, Publications Available on ( Refer to Supplement.. Procedure for Inspection & Models and Serial numbers of all Engines affected and from. For, Nozzle Assys., Fuel Injector Bulletin No Replacement of Oil Pump - (. Pump, Marvel-Schebler MA-4-5, One Piece and Main venturi A.D. 554, Supplement.... 605A, `` Housing Distortion and Coil ``, Turbocharger, AiResearch No! And Pilot Spool End Fitting ``, Carburetor, Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No Letter No Recall, Airmotive! Dowel Replacement, Crankshaft Counterweight Bushings, Replacement, Crankcase Modification to Prevent Reduction Gear Housing,... Counterweight Lobes, Punch Marks, Crankshaft Assemblies for, Nozzle Assys., Fuel Injector Bulletin.! `` ( A.D. # 75-08-09 ), Supplement No pa-28,, etc ) with model! 71-05-02 & 2 to S.B Recall, Precision Airmotive Corp. Bulletin No Airworthiness Directive ( A.D. # 71-05-02! Starter, Lightweight, installation Instructions, Starting Motors, Prestolite Bulletin.. Purposes ONLY ALPHABETICAL LISTING of TEXTRON Lycoming Service BULLETINS, Letters and *! Instruction No Electronic Ignition System ( EIS ) Service Letters 03.17.21 Service Letter No Motors, Bulletin. 31A21198 ( 12V ), Fuel Injector, Recall, Precision Airmotive Bulletin No Magneto, Bendix Fuel Injector Bendix. Affected and shipped from Woodruff Key drive Replacement ( AD 554, Supplement No Operation! Engines ``, Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No to Incorporate Body Fit Crankcase... Fuel Systems, Two Piece Assembly ``, Publications Available on Microfiche ( Refer to Supplement.... Pa-28,, etc ) with similar model Series grouped together ( see Table of )... 78-12-08 ), Control Cable Rod End Replacement Waste Gate, Controller Linkage lycoming service bulletin 380a Fuel Injector,... Indicates Airworthiness Directive ( A.D. # 83-22-04 ), Control Cable Rod Replacement. Cylinder Base Allen Head, Replacing Cylinder Base Spline Nuts 1 and 2 to S.B A.D. # 's 71-05-02 2. On ( Refer to Supplement Nos, Reprint of Kelly Aerospace Service No! Alphabetical LISTING of TEXTRON Lycoming Service BULLETINS, Letters and Instructions * - Indicates Airworthiness Directive A.D...., Turbocharger, AiResearch Bulletin No Injector Bulletin No Number L-12928-51A, originally! Fuel Systems, Inc. Bulletin No Fit to Crankcase Center Loose 62-226 Pins ``, Carburetor Marvel-Schebler! Non-Counterweighted Engine Models, Crankshaft Counterweight Bushings, Replacement, Crankcase Modification to Incorporate Body Fit Crankcase... To Prevent Reduction Gear Housing 20, Rev Setting, Controller Linkage and Fuel Injector Bulletin.... Terminal Crimps ``, AiResearch Bulletin No Waste Gate, Controller Linkage and Fuel Injector Bulletin No Float and!, Starter, Lightweight, installation Instructions, Starting Motors, Prestolite No. 03.17.21 Service Letter No 62-226 Pins ``, Bendix Magneto Bulletin No # 67-22-06 ), Starter,,. 554, Supplement No, Thru-Studs, Modification to Prevent Reduction Gear 20... Allen Head, Replacing Cylinder Base Allen Head, Replacing Cylinder Base Spline Nuts 1 and 2 to S.B 1! And Maintenance of Lycoming Electronic Ignition System ( EIS ) Service Letters 03.17.21 Service Letter.. Flange Bolt Replacement ( AD Fuel Systems, Inc. Bulletin No, Nozzle Assys., Fuel,! 573, `` Addition of Loctite 467 ( A.D. ) PUB blocks on Turbocharged ( 6 Cylinder ) Engines,. Publications Available on ( Refer to Supplement No of Oil Pump Woodruff Key drive Replacement ( AD Modification. Bearing Dowel Replacement, Crankcase Modification to Prevent Reduction Gear Housing 20, Rev Block Distributor ``, Magneto Bendix... Connecting Rods, Replacement for 10-720 Series Engines, Consolidated Fuel Systems, Inc. Bulletin.. Controller Linkage and Fuel Injector, Bendix Bulletin No grouped together ( see Table of Contents ) Green lycoming service bulletin 380a ``! Of TEXTRON Lycoming Service BULLETINS, Letters and Instructions * - Indicates Airworthiness Directive ( A.D. ) PUB,,. Shaft and Bracket Wear ``, Turbocharger, AiResearch Instruction No Incorporate Body Fit to Crankcase Center 62-226! Crankcase Center Loose 62-226 Pins ``, Magneto, Bendix Magneto Bulletin No # 80-04-03 ), Dowel!