November 3. the German 6th Army is a strategic masterpiece. Will I really go back to Elsa without a decoration? But it is for precisely this reason that we need to exert all our strength in order to win the war. September 18. There have been a number of cases of self inflicted wounds and malingering among the men. .. At dawn on Jan. 31, 1943, the bloodiest battle of World War II came to an end for the top German commander in Stalingrad. Within four days, they had encircled 300,000 Axis soldiers, trapped in a frozen wasteland in and around Stalingrad. Our troops are advancing towards theVolga. . The following entries in the diary of William Hoffman, a German soldier who perished at Stalingrad, reveal the decline in German confidence as the battle progressed. What are your main findings? But now we have to roam around this horrible Russia, and for what? . Our regiment is attacking the Barrikady settlement. January 15. Part of Heinrich Malchus letter, a soldier, no. Unfortunately, I cant write everything to you. In the blocks captured two days ago Russian soldiers appeared from somewhere or other and fighting has flared up with fresh vigour. .. The film is the second German movie to portray the Battle of Stalingrad. the rest were wounded and killed. We attack on a daily basis. Fanatics. During the day the Germans managed to accupy only two blocks. 1942. Let the generals and officers fight the war themselves. August 25, 1942. Stalingrad: Directed by Fedor Bondarchuk. In the opening months of the campaign German forces dug deep into Soviet occupied territory - led by Panzer armies which encircled large Soviet forces at Minsk and Smolens. All run away again. That was how Wehrmacht soldiers and officers viewed their plight after they ended up in the middle of the circle of fire formed by the Red Army in the Stalingrad area. .. Military church records [Kirchenbcher]. Among the documents collected by the Historical Commission in Stalingrad were two excerpts from the diary of a German private 1st class. During that meeting, Lyolya Novikova was posthumously accepted into the Communist Party. A German prisoner of war escorted by a Soviet soldier with a PPSh-41, 1943. . When I think about this, Im ready to howl from annoyance Up to that point, German propaganda had confidently predicted a new order for Europe under Germanic rule; after Stalingrad, it began to sound alarms about the future of Germany, Europe, and civilization.. Diary of a German Soldier William Hoffman 4.50 4 ratings2 reviews Want to read Buy on Amazon Rate this book The following entries in the diary of William Hoffman, a German soldier who perished at Stalingrad, reveal the decline in German confidence as the battle progressed. . What is also remarkable is how the Soviet military command was able to secretly deploy an army of 1 million soldiers along these flanks in the weeks leading up to the operation. In just the last two days, our battalion has lost 60 killed, injured and frostbitten men; more than 30 men have escaped; there is only enough ammunition to last until evening; the soldiers have not eaten at all in three days, and many of them have frostbitten feet. .. Viktor Nekrasov's novella "In the trenches of Stalingrad" came out to acclaim in 1946, and 10 years later he was able to make a humanistic, de-heroizing screenplay out of it. Where are they bringing them from? . We killed thousands of Russians and Jews with wives and children around Kiev and Kharkov. In fact for some people, its essential that they become inhuman and numb to the daily horror that surrounds them, to block out the madness that threatens to engulf all the time. His battlefield . Does that get to you? She was five years old when Adolf Hitler's Sixth Army stormed into Stalingrad in the summer of 1942. Most of the writings were dated from November to December 1942 and the first two weeks of January 1943. Letters containing the most information were published by thethe military publishinghouse of the Peoples Commissariat of the Defense of the USSR in 1944 the released volume was condensed bearing the titleThe Defeat of the Germans at Stalingrad. So, there it is- -theVolga, victory and soon home to our families! In this sense, too, Stalingrad marked a turning point in world history. The Western world cultivates an outsized memory of the June 1944 landing in Normandy as the opening chapter of Hitlers defeat. The Battle of Stalingrad ended seventy one years ago on February 2, 1943 after exactly five months, a week and three days of incessant fighting. A question looms before us: Henry Caro Noncommissioned Officer Academy, DAO_202_Mission Command Papepr_MSG Szabo-Smith.docx, The Battle of Stalingrad Background and Sources.docx, Topic 17 04 Dividend Payment A Chronology Topic 17 05 More on the Ex Dividend, 11 Division A of WRL Company produces a component part which can be sold either, MAR5007-B_Individual Assignment_May 2022.pdf, That payment is made for a relatively short period such as five or seven years, Physico Chemical processes are very expensive quite sensitive to changes in, Yet he seemed to move with case He lingered over the lovely statues of women, 23 De externe hulp werd goed ontvangen door het projectteam 80632 1980 558 312, 4. When during my research I discovered a trove of wartime interviews with Soviet defenders of the city, I decided that my book should centrally focus on the comparatively little-known, Soviet side of the story. Here it is: The Soviets were able to psychologically wear down the Germans and make them slowly lose motivation. . After the Stalingrad campaign, Hitler ordered that Soviet-style political officers the so-called commissars be introduced into the Wehrmacht. USSR in a compact volume titled The Defeat of the Germans at Stalingrad. He is still sitting in the driver's seat. Tell us about this dramatic moment. 17189, dated November 13, 1942 to Private First Class Karl Weitzel: . We marched all night and by dawn had reached Voroponovo Station. I read the ultimatum, and a burning malice toward our generals boiled up in me. .. I want to scream. There are barely 30 men in the company. What was the meaning of defeat for the Germans? Does that get to you? units of the German 6th Army and part of the 4th Panzer Army amounting to . . How and with what are we going to fill our empty stomachs, which, apart from 3%-7 ozs of bread, receive virtually nothing at all? My nerves can't take any more.'. While the German army was penetrating deeply into Russia, he believed that victory was not far away and dreamed of returning home with medals. . The devastating Panzer division was also deployed - seventeen in total. . . What drew you to study World War II in your book and, in particular, to the Battle of Stalingrad? The victory came at a high cost; about two-fifths of the American planes were shot down. From the testimony of captured Private First Class Joseph December His fascinating 2015 book, Stalingrad: The City that Defeated the Third Reich, and the Battle that Changed World History (PublicAffairs; also available in German, Russian, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, and Chinese editions), tells the story of this battle from the Soviet side. Founded in 1999. defect or surrender to captivity. One day I shot a magpie and cooked it. The weather is getting When we got to Stalingrad, there were 140 of us, but by September 1, after two weeks of battle, only 16 remained. It is pure hell here. From a letter from soldier Otto Zechtig, 1st Company of the How wonderfully we could live if it werent for this damned war! October 14. .. To join the party was a matter of honor and prestige for him and other soldiers. The number of soldiers cemeteries is growing .. The battle is remembered for ferocious street fighting. September 22. non-commissioned officer had to take over the command of the division. . Both regimes mobilized to the utmost to conquer or defend the city. morning we manage to advance 20 metres, in the evening the Russians throw us . . After five months of unrelenting battle, the retreat of the Nazis became the turning point of World War II. So they wove a tale of a few German soldier heroes left standing, fighting Asiatic hordes to their last breath. Note that Holocaust denial is not allowed. Story When the Russian pincers snapped in November 1942, 300,000 soldiers of Hitler's army were trapped in Stalingrad, the legendary city on the Volga that they sought to conquer for the Nazi empire. On January 14, 1942 he added: 'Even if we manage, against my expectations, to stop the Russian advance, then no one needs to know more than necessary about the hammering we have received. German attempts to break into the pocket failed. After five months of unrelenting battle, the retreat of the Nazis became the turning point of World War II. Even civilians were considered vital defenders of Fortress Stalingrad and not allowed to evacuate until several days after the beginning of the bombardment. . It first details the unit's combat in the great German victory at Kharkov, then the advance to the Caucasus, and finally the brutal winter of 1942-43. We are absolutely exhausted; our regiment now has barely the strength of a company. The turning point of World War II came at Stalingrad. From a letter from Private First Class Walter Oppermann, no. German intelligence did notice suspicious troop movements, but the German army command did not take these reports seriously, as it was convinced that the Soviets had run out of available human reserves. But it is for He wrote: 'That isn't a good idea when facing tank men like us - floor the accelerator, turn left and run over him. Hitler remarked that with the 6th Army, he "could storm the Heavens". . . The story of the Eastern Front through the eyes of one young German. . Our regiment, and the whole division, are today celebrating victory. Jochen Hellbeck is a leading historian of the Soviet period who teaches at Rutgers University in New Jersey. . . I don't understand how this makes german world war two soldiers look any worse than any other soldiers in REAL WAR. . With the help of an arctic wstopped just before Moscow. My question is, what happened to him? Just weeks before, in response to the Germans rapid advance toward Stalingrad, Stalin had issued the Not A Step Back order that forbade his soldiers to retreat under any circumstances. Can you talk about the nature of the violence? . Wilhelm Hoffman was a soldier in the 267th Infantry Regiment, 94th Infantry Division of the German 6th Army who chronicled the Battle of Stalingrad in his journal, and is cited in many documentaries and books concerning that topic. . We are preparing for a decisive attack. Unlike Germany, where foreign slave workers made up 25 percent of the war economy by 1944, or Great Britain with its exploitation of colonial resources the Soviet model was one of self-exploitation. A soldier would crawl out of an occupied position only when the ground wans on fire under him and his clothes were smouldering. Stalin needed his peoples full investment in fighting the enemy, but he also feared its implications, namely, possible calls for more democratic rights inside the Soviet Union. How wrong they are. Making up for colossal losses in people, equipment and ammunition sustained by the German armed forces as a result of the perishing of the 6th Army will require huge effort and a lot of time. What great spaces the Soviets occupy, what rich fields there are to be had here after the wars over! In addition, almost 1 million Soviet women served in the Red Army during World War II, half of them as ordinary soldiers and the other as nurses, phone operators, or laundrywomen. This could not fail to influence our decision. BERLIN: A guilt-ridden account of an ordinary German soldier's experiences in World War two is countering a recent trend among historians to portray Germans as victims of the war. . Stalin's order no. We are all by Christmas. We have never been through anything like this. The Germans were being rounded up prior to marched to death. The idea was to mobilize the German population through an intense propaganda of fear. . The work of Hellbeck, who was awarded a 2017 John Simon Guggenheim fellowship in the humanities, continues to focus on wartime efforts to record German atrocities committed on Soviet soil. precisely this reason that we need to exert all our strength in order to win 'For the first time in a documentary series we are letting the voice of a soldier be the narrator. William Hoffman, "Diary of a German Soldier" Participated in the Battle of Stalingrad Germans seek to conquer Stalingrad Decline in German confidence over the years Faith in the leader We are all convinced that they can't stop us The Russians will be beaten Diary entries of a German solider during the Battle of Stalingrad Discussion/Question The entries are written by William Hoffman and records the fighting and general situation around him from the 29th of July to the 26th of December 1942. The problem with this memory is its insular nature: Most existing depictions of the battle that you can read in Germany or other Western countries tell the story predominantly from a German viewpoint. The soldiers look like corpses or lunatics, looking for something to put in their mouths. 6 Dec. Spirits were so high that Leutnant Sander even took a bottle of champagne with him to toast his division's first attack. The book is based on interviews with Red Army soldiers that you found in the archives. December 3. By December 21, 1941, when the Red Army had turned the tide of the German advance and the invaders were enduring the harsh conditions of the Russian winter, Leutnant Sander started to doubt the Nazi cause. We havent eaten or slept in three The retreat of the Nazis in that particular battle is seen by many historians as the turning point of WWII. $152,972. The soldiers are calling Stalingrad the mass grave of the Wehrmacht [German army]. The interviews were recorded in Stalingrad, during the final stage of the battle and its immediate aftermath. by Oleg Grigoryev 21 Aug 2003, 22:48, Return to Holocaust & 20th Century War Crimes. Or has he been defeated at the approaches to Stalingrad? The operation to surround and liquidate the German 6th Army is a strategic masterpiece. .. 'Next, I have to take care of Oberholz. Hitler's soldiers stormed the city in September 1942 in a bid to complete the conquest of Europe. After our attack the field was littered with dead. Its just terrible. . Wherever you look is fire and flames. November 19. Leutnant Friedrich Sander lost faith in the German war machine after cracking during the brutal Operation Barbarossa - the German invasion of the Soviet Union, which began in June 1941. The victory at Stalingrad was not simply a matter of enormous human sacrifice. In September 1942, German lieutenant colonel Friedrich Roske declared himself "the master of the centre of Stalingrad" after his troops had smashed their way into the heart of the city. 'Written during the fighting, on long marches and often after terribly gut-wrenching events, Sander's diaries offer a frank and honest assessment of the German situation in 1941 and the unforgiving nature of war on the Eastern Front. November 19. At the crossroads of Krasnopiterskaya and KomosomolskayaStreets we accupied a three storey building on the corner. October 5. The Germans would never fully recover. 'It is just awful. The Fiihrer has ordered the whole of Stalingrad to be taken as rapidly as possible. 'I myself alone counted 15 men who were lying in a ditch.'. Ive had my fill. The pincer movement that would break through both flanks of the extended Axis front and encircle more than 300,000 of their soldiers was a daring maneuver and testified to the Red Armys tactical learning curve. . ', As the Germans advanced towards Leningrad (St Petersburg) in July 1941, the young officer is convinced of the Nazis' goal to end Bolshevism, calling the local population a 'big herd of submissive cattle.'. 'They tell the story of the campaign through the eyes of a German junior officer in a way in which it has never been told before. Cookie Notice . 14 Therapist Reveal Unusually Common Things They Often Hear, That People Are Hesitant To Disclose, Confessions of a Man Who Shot Himself In The Head And Survived, Caveman Circus | Contact | Privacy Policy | DMCA Copyright 2023 StomachPunch Media, LLC. Mr Snow added: 'The invasion launched by Hitler against Stalin 80 years ago this month was the start of the most terrible clash in human history. A curse on this war! The I found them in the archive of the Institute for Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 17189, to . The battle commenced in August 1942 and finally ended in February 1943 when the last of the German forces surrendered. 10 Women Who Gave Creepy Guys A Chance, Describe Their Experiences, A Few Videos Guaranteed To Make You Feel Better About Life. We had no peace all night from the Russian artillery and aero planes. . They say that the city is on fire; on theFhrer'sorders our Luftwaffe [air force) has sent it up in flames. People who are now sent from transport units to the infantry are as good as sentenced to death. 'His voice unbiased by the horrors that were to come.'. We The Battle of Stalingrad ended seventy one years ago - on February 2, 1943 - after exactly five months, a week and three days of incessant fighting. December 1 . From the testimony of Lieutenant General Alexander von When looking for confirmation of this fact the Britannica article on Stalingrad lists that the lifespan for a Soviet . Two men then carefully lift him out. . German soldiers and officers drink water at Stalingrad. If they could only see what Stalingrad has done to our army. The stash showed how they tried to communicate their impressions to their loved ones, how they wanted them to see their situations as they fought in the Stalingrad region and how they see the Red Army. This diary covers the period from April 1942 to March 1943, the momentous year when the tide of battle turned in the East. The German 6th Army (300 000 men) was formed at the inception of Operation Barbarossa (the invasion of the Soviet Union). sustained by the German armed forces as a result of the perishing of the 6th Yesterday we got vodka. But the historians drew confidence from history, notably the War of 1812, when the Russian people had been able to defeat a technologically superior invader. Discussions on the Holocaust and 20th Century War Crimes. A German newspaper described Stalingrad as the most fateful battle of the war that was in early August 1942, even before Hitlers soldiers began their assault on the city. Thats what everyone is saying. The Russians lauded the everyday heroism of their troops, while the Germans cast the Soviet soldiers as subhuman beings who fought cruelly and without any respect for life even their own. 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Born in Bonn, West Germany, Prof. Hellbeck, 51, is also founder of an online project,, at the heart of which is a series of in-depth interviews conducted jointly in 2009-2010 with photographer Emma Dodge Hanson with surviving veterans of the fateful battle from both Germany and Russia. by Lawrence Tandy 21 Aug 2003, 22:24, Post in the vicinity of Stalingrad will have a major influence on how the war . The commander has congratulated us on our victory. The most notable account used in both is the brutal six-day long battle between 16 and 22 September 1942 over a grain elevator where, according to him, only 40 Russian soldiers (he refers to them as "devils") were found dead in the elevator at the end of the engagement, while his battalion in comparison, suffered disastrously heavy losses. turned dramatically in 1942. By 6. by Odessa2 21 Aug 2003, 19:03, Post We have entered a new area. August 2. . I believe that for Stalingrad the Fiihrer will decorate evenme.. . . I just want to scream it all away. The print run was not detailed, the book printed using the simplest of papers and released as a paperback clearly it was not meant to be kept for a long time. This is simply unbelievable. We are advancing towards Stalingrad along the railway line. In some sense, the counter-offensive copied the stunningly successful German Blitzkrieg model of 1941. attacked German positions north and south of Stalingrad, and by November 23 they had surrounded the German, forces. .. A new book has finally laid bare the full horrors of the Battle Of Stalingrad in the words of ordinary Russian soldiers, whose memories were suppressed by the Soviet authorities for 70 years. Surely, though, even though this may be form the diary of a sociopathic soldier, he was still, not the norm in the army. Yet Nazi leaders could not stay silent about the rout of the Sixth Army, which Hitler had once declared could storm the heavens. 27800, to his parents, November 20, 1942. October 27.Our troops have captured the whole of the Barrikady factory, but we cannot break through to theVolga. Megenburg. A Russian counteroffensive in November trapped the German Sixth Army. Im sick of this. Soon her home was destroyed in the . He was so disillusioned that he predicted that Germany would lose the Second World War by as early as December 1941. This website uses cookies. What Was It Like To Be Shipped To A Concentration Camp? In the last few days our battalion has several times tried to attack the Russian positions, . November 21. They no longer take cover from Russian shells; they havent the strength to walk, run away and hide. . . In addition, these records may include the soldier's age, birthplace, residence, occupation, and physical description as well as the names of family members. With virtually all men of fighting age serving in the Red Army, it fell to women to run the Soviet war economy. The entries are written by William Hoffman and records the fighting and general situation around him from the 29th of July to the 26th of December 1942. This is nothing new. Friedrich Paulus - the 6th Army's commander - led his men east across the endless steppe, finally reaching the outskirts of the city on 16 August. Did he survive the war? The remarkable 'lost' diaries of German tank commander Leutnant Friedrich Sander, who went from being a hardened Nazi to a broken soldier in just a few weeks of fighting in the Second World War . The company commander says the Russian troops are completely broken, and cannot hold out any longer. September 5. Hitler commanded General Friedrich Paulus to, stand firm with his Sixth Army and forbade attempts to, break out of the encirclement. Russian tanks pass us and attack from the flank and rear. This consisted of around 3,400 tanks which were supported by 2,700 of the Luftwaffe. If only the days and nights would pass more quickly . In the interviews I was surprised to discover the source of this hatred. Russia, and for what? In pubs throughout England, the radio would be turned on for the start of the evening news only to be turned off after the report on Stalingrad had aired. This was before the tide turned. . We killed thousands of Russians and Jews with wives and Your IP: Victory is not far away. Today, after wed had a bath, the company commander told us that if our future operations are as successful, well soon reach the Volga, take Stalingrad and then the war will quickly end. What is so remarkable about the interviews that I discovered in the archive is that they were recorded during the battle and in its immediate aftermath. . In just the last two days, our battalion has lost 60 killed, .. . 16:56 GMT 17 Jun 2021. Germans fire the 105 mm howitzer leFH 18 in the area of the grain elevator. More Soviet soldiers died in the five-month battle than Americans in the entire war. 'But have I myself really taken these slogans to heart? Records from the diary of a German soldier who fought at Stalingrad in 1942-1943, after being captured, and in 1953 returned home:<br>". August 27.A continuous cannonade on all sides. . The testimonies were too truthful and multifaceted for their times, and Stalin forbade their publication, not least because he alone claimed full credit for the victory at Stalingrad. The diaries were discovered by Mr Schaefer in an estate clearance in Germany in 2018, with work on the documentary starting in 2020. 'Am I myself convinced by what I try to convincingly explain to my men? . Damn this Stalingrad! Once upon a time there was guy fighting in WWII, he wrote down what he and his comrades did and what he went through in his diary, 60 years later this led into a discussion about warcrimes, and who did what and when! Trapped inside this crucible were the 22 divisions and over 160 different units of the German 6th Army and part of the 4th Panzer Army, numbering to about 330,000 soldiers. . . We are no longer accepting comments on this article. days. If we take any prisoners its because they are hopelessly wounded, and cant, move by themselves.Stalingrad is hell. Make you Feel Better about Life he was so disillusioned that he predicted that would! Killed,.. captured two days, they had encircled 300,000 Axis soldiers, trapped a... Ditch. ' of fighting age serving in the area of the grain elevator that were to come..! Http: // the Soviets occupy, what rich fields there are to be here. The momentous year when the last two days ago Russian soldiers appeared from somewhere or other fighting... Here it is for precisely this reason that we need to exert all strength... 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