lodge 11). In this list, youll see how simple some compound words can be used, as well as see some easy to learn English loan words. Nonshrinkable 50). Nepheline 24). Nonnutritive 49). Nurse 19). Nonquantifiable, 1). Nonintuitive 31). Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Noblesse 13). Ngwee 6). Simply put, Zeitgeist, which is now often used in English too, refers to the mood of contemporary culture and society or an understanding of the "spirit of the times". Nondialyzable 14). Use them. So if you were guessing these perceptions would have helped you make an educated guess! Nickle 3). Mutterseelenallein is very unique in meaning as far as long German words go. Dictionary Open and Collaborative Home page. Nonnormative 45). Nuzzle 38). Why? Nunciature 12). Nondirective 46). If you possess ample seat meat, you are able to sit through hard or boring meetings, parties or speeches - basically because you carry your own cushion or "seat meat". The prototype helicopter, which never made it into pre-production. Nonliterate 15). den 27). You could pick up lots of news words in very little time! Points. Nonroutine 19). If youve let a room in your house get dirty or untidy, you might hear a German use this phrase to describe how it looks. Nuclide 7). led 30). How do you know the gender of a word? Its one of the most commonly used ways to describe less common animals like: Because the last word in a sequence is always connected to the article used before the word, you know that every word that ends in -schwein starts with das. Negligible 39). Nitre 6 letter Words starting with n and ending in e 1). Nonconsumptive 31). s. an | ziehen S to get dressed. Nonforfeiture 51). Noncoverage 16). This is actually an insult for men who are seen to be engaging in unmanly behavior; for example looking for shaded parking, according to the literal translation. Every child in Germany knows all about this one. Nonabsorbable 29). Fernweh describes the feeling of wanting to be somewhere else. For example, if you were to take an African safari, youd be able to talk about: I recommend you spend your first study session picking out these cognates and committing them to memory. 5 letter words starting with N. naans 7. nabes 9. nabis 9. nabob 12. nacho 11. nacre 9. nadas 7. nadir 7. Nationwide 20). Needlelike 44). Not only is this a great party trick, its also helpful when you are trying to figure out the meaning of a new sentence in German. Nooklike 17). If the best line, joke, or comeback always occurs to you after speaking to someone who needed to hear it, thats Treppenwitz. Nonconductive 57). Noncollege 30). Nonconcurrence 37). Statistics on the JetPunk quiz All 5-Letter Words Starting with "N". Statistics on the JetPunk quiz All 5-Letter Words Starting with "N". duel 27). But its used to describe a good party, festival or event that lots of people want to attend or are having a good time at. Nonimmune 2). (2021, May 16). Finding which words these are means you dont need to learn any new vocabulary, and you just need to say them in a German accent! It translates to, Dont look a gift horse in the mouth. This can be a huge time saver and help you remember which of those pesky articles belongs where. Neostigmine 30). Numberable 26). Nondegenerate 49). Novenae 23). Nixie 2). Nonobservance 41). You have to look at the word for the that comes before the noun. dune 23). Nematicide 31). From nail to neighbor, learn the most-used words in English starting with the letter n. If you never sort out your cupboards or are always too lazy to go to the gym, it's the fault of your innerer Schweinehund or inner pig-dog. Niche 18). Nieve 13). Necklace, 1). B - bei, das Buch, die Bibel, ob, halb. gulden 2). This may be one of the strangest literal German/English translations there is. Nannie 22). Narrate 42). Here are some of the ways that plurals are formed in German: Take a look at these examples, and you'll see how truly unpredictable it is: (Remember that all plurals will use die as the "the" word. Despite stereotypes of clipped speech and clinical precision, German is an expressive, clever, and often very amusing language. Nonheme 18). loge 8). Sign in to get our newsletter and never lose the words you save, Keep me in the loop! While this German word doesn't have a simple literal translation, it describes an attempt at improving a bad or hopeless situation, but this attempt only makes things worse. lounge 7). While it is hard to translate into English, mutterseelenallein is basically the mother of all loneliness. Nitrogenase 21). Nuclease 9). Norepinephrine 28). German. bedienen to serve oneselfbefehlen S to commands. Nestle 10). I hope by now you feel more comfortable with German animals and that youve already increased the words in your vocabulary. vor|stellen to imagine, wachen to be awake; keep watchwachsen C / S to growwagen to darewhlen to choose, votewhren to last, hold outwlzen to rollwandern to hike, wanderwaschen C / S to washwechseln to change, exchangewecken to wake, rousewehren to restrain; prevents. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z dug 25). 5 letter Words starting with n and ending in e 1). But a male cat is really called der Kater. Nonreproducible 11). Specific word lists like this are here so you can score big points in Scrabble GO and Words With Friends too. longe 3). 4 More Examples Stunde die fem (n) hour Ich werde in einer Stunde von der Arbeit zurck zu Hause sein. Naphthene 27). otherwise noted. Nonpurposive 10). interessieren to be interested (in)irren to wander, stray; be mistakenirritieren to confuse; irritateisolieren to insulate; isolate, jagen to hunt; chase, drivejammern to wail, moan, yammerjauchzen to rejoice, cheerjaulen to howljobben to work, have a jobjodeln to yodeljoggen to jogjucken to itchjustieren to adjust, justify (type, kmmen to combkmpfen to fight, strugglekauen to chewkaufen to buykehren to turn; sweepkennen S to know, be familiar withkennenlernen to get to know, become acquainted withklagen to lament, complainkleben to paste, stickklingen S to ring, soundklopfen to knock, beatkneifen S to pinch, squeeze, crimpknpfen to tie, knot, fastenkochen to cook, boil, seethekommen S to comeknnen M to be able, cankosten to costkotzen to vomit, pukekrchzen to caw, croakkratzen to scratch, scrape, clawkriechen S to crawl, creepkriegen to get, obtainkhlen to cool, refreshkrzen to shorten, abbreviate, lcheln to smilelachen to laughladen C / S to loadlassen C / S to let, leave, allowlaufen C / S to run, walklauschen to eavesdrop, listenleben to livelecken to lick; leaklegen to lay, put, placeSee liegenlehren to teachleiden S to sufferleihen S to lend, borrow, hirelernen to learn, studylesen C / S to readleuchten to light up, shine, gleamlichten to thin out, lightenlieben to loveliegen S to lie, recline, be situatedloben to praiselocken to lure, attract, enticelohnen to reward, recompenses. Lets take the German word for pig, (das) Schwein. Nargile 41). Nonnegative 12). But dont fret; its a lot easier than you think. Nitchie 30). Nonhistone 5). Nepenthe 62). There are more than 34.3 million pets in Germany, so its safe to say theyre a big part of German culture. Novelette 23). Nonrepayable 15). enol 28). Germanic languages like German and English often use the male or female form of a word to describe an entire breed of animal. Nerve 15). on 2). dung 24). Nialamide 34). Nonpolice 20). Yep, every person, place, and thing is capitalized. Works great for Wordle! Nervine 32). 0. Youd read brightly coloured books with vivid pictures of farmyard animals. Nebule 34). 33,350 English Words With 5 Letters. For example: die Schlange (snake) der Stein (stone) der Spiegel (mirror) die Schwangerschaft (pregnancy) der Schlag (blow) der Schuh (shoe) As you can hear above, they all have a sch sound. After reading that list, youre probably wondering, how the heck am I going to remember all of those words!?. gen 34). Lesson 3: Attack of the German sounds and symbols! Leave your suggestions or comments about edHelper! Nonrefundable 34). Use of this trademark on yourdictionary.com is for informational purposes only. Noncreative 17). You may want to be prepared to describe the cause of your pain in case you get bitten or stung by of the following animals: Are you amazed by the wonders of the deep blue sea? Youll also be able to see lots of the German compound words in action. gun 3). But most of the time, the -s will do the job. Nonfeasance 42). Noncoercive 38). otherwise noted. Kummerspeck (Grief Bacon). How to form basic questions in German, Lesson 9: Smalltalk! Nonsedimentable 8). Cringing in phantom pain or shame when others make a fool of themselves is known as Fremdschmen to Germans. leno 11). Nonrenewable 2). ged, 1). Germans use this to signify an animal is small or cute. Nixie 2). German may not be known as a particularly pretty language, but you'll find a subtle beauty in many German words, even where you wouldn't expect it. Total Number of words made out of Nguflibf = 53 Nguflibf starts with N and ends with F. Below are Total 53 english words made out by rearranging letters of NGUFLIBF. Narcotize 47). Hyde Flippo taught the German language for 28 years at high school and college levels and published several books on the German language and culture. Niobate 14). Nonunique 11). one 5). Nescience 33). unled 6). Negrophobe 34). Noncrushable 43). Sekunde die fem (n) second Es sind sechzig Sekunden in einer Minute. Nape 15). Neve 18). AAASS. Talking about yourself in German, How to say "my name is", where you come from, and talk about things you like. This is excellent news for a language hacker. Negritude 45). Nasalize 33). Neume 20). Learn valuable tips on applying to a German university, details on securing your student visa, and much more on our guide. gewhnen to get used to, accustomed togieen S to pour, castglnzen to glitter, shineglauben to believegleichen S to be like, resemblegleiten to glideglotzen to gape, stareglhen to glowgraben S to diggreifen S to grasp, grab, seizegrollen to be angry, grumblegren to greetgucken to look, peep, haben S to havehalten C/S to hold, stop, keephmmern to hammer, poundhandeln to act, trade, dealhngen to hanghassen to hatehauen to hit, hewheben S to lift, raiseheiraten to marryheien S to be namedheilen to healheizen to heathelfen C/S to helpheraus|bekommen S to get out; find out, figure outheraus|fordern to challengehetzen to rush about, inciteheulen to howl, bawlhindern to hamper, impedehoffen to hopehren to hearhpfen to hop, jumphusten to cough, identifizieren to identifyimmatrikulieren to register (univ)impfen to vaccinate, inoculateimponieren to impress, make an impressionimportieren to importinformieren to informs. Nonemployee 28). How many of them can you name? gluon 9). Get *JAW*N words to win in your chosen game. loud 4). don 18). Find words with UDG and words that start with N to reach that double or triple word bonus and win! Numerable 30). Noisome 17). Not everyones perception will be the same, but its worth a try if youre really not sure what to use! Nonproductive 40). Nubilose 4). Nabe, 1). Negligee 2). One of the most common animal word endings is -chen, like das Eichhrnchen (squirrel) or das Kaninchen (rabbit). Noncrystalline 18). otherwise noted. The following symbols are used in the subsequent tables for German verbs: D=Dative verb,M=Modal verb, .s = sichReflexive verb,S=Strong verb(irregular verb),C=Stem-changing verb(in pres. dog 15). Noyade 35). from WordFinder. Nondegree 19). Noninfluence 26). node 31). 5 Letter Words with N and their Meanings. Nonabrasive 41). Navigate 26). Noselike 63). Nibble 7). ThoughtCo, May. Nondiscursive 23). The literal translation is "mother soul alone". Use of this trademark on yourdictionary.com is for informational purposes only. Nonindependence 4). Nonattendance 21). Puzzles. Nonuse 36). longed 4). 5-letter Words Advanced Word Search Containing the letters (in any position) Matches entered letters in any sequence anywhere in the word. But how do you talk about pets in German? gnu 33). Learning these can be a significant confidence boost for your learning because there are lots of words that are similar to English, as well as direct loan words you already know! aus|ziehen to undress, backen S to bakebaden to bathe, swimbauen to buildbeben to quake, tremblebedeuten to means. 5 Letter Words Containing JAW and Ending in N. Five letter words containing JAW that end in N could be the Wordle help you need to solve today's puzzle. Word search (easier: no diagonal and no backward words; CAPITALIZED PUZZLE) Word search. Woher kommst du? Click 'Sign in with Google' to accept YourDictionary's, 5 Letter Words Starting with S and Ending in N. Nonarchitecture 14). Related: Words that end in n, Words containing n Scrabble Words With Friends WordHub Crossword Niblike 10). When this happens, the final word in the sequence is usually a normal everyday animal that you could find in German. Nongraduate 24). Neurulae 53). Countries by First Two Letters in 90 Seconds. Nominate 32). Nondoctrinaire 34). If youve seen an animal that you think is small and cute, you can also add -chen to the end of any of the animal words youve learned. EERIE, EAGLE, and ETHER are all good choices. How to compare things in German (i.e., better, best) using comparatives and superlatives. glued 8). For example, die Katze is used to describe all cats. Painful though it might be, you can't be accused of lacking empathy. Noninfective 32). ode 11). Nonnegotiable 39). For example, der Br would become, das kleine Brchen to show its small size and fluffiness. 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