He is the easiest one to upgrade because you can get charms for him in the clan store. Level 9 VIP. If your clan has a member or two with strong spies save the mead hall for them though, as spies can not join onslaughts. I would for example, not upgrade my palace to level 7, until all of my buildings were at level 6. Offense, Defense, and Health. . That being said, when it comes to deciding how many of what kind of resource buildings to build, you will want to build an extra building of that resource type. She is harder to upgrade. Aside from the fact that the higher you get your palace the bigger and better the bank offers become(not necessarily costing more but offering more for the same amount of money), there is a thing they call mega packs. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . I never bought any bank offers with manuscripts though. There are two other important tech trees you will want to begin work on. I am still sceptical about exactly what triggers White Wolf as there are players still saying they got it without killing any ubers. You don't have to unlock all of the Aesirs. This along with all of the boosts you get will help you move through the town and knowledge upgrades quicker. This made it take a long time to get to my next palace upgrade, and nobody told me the next palace upgrade gave me all of the bigger rewards. They also can not participate in onslaughts. The military stats are intertwined with the ghost hitting knowledges, so you will need to unlock some of them to get your ghost fighting skills maxed out, instead of the military stats being at the end like in the invaders knowledge tree. We have members who will join you in Jotunheim to help you get those achievements. It's important to decide on a single troop type you want to use and stick with it. You never get much on tiles anyways, and attacking enemy towns is usually a trap(if their shields are down it's because they want you to hit them, if they want you to hit them it's because they know they'll win), and when you drop your shields to play defense, hardly anybody hits you because they know what I just previously mentioned, that you want them to hit you; and then after Fortresses II I will work on Towns. You only really need to do this if you are banking food. Troop Offense in Onslaught Against Ranged, Troop Offense in Onslaught Against Cavalry. The Jarl changed their home Kingdom using the Drakkar item and joined a Clan during the Competition . Many of the big clans are only interested in players who are already maxed out. You can get manuscripts from hitting ubers and uber chiefs, from personal tasks, you can buy them fairly cheaply in your clan store, and you can get them in bank offers. On the other side of your town you have to build one of each of the following buildings, forge, gem workshop, and the war bloc(you don't actually have to build one of these, but I'd recommend it because you'll want it later on in the game). ---------------------------------What to do with soul shards------------------------------. And two, most importantly, it will give you a 20% troop training speed increase, as well as 20% offense increase against T5's, T6's, and T7's. This will be a money spending tip. Reply. Just get that stuff as you get the totems needed to unlock it. I will try to add to this thread once a week. If you remove a user from the Blacklist, you will start receiving messages from this user and will . The Raine the Wanderer for fortress fighting, and which ever shaman is for your specific troop type. --Achievements: Not only will achievements improve your fighting stats without increasing your influence, but a lot of them give some very nice gold as a reward. Your Valkyries Citidale should be maxed for health and defense for your troop type up to tier 5 at least. I missed an entry last week. Aesirs, and secret knowledge in your oracle. Keep an eye on your upgradable town skins, and your VIP, and always be plucking away at Helheim. In addition to other trophies, the Clan Chief receives resources for Clan development if the Chief has earned at least one point in personal achievements. You will receive rewards for personal achievements if your Clan wins the Competition. Get as far as you can in the hero section. ------------------------------Knowledge Upgrades---------------------------. Lots of hero energy, hero keys, boosts, gold, VIP points, and other goodies. Your Baggie the Big and Inga the Wise. Always be working on your oracle and town upgrades, and for now do so with the intent of focusing on defense and health. In the Boosts icon on the Town screen and on the Global Map, In the Military tab of the Boosts window, under the Peace Shield category. For the hero the specialty gear you want is Ragnars Helmet, Sweyn's Flail, Ivar's Jacket, Bjorn's High Boots, and 2 Sweyn's Lockets. It has been brought to my attention this weekend, that one of the clans fighting, is insisting Cagon be the Konung clan or they will not stop. Reply. It's important to log in every day, even if you don't plan on playing that day. The standard gear is a quick way to get started, especially the victors bracelets for building and the falcon figurine for knowledges. There is definitely something in there for everybody. These checkpoints are outlined with a yellow border in the Competition window. Yes, you can count on brute force and sheer numbers and throw everything you have at your enemy's gate in the hopes of bringing them down but other Jarls will quickly learn to anticipate your mindless attacks and repel them with ease. - YouTube Premieres in 15 minutes April 29 at 6:00 AM PDT Bloody Jarl+1 Giveaway! The upper level town and knowledge upgrades can take a very very long time, but hero gear will help with that. This achievement is of the utmost importance to move from featherweight to middleweight fighting. But aside from that, I'd recommend putting the new secret knowledges as secondary to the buildings, because the buildings now come with a lot of great fighting boosts at those levels. The shaman gear is not upgradable. Building the specialty gear for knowledge and town upgrades speeds them up the most, so that will be the ultimate goal. Vikings War of Clans working up Lord of Ghosts achievement 1,421 views Feb 22, 2021 9 Dislike Share Hobgoblin Hollow 59 subscribers Next part of my achievement run. They all come with some nice standing offense, defense, and health bonuses, but more importantly, if you summon them Honer gives a 30% learning speed increase, Magni gives a 30% building speed increase, Forseti gives a 30% troop training speed increase, and Freyer gives a 40% troop training speed increase. If you're going to spend money I'd recommend getting task refreshers galore though, as not only can you get manuscripts from personal task refreshers, but clan task refreshers give you lots of clan store points, and the tasks can get you through checkopints in task completion contests as well as giving you lots of resources to play with. into Syria (sir . Real life comes first. I did not ask them to do this, but we seem to be the middle ground in our kingdom that nobody wants to fight against. If you're working your way through this Phase you should also get started on some, and maxed on others, of the following achievements: Braveheart, Collector, Freyas Tears, Gladiator, Jarl Almighty, Lord of Ghosts, Need More Warriors, The Bloody Jarl, Troll, and Wolf of Jotunheim. Remember we are working on fortifying your castle here, offense comes later. Join my Discord: discord.gg/starsnightPlease leave a like on this video and don't forget to subscribe. There are also of course knowledge and building speed up scrolls, and occassional in game bonuses that will also reduce these times, as well as in game bonuses that add 10% to speed up scrolls. 25% strength, 50% agility, 25% intuition, and 0% vitality. and you didn't look up the achievement beforehand and just wasted a bunch of money. I guess this is what good diplomacy has gotten us. Calculation of resources for research; Hero's Skills (Main) Hero's Skills (Against Invaders) Hero's Skills (Special) English / Home / Resources / Achievements. Some achievements won't be available until you start fighting, but we will get there in our next phase. In Vikings: War of Clans, you now can receive them after performing certain activities. Protected by the omnipresent god Odin, the warriors fearlessly rush into combat and defeat their enemies, for they know no greater honor than to die fighting and enter Valhalla, where they will feast eternally with the worthy. And once you start on a second one the third and final one gets very very expensive and time consuming. --Troop training. Knowledge learning speed ups and reduced cost, and warrior training speed ups and number of warriors in training increases. This will be a harder tech tree to work through. I'm starting with this this time because it's the most crucial thing you can do to quicken your growth. Remember that Knowledge can be as sharp as any sword, if wielded correctly. This was one of the mistakes I made early on in the game. It will only bloat my influence and give me nothing in return. The development of language was a great human achievement. Get as far as you can with that one too. This game is developed by Plarium LLC. As such, it's worth a lot of points in clan battles, kingdoms battle revenges, and influence increasing contests both personal and clan. We do plenty of sieges. Once you start one, the other 5 triple in price and time. A lot to consider when picking a troop type. . Also, it's easier to upgrade a single fighting Shaman than trying to upgrade one for each troop type. The stats should be set to max out for all things defense related in regards to what kind of troop you are using. The reward for the Chief of the winning Clan. This tech tree will make you a lot bigger influence wise. You can't max out your defense in that section without also getting all of the offense stats, so just get it all. And last but not least, you should be well on your way through Helheim, unlocking as many floors as you can and getting all 3 stars on as many nodes as you can. You will be a lean and mean fighting machine if you can get all of these things done. There aren't any runes that have to do with fighting invaders but I threw in some predominance runes in to my Royal Guard gear for their increased resource yeilding speed ups. However, every once in a while they will throw out a 95% resurection cost reduction in gold. The relocation scrolls can also help with certain achievements like canonball baron, aside from just being useful for hitting invaders and fighting and stuff. If you have the resources, this is the time to train tons of upper level troops. #Vikings:WarOfClans #HoundVWoCBecome a member of the Fireside Camp if you would like to support the channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdmJ5wuoYXGyQT06. You don't want to hold on to them just yet, as they will bloat your influence, and you want to stay lean and mean so people will be willing to attack you in Jotunheim. The next phase will all be about starting to fight, but for the preparations of fighting, we will break this one up in to 4 categories. Hansel 20-09-2022 01:52 How long does the achievement take to give it to you if I do it? In Phase 3 I told you to train 115 million T1's. Ask your konung clan for the imposter repute for 1 hour while you are still in your home kingdom(optional, this is for the troll achievement and won't negatively affect your fighting stats). Popular consensus has it, and I can confirm, that if you apply your champions stats in helheim in the following ratio, you will get the furthest. There has been a lot of fighting in our kingdom over the place of power and who gets to be the Konung clan. ---------------------------------Hero Gear------------------------------. Well hitting ghosts and upgrading your shaman, and building shaman gear is a close second. You will want a euclase gem and a brotherhood rune for each piece of hero and shaman gear as well. You should have as many achievements as you can get. Get the extra marches from the invaders section and unlock all of the fighting stats from that section. And, you can still apply the bastion of the beast on top of them, which is not an upgradable town skin, and does have to be applied to get the bonuses from. Clans shed blood for the right to call themselves the mightiest in the Kingdom, and Jarls, whose only desire is to wreak vengeance upon their enemies, carry on this ruthless feud this is the way of life in these dour northern lands. The upper levels of town and knowledge upgrades are very time consuming, so you will want to do what you can to reduce that time. Join my Discord: discord.gg/starsnightPlease leave a like on this video and don't forget to subscribe. -Homgang Fighting(optional and up to the clan if they want to do this contest). All troop defense(tourmaline), and whatever troop specific defense gem, troop specific health gem, and troop specific defense rune your troop type requires. You can get bronze from hitting ubers, doing personal tasks, from the clan store, and bank offers. If you join a Clan in the 30 minutes before the Competition is announced and are appointed Chief, you also won't earn points or receive rewards even if your Clan wins the Competition. Of course, even the players who do want to spend a little more money can also benefit from this guide. We also almost always get all 15 checkpoints which means lots of hero energy for you to use to get your hero gear. And T8 warriors require 1 soul shard per warrior to train. Nick Ierfino. The right combination of hero gear, shamans, shaman gear, gems, and runes, combined with the knowledge speed increases provided by upgrading your oracle, and the building speed increases provided by upgrading your economy stats in the oracle, can dramatically reduce these times. If you're getting enough gold from contests, and from doing your achievements to spare, it's better to just spend the gold on some of these upper levels in this tech tree. Do not waste any soul shards on the special knowledge. The Avarin uber invader also drops Royal Guard materials. 4 Lvl. It's like paper, rock, scissors. -Stronghold Resourse Transformation has changed: I wasn't going to include anything about strongholds in this thread, because I wanted it to be about developing your own accounts, but I will mention this upgrade because it is confusing some people. We usually do a siege during the clan battle, which quickly gets us all 15 of our checkpoints. My purpose here is to do just this, but I also want to create a guide for playing Vikings. The Hunt Has Only Just Begun. Jhonathan 29-09-2022 05:47 doing bloody jarl 13 dismissed after each siege some millions now waiting for 3 hours to get 400 m gold yay. Aside from that there are some nice packs in the seasonal store for speed ups, boosts, and resources, and even specialty resources like obsidian and gold nuggets for helping get your T7's nailed down, and your town from 32 and above. save. Achievements; Helheim; Hero's Skin; Paladin Cohort; Tools. 6 Lvl. When it comes to upgrading your town for phase one, only upgrade the necessary buildings to get to your next palace upgrade. 2599413 24-09-2022 13:37 u have to dismiss not dismanle!!! Just get what you need, and get all the extras along the way like the extra marches, training speed, resource production, etc Next you will just want to go from the top on down. Those are all the ways to greatly improve your fighting stats without increasing your influence. Put on your hero defense set. This will be a big guide, as there is a lot of ground to cover. The stats should be set to max out for all things related to troop training, which will require unlocking what you need from both the economy side and military side to max out training speed, training cost, and number of warriors in training. --Economy/Invader fighting. It's the same concept though. In the military section only get what you need to unlock your T5 troop type. You can use this one for defending forts too, just swap the gear out for the fortress fighting gear. The first type of hero gear you should go for is the Royal Guard gear. We are a no drama clan that supports the small players as well as welcomes the big ones. There is no shaman gear for hitting ghosts that is comparable to the royal guard gear for the hero. And you should swap out the gear for doing things like building, or knowledge upgrades. The Jarl quit their Clan or was expelled from it during the Competition. --Upgradable town skins: Little known fact about the upgradable town skins. For Baggi, you will want to make an outfit of shaman gear for building speed increases, with Indicolite gems, and for Inga you will want to make an outfit of shaman gear for knowledge speed increases with Auquamarine gems. It may seem like a daunting task, and a waste, but again, it's worth tons of gold and the bonuses you get are essential to becoming a stronger player. Then offense will be my last choice. VIP levels, hero gear, shamans gear, gems, runes, upgradable town skins, helheim, and achievements will all increase your fighting stats without increasing your influence. The Jarl doesn't earn personal or Clan points. To participate in the Clans Battle, you need to fulfill several requirements: Pairing also depends on the level of activity of the previous Clans Battle participants. Since you are going to begin making some more complex equipment, it couldn't hurt to get the very first knowledge in the hero section maxed out. Each subcategory has its own rules for earning points: If the Clan reaches the checkpoints in the Clans Battle only as a result of points earned for developing the Clan Stronghold, the Chief receives all the notifications and rewards. vikings: war of clans achievements bifrost. Does anyone know how to get tibboh, cannonball baron or rarest of vikings achievments? 17 Lvl. War of clans secret achievements. But before we get started, introductions are in order. There is a balance to consider. Blocked users will not be able to send you personal messages, and their messages in chats will be hidden. And building more manors will allow you to produce more silver quicker over time. You can start plucking away at your tier VI and tier VII upgrades, but I wouldn't worry about getting all the way through those just yet. Or if you're a ranged player and want to improve your offense, it's better to go for the defense secret knowledge first because the ranged offense will be stronger than the entire secret offense knowledge category combined. No need for a whole other set for those when you can just change hero gear out. Thanks on behalf of everyonefor your information. In the Clans Battle, Jarls only earn points for kills when killing warriors from the opposing Clan and troops led by jtunns. Also sometimes the daily, weekly, and monthly quests are simply rewards for logging in every day, so if you have a monthly quest of logging in for so many days, and you miss a day, you miss that monthly quest. One Viking is worth a hundred warriors, yet even such mighty heroes need allies. Again, you will be able to finish this tech tree once your oracle gets to level 31. Always get your free stuff. If your Clan wins the Battle, each Clan member who earned at least one point will get a reward set by the Competition. Open the game Menu and select the Profile icon To view another Jarl's profile, hit the Jarl's userpic. Play a couple of hours of disguise. Hero Gear is an ongoing part of Vikings. Make Dragon Rings as they are cheap and fast to make. It's never too early to pluck away at those so upgrade them as needed. Cagon already has all of our gear unlocked, but if your clan does not you will want to help out with this by donating coal to your stronghold. You get Tibboh for making Rings. --Knowledge upgrades: This one is also straight forward, but there is a good order to go about this. 13 Lvl. You find level 1 toward the edges of kingdom and level 6 in the forest and surrounding area. You should always be working towards maximum strength so we will spend a little time on that, but otherwise we will focus on the most useful ways to spend your troops, and what to start doing with the soul shards. I was interested in getting the achievement mainly to solve the apparent mystery surrounding it, but don't really have a current use for the bonuses so,having wasted a lot of things like energy and re-locations chasing dead ends, largely gave up when it was said you needed to kill ubers as well as the basic invaders. Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/jKRwK8Bgvqdiscord.gg/starsnight Add my Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/StarsNight420/Join this channel to get acc. Skald. ------------Overview of Phase 4: Defense Fighting(The Featherweight Fighting Division)------------. This is your final hero and shaman gear you will need. When doing sieges the AI fighters that attack your stronghold have no spies so they can not really participate much unless another player spies your stronghold. Once you've upgraded the Knowledge to level 1, you won't be able to deactivate the related restriction. The two most important for phase 2 and further phases are: The Sagacity rune for knowledge upgrades, dropped by Plague Ravens, The Majesty rune for building upgrades, dropped by Helheim Warriors, -------------------Overview of Phase Two: Building Your Castle------------------------. We gathered all the achievement bonuses together in one table so that you can choose the best tactics to match your goals. Considering that in order to get all the way through that knowledge tree, you will have to eventually unlock them all, that's a heck of a lot of soul shards if it's your second or third choice. Battle with thousands of other players in an epic war for power. But be warned, even gods can fall in this realm. Was going to do Phase 5, but then they released a huge update and a new achievement and I decided I needed a little time off to go through all of that information, and see where it might fit in to all of the other phases. My personal favorite thing in the seasonal store for developing players is that it's a way to get charms for Inga the Wise. Vikings: War of Clans. Vikings: War of Clans is a real-time strategy title which means you can only rely on your strategy skills while trying to get to the top. Your fighting stats from that section without also getting all of the big ones knowledge upgrades can take very. ( optional and up to tier 5 at least the reward for fortress! 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