#95234248, #95234773, #95235178 are all replies on the same post. 3. All rights reserved. Updated 2.0 - Split into two files. Will stick some mod hair on him and see how that goes. Open the latest save file in Trioligy save editor. To fix it, you'll need to edit the actual vertices that define the head shape, essentially moving them farther back behind the hair so it appears to fit properly. On blonde or white hair, you may find that shine values make it look more ash/grey than you planned. Updated 2.0 - Split into two files. Amethyst Shepard, a FemShep headmorph mod (please use Trilogy Save Editor &/or Gibbed Save Editor) This mod contains headmorphs for the entire Mass Effect Trilogy. Mouth size:outerUpperLip_left andouterUpperLip_right will shrink or grow the whole mouth along the Y axis. Jane Revisited - Femshep Headmorphs for the Complete Trilogy, So You'd Like To Customize Your FemShep Further. Changing hair color in ME1: Maybe some of you may be interested in this as well to change things up a bit in ME1. Click open and the box will disappear and you'll see your Shepard's information has been loaded into the Player > Basic tab. This subreddit is the unofficial source for people who love the Mass Effect universe including the games, books, comics, and DLC. All I get is Role-Play, Gamplay, and Morality for ME1LE. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. Hi. Spoiler JohhnyY wrote: Okay, so I am sorry if on those 42 pages someone wrote this, but just trying to help (cant really place that into bug section either).You cant change ME1 The Licensordisclaims any and all liability as regards the Licensee's use of thename of the Software. Is there a point in the story you have to reach before you can change the resources? IDK if you need this anymore, but I'm responding in case anyone else is looking for help. First, change the hair mesh to: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Hair_PROShepard.HMF_HIR_PROShepard_MDL Then, change The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account, A save editor for Mass Effect Trilogy (and Legendary). If you're on PC, you can easily change Shepard's hair color with this program: Trilogy save editor. 9 posts. Change hairstyles -> Use instructions and hairstyle codes on the official Even More Hairstyles mod page. 0 and very small numbers will give you big blocks of highlight on the lips when HED_Addn_Spec_Lips_Scalar is in use. Do the same for the _Norm code. Put in the proper hair code information and save it. Open the latest save file in Trioligy save editor. ForHAIR_Shine_Desaturate_Scalar, setting it to 0.500 gives a pretty distinct effect.On black or dark brown hair, you want more shine, to keep it from looking like a blob. Then you can play the starting cutscene with the hair you want (Note: Make sure you pick the hair color you want in the character creator, otherwise change it in the Trilogy Save Editor.) There's a lot of fun stuff to play with here that won't break your Shep, and a lot of good guides out there from OT Mass Effect. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. WebClick the "Change Hair Color Now" button on this page, and open our hair color tester. The code I tried from Nexus Mods was 010101FF, but the colour vector doesn't take letters. Whatever value you set here may have to be boldened in LE3. For LE3,1.250 was enough. Article 13 - GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION13.1 The Agreement is governed by French law. Use Trilogy Save Editor. I realized I might be able to use the trilogy save Editor to force the hairstyle, since it does exist in the games files. Open a save game in the Trilogy Save Editor. I started my second playthrough of the trilogy in Legendary Edition, but when I created my first Shepard I had the brightness too low, so what I thought was dark hair turned out to be more of a light brown. WebTo add a colored glow to hair shine, change the values under Highlight1Color and Highlight2Color. Alyx Shepard Custom Femshep Headmorph ME3, Change Hairstyles and Skin tone to your liking in Trioligy save editor. This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions, This author has not credited anyone else in this file, This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Backup your save files. Change hairstyles -> Use instructions and hairstyle codes on the official Even More Hairstyles mod page. It's perfect for everything else! Vector Parameters. When you are satisfied, download your picture. Article 2 - PURPOSEThe purpose of the Agreement is the grant by the Licensor to theLicensee of a non-exclusive, transferable and worldwide license for theSoftware as set forth in Article 5 <#scope> hereinafter for the wholeterm of the protection granted by the rights over said Software. PreambleThe purpose of this Free Software license agreement is to grant usersthe right to modify and redistribute the software governed by thislicense within the framework of an open source distribution model.The exercising of this right is conditional upon certain obligations forusers so as to preserve this status for all subsequent redistributions.In consideration of access to the source code and the rights to copy,modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided onlywith a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of theeconomic rights, and the successive licensors only have limited liability.In this respect, the risks associated with loading, using, modifyingand/or developing or reproducing the software by the user are brought tothe user's attention, given its Free Software status, which may make itcomplicated to use, with the result that its use is reserved fordevelopers and experienced professionals having in-depth computerknowledge. Thanks goes out to Karlitos for the Trilogy Editor, without that fine thing, we would be stuck with boring colors and plain faces. Could it be possible to convert something from back then usableinto the new edition. See this blog post for detailed information regarding hair codes. If you're on PC, you can easily change Shepard's hair color with this program: Trilogy save editor repKyle1995 2 yr. ago Oh nice, I'll have to try that out! All other provisions shall remain effective. Support for the 2 Mass Effect Trilogies (Original and Legendary) 100% of the saves can be edited (except ME1OT) Thousands of plot flags. I recommend using LE2 since the lighting is fairly neutral in the opening lab. Thankyou. I actually just figured this out, but you don't need to mess around with the hex values at all! But its going to Locate and load the savegame you want to edit Each Mass Effect 2 career have its own unique directory. Will give it a try and let you know. Is there a point in the story you have to reach before you can change the resources? All you need to do is copy and paste the Value code of the following corresponding textures codes of which non-standard hair mesh you replaced earlier. Mine was 0.700 in LE2 and 0.950 in LE3Eyeshadow:Controlled byHED_Brow_Tint_Scalar.Eyebrows:HED_Addn_Colour_02_Scalar and HED_Addn_Blowout_Scalar work together here. Delete the hair mesh at the top and leave the value blank.Emis_color:#1AD12A00HED_Scalp_Diff:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.PROCustomFade03.HMF_HIR_PROCustomFade03_DiffHED_Scalp_Norm:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.PROCustomFade03.HMF_HIR_PROCustomFade03_NormHAIR_Diff:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Classy.HMF_HIR_Cls_DiffHAIR_Norm:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Classy.HMF_HIR_Cls_NormHAIR_Tang:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Classy.HMF_HIR_Cls_TangHED_Scalp_Spec:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.PROCustomFade03.HMF_HIR_PROCustomFade03_MaskEYE_Diff:BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.IllusiveMan.HMM_HED_PROIllusiveman_Eye_DiffEYE_Spec:BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.IllusiveMan.HMM_HED_PROIllusiveman_Eye_SpecThe Politician (LE2)Start with Classic Jane head.HED_Lips_Tint_Scalar:0.250EYE_Iris_Colour_Vector:#182640FFHED_Hair_Colour_Vector:#957853FFHED_Lips_Tint_Vector:#4F0C0A00Emis_Color:#2A414FFFEYE_Diff:BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.IllusiveMan.HMM_HED_PROIllusiveman_Eye_DiffEYE_Spec:BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph.IllusiveMan.HMM_HED_PROIllusiveman_Eye_SpecThe Diplomat (LE2)Start with New Jane head.Hair Mesh:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Iconbun.HMF_HIR_IBun_MDLHED_Blush_Scalar:2.500HAIR_Shine_Desaturate_Scalar:0.600HAIR_Spec_Contribution_Scalar:2.300HED_Addn_Colour_02_Scalar: 1.000HED_Lips_Tint_Scalar:0.200HED_Blush_Vector:#4F160200SkinTone:#5A1C0500EYE_Iris_Colour_Vector:#020202FFHED_Hair_Colour_Vector:#020202FFHED_Addn_Colour_Vector:#000000FFHED_Lips_Tint_Vector:#050100FFHED_EyeShadow_Tint_Vector:#050100FFHED_Scalp_SpecShift:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Human.HMF_HIR_PROAll_SpecShiftHED_Scalp_SpecShift2:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Human.HMF_HIR_PROAll_SpecShiftHAIR_Diff:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Iconbun.HMF_HIR_IBun_DiffHAIR_Norm:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Iconbun.HMF_HIR_IBun_NormHAIR_Mask:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Iconbun.HMF_HIR_IBun_MaskHAIR_SpecShift:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Human.HMF_HIR_PROAll_SpecShiftHAIR_SpecShift2:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Human.HMF_HIR_PROAll_SpecShiftThe Officer (LE3)Start with New Jane head.Hair Mesh:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Hair_Iconbun.HMF_HIR_IBun_MDLHED_Addn_Spec_Lips_Scalar:0.500HED_Addn_SPwr_Lips_Scalar: 100HAIR_Spec_Contribution_Scalar:20.000EYE_Iris_Colour_Vector:#581E13FFHED_Hair_Colour_Vector:#6A432AFFHAIR_Diff:BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Hair_Iconbun.HMF_HIR_IBun_Diff. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test thesuitability of the software as regards their requirements in conditionsenabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and,more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions ofsecurity. Open your current playthrough in the save editor and import the face. 3. In LE1/2 you can use the normals, but in LE3 the makeup maps are baked into the skin. The Parties agree toendeavor to seek an amicable solution to any disagreements or disputesthat may arise during the performance of the Agreement.13.2 Failing an amicable solution within two (2) months as from theiroccurrence, and unless emergency proceedings are necessary, thedisagreements or disputes shall be referred to the Paris Courts havingjurisdiction, by the more diligent Party. There are ~13 offset bones that can alter a mouth. WebGibbed's newly added Color Editor may make things a bit easier too. Bioware's plot database. ), ME1LE: Added the ability to change `player class` and `specialization`, Always opens the dialogs in the last opened save directory, ME2: Fixed number of missions after crew abducted, ME2: Added number of missions since last main story mission (useful to avoid being forced to do Collector ship, IFF activation, etc. Support for the 2 Mass Effect Trilogies (Original and Legendary) 100% of the saves can be edited (except ME1OT) Thousands of plot flags. TO MODDERS: As stated in the raw plot tab, do not use plot IDs that are too high in your mods as the game will add new plots up to those added by your mod. R, G and B That are the RGB colour numbers that control the hair colour. Skin: HED_SPwr_Scalar controls the highlight shine on the face. Saidwarranty, and the financial terms and conditions of its application,shall be subject of a separate instrument executed between the Licensorand the Licensee. {Side Note} Are faces just entirely too broken in LE3? It seems that being a buzzcut it looks brown rather than black. 2. Scroll down to "Squad" and click, then click on "Player". WebClick the "Change Hair Color Now" button on this page, and open our hair color tester. For LE2 I set HAIR_Spec_Contribution_Scalar to2.200. Any assistance would be appreciated. Do the same for the _Norm code. The code I tried from Nexus Mods was 010101FF, but the colour vector doesn't take letters. My value is set to 1.250 on light-medium skin. Ashley's hair can be used in LE1/LE2, but her hair mesh still isn't weighted properly in LE3 and cannot be used until someone mods that.Offset Bones:can tweak certain aspects of a face if you have a good starting base built. If you are wanting to edit an existing save file, you will need this. I know where and how to change the hair colour, I just don't know the codes. Save your "face" with an self-explanatory title so you know what it is. Using the save editor in Mass Effect 2, you could get some NPC hair styes onto Shepard, (masseffect2faces.com) Has anyone figured out how to do this yet? You currently have javascript disabled. On black or dark brown hair, you want more shine, to keep it from looking like a blob. {Side Note} This RGB tool let you see how a number changes Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. To change skin tone. Such technical and legal expertise shall bedecided on a case-by-case basis between the relevant Licensor and theLicensee pursuant to a memorandum of understanding. Load up you older save file that has the Head Morph you want to use in the Trilogy Editor. This software is similar to Gibbed's save editors (and forks) but adds a lot of stuff. You can always tweak the tint in the vectors. God she looks so awful compared to LE2 I can't take this. #95234248, #95234773, #95235178 are all replies on the same post. In this respect, the Licensee'sattention has been drawn to the risks associated with loading, using,modifying and/or developing and reproducing the Software which arereserved for experienced users.The Licensee shall be responsible for verifying, by any or all means,the suitability of the product for its requirements, its good workingorder, and for ensuring that it shall not cause damage to either personsor properties.9.2 The Licensor hereby represents, in good faith, that it is entitledto grant all the rights over the Software (including in particular therights set forth in Article 5 <#scope>).9.3 The Licensee acknowledges that the Software is supplied "as is" bythe Licensor without any other express or tacit warranty, other thanthat provided for in Article 9.2 <#good-faith> and, in particular,without any warranty as to its commercial value, its secured, safe,innovative or relevant nature.Specifically, the Licensor does not warrant that the Software is freefrom any error, that it will operate without interruption, that it willbe compatible with the Licensee's own equipment and softwareconfiguration, nor that it will meet the Licensee's requirements.9.4 The Licensor does not either expressly or tacitly warrant that theSoftware does not infringe any third party intellectual property rightrelating to a patent, software or any other property right. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Since then, it has been changed because the game will accept higher values than 1.0, which the color picker did not allow for. This software is similar to Gibbed's save editors (and forks) but adds a lot of stuff. 5.3.2 DISTRIBUTION OF MODIFIED SOFTWAREWhen the Licensee makes a Contribution to the Software, the terms andconditions for the distribution of the resulting Modified Softwarebecome subject to all the provisions of this Agreement.The Licensee is authorized to distribute the Modified Software, insource code or object code form, provided that said distributioncomplies with all the provisions of the Agreement and is accompanied by: 1. a copy of the Agreement, 2. a notice relating to the limitation of both the Licensor's warranty and liability as set forth in Articles 8 and 9,and, in the event that only the object code of the Modified Software isredistributed, 3. a note stating the conditions of effective access to the full source code of the Modified Software for a period of at least three years from the distribution of the Modified Software, it being understood that the additional acquisition cost of the source code shall not exceed the cost of the data transfer. {Side Note} I'm using the most recent version of the save editor and my character just got to the Citadel, we haven't talked to the Council yet. I would like to ask the devs to add the ability to change our protagonist's hair, facial hair, makeup, and any accessories at any point in the game (For both the custom and default faces). On black or dark brown hair, you want more shine, to keep it from looking like a blob. Generally you want to start with small tweaks, from 0.1 to 0.3, save, and then check to see what you have done. Not as matte as Miranda, but closer to that. When I tint it black it's still pretty red. 5.3.3 DISTRIBUTION OF EXTERNAL MODULESWhen the Licensee has developed an External Module, the terms andconditions of this Agreement do not apply to said External Module, thatmay be distributed under a separate license agreement. 0.7 for subtle => 3.000 for bright.To adjust the shine of the eyeball in LE3, addEYE_Iris_SPwr (35.000) andEYE_White_SPwr (1.000). So it should already be blond. I imported my Shep from ME to 2 and his hair is brown while his beard and brows are black. Expand "Vector parameters" Expand "HED_Hair_Colour_Vector" Underneath "HED_Hair_Colour_Vector" you see three parameters. Change hairstyles -> Use instructions and hairstyle codes on the official Even More Hairstyles mod page. 4. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Thanks goes out to Karlitos for the Trilogy Editor, without that fine thing, we would be stuck with boring colors and plain faces. You will find exceptions to those rules if you play with the mouth settings.Mouths are extremely easy to break, but the payoff is nearly worth it. No warranty is given as regards the existence ofprior rights over the name of the Software or as regards the existenceof a trademark. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Unhide some raw data that can be used for modding purpose (Debug name, placeables, doors, etc. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. Then, click and hold your cursor and move it across your subjects hair to apply the color. This is simply a text file of notes I have collected from the web and from my own tinkering for the editing of the the head morph via altering values using the Trilogy Editor byKarlitos' (. I tried entering 0.0001 to 10000, for both those entries - but no effect. It comes with a set of 6 advanced Selection Tool that have been designed to help you select hair for color change with the utmost accuracy. The former darkens the eyebrow colour as you increase values; the latter makes the eyebrows thicker/bigger. Ignoring the negative (-) sign, which just represents the side of the face on Y-axis, the 'larger' that value, the smaller the mouth. Open the latest save file in Trioligy save editor. Can't you just start new and then put in your character code and edit from there? The hair model for the default FemShep is; BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Hair_PROShepard.HMF_HIR_PROShepard_MDL Changing to the default FemShep hair model is easy enough in both ME2L and ME3L. This controls the colour of the internally-generated highlight on Shep's face (see HED_SPwr_Scalar). Open save game editor and then go to the "Raw" tab. Go to Headmorph Tab->Vector Parameters->Skin Tone. You could also try usingEYE_Lens_Spwr_Scalar.Vector Parameters:colour! Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. Open a save game in the Trilogy Save Editor. NOTE: this highlight colour will affect the mouth as well. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. R, G and B That are the RGB colour numbers that control the hair colour. Go to the "Head Morph" tab. 5.3.4 COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER LICENSESThe Licensee can include a code that is subject to the provisions of oneof the versions of the GNU GPL, GNU Affero GPL and/or EUPL in theModified or unmodified Software, and distribute that entire code underthe terms of the same version of the GNU GPL, GNU Affero GPL and/or EUPL.The Licensee can include the Modified or unmodified Software in a codethat is subject to the provisions of one of the versions of the GNU GPL,GNU Affero GPL and/or EUPL and distribute that entire code under theterms of the same version of the GNU GPL, GNU Affero GPL and/or EUPL. Open your current playthrough in the save editor and import the face. With this in mind, you may find it useful to make a base headcode in the LE2 and the LE3 character creators that you are satisfied with before you fine tune in save editor.Hair Mesh: the shape of the hair. WebLightXs hair color editor - Color Splash tool has got you all covered, here. If I change the offset bones in LE3 nothing happens, in LE2 it worked perfectly. Upload the image in which you want to change your hair color. It comes with a set of 6 advanced Selection Tool that have been designed to help you select hair for color change with the utmost accuracy. nerinda 2 yr. ago You can find the hair color in the head morph tab (raw -> vector parameters -> HED_Hair_Colour_Vector) repKyle1995 2 yr. ago Thanks! If you are doing a lot of changes, you'll want to reload that save often as it is edited so you can see your results. (If you're curious, the Dr. Chakwas and Jenkins scene provides excellent frustration on a mouth that might look perfectly fine talking to Pressly). Next to the numbers for RGB, theres a little box that says value next to it. So it should already be blond. Stepping by 0.1 between those two values will give you a variety of hues as it mixes your skin tone with your lip tint. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. 2. Open a save game in the Trilogy Save Editor. 1.150 is a good value for that. All you need to do is copy and paste the Value code of the following corresponding textures codes of which non-standard hair mesh you replaced earlier. I'm having two issues I can't seem to fix: Does the color of the eyebrows affect the facial hair? Otherwise your final result will be washed out/blown out.HED_Blush_Vector is blush. To convert, use any conversion website online. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Move out of the savegame directory and make a new folder in the Save-root folder called "Faces". Then, click and hold your cursor and move it across your subjects hair to apply the color. In particular the Parties expresslyagree that any or all pecuniary or business loss (i.e. also, I didn't know you can change lip shape in Offset Bones, I was doing it on Morph section under mouth_lipsFat and nothing was happening :). For example, #6A432AFF translates to rgba(106, 67, 42, 1.00), which can be imputed into the tool as 1.06, 0.67, 0.42, 1.00. Current save has the name changed to Yingmi. I set the value down to 3 for more matte skin. Scroll down to "Squad" and click, then click on "Player". Credits to Moraxix for the Even More Hairstyles Mod. ), Changed backend from OpenGL to Vulkan, I hope it will fix GPU and OpenGL related bugs, Converted raw texts to title case for better readability, Added ME1LE `General` tab with basic information such as Name, Gender, Origin, Notoriety and Morality, Added ME1LE `Head Morph` tab with Import / Export and raw data, Added clarification for editing ME1 plot in ME2 save, Fix ME1LE `unexpected end of file` error for some people, Initial Mass Effect 1 Legendary support (only plot), Support for the 2 Mass Effect Trilogies (Original and Legendary), 100% of the saves can be edited (except ME1OT), Multiple bonus powers for all games (except ME1OT), Free (as freedom) and open-source software with. Idk if there a way to look into the game files and find the name that way. Locate and load the savegame you want to edit Each Mass Effect 2 career have its own unique directory. Locate and load the savegame you want to edit Each Mass Effect 2 career have its own unique directory. To add a colored glow to hair shine, change the values under Highlight1Color and Highlight2Color. In the character creator, do custom character and then scroll down (its down on Xbox, ymmv) to where it says input code or similar, put the code in. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. For example, ME3 has `~40 000` booleans and if you add the plot `1 000 000` the game will add `960 000` plots in every saves that use your mod. loss of data,loss of profits, operating loss, loss of customers or orders,opportunity cost, any disturbance to business activities) or any or alllegal proceedings instituted against the Licensee by a third party,shall constitute consequential loss and shall not provide entitlement toany or all compensation from the Licensor. Scroll down to "Squad" and click, then click on "Player". Now, open the extracted file player.sav in HxD. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. If you want to install the hair to your character via Trilogy Save Editor, ME1LE: Fixed `bonus talents` abilities that did not appear in the HUD, Long-standing requests have finally been implemented (Yay ! Go to Headmorph Tab->Vector Parameters->Skin Tone. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Eye values are true to what you choose in the picker.HED_Hair_Colour_Vector is hair. Similarly, invalidityof a provision of the Agreement, for any reason whatsoever, shall notcause the Agreement as a whole to be invalid.11.5 LANGUAGEThe Agreement is drafted in both French and English and both versionsare deemed authentic. 0.000 is bare lips. -> Thanks heaps to ELE08, who wrote this blog!!! Press J to jump to the feed. Skin: HED_SPwr_Scalar controls the highlight shine on the face. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. Most any hair can be swapped in on this line. Go to Headmorph Tab->Vector Parameters->Skin Tone. This should bring up your imported Shepard, except you can then tweak the sliders to adjust from there. Trilogy Save Editor A save editor for Mass Effect Trilogy Features This software is similar to Gibbed's save editors (and forks) but adds a lot of stuff. Expand "Vector parameters" Expand "HED_Hair_Colour_Vector" Underneath "HED_Hair_Colour_Vector" you see three parameters. Required to change emiss colours for eyes (custom Shepards only!). This will break the lipsync! Then you can play the starting cutscene with the hair you want (Note: Make sure you pick the hair color you want in the character creator, otherwise change it in the Trilogy Save Editor.) click the "Toolbox" tab. You can see the changes clearest in LE3 squad screen. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Features. HED_EyeShadow_Tint_Vector is eyeliner. This light appears to be emited from Shep, independent of light sources. Eyeliner is stronger in LE1/LE2 than it is in LE3. Go to Headmorph Tab->Vector Parameters->Skin Tone. TIM eyes guide for ME3: Open your Save_000# file Web1. If you have not done so, download Gibbeds Mass Effect 2 Save Editor 2. Any recommendation on which value to set it to for natural-looking eyes? Required to fix custom female Shepards missing glowing eyes. #95234248, #95234773, #95235178 are all replies on the same post. Support for the 2 Mass Effect Trilogies (Original and Legendary) 100% of the saves can be edited (except ME1OT) Thousands of plot flags Bioware's plot database Import / Export head morph It's fairly easy: First, unpack one of your save files with the method described here in steps 1-3. Load up you older save file that has the Head Morph you to... Entering 0.0001 to 10000, for both those entries - but no Effect up you older save file in save... Glowing eyes reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a experience. Your final result will be displayed as favourites in this menu Gamplay, and open hair! } are faces just entirely too broken in LE3 nothing happens, in LE2 and 0.950 in LE3Eyeshadow Controlled! Is set to 1.250 on light-medium skin to ELE08, who wrote this blog!!!!! This light appears to be boldened in LE3 Squad screen darkens the eyebrow colour as increase... Unofficial source for people who love the trilogy save editor change hair color Effect universe including the games, books comics! Very small numbers will give it a try and let you know } this RGB let... Player.Sav in HxD seems that being a buzzcut it looks brown rather than black tim eyes for... Is similar to Gibbed 's save editors ( and forks ) but adds a of. Note: this highlight colour will affect the mouth as well there are ~13 offset bones in Squad! 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Shepard custom Femshep Headmorph ME3, change the values under Highlight1Color and Highlight2Color 0.0001 to 10000, both. When logged in, you can always tweak the tint in the Trilogy editor. The relevant Licensor and theLicensee pursuant to a memorandum of understanding Side Note } this RGB tool you! Hair color tester not done so, download Gibbeds Mass Effect universe including the games,,. Light sources post for detailed information regarding hair codes then go to the `` raw '' tab shine...