As a company, we coach our clients on ways to improve operational efficiencies while helping them ensure their overall financial health and well-being. Election Results; Qualifying to Run for Office; Voter & Voting Information; Roswell City Council. Allen Sells and Chamian Cruz after a Sept. 23 interview. Nobody really has the quaint, historic downtown, quirky as it is, that we do. I dont believe anyone on council has an environmental background, and we have the largest river frontage in the metropolitan area, Beeson said. Historic Roswell is a perfect example of that, Beeson said. But, we have an influential role. (Lisa Dunlap Photo) By Roswell Daily Record Oct. 11: Last day to register to vote (check your status here) Oct. 17: Early voting begins; Oct. 28: Last day to request an absentee ballot; Oct. 30: Early voting ends The candidate forum was co-hosted by Roswell NEXT and Roswell Appen Media: If you have to give one last pitch, why should Roswell residents vote for you? I think Roswell, we are at that crossroads for our identity right now. I previously served on the board for Abundant Housing Atlanta, which focuses on affordability and inclusivity for housing. You have permission to edit this article. Aug 8, 2022 SUPPORT LOCAL NEWS! I came here. That makes me, as a resident, as someone whos very attuned to accountability and transparency, that makes me nervous. The more personal, walkable contacts we can have, the more return on investment we can have. AMBER PERRY/APPEN MEDIA Election Coverage Four candidates are vying to fill the Roswell City Council Post 1 seat: Sarah Beeson ( See Q&A) Allen Sells ( See Q&A) Mulham Shbeib ( See Q&A) Jason Miller At one point during the forum, moderator Rick Kraft asked each of the mayoral hopefuls what they would and would not cut if they had to cut the citys budget by 10%. Sells said that if the cities dont reach agreement with the county on how to apportion revenues from the countywide sales tax, or LOST, it could cost taxpayers more per year than the bond increase. We need a good negotiator who understands how to close billion-dollar deals at the table. There are businesspeople on the council today, but I do think my skills are different than the rest of the council in terms of negotiations and being a CPA. City Council sets policy for the operations of the City. The candidate forum was co-hosted by Roswell NEXT and Roswell Moms Network. There is a lot about Roswell thats caught, not taught. We have almost either double, maybe even triple what Johns Creek and Milton have. You are not gonna get a certified civil engineer as the city engineer for $80,000 a year. But, we also got to see growing diversity. The Housing Authority is clearly one of those. When they did their assessment, one of the key points that they had made that I thought was interesting was their parks. Somebody said, Ah, I have this great idea. We, as citizens, have a great opportunity to blow on those embers in different ways. You have permission to edit this article. Register online for classes and programs. Were also raising two small children together. Office. I choose clarity over agreement. If you think about a small shop, they tend to be very thinly capitalized and of the size that if the wind blows the wrong way, youve got a derelict business. The editor of a digital currency magazine, Guy Malone voiced support for southeast New Mexico seceding from the rest of the state, so the most conservative part of the state can become part of Texas. Roswell has an identity crisis right now, in terms of trying to decide what it wants to be. I am a natural born leader and understand what it takes to unite people for a common goal. WebMunicipal Elections You must be registered 29 days prior to the election as a resident within the area in which you intend to vote. So, I think we have to say is now the time, is this the right way to do it and do we trust the people doing it? If you look at the majority of our residents who are multi-family residents, they typically are Black or Latino residents. I dont think we need the hundred thousand, one hundred thousand and twenty-five thousand, one seventy-five thousand (dollar) salaries at the city level, Malone said. We have to focus on bringing jobs that allow people to live, work, play as well as thrive and grow their family. Thats even more expensive than the bond issue.. I believe that a vote for me is a vote for, We need to do what we need to do in Roswell now. The mayor and City Council have made it clear they do not want to see any more construction of new apartments in Roswell unless they are part of a mixed-use development. We are on the east side. I went to Mountain Park Elementary. I think thats incredibly helpful to what makes the community thrive. MOM + SMALL BUSINESS LEADER + CITY PLANNER. I make the point about park land in relation to businesses because those are community places. Four candidates are vying to fill the Roswell City Council Post 1 seat: Sarah Beeson Allen Sells Mulham Shbeib ; Jason Miller ; Important dates. AMBER PERRY/APPEN MEDIA Election Coverage Four candidates are vying to fill the Roswell City Council Post 1 seat: Sarah Beeson ( See Q&A) Allen Sells ( See Q&A) Mulham Shbeib ( See Q&A) Jason Miller Michelle Lujan Grishams public health orders that require the wearing of face coverings in public. I forewent my Valentines Day dinner and showed up to the council meeting along with many other concerned residents, questioning why this process [was] being implemented without community input. With about 90 days left until the election, time is of the essence for building my campaign! I do believe that thats important for a city to have a diverse base of opportunities for housing. I have to say we can be united and unique at the same time. In December, there was a report that came out that showed that the parks program said, Well, its getting too high for us to maintain for our budget, and we have a demand for pottery classes, and we want pottery classes in there. When were prioritizing amenities over residents, that to me is a concern, especially when its something that we already have. 2023 Roswell, GA. All Rights Reserved. Want to host me for a meet-and-greet with your friends and neighbors? In terms of if I think our city government has an impact on that, absolutely. We have to make sure that we are not fighting them at the expense of their business model with small points, Sells said. All Bernalillo Catron Chaves Cibola Colfax Curry De Baca Dona Ana Eddy Grant Guadalupe Harding Hidalgo Lea Lincoln Los Alamos Luna McKinley Mora Otero Quay Rio Arriba Roosevelt San Juan San Miguel Sandoval Santa Fe Sierra Socorro State Taos Torrance Union Valencia. However, my concerns for the city and all my neighbors are common to us all: traffic; safety; and controlled, meaningful development initiatives that improve the overall quality and character of Roswell, especially since we are the pocket of perfect in my opinion. However, I dont know that I personally would use bond money for deferred maintenance [on parks].. We'll feature your content on our News From Local Business section & our Marketplace front page to give it maximum exposure for the next 30 days. And that is a part-time position that should be occupied by a citizen. Appen has also made the interviews available to hear, in full, as episodes of the Inside the Box podcast. Sarah Beeson; Jason Miller; Allen Sells; Mulham Shbeib I cant remember what wise person said this but, We may not solve all the problems we face, but we wont solve any that we dont face. As citizens we have to be presented with the clear, unvarnished truth and react to that. Whether as an Eagle Scout, Chief of the Fire Explorers or volunteering with the Bolivar County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) as a dispatcher, I do not back down from challenges and thrive on discovering new opportunities. Secondly, we have a lot of areas that have operating businesses that have storefronts that are in disrepair, Miller said. When we moved here, I still worked in the CNN Center. We need a better plan. You must register to vote with the County. Is this the right approach? So, being able to speak out on that, as well as being able to speak towards city planning and future planning, I think would complement the City Council.. Our website is up,, our Twitter is ready@jasonforroswell, and our Facebook is polished and ready for content Agenda & Minutes. Zapata was on a medical leave of absence from the post for several months before his wife who has power of attorney over him resigned on his behalf in June. I mean that in terms of resources, not only in terms of having access to office buildings, right? The four candidates discussed their ability to work with other councilmembers and shared their ideas to attract more businesses. City Councilmember: Post 1. Zapata was on a medical leave of absence from the post for several months before his wife who has power of attorney over him resigned on his behalf in June. Join in our community celebrations and special events! Terms Terms for all municipal offices are four years, with elections being held every two years. But weve been in Roswell since 1998. A former FBI agent and police officer, Kintigh faulted the legislature and governor for the citys high crime rate. Every decade, the county and its cities renegotiate how money collected from LOST is distributed. It is not a slight on Roswell to say that we face some challenges that are probably imminent and need immediate care and attention. Highlight your business' news for just $25! Some have lived there for decades, and its low-income housing for them on fixed income. For the last 8 years, we have been proudly headquartered in Roswell, with the last two in our new HQ! The Chattahoochee is sort of a moat. All Bernalillo Catron Chaves Cibola Colfax Curry De Baca Dona Ana Eddy Grant Guadalupe Harding Hidalgo Lea Lincoln Los Alamos Luna McKinley Mora Otero Quay Rio Arriba Roosevelt San Juan San Miguel Sandoval Santa Fe Sierra Socorro State Taos Torrance Union Valencia. While City Council members are not allowed to advocate for a specific bond measure, the candidates were asked to mention the factors they think voters should consider when determining whether to vote for or against the bonds and, if they were willing, to share how they plan to vote. I had to fight to be here. The upcoming special election is the perfect opportunity for me to get involved in what I love local government where real change can be made that ultimately affects each of us daily. Agendas, Briefs and Minutes. Malone also sought to clear up remarks he has made about the annual UFO Festival in Roswell. Everyones saying, Im against, Im against, Im against. Then it goes back, and they vote as a block unanimously, Yes. So, Im feeling on my endIve sat here for a five-hour meeting on a super uncomfortable wooden pew. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Roswell needs a perspective for both sides. Resident registration starts March 6 for Roswell's summer camps & programs, and fall athletics. That makes me even more excited to be involved! Jason Miller, Roswell City Council candidate Oct 5, 2022 Candidate Jason Miller is a Roswell small business owner. ROSWELL, Ga. Four candidates have qualified for Roswells special municipal election in November. The way Roswell does it, and Im sure all the other municipalities do too, you go through some training after you become a council member about how this stuff works because that way you can add value. Would you support the city completing the racial impact assessment? And if youre a homeowner, youre appreciating the value of your homes.. This is a great city. Here's a transcript of that interview, led by reporter Chamian Cruz. We should all be paying very close attention to that, because although we may get something out of the bond, were going to end up with nothing out of LOST if it goes away, Sells said. Beeson, who said she would also focus on East Roswell, would turn to the Unified Development Code to ensure its in line with the citys vision for the area. AMBER PERRY/APPEN MEDIA Election Coverage Four candidates are vying to fill the Roswell City Council Post 1 seat: Sarah Beeson ( See Q&A) Allen Sells ( See Q&A) Mulham With this experience, I learned budgeting, cost control, employee relations, and profit retention practices that I can parlay into my service on the Roswell City Council. Mayor since 2022. I have nothing to hide. He added that although he wants to focus on making sure hospitals during the pandemic still have the capacity to treat individuals who need treatment for conditions other than COVID-19, he believes the virus is something that is here for the long term. And how is that an advantage? After careful consideration and lots of thinking, I am VERY excited to announce that I qualified for and intend to run for the upcoming special election to fill the Post 1 position for the Roswell City Council November 8, 2022!! Oct 25, 2022 Post 1 Roswell City Council candidates Sarah Beeson, Allen Sells, Jason Miller and Mulham Shbeib speak to voters about their views on the citys bond referendum and ways to attract more businesses at a forum Oct. 13 at Sunny and Ranney on Oak Street. And he criticized the recent fees imposed on the public to use city recreational facilities. I think its something that city government can do a lot of things in terms of smart city planning, smart land use policies, a more improved unified development code. It has been great to live in Roswell. Appen Media: Whats the best way for residents to learn more about you and your platform or campaign? Appen has also made the interviews available to hear, in full, as episodes of the Inside the Box podcast. I can work with people. Jason Miller, Roswell City Council candidate Oct 5, 2022 Candidate Jason Miller is a Roswell small business owner. So, concerned citizens got out, crawling around on the ground picking up glass before the inspection, cleaning up, making sure that the Roswell Housing Authority would pass. We have 20 other people who agreed with me, and it wasnt even a back-and-forth or feeling like you were considering our comments. We need to attract some corporate clients that go out shopping at lunchtime or go support these restaurants, so they can make it. Sells said he thinks residents need to decide if now is the right time to try to change the perception that Roswell is slipping behind other cities. WebCandidate: Percentage: Votes: Sarah Beeson: 43.25%: 14,961: Jason Miller: 20.84%: 7,210: Allen Sells: 26.14%: 9,041: Mulham Shbeib: 9.77%: 3,380 : 34,592: The Municipal Runoff Special Election will take place on December 6, 2022. He said Roswell should reconsider its process for starting a business and maintaining a business license. Were sort of out of balance. They are Sarah Beeson, Mulham Shbeib, Jason Miller and Allen Sells. She was elected to complete the remaining one-year term for Post 1 seat on Roswell City Council in the December, 2022 Special Election. Instead, Malone says, volunteers, the Roswell International UFO Museum & Research Center and local businesses should be in charge of the festival. After careful consideration and lots of thinking, I am VERY excited to announce that I qualified for and intend to run for the upcoming special election to fill the Post 1 position for the Roswell City Council November 8, 2022! ROSWELL, N.M. Candidates in upcoming municipal elections took to the stage Tuesday night. How would you decide whether to begin tackling the recommended improvements and how to fund them, along with having other additional and new priorities? City Council sets policy for the operations of the City. But, just because were a great city, it doesnt mean theres opportunities.. Appen Media: What role do you see transparency playing in how the City Council operates? They intentionally did things over the last 20 years to build that balance. Mulham Shbeib, Roswell City Council candidate Oct 5, 2022 Mulham Shbeib, CFO for Mar-Jac Poultry, has lived in Roswell for 10 years. WebMunicipal Elections You must be registered 29 days prior to the election as a resident within the area in which you intend to vote. But, also, theres a forensic role for the City Council to play. Oct 25, 2022 Post 1 Roswell City Council candidates Sarah Beeson, Allen Sells, Jason Miller and Mulham Shbeib speak to voters about their views on the citys bond referendum and ways to attract more businesses at a forum Oct. 13 at Sunny and Ranney on Oak Street. If no agreement is reached, the tax ends at the end of this year. Opportunities abound in our city for improvements! Kintighs most high-profile opponent former state Sen. Timothy Jennings, D-Roswell, stressed the need to raise the pay of Roswells Police officers and bring more jobs to Roswell. The candidate forum was co-hosted by Roswell NEXT and Roswell Reach your audience on Friday morning alongside news they've opted-in to receive. Along the way, I fell out of love with engineering and took time away from school to focus on work. Perhaps the citys role would be through the operations of the business development offices and those kinds of people to help bring business to help support that cause. The trail that leads up to the waterfall on the Roswell side of Vickery Creek will be closed until April 30, 2023. Instead, he said, he would focus more on making negotiations that would most benefit both parties. I understand the hesitation from some residents of being concerned about over-development and wanting to make sure that our city is able to accommodate any level of growth. Appen Media, which publishes the Alpharetta-Roswell Herald, invited the four candidates running for Roswell City Council Post 1 to record an i. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Ill be building a volunteer list for various events as well. We need to understand and believe that we have one balance sheet that we are taking to the market against competitor cities. While some candidates were more concise in their responses than others, every effort was made to apportion space equally. She also holds an MBA from the University of Georgia and a Master's degree in Environmental Management from the University of Maryland. Hosted by IQM2. Sarah Beeson: Were comparing apples and oranges a lot of times. Allen Sells: I spent a good amount of time with the Roswell Housing Authority. Here's a transcript of that interview, led by reporter Chamian Cruz. These opportunities were invaluable for learning to be an excellent listener and communicator. And I can get people together and get them to work together. Same diversity applies to a city. But also, 400 is the Great Wall. WebHi, my name is Jason Miller, and I live and work in Roswell, Georgia! We love the city. I think it was absolutely appropriate for Roswell to say, Where did we miss that? Clearly, we have deferred maintenance , Sells said. Zapata was on a medical leave of absence from the post for several months before his wife who has power of attorney over him resigned on his behalf in June. Weve had 20 residents, on one item, comment. +2 Alpharetta and Roswell News Jason Miller, Roswell City Council candidate Oct 5, 2022 Kintigh warned that capping salaries at that level could hamper the citys ability to recruit and retain employees. It includes recommendations on how to better promote economic development in this area. That required money upfront, but yielded savings in the long run. I would say that nobody: teachers, students, an employee nor city employee should be required to wear a mask to have a job, get a job or keep it, he said. We want our residents to feel like being in Roswell has bettered their life, and part of that is providing them the opportunity to live here affordably and make a life for themselves. Its very residentially focused. Allen Sells, Roswell City Council candidate, Johns Creek will not run its own municipal elections, Q&A's with Roswell City Council Post 1 candidates, Podcast: Allen Sells, Roswell City Council candidate, Jason Miller, Roswell City Council candidate, Mulham Shbeib, Roswell City Council candidate, Sarah Beeson, Roswell City Council candidate, Roswell City Council candidate forum to be held Thursday, Roswell City Council candidates make pitches at forum, Roswell City Council seat heads to Dec. 6 runoff, Now Hiring: Income Tax Preparer, Corporate and Individual, North Fulton cities rush to run their own elections, Liz Hausmann reflects on decades in public office, Johns Creek tours Greenville, SC as exemplary city. You can report issues such as a pothole, tall grass, missed garbage pickup, broken streetlights, and many others. I love being able to be in a community like that. Im continuing to grow here. Those units are funded through Roswell Parks and Rec because its inside a park. As someone who lives on the far east side, coming over to City Hall can be, at the wrong time of day better pack a tent. We need to keep doing the things that make this place a better community, but in so doing, were going to challenge some long held beliefs, Kintigh said. Aug 8, 2022 SUPPORT LOCAL NEWS! I am not making a promise I am offering evidence, Kintigh said. Im a CPA, and my clients were Atlanta Housing Authority and several other housing authorities. The only time that we were given to comment on was at that meeting. These are circumstances that most people my age, who are in their 30s, would not be able to replicate. Web2022 Local Election Contest/Candidate List. Meeting Video. | 38 Hill Street, Roswell, GA 30075, 770-641-3727 I know that there is action by the city to look at these issues. Other opponents in Roswell City Council candidate Sarah Beeson was recently featured on Appen Media's (Alpharetta-Roswell Herald) podcast. However, he believes that the city should not be taking a role in organizing it, running it or selling merchandise for it. Allen Sells: I dont know enough about that particular document, but I do know that through the process of the CDBG grants, Roswell is required, and they are currently going through a process of assessing barriers to fair housing. ROSWELL Four candidates have qualified to run for the Post 1 Roswell City Council seat vacated earlier this year by Marcelo Zapata. You must be registered 29 days prior to the election as a resident within the area in which you intend to vote. We invite them to invest in Roswell. AMBER PERRY/APPEN MEDIA Election Coverage Four candidates are vying to fill the Roswell City Council Post 1 seat: Sarah Beeson ( See Q&A) Allen Sells ( See Q&A) Mulham Shbeib ( See Q&A) Jason Miller I began my career at KPMG. We do environmental and geotechnical engineering consulting. Beeson said she appreciates the lack of infighting that often seems to hold the city back, but that she would offer a different perspective whenever possible. Highlight your business' news on North Fulton's premier newsletter. The charity works to renovate homes for children who need wheelchair-accessible bathrooms, dream bedrooms and therapy rooms to improve their independence and development. He continued: If you had to cut something I think you would probably have to look at some of the extra programs you have out there, and some of the areas such as parks.. Were not a broken city by any means, Shbeib said. ROSWELL Four candidates have qualified to run for the Post 1 Roswell City Council seat vacated earlier this year by Marcelo Zapata. On a lighter note, panelists asked several nonpolitical questions such as what the candidates would choose for their careers if money were no object. WebElection and Voter Registration Calendar December 6, 2022 Unofficial Election Results November 8, 2022 Certified Election Results Note: In the event that an election does not appear on this site, please visit or call 404-612-7020 for election information. It was approved by several council members that are currently on council with the understanding that with the racial equity impact assessment, we could have a third-party consultant that we were contracting with to determine our land use policies and our zoning policies and how thats going to have an impact. After graduating high school in Cleveland, MS in 1994, I took a varied approach to my postsecondary education. Armed with that knowledge, I returned to the University of Memphis where I graduated in 2003 with my BBA in Accounting and a minor in Real Estate. Early voting for the special election is Oct. 17-30. Roswell has about 30 percent of our tax digest in commercial property, 70 percent is in residential. Miller said that as an analytical thinker, he would ask a lot of questions and gather citizen input before voting on a matter. Sarah Beeson: Check out Oct. 11: Last day to register to vote (check your status here) Oct. 17: Early voting begins; Oct. 28: Last day to request an absentee ballot; Oct. 30: Early voting ends WebElection and Voter Registration Calendar December 6, 2022 Unofficial Election Results November 8, 2022 Certified Election Results Note: In the event that an election does not appear on this site, please visit or call 404-612-7020 for election information. Appen Media: The East Roswell Economic Action Committee presented its final report in 2020 and includes recommendations on how to better promote economic development in this area. Beeson is a small business executive, Shbeib a chief financial officer, Miller a CEO and small business owner, and Statewide issues also made their way into the discussion. ROSWELL, Ga. Candidates for Roswells open Post 1 City Council seat stumped for the stretch run at an Oct. 13 forum on Oak Street. I grew up in Brookfield, and that Target shopping center was literally a horse farm. This is not a profession. City Councilmember: Post 1. The recommendation according to the report for Roswells Parks and Recreation Program is that there should be 1 acre of park property for every 1,000 residents. Housing Atlanta, which publishes the Alpharetta-Roswell Herald ) podcast attract some corporate clients that out! Stage Tuesday night, have a great opportunity to blow on those embers in different ways,! There is a Roswell small business owner 1994, i have this idea... Role in organizing it, running it or selling merchandise for it some corporate clients that go out shopping lunchtime... 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