The success of the "Delta Blues & Heritage Festival" spurred the creation of festivals all over the Mississippi Delta and beyond. They are housed in urban academic institutions and archives. 18 bands performed in an all day event. Jon Spencer is back, and he is ON FIRE! Main festival Saturday. And, it's a good lineup set for July 1-4, and four-day tickets are . Join and mingle with other blues enthusiasts and musicians as we keep the blues alive after the festival. These cookies do not store any personal information. The music will be Variety, and there will be other activities like children's activities. var username = "info"; KING GEORGE, THE NEW KING OF R & B, SIR CHARLES JONES,
You Ain't Getting Out of here without Singing The Blues A major catalyst for American popular culture, it exists in both a folk context and as a product of the commercial music industry. Advance tickets are $45 online or $60 at the gate. For additional information, please visit MACEs website at or the Blues Festivals Facebook page at MSDeltaBlues. Please feel free to browse our site for info about
Tickets on sale soon! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Tickets on sale soon. Is this your event? This year's mammoth event features the best of Soul,
You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. Bentonia Blues Festival hosted by the historic Blue Front Cafe was created in 1972 by Jimmy "Duck" Holmes. Join to read more Mississippi Delta Blues & Heritage Festival is the World's Oldest continuously running Festival. Blues Fest 2022 Fest Dates & Hours Blues Fest 2022 will be held on Friday and Saturday, September 16-17, at the historic LeClaire Park in Davenport, Iowa. Hope to see you there! Rachel Ammons. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Calling All Vendors To inquire about vendor space at the 2022 Mississippi Delta Blues & Heritage Festival, contact Marie Payton at (662) 335-3162. //-->, Copyright FestivalNet 2022. Blue Front Cafe107 E Railroad AveBentonia, MS 39040. Missisipi Blues Festival is held in missisipi. At the forefront of each song is Nichols rich voice and evocative, virtuosic guitar-playing, augmented on half of the nine tracks by a simple, cadent drum line. BUFFALO NICHOLS BENEFACTOR PASSES REQUIRED, 9:00 ROBERT KIMBROUGH SR BLUESCONNECTION. Get more details add rating March 11, 2023 This is the most uncompromising album Ive ever made! And the HITS just keep on coming! else that you want to know about the DOWN HOME BLUES
His parents opened the Cafe in 1948, and he has owned and operated the juke joint himself since 1970. Manage Settings LACEE, NATHANIEL KIMBLE, ISAAC LINDSEY, NARVELL ECHOLS,
It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Enter the email address you used when you joined. Saturday, October 8, 2022, 11pm until - Location: MOE'S BBQ, 311 S Lamar Blvd, Oxford, MS 38655. Advance ticket sales have closed. Since his earliest infatuations with guitar, Buffalo Nichols has asked himself the same question: How can I bring the blues of the past into the future? After cutting his teeth between a Baptist church and bars in Milwaukee, it was a globetrotting trip through West Africa and Europe during a creative down period that began to reveal the answer. Copyright 2016 Mississippi Delta Blues & Heritage Festival. The Delta Blues Museum will be closed in observance of the following holidays: New Years Day, Martin Luther King Jr Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. festival ticket prices are $65 and $125, It is an epic master work of freak beat from the worlds weirdest garage. | Admin | Privacy Policy, Mississippi Delta Blues & Heritage Festival, With the relaxing of the COVID-19 restrictions and many inquiries from blues fans from around the country, MACE wants the public to know that the 45, For additional information, please visit MACEs website at, The Board of Directors of Mississippi Action for Community Education, Incorporated, along with the staff and all our volunteers wish to thank everyone who attended the virtual 44. And while Burnside, Kimbrough, Hemphill and Turner are now dead, Kenny Brown, Elmo Williams and Hezekiah Early, and a handful of other Mississippians soldier on.. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. IA located 1999 County Road 145 in Greenwood, Mississippi. Ruben Hughes Scholarship Blues Show. Delta Blues soon became the emotional and literary voice of Black singers across the South. Across brain-boggling layers of fury, fuzz guitar, and a crash-bang battery of phaser blasts, photon torpedoes, and otherworldly zounds, he frantically spits, croons, rhapsodizes, and seduces. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Click the image below to download a copy of the press release. FOR A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO ALL THINGS CLARKSDALE, GO TO OUR LOCAL TOURISM WEBSITE,VISIT CLARKSDALE. Stay up-to-date with the latest announcements. Blues festival tickets cost around $65 to $125, depending on how big or small the event is. This distinct and somewhat underground style of blues is rooted in hypnotic rhythms and dance-able grooves. Robert continues his fathers musical tradition, along with some of his siblings. Website Created & Hosted by: Southern Mississippi Blues Festival | MS Gulf Coast Blues September 9, 2023 Gates open at 1 PM show starts at 2 PM We have an e xciting new lineup coming soon!!! End time:
Davenport, Listening to this record, I want more Black people to hear themselves in this music that is truly theirs. That desire is embodied in his self-titled debut albumFat Possums first solo blues signing in nearly 20 yearscomposed largely of demos and studio sessions recorded between Wisconsin and Texas. Blues Fest 2022 - Mississippi Valley Blues Society Blues Fest 2023 Sept 15-16, LeClaire Park, Davenport, IA. Growing up, Robert listened, first-hand to Mississippi blues royalty that played with his father at home, at Juniors Juke Joint Club, and the ever-frequent weekend house party and porch jam session. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, September 17, 2022 in Greenville, Mississippithe Mississippi Delta and Home of the Blues for the 45th Annual Mississippi Delta Blues and Heritage Festival, the oldest continuous running Blues Festival in the Country. Says Spencer, Send out the Hit Signal! MARKS: Mules And Blues Festival 2022 - The Mississippi Blues Trail MARKS: Mules And Blues Festival 2022 Next weekend in nearby Marks, Mississippi: MULES & BLUES FESTIVAL ( ). Featuring blues legends and emerging talent alike, Columbus Day Weekend, each October. Sous l'enseigne Welcome to Crississippi - Where the Mississippi River Meets the Lman Lake , les organisateurs basent leur programmation sur des artistes venus du . We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, September 17, 2022 in Greenville, Mississippithe Mississippi Delta and "Home of the Blues" for the 45th Annual Mississippi Delta Blues and Heritage Festival, the oldest continuous running Blues Festival in the Country. Mississippi Delta Blues is globally recognized as one ofAmerica's most important musical forms. Click Here to visit the Yazoo County Board of Supervisors Official Website, Yazoo County Convention & Visitors Bureau. CLARKSDALE: 20th Juke Joint Festival and Related Events, BAY ST. LOUIS: 100 Men Hall w/screening of James Booker doc. We have an exciting new lineup coming soon!!! 32nd Annual Blues & Heritage Festival at the Jackson County Fairgrounds. The 50th Anniversary Bentonia Blues Festival takes place June 16-18, 2022, in downtown Bentonia at the historic Blue Front Cafe. GREENVILLE, MISSISSIPPI With the relaxing of the COVID-19 restrictions and many inquiries from blues fans from around the country, MACE wants the public to know that the 45 th Annual Mississippi Delta Blues and Heritage Festival (MDBHF) will be produced LIVE at the Washington County Convention Center and Fairgrounds on September 17, 2022. var hostname = ""; The Cotton Patch Soul Blues style that Robert plays is a straight link to the music that his father originated in North Mississippi. The festival honors Aberdeens bluesman, Bukka White, famous for his original song, Aberdeen Blues. FestivalNet is not the event & does not book the participants; we provide contact info to save you time in event research. May 2022 Hill toured Spain and released Here Comes HeartBreak recorded in Memphis TN, Nikki Hill is a fiery performer, channeling some of rock & rolls most heralded voices, revamping the squalls, screams and shouting-at- the-devil of rocks pentecostal roots to a blazing new take that she can rightfully call her own, a soul that owes as much to AC/DC as Aretha. Okayplayer, To secure your tickets for Deep Blues Fest 2023, join us on Facebook or check back here for announcements., OCTOBER 13-16 2022 CLARKSDALE, MISSISSIPPI. The 30th annual River City Blues Festival, presented by the Blues, Jazz & Folk Music Society of Marietta, will be held March 17-18 at the Lafayette Hotel. Advance tickets are $45 online or $60 at the gate. Its the same thing in Mississippi, many blues music lovers in Mississippi are waiting for a blues music festival in their area, but this festival is not held every month or every year. | Admin | Privacy Policy, Mississippi Delta Blues & Heritage Festival, With the relaxing of the COVID-19 restrictions and many inquiries from blues fans from around the country, MACE wants the public to know that the 45, For additional information, please visit MACEs website at. The Tiger Beats. and Walter Big Daddy Hood (500 lbs. Missisipi's Deep Blues Festival will be held on October 13-16, 2022, which will invite artists including: JON Spencer & the HITmakers. Contact the Blue Front Cafe on Facebook to ask how you can help keep the Bentonia blues alive. BUKKA WHITE BLUES FESTIVAL in Aberdeen, MS. Bukka White Blues Festival attracts people from all over the world Acker Park, 301 N. Meridian Street in Aberdeen, MS. While this art form was being celebrated internationally, the Delta region was still one of the poorest regions in the country. xciting new lineup coming soon!!! Blues, & R & B Music starring TUCKA - THE KING OF SWING,
Admission: $30 - $40 Days/Hours Open: Sat All Day Address: Mlk Drive, Clarksdale, MS 38614 Entertainment: 15 stages - Regional, Local. Join now to unlock additional details,