Impacts, risks, and adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, volume II. As the predominant source of energy, fossil fuels collectively accounted for a massive 86.2% of total energy consumption over 2009-2018, or roughly 1.2 million TWh. Manufacturing energy consumption for all purposes. The power sector represents 50% of total energy supply investment worldwide and includes spending on new power plants, transmission and distribution lines, as well as refurbishments and upgrades. which Figure 1 shows in kilowatt-hours per person. Sign up for email subcriptions to receive messages about specific EIA products. The solid line shows average summer electricity use per capita, and it represents all 50 states plus D.C. For reference, the dashed line shows the average number of cooling degree days for the same months across the contiguous 48 states plus D.C. . State-level energy consumption, expenditure, and prices estimates, U.S. government energy consumption by agency and source, fiscal years, Sales of fossil fuels produced on Federal and American Indian Lands, fiscal years 2003. Create a free IEA account to download our reports or subcribe to a paid service. To maintain consistency with all of the other energy data we present, we have converted primary energy into terawatt-hours (rather than million tonnes of oil equivalents, or alternative energy units). 2009 Energy Consumption Per Person . This means we often lack good data on energy consumption for the worlds poorest. Over the past several decades, the fastest-growing parts of the United States have been in the South and West, which means a growing share of the U.S. population lives in warmer places. Utilities in the U.S. 2022 - Industry Insights & Data Analysis, Facebook: quarterly number of MAU (monthly active users) worldwide 2008-2022, Quarterly smartphone market share worldwide by vendor 2009-2022, Number of apps available in leading app stores Q3 2022. Licenses: All visualizations, data, and articles produced by Our World in Data are open access under the Creative Commons BY license. Avery, D.R. As temperatures rise, Americans are expected to use less fuel energy for heating their homes.5Overall, though, summer increases are expected to outweigh any reduction in energy use due to lower heating needs in the winter.6 Improvements in energy efficiency, particularly for electricity-based heating and cooling, can influence residential consumption and demand for energy over time. Reidmiller, D.R., C.W. 13 NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). One way people respond to hot weather is by using air conditioning. EPA developed this indicator using two additional sources: population data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and cooling and heating degree days from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. In the Sustainable Development Scenario, electricity is one of the few energy sources that sees growing consumption in 2040 mainly due to electric vehicles alongside the direct use of renewables, and hydrogen. From the 1980s to the 2000s, consumption per capita stabilized as energy consumption in developing economies expanded. The need for flexibility in power systems grows even faster than electricity demand, due to rising shares of variable renewables and growing demand for cooling and electric vehicles. For example, although Italy boasted the highest percentage of solar in its energy mix with 2.4%, China consumed the most amount of energy from solar sourcesdespite it accounting for only 0.3% of total Chinese energy consumption. How much does it cost to build different types of power plants in the United States? North America - dominated by the USA - is the second largest regional emitter at 18% of global emissions. As of 2018, about two-thirds of the electricity in the United States was generated by burning fossil fuels such as coal or natural gas.4 Burning fossil fuels for electricity is one of the largest sources of heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions in the United States (see the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions indicator). Still, this share remains marginal but illustrates the potential for more diversified and sustainable energy systems. What nerve innervates the thyroarytenoid muscle. Accessed December 2020. We do not have high-quality data on energy consumption for many of the worlds poorest countries. Night skies are getting brighter and stars are being erased here's what can be done, Europe faces costly race to refill gas storage. That means the average household electricity consumption kWh per day is, Each day, U.S. per capita energy consumption includes 2.3 gallons of oil, 7.89 pounds of coal, and 252 cubic feet of natural gas. The average person in North America. Reports requested by congress or otherwise deemed important. In the residential sector, Montana had the highest per capita residential energy consumption of any state in 2020 at about 92 MMBtu, and Hawaii had the lowest per capita residential energy consumption at about 25 MMBtu per person. Click on a state for more information. Saint Pierre and Miquelon. Conversely, homes have become more energy efficient over time (for example, through better insulation), and air conditioning and heating equipment has also become more efficient. After all, 43 of these 64 countries sourced more than 80% of their energy from fossil fuels over 2009-2018. Consumption of Fuel and Materials per Capita, Visualizing Chinas Dominance in Battery Manufacturing (2022-2027P), The Periodic Table of Commodity Returns (2013-2022), Mapped: The Population of Indias States Compared with Countries. Gas-fired capacity grows in most markets for reliability purposes and battery storage skyrockets. Year-to-year fluctuations in natural gas use appear to mirror changes in heating degree days (see Figure 2). Hot weather can be uncomfortable, and in extreme cases dangerous (see the Heat Waves indicator). EIA has expanded the Monthly Energy Review (MER) to include annual data as far back as 1949 for those data tables that are found in both the Annual Energy Review (AER) and the MER. Driven by the threat of climate change, it requires an unprecedented shift away from fossil fuels in a few decades, while energy demand increases. This page focuses on total energy and electricity consumption, without digging into the details on where this energy comes from, and how sources are changing over time. Demand for electricity is set to increase further as a result of rising household incomes, with the electrification of transport and heat, and growing demand for digital connected devices and air conditioning. 2018. Greenhouse gas data, voluntary reporting, electric power plant emissions. Kunkel, K.L.M. How much energy is consumed in U.S. buildings? Residential daily consumption of electricity is 12.1 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per person. Maycock, and B.C. . Positive values indicate a countrys energy consumption was higher than the previous year. Energy & Financial Markets: What Drives Crude Oil Prices? Consumption-based (trade-adjusted) energy use per person Consumption-based energy intensity per dollar Death rates per unit of electricity production Direct primary energy consumption from fossil fuels, nuclear and renewables Electricity access Electricity consumption from fossil fuels, nuclear and renewables Electricity demand 2018. More recently, the use of renewable energy sources has increased, but not substantially enough. Explore trends in transport technologies and emissions across the world. Mapping Global Energy Consumption Per Capita In the four decades since 1980, global energy consumption doubled from 77 trillion kilowatt-hours (kWh) to nearly 155 trillion kWh. Our World In Data is a project of the Global Change Data Lab, a registered charity in England and Wales (Charity Number 1186433). Explore all the metrics energy production, electricity consumption, and breakdown of fossil fuels, renewable and nuclear energy. Does EIA publish the location of electric power plants and transmission lines? 2015 Residential energy consumption survey. This article focuses on the quantity of energy we consume looking at total energy and electricity consumption; how countries compare when we look at this per person; and how energy consumption is changing over time. Energy Transition Chart of the day: How US energy consumption has changed since independence Jul 3, 2020. CanAlaska is a leading exploration company in the Athabasca Basin, the Earths richest uranium depository. Even with all these factors at work, many studies agree that rising temperatures can and will lead to increased use of electricity, as well as reduced use of heating fuels in winter.16. Has been almost flat (up only 0.2%) over the past 10 years Maycock, and B.C. What were the 3 main sources of energy in the US in 2018? Overview and forecasts on trending topics, Industry and market insights and forecasts, Key figures and rankings about companies and products, Consumer and brand insights and preferences in various industries, Detailed information about political and social topics, All key figures about countries and regions, Market forecast and expert KPIs for 600+ segments in 150+ countries, Insights on consumer attitudes and behavior worldwide, Business information on 60m+ public and private companies, Detailed information for 35,000+ online stores and marketplaces. Energy use in homes, commercial buildings, manufacturing, and transportation. Accessed December 2020. Interactive visualization requires JavaScript. 10 NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). Accessed December 2019. When citing this topic page, please also cite the underlying data sources. If this increased demand is not offset by improvements in energy efficiency elsewhere, then our global energy consumption will continue to grow year-on-year. Although the terms electricity and energy are often used interchangeably, its important to understand that electricity is just one component of total energy consumption. What is the World Economic Forum doing to reduce aviation's carbon footprint? How much of our energy comes from fossil fuels, renewables and nuclear energy? Does EIA have county-level energy production data? See a full list of content changes to all AER reports by year. Any other uses, such as conference presentations, commercial training progams, news web sites or consulting reports, are FORBIDDEN. Our World In Data is a project of the Global Change Data Lab, a registered charity in England and Wales (Charity Number 1186433). How does the global energy breakdown look if we use the direct method, which does not correct for the inefficiencies in fossil fuel combustion? So at Our World in Data we try to maintain consistency by converting all energy data to watt-hours. New INTERACTIVE tables and graphs have also been added. Between 2005 and 2030, energy. Absolute change in primary energy consumption, Per capita: where do people consume the most. While some countries continue to rely heavily on fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas, others have integrated alternative energy sources into their mix. Lets take a look at electricity data. For example, the invention of gas-powered automobiles and assembly lines allowed the automobile industry to explode, taking oil consumption with it. A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. So, how can the world meet this challenge? doi:10.7930/NCA4.2018. What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source? EPA used a similar method with winter . EIA's free and open data available as API, Excel add-in, bulk files, and widgets. It does this by correcting nuclear and modern renewable technologies to their primary input equivalents if the same quantity of energy were to be produced from fossil fuels. Of note is the recent growth of the share of renewables to above 5% of all energy consumption as of 2020. The data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. Easterling, K.E. 2020. Subscribe to feeds for updates on EIA products including Today in Energy and What's New. This visualization comes to us from Brian Moore and it charts the evolution of energy consumption in the 64 countries that have data available for all of the last 50 years. The change is given as a percentage of consumption in the previous year. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions at the State Level, through 2018, Monthly Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, Annual Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report, Midwest and Rocky Mountain Transportation Fuels Markets, East Coast and Gulf Coast Transportation Fuels Markets, Historical U.S. per capita energy consumption estimates (Table 1.7), Energy Consumption Estimates per Capita by End-Use Sector, Ranked by State, International per capita energy consumption for the world and countries, International primary energy consumption for the world and countries, International population statistics for the world and countries, Historical data on U.S. energy consumption by energy source (Table 1.3), Historical data on U.S. energy consumption by sector. . This raises electricitys share in total final energy consumption from 19% in 2018 to 24% in 2040. The barriers to adopting renewable energy have been weakening, but still remain quite high for low-income countries. All the software and code that we write is open source and made available via GitHub under the permissive MIT license. Uranium fuel, nuclear reactors, generation, spent fuel. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of any IEA newsletter. IEA (2019), World Energy Outlook 2019, IEA, Paris, License: CC BY 4.0. In the Stated Policies Scenario, electricity generation from renewables increases rapidly, surpassing coal by 2026. We are happy to help. Which Countries Have the Lowest Inflation? Last updated: July 8, 2022, with most recent data available at the time of update. First, it looks at the amount of electricity that U.S. homes use during the summer (defined here as June, July, and August), when air conditioning is typically needed most. The best of the best: the portal for top lists & rankings: Strategy and business building for the data-driven economy: Global primary energy consumption 2019-2021, by fuel, Global primary energy consumption 2021, by country, Energy consumption per capita in the U.S. 2020, by state, Primary energy consumption in the U.S. 1998-2021, Primary energy consumption by source in the U.S. 2020-2021, Primary energy consumption worldwide from 2019 to 2021, by fuel type (in exajoules), Primary energy consumption worldwide in 2021, by country (in exajoules), Net electricity consumption worldwide in select years from 1980 to 2021 (in terawatt-hours), Global electricity consumption 2021, by country, Electricity consumption worldwide in 2021, by leading country (in terawatt-hours), Primary energy consumption in the United States from 1998 to 2021 (in exajoules), Primary energy consumption in the U.S. by sector 1975-2021, Primary energy consumption in the United States in selected years from 1975 to 2021, by sector (in quadrillion British thermal units), Primary energy consumption in the United States in 2020 and 2021, by energy source* (in quadrillion British thermal units), Fossil fuel and renewable energy consumption in the U.S. 2000-2021, Energy consumption from fossil fuels and renewables in the United States from 2000 to 2021 (in quadrillion British thermal units), Leading states in energy consumption per capita in the United States in 2020 (in million British thermal units), Electricity consumption in the U.S. 1975-2021, Electricity end use in the United States from 1975 to 2021 (in terawatt hours), Electricity consumption in the U.S. 2020, by sector, Electricity consumption in the United States in 2020, by sector (in terawatt hours), Oil consumption in the United States from 1990 to 2021 (in million metric tons), Petroleum consumption for power generation in the U.S. 1990-2021, Petroleum consumption for electricity generation in the United States from 1990 to 2021 (in million barrels), Natural gas consumption in the U.S. 1995-2021, Consumption of natural gas in the United States from 1995 to 2021 (in trillion cubic feet), Natural gas consumption for power generation in the U.S. 2000-2021, Natural gas consumption for electricity generation and useful thermal output in the United States from 2000 to 2021 (in billion cubic feet), Coal consumption in the United States from 2006 to 2021 (in million short tons), Coal power consumption in the U.S. 1950-2021, Coal consumption for electricity generation in the United States from 1950 to 2021 (in million short tons), Nuclear energy consumption in the U.S. 2000-2021, Nuclear energy consumption in the United States from 2000 to 2021 (in quadrillion British thermal units), Wind energy consumption in the U.S. 2006-2021, Wind energy consumption in the United States from 2006 to 2021 (in trillion British thermal units), Solar thermal and PV energy consumption in the U.S. 2006-2021, Primary consumption of solar energy in the United States from 2006 to 2021 (in trillion British thermal units), Biomass energy consumption in the U.S. 2006-2021, Biomass energy consumption in the United States from 2006 to 2021 (in trillion British thermal units), Hydropower consumption in the U.S. 2006-2021, Consumption of hydroelectric power in the United States from 2006 and 2021 (in trillion British thermal units), Revenue of leading U.S.-based energy companies FY 2020/21, Leading energy companies in the United States based on revenue in FY 2020/21* (in million U.S. dollars), Revenue of largest gas and electric utilities in the U.S. 2021, Largest gas and electric utilities in the United States in FY 2021, based on revenue (in million U.S. dollars), Largest electric utilities in the U.S. 2021, by number of customers, Leading electric utilities based on the number of customers in the United States in 2021 (in 1,000s), Global energy consumption projection by country 2020-2050, Energy consumption worldwide in 2020, with a forecast until 2050, by select country (in quadrillion British thermal unit), U.S. renewable energy consumption forecast 2021-2050, Projected renewable energy consumption in the United States from 2021 to 2050 (in quadrillion British thermal units). Sign up for email subcriptions to receive messages about specific EIA products. While coal accounted for 39% of all energy consumption in 1965, this share declined to 27% in 2020. You have the permission to use, distribute, and reproduce these in any medium, provided the source and authors are credited. Has energy consumption decreased in the US? This shift was largely driven by the rise of coal-fired steam engines, which found their way into railways, factories, and ships. This interactive chart shows per capita electricity generation per person. Gas accounted for 22.8% or 339,300 TWh of energy consumed between 2009-2018, mainly attributed to its ample supply and affordability. Impacts, risks, and adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, volume II. IEA. From coal to petroleum, these charts show the changes in US energy consumption, since 1776. doi:10.7930/NCA4.2018. data than referenced in the text. 2020. Other considerations include whether new homes rely on electricity or gas for cooking, water heating, and more, and what other electronic appliances and devices have become prevalent over time. It tells us nothing about how electricity the average person in a given country consumes relative to another. U.S. It has two components: The data come from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), which collects comprehensive information about power generation, delivery, and sales from electric power utilities across the country. Electricity which was a token resource in 1950 has, How much energy do we use? How quickly are countries scaling up the production of renewable technologies? Kunkel, K.L.M. The expectations about alternative sources of energy and decarbonization have to remain tempered by the massive role fossil fuels still play, the accumulation of related infrastructures, and the substantial capabilities that will need to be developed for a transition to take place. In the energy domain, there are many different units thrown around joules, exajoules, million tonnes of oil equivalents, barrel equivalents, British thermal units, terawatt-hours, to name a few. Please consult our full legal disclaimer. Based on Ofgems current figures for average energy usage, a typical medium energy user utilizes. Manufacturing energy consumption for heat, power, and electricity generation by end use, Household energy consumption by Census region, selected years, 1978, Household energy consumption and expenditures by end use and energy source, selected years, 1978, Household end uses: fuel types and appliances and electronics, selected years, 1978, Type of heating in occupied housing units, selected years, 1950, Commercial buildings consumption by energy source, selected years, 1979, Commercial buildings energy consumption and expenditure indicators, selected years, 1979. Get in touch with us. Reidmiller, D.R., C.W. It graphs global energy consumption from 1800 onwards. In 2021, total U.S. primary energy consumption per person (or per capita consumption) was about 293 million British thermal units (MMBtu), which was the second-lowest amount after 2020 since 1966. Natural gas and crude oil production are growing. What have shifts in the global energy system looked like in the past, and how can we accelerate the ongoing transition? Despite having 4% of the worlds population, the value of U.S. equities still make up over 40% of the global total. Stewart (eds.). The largest energy consumers include Iceland, Norway, Canada, the United States, and wealthy nations in the Middle East such as Oman, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. For comparison, China had the highest overall energy consumption in the world, but also the highest population, resulting in a comparatively minuscule average energy use of 28,072 kWh per person per year. In 2020, total U.S. energy consumption decreased 7.3% from 2019 peak levels. Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Professor of Geography at Hofstra University. Download our complete dataset of energy metrics on GitHub. Mapped: Which Countries Have the Highest Inflation? The average person in these countries consumes as much as 100 times more than the average person in some of the poorest countries.2. Reidmiller, D.R., C.W. Correction: A modified version of Brian Moores visualization was previous published here. Learn more:Historical U.S. per capita energy consumption estimates (Table 1.7) Energy Consumption Estimates per Capita by End-Use Sector, Ranked by StateInternational per capita energy consumption for the world and countriesInternational primary energy consumption for the world and countriesInternational population statistics for the world and countriesHistorical data on U.S. energy consumption by energy source (Table 1.3)Historical data on U.S. energy consumption by sector Energy units and calculatorsArticles on energy consumption. How much energy does the world consume by each energy end-use sector? How much energy does the average American use per day? EPA used a similar method with winter residential natural gas sales, which Figure 2 shows in cubic feet per person. 2015 Residential energy consumption survey. How much energy does a human use per day? Global energy consumption patterns reveal that the world remains highly dependent on fossil fuels. Reserves, production, prices, employment and productivity, distribution, stocks, imports and exports. EIAs energy sales data can be found online at: and European countries by electricity consumption per person; References This page was last edited on 22 August 2022, at 13:13 (UTC). Globally, primary energy consumption has increased nearly every year for at least half a century. Impacts, risks, and adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, volume II. Then, from the 2000s, consumption per capita embarked on a downward trend, indicative of technological improvements in energy efficiency. Forms EIA uses to collect energy data including descriptions, links to survey instructions, and additional information. Does EIA have forecasts or projections for energy production, consumption, and prices for individual states? This indicator examines trends related to home air conditioning and heating by tracking the amount of electricity used by U.S. homes in the summer and energy used in the winter. Copyright 1998-2023, Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Dept. It's followed closely by Europe with 17%. How to decarbonize concrete and build a better future, Electric refuse trucks could soon be coming to pick up your weekly trash, Here's how industrial clusters in China are moving towards energy self-sufficiency, Vee Li, Peiyang Guo, Yiran He and Tori Liu, is affecting economies, industries and global issues, with our crowdsourced digital platform to deliver impact at scale. All other material, including data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data, is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. Avery, D.R. Renewable energy also has a major role to play in providing access to electricity for all. 2020. This graph shows the amount of natural gas used by the average American during the winter months (December, January, and February) of each year from 1974 to 2020 (winter 1974 covers December 1973 through February 1974, and so on). How much energy does a human use per day? The solid line shows average summer electricity use per capita, and it represents all 50 states plus D.C. For reference, the dashed line shows the average number of cooling degree days for the same months across the contiguous 48 states plus D.C. Data sources: EIA, 20208; BEA, 20209; NOAA, 202010Web update: April 2021. Data derived from Electric Power Monthly and Electric Power Annual. How do I compare the cost of heating fuels? Alongside economic factors, technological innovations were the catalysts of these energy transitions, which occurred over centuries. As the predominant source of energy, fossil fuels collectively accounted for a massive 86.2% of total energy consumption over 2009-2018, or roughly 1.2 million TWh. Official websites use .gov In general, developed European countries are leading the chargewith Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and France making the top five. The amount of natural gas used by the average American at home during the winter has decreased since 1974 (see Figure 2). Population. Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Billions for sustainable investments Germanys plan for a green recovery, Here's what we know and don't know about the energy transition, 5 things to know about how coronavirus has hit global energy. We will always indicate the original source of the data in our documentation, so you should always check the license of any such third-party data before use and redistribution. Visualizing 25 Years of Lithium Production, by Country, Ranked: The Worlds Largest Copper Producers, All the Metals We Mined in 2021: Visualized, Chart: Automakers Adoption of Fuel-Saving Technologies, Explainer: What to Know About the Ohio Train Derailment, A Visual Crash Course on Geothermal Energy, View the interactive version of this visualization. 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