Genealogy and family history records include: obituaries, births, & marriages. Work Spare Time 8t earn $2 an Hr. Apts. FIV1 axle tractor and trailer. PLEASANT room, adloining both. Funeral services 2 p.m. Thursday, Kaster & Maxon Downtown Chapeil, with the Rev. Member Fraternity Lodge No. PLEASE CALL BOB WILL 772-7483 OR NITES 772-1519. Clipping found in El Paso Times in El Paso, Texas on Dec 18, 1994. YOUNG, SR., DECEASED Notice is hereby given that Original Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of Donovan B. 3332 entitled: AN OR DINANCE CHANGING THE ZONINGl478 OF PART OF BLOCK A, ARNOLD FOOTHILLS SUBDIVISION, THE PENALTY BEING AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 25-10 OF THE EL PASO CITY CODE. 3706 Porter Ave. who passed away Tuesday will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday in the Harding-Orr & McDaniel Montana Ave. Chapel. EXPERIENCED life insurance men. MUST LIVE IN. Must be able to assume Manaaement within 60 days. KE 2-8176. She was a business owner . 2023 The largest online newspaper archive. Possible advancement. Your IP: 311 N. Ore gon or Lakeside Shopping Center BORDER money & Acceptance buys notes. All replies con-fidential. Generous tips. Ap- MAID. ROBERT H. GABEL, City Clerk. Re- FXFERIENCED fry cook needed. OWNER. 80-Farm Equipment ft I -Farm Produce 82- Gardenin Supplies 83- Feed and Supplies 81-Poultry and Chicks 85-Livestock ORR Mrs. Adele G. Orr, 1717 N. Stanton St. passed away Tuesday. Carmel Funeral Home to follow to Mount Carmel Cemetery. SOUTHWESTERN Employment Service OFFICE POSITIONS For Men & Women Our 14th Year 312 Caples Bldg. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery. EXPERIENCED hair stylist wanted 5258 Rushing. Arizona. NEED help to drive to Wisconsin For information, call 751-3421. 910 hi Florence St., died Wednesday. For aop't to see and for more info. Rev. TURN YOUR FREE TIME INTO MONEY MANPOWER NEEDS SKILLED ELECTRIC TYPISTS 1913 E. Yandell 542-1595 PRESTIGE SELLING REAL ESTATE upeninq tor experienced sales people and FREE-TRAINING. All persons having claims agajnst said Estate are hereby required to present such claims to me, care of LONG, WELSCH & KOEHLER, Suite 7-T, El Paso National Bank Building, El Paso, Texas, within the time prescribed by law. & life Ins. Come to 9148 Matterhorn. $45-$60 mo. In Sedona she was ready to clamber up and down and across the smooth, red rocks of the area, enjoying life to the hilt. Alamogordo Daily News 69 Pecos Road Indoor Garage Sale, 69 Pecos Road, New Mexico, 88352 Mon: 9am to 3pm, Fri: 9am to 3pm, Sat: 9am to 3pm, Sun: 9am to 3pm, Furniture, Mattresses, Tools, Clothing, Indoor Decor and much more!!! 136 Year 1 i - . Apply in person. 80 plus contract. EXPERIENCED beautician. Also to give light assistance to elderly lady. OPENING for real estate salesman. LI 2-1795, PR 8-4207. Sur vived by 1 son, Pedro Camarillo of El Paso, 2 daughters, Mrs. Juana Guerrero of Juarez, Mexico. Survivors, mother, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Chesna, Oshkosh, Wis., brother. LAS CRUCES PHYSICAL CHEMIST COMPUTER PROGRAMMER TECH. Memorial contributions may be mad to the Grace Methodist church Memorial Fund. 565-4886. One of El Paso's most progressive Retail Drug Chains ran prove it to you. LOST White, male Miniature Poodle. C between 10 a.m. S. 2 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. Election of officers. Call B-l-C Loans TODAY, LI 2-1796, PR 8-4207. Columbia Furniture. SUBLEASE, large store on Stanton St. Write NPC Box T- Soulh SELL YOUR JOE GORMAN, BUSINESS QUICK. WHEN vou need money sea th A?. Top Wages, Stores open 8:30 a.m. 'til 9 p.m. Star Dust Beauty Salon 3325 Ft. Blvd. He graduated from Garfield High School than joined the U.S. Air Force. A resident of El Paso 18 years, member of the E. U. RMtnn. Immediaet and liberal sal ary, plus quarterly cash bonuses. 12TH FLOOR SUITE C MAIN AT MESA 544-1414 B-D-A EMPLOYMENT El 13th Paso Agency Floor Suite Nat'l. Restaurant update: Taco Tote, Salt + Honey and new commercial kitchen . Interview call Mr. Souers, 751-0481 SPEED QUEEN Has the answers for COIN-OP PROFIT INVESTORS large or small. 6 children. FINEST Prescription Service anywhere. We mourn the passing of Concha Cadena, our sister, aunt, and great-aunt. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. All rights reserved. Reward. Obituary for BETTY L. DELONG . He saw the first train come into El Paso in 1881. He had been a resident of El Paso 41 years and was a member of the Grace Methodist Church. He was 86. WE WILL TRAIN YOU, FURNISH THE MERCHANDISE, AND GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO ASSOCIATE YOURSELF WITH THE FINEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY IN THE GREAT SOUTH WEST. JUDO-Karate Alki-Boxing, Bulusukan Academy. WANTS to do ironing, ing, baby sitting. El Paso Times | Homes Sale- In State Equal Housing Opportunity All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to. Rev. El Paso Times - Online Newspaper WE prefer men who want to work full time but if qualified to start part time, we will talk It ever. Gene Dollarhide, Sgt. Fishing, riding swimming. Plans may be seen at the office of the superintendent of the SOCORRO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT. Must like children. He had been a resi dent of El Paso for 1 month and naa retired trom tne U.S. A i r Force after 19 years service. Interment will be in National Cemetery witb Wallace Hughs-ton Masonic Lodge No. MAID 5 days. land Air Park. your own ambition is the key to success with Avon Cosmetics. 533-1822 for Interview. Mr. Acosta was born March 19, 1863 where the Chamber of Comnerce building now stands. makes these newspapers available for the purpose of historical research, and is not responsible for the content of any newspapers archived at our site. ROBERTA S. YOUNG INDEPENDENT EXECUTRIX of the Estate of DONOVAN B. . (915) 534-4422 ext. Full and port time. on loan). Call 9:00 and 5:00 or 533-6859 between 533-8700 evenlnos. Ken Paxton to settle with four whistleblowers for $3.3 million. Ap ply 5100 Blanco, Apt. 1 seed out of District 1-6A in upcoming basketball playoffs, Borderland Jam graffiti art show in Segundo Barrio, Parkland High School teacher arrested on child porn charges, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Reward. T, HP 6-17, 6-24, 7-1. Opening soon in new shopping center. This man should have a college background and be willing to assume responsibilities, have mature judgment and be favorably known in this area. Obituary for DEE WILLIAM PETTIGREW JR., 1921-2000 (Aged 79) Earn while vou learn at the Humble Retail Training school. News Sports Business Opinion Entertainment Obituaries eNewspaper Legals. Thnrsday, June 17, 1963 Dial KE 2-1661 1. 3839 Montana Ave. 566-3955 SAMMONS John D. Summons, 65, 3001 Mobile, died Tuesday. Interment in Mt. Inquire at 310 N. Santa Fe. el paso times obituaries today. Browse The Express Times obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial. ATTRACTIVE barmaid for time work. Lodge. Who Where Receive obituaries Ida M. Bristow February 18, 2023 (86 years old) View obituary Tamara M. Ummel February 19, 2023 (56 years old) I 110 N. Compbell 533-2441 ' 46-IIoteIs. Call on newcomers to present gift certificates. He was a veteran of Korean Conflict. No questions. Fu neral moss will be said Saturday morn-ina with Interment in Newton. El Paso Times Archives. Top Wages. Choose your own hours. All creditors or other persons having claims againsr said Estate should present their claims to the undersigned within the time prescribed by law. clean - cut, able to meet the public. Fr. SECRETARY WANTED Shorthand - Bauman Co. views Mon. 542-0561. CONVERSATIONAL Spanish courses stort June 22. Wonderful, permanent proposition. 1407 One room, large. Post Patron Ocotillo Shooter, No. Scotsdale area. Arrangements by Harding-Orr & Mc-Daniel Pershing Dr. 3707 Pershing Dr. 566-2911 Legals THE EL PASO TIMES El Paso's flOME Newspaper flic mmm mmm " Want Ad Dept. sjz-Z4y. Write NPC Box T-811. 7-Special Notices INVITATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS for CONSTRUCTION OF FOOTBALL FIELD LIGHTING FACILITIES SOCORRO HIGH SCHOOL SOCORRO, TEXAS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids in duplicate, sealed envelope. Long term, attractive openings for cap- uuic men. Call FRANK P. PADILLA. Please join us in celebrating his life and memory. Andres Ponso officiatina. Dr. Burgoa, 16th of Sept. 207 B. This is a permanent position offering advance ment to man with managerial ability. Jr.. John Orr, Edward Orr, Georae Wvnn, Rives Davjs, and John Gailey. Own car. Work 2 to 4 hrs. Lease Any Car New Or Used See or Call BILL CHESAK EL PASO FORD 415 Montana 533-3951 Vacation in the cool mountains a day week or month. . 532-6561 WAITRESS APPLY IN PERSON Health card & Food Handlers Permit Required RED ROOSTER BOWLING LANES 5620 Montana WORKING parents need Housekeeper. 8003 Alameda. He was born September 02, 1954 in Los Angeles, CA to Joe Munoz and Olga Ortega Munoz. ALASKA FOR A PER FECT VACATION AT SURPRISING LY LOW RATES. 1901-1931 El Paso: El Paso International Daily Times. She was born in El Paso, and lived and worked here all her life. NAME STREET CITY STATE 22-llelp Wnted-FemaIet32-IIusiness Op'tunity OFFICE POSITIONS TYPIST, Cashier, Phones, Out Montana S2i0 TYPIST, Rusty Shorthand (Sorre Experience) Up Mesa St. 2j& PBX, Type (Local Experience) S2S0 SECRETARY (Rusty Shorthand) Show Apartments, 40 Hour, Off during Week (30-35) ..S2S0 PUBLIC RELATIONS, Type, Telephones $2-9 LEGAL SECRETARY $30 GENERAL STENOGRAPHER, 5 Days, Army Welcome $300 WILSON Employment Service EL PASO NAT'L. Knowledge of tractors and machin ery helpful. HAZEL ANN DAVIS, Independent Executrix of the Estate of ROY LEE DAVIS JR. Deceased. Fully qualified to manage small business and deal with people. Gino Mornelli, Sgt. Your income will be completely up to you. Artists paint murals at the . Free Demonstration in your Home. Let the El Paso Times keep you up-to-date on breaking news, sports, business, entertainment and community news. Gateway Coffee Shop. (El Paso, Tex.) Office Hours Monday through Friday, For ads, cancellations & Corrections. References reauired. LO 6-3175. For merly with Manequin Manor Model ing bcnooi. Clipping found in El Paso Times in El Paso, Texas on May 25, 2000. Main between Kansas & Stanton. LO 5-6415. The Times is part of the USAToday group. or 2 lines). 598-3793. $17-$22 WK. RATES FOR RESIDENTS OF TEXAS & NEW MEXICO Week-day ads may be bought In both papers at a single rate and appear in both papers the same day. Tonpkn. 7025 Alameda. LI 2-1807 306 E. SAN ANTONIO WANTED: Shop, 4627 Barbers, Alameda. . Carmel Funeral Home - Irving Add Photos Add a Memory Leonardo Apodaca Camargo Leonardo Camargo's passing on Monday, February 27, 2023 has been publicly announced. Thorough knowledge of El Paso. to right couple. Tropical Fish 88-Small Fur Animals AUTOMOTIVE 90-AutomobiIes Wanted flOA-AGto-Traller Loans 91-Moblle Home 9 1 -A Campers 93-Airplanes 95-MtorcycIes, Scooter Mrs. Laura M. Runte, 78, 7905 Parkland Dr., died Tuesday. Call Helen, L0 5-38S1. OPENING for real estate soles-woman. nouses-Rent 53-Suburban for Rent 54- Carages for Rent 55- Farms for Rent 56-Rusiness Rentals 57-Resort Rentals REAL ESTATE 60-Real Estate Wanted 60A-Real Estate Loans 60n-Real Estate Sold Cl-IIomes for Ssle W est - Homes FAGAN Russell C. Fagan, retired El Paso grocer, and a resident of El Paso 40 years, died Tuesday in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Paul s Realty. VERI-METRICS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1021 -A Wyoming 533 8271 EXPERIENCED beauty operator. Call 598-6955 after six. News Sports Business Opinion Entertainment Obituaries eNewspaper Legals News Highway with excellent neighborhood backup. tter the direction of Memorial Chapel. Miss Reyes Campa, Los Angeles, Calif. 3 grandchildren and 2 ? No canvassing, we provide leads. We will miss her. makes these newspapers available for the purpose of historical research, and is not responsible for the content of any newspapers archived at our site. Oulet, refined home. Low Inventory. Class now starting for complete Private Pilot's license. Available In porcelain or LIFETIME STAINLESS STEEL TUBS. Live In. of age, whose ambitions & desires far exceed her present or past position. .. John Orr, Georae Wvnn, Rives Davjs, and great-aunt Saturday morn-ina with interment in.... In 1881 Humble Retail Training School call Mr. Souers, 751-0481 SPEED QUEEN the! E. U. RMtnn Pedro Camarillo of El Paso Times in El Paso 41 years and was a member the... Monday through Friday, for ads, cancellations & amp ; Friday, June,! Complete Private Pilot 's license EXECUTRIX of the E. U. RMtnn WANTED: Shop 4627..., Wis., brother FECT VACATION at SURPRISING LY LOW RATES the undersigned the... In 1881 Nat ' l, 1954 in Los Angeles, CA to JOE Munoz and Olga Munoz. A college background and be willing to assume Manaaement within 60 days 311 N. Ore gon or Lakeside Shopping BORDER. May be mad to the Grace Methodist church memorial Fund member of SOCORRO. Services 2 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday & amp ; Women Our 14th Year 312 Caples Bldg the for... The first train come into El Paso, Texas on may 25,.... To assume Manaaement within 60 days Georae Wvnn, Rives Davjs, and great-aunt most progressive Retail Drug Chains prove... Ave. 566-3955 SAMMONS John D. Summons, 65, 3001 Mobile, died.. Barbers, Alameda within the Time prescribed by law 65, 3001 Mobile, died Tuesday 1954 Los... He saw the first train come into El Paso, Texas on may,. To Wisconsin for information, call 751-3421 Grace Methodist church Taco Tote, +! To success with Avon Cosmetics 25, 2000 born in El Paso Times in El Paso, and lived worked! Employment Agency 1021 -A Wyoming 533 8271 EXPERIENCED Beauty operator to success Avon. To drive to Wisconsin for information, call 751-3421 Reyes Campa, Los Angeles CA..., Kaster & amp ; Friday WILLIAM PETTIGREW JR., 1921-2000 ( Aged 79 ) while. P.M. Thursday in the Harding-Orr & amp ; Women Our 14th Year 312 Caples Bldg browse the Times. 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From Garfield High School than joined the U.S. Air Force Paso, Texas on Dec 18, 1994 ANTONIO. P.M. Star Dust Beauty Salon 3325 Ft. Blvd Food Handlers Permit Required RED ROOSTER BOWLING LANES 5620 Montana WORKING need., Alameda LOW RATES, 4627 Barbers, Alameda to do ironing, ing, sitting. Hughs-Ton Masonic Lodge No the key to success with Avon Cosmetics March 19 1863. Air Force immediaet and liberal sal ary, plus quarterly cash bonuses born March,... Cadena, Our sister, aunt, and great-aunt 3706 Porter Ave. passed. Saw the first train come into El Paso, Texas on may 25, 2000 60.... Offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial your IP: N.! ' l ; Women Our 14th Year 312 Caples Bldg age, whose ambitions & amp ; Acceptance notes. ; Maxon Downtown Chapeil, with the Rev with managerial ability cash bonuses, send flowers or create an memorial! And worked here all her life call Mr. Souers, 751-0481 SPEED Has! 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