They normally assume the form of a pompous (usually rich) over-gelled-haired pretty boy, with a retardedly deep voice. For the usage you're thinking of, I would suggest a definition like "someone who acts self-consciously cool, hip, or sexually desirable in a highly noticeable and aggressive way." This is simply due to the way the search algorithm works. Douchebag Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster, 3. 5. They usually have fun putting down weaker kids, just to look cool in front of others. 6. Most recently a post described Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly as a douchebag for saying that the mayor had embarrassed Toronto. The guy who works as a manager at McDonald's and thinks his sh-t doesn't stink while hitting on his underaged females coworkers. Can also be found wearing sunglasses in nightclubs and/or sun-visors on backwards and upside down. Change). It only takes a minute to sign up. Family Guy also loved the term, also likely because the strong language was permitted on air. The douchebag also loves to talk about how many women he gets, when in reality, he doesnt get very many. 2) The offspring of assholes and will develop into fully mature assholes when they get a job in an office. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary. 1. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Watch your back! Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English, Everybody wins and no one has to be a selfish. We passively observe them in their natural habitats everyday. Share Improve this answer Follow edited Jul 9, 2011 at 23:41 answered Jul 8, 2011 at 22:27 Tom Au 11k 5 30 60 Add a comment 2 This mans life is a lie. What used to be accurate on this site, was replaced by a bunch of people who defined it because they really had no clue what it meant. When possible, they will blame coworkers for mistakes, and will push off work on others by citing the fact that they are very busy that week. Douchebag cool, perhaps, but it does get you past the bouncers. I am that type of douchebag friend who doesnt talk with you for weeks/months but still cares about you and hopes you still care too. Naw dude Patrick's chill, he just has a resting douche face. Though the common douchebag thinks he is accepted by the people around him, most of his peers dislike him. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. One moose, two moose. They refer to their friend as bro or dawg. Due to its use by women for a taboo part of the body, douchebag was a disparaging term for women by the 1930s. Douchebag has inspired some creative variants or derived forms. Delivered to your inbox! Suddenly youre at some backpackers hostel in Laos, listening to an asshole strumming Wonderwall on their travel ukulele and an unpleasant thought blunders into your head: Am I too old for this? A douche bag will often behave like an asshole in order to get laughs or look cool. was the white racial slur weve all been waiting for, slamming a typed of privileged, white, heterosexual male. can insult anyone who is annoying, usually because of. Douchebag joins many other sexist slang terms that use words related to the female body to insult men. Some also wear large amounts of fake-gold chains and fake-diamond earrings, and hit on girls much younger than they, 2b) subset of douchebags includes bros, aka brahs; many of these play X-Box and think that it is a decent gaming system, 3) People who have actually said, in all seriousness, No fat chicks.. One moose, two moose. Someone who consistently wears cut off t-shirts, gold or silver chains, jerseys, baggy jeans, jean shorts. Except he is just over 5 tall and is always looked down upon at which time he spits on people and runs away screaming like a little bitch. In a social situation, this person is ALWAYS the most unintelligent, arrogant, worthless, and audacious person, however firmly believes themselves to be the smartest, most important, and most sociable. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. He usually has an inflated sense of self-importance and self-worth, and tends to think hes popular when in reality, very few people actually like him. You just cant stand looking at them and usually whatever comes out of their mouth is idiotic and just doesnt make sense. An individual who has an over-inflated sense of self worth, compounded by a low level of intelligence, behaving ridiculously in front of colleagues with no sense of how moronic he They wear pre-ripped up jeans, I believe they call it stressed in places such as Abercrombie and Hollister. Almost certainly has little respect for women. They are very elitist and dont understand what it means to be laid back and accepting. 3. So ladies, if your guy has any of the qualities in this definition, you should probably really think about what youre doing. is there a chinese version of ex. She has no capacity of knowing when to stop drinking. Why doesn't the federal government manage Sandia National Laboratories? 90% of what douches say is a lie or exaggerated. 6. As mentioned douchebags transcend not only various geographical locations, but age demographics as well. And: Walmart? For more hilarious defintions to words you might not know check out Urban Dictionary. Wait. Basically, tell him the man is being a smarta**e, and that he is as "worthless as a douchebag", because douchebags don't cost that much. Uhhhh be this guy in public. douches. He tries to portray himself as part of the in-crowd (a fashionista, an upwardly mobile professional, the life of the party, etc.) He will instigate fights and confrontations with anyone and for any reason. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English, She is portrayed to be always swearing, using the word, Tony replies that driving that car would make him look like a. 2. n. an ugly girl or woman. |a| someone who;; talks shit, starts shit, wont finish their shit, &&and the end of the day still thinks they own the universe. Accessed 2 Mar. They often go to the gym in pairs and often play wrestle in groups. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. 2023. OrLA. I mean be thisguy. How Many Ways Can You Qualify for The To-DoucheList? Someone who doesnt care about producing any moral good in this world, regardless of who they are or how much power they have. A person with no logic at all. in the 2000s, perhaps because it passed the TV censors. bath. Often the douche bags will sucker punch someone and not fight like men because the only fighting they know is play wrestling and if you cant accidentally touch another guys cock, they are not interested. Suddenly youre at some backpackers hostel in Laos, listening to an asshole strumming Wonderwall on their travel ukulele and an unpleasant thought blunders into your head: Am I too old for this? douche / ( du) / noun a stream of water or air directed onto the body surface or into a body cavity, for cleansing or medical purposes the application of such a stream of water or air an instrument, such as a special syringe, for applying a douche verb to cleanse or treat or be cleansed or treated by means of a douche Word Origin for douche At the same time, we can see young 21-year-old douchebags in West L.A. who still think that Dolce Gabanna belt buckles, and fo-hawks are pimp shit.. In a figurative sense, a douchebag refers to an impulsive person who lacks self-control, and who drinks, parties, or"dates" in excess, and therefore has to be "cleaned up" afterward. A douchebag is characterized by many different qualities so this will be a lengthy definition. . Has several catchphrases that get him through life so that he can avoid having to come up with any original thoughts. Once you get to college they dont even get these women, because they arent needed, because they just try to get women really drunk so they can sleep with them. William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 HarperCollins Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: @krisk, @HubSpot, and @mongodb. Normal males mock and fight these douche bags. Youre A Registered Voter in NorthCarolina. This Is The Ugly Truth Of Crohns And Ulcerative Colitis, And Why It Remains SoMisunderstood, 60+ Hilarious George Carlin Quotes andJokes, What Girls ACTUALLY Think When You Check ThemOut, 85 People On What You Can Tell About Someones Personality Just By Their FirstName, 50 Gifts You Should Not Think About Getting Anyone ThisChristmas. Please help me understand why "put up with" means "stand, endure", Generalization or definition of the word "from" when used in "I returned to the city from having travelled the world", Duress at instant speed in response to Counterspell. A douchebag has no imagination or intelligence. Brightly colored polo shirts (bonus points with a popped collar) usually with some hippy necklace, or a cross even though they only use religion to socialize with pseudo Christian bimbos. That annoying guy that always talks about how cool he is, how tough he is, and acts like he is better than everyone. They fall for any and every line and end up a career cock sock to most of these douche bags. Douche. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, 19. 8. Loser, -Guy who gets the girl but doesn't deserve her. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. Males, between the ages of 18-29, with faux-hawks, fake tans, aviator glasses, Ed Hardy shirts, TapOut/UFC/MMA shirts, as well as popped collars on their polo shirts and in the summer they break out the visors, often upside down and when indoors the sun glasses are worn on the back of their heads. Extreme cases warrant special preceding titles, including Captain or Chief douchebag, among others. If symptoms continue, resort to more violent and dramatic measures. He doesnt particularly care about other people, and he thinks that the world revolves around him. was a disparaging term for women by the 1930s. The number of distinct words in a sentence. The shirt detail most identifiable as an element of the douchebag's workday uniform is the white collar on a blue shirt. Often tries way too hard to be cool and/or funny, but it usually comes off as embarrassing and pathetic. Douchebags at their core are pricks who have massive egos and think they have the right to treat other people like shit, they think they own the world. A person (usually a male) who thinks they are a lot cooler than they really are. Colloquial definitions of 'nice', possible alternatives? plural. Often hair has frosted tips. is a slang insult for an obnoxious, entitled jerk. The term "douchebag" generally refers to a male with a certain combination of obnoxious characteristics related to attitude, social ineptitude, public behavior, or outward presentation. One who boasts about his accomplishments. If You Have to Wear A Shirt, You Have ThreeChoices, 9. but only succeeds in his own mind. A douchebag thinks that a girl is obligated to sleep with him just because he buys her a drink. There's an ocean of difference between the way people speak English in the US vs. the UK. He usually wears bright colored shirts, usually Abercrombie and Fitch or Hollister. He is completely unaware of himself or how others perceive him. In terms of geography douchebags can be found nearly anywhere. Note that due to the nature of the algorithm, some results returned by your query may only be concepts, ideas or words that are related to "term" (perhaps tenuously). has shown themself to be very In the 1980s, Saturday Night Live parodied the aristocratic Lord and Lady Douchebag: Since then, the term has spread all over popular culture, especially in the 1990s and 2000s. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. A douchebag copies your ideas, clothing, home style and speech and passes it off as their own after doing that a douchebag lectures you on how to think, dress, decorate and or speak as if he or she didnt steal your identity. A low rent, typical jerk-ff who lives up to nothing but his own pathetic ways. Only now the curtain is falling on your 20s and youre noticing all the other travellers are still 19. Often can be seen wearing bright colored shirts, gay shoes, vests, Capri pants, and on certain occasions, a NICE suit. In 2014, American studies professor Michael Mark Cohen wrote a popular article on how. Via Urban Dictionary. Unabridged A person almost completely lacking in social awareness, yet thinks they are actually some sort of Casanova. Not to be confused with douche. He behaves inappropriately in public, yet is completely ignorant to how pathetic he appears to others. One in the safety of his Benz with chrome rims and blacked out windows he believes is he now invisible to those around him and safe. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. The search algorithm handles phrases and strings of words quite well, so for example if you want words that are related to lol and rofl you can type in lol rofl and it should give you a pile of related slang terms. The term douchebag generally refers to a male with a certain combination of obnoxious characteristics related to attitude, social ineptitude, public behavior, or outward presentation. French, from Italian doccia, from docciare to douche, from doccia water pipe, probably back-formation from doccione conduit, from Latin duction-, ductio means of conveying water, from ducere to lead more at tow entry 1. Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. A common layman who take roids to increase his puny muscle mass while shrinking his manhood thus creating the ultimate douchebag regret with small man syndrome. douchebag meaning: 1. an unpleasant person: 2. an unpleasant person: . Someone who has surpassed the levels of jerk and asshole, however not yet reached fucker or motherfucker. @Thiago M. Arse in British English, ass in American English. 3. For instance, douchebags are quite often seen just south of Sarasota, FL as evidenced by 45 year old men who still wear Oakleys, shave their chests, wear shirts that read ride on the front and me on the back, and think its cool to wear white K-Swiss. A pretentious, egotistical jerk. The fascinating story behind many people's favori Can you handle the (barometric) pressure? British English and American English are only different when it comes to slang words. Or you might try boyfriend or girlfriend to get words that can mean either one of these (e.g. Don't be surprised if none of them want the spotl One goose, two geese. Test your vocabulary with our 10-question quiz! Although they are talk very loud, their voice gets much louder when they start talking about how much they got wasted or how they fucked their girlfriend. Most douchebags lack girlfriends or undeservingly have an extremely hot girlfriend. 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. I'll try to summarize the definition concisely: While an impressive explanation of the origins of the colloquialism (+1), I was asking for a definition. Why doesn't that guy get a job? 3. Post Facebook Updates About YourWorkout. 31 Hilarious Ways To Explain Exactly What A 'Douchebag' Really Is 8. Present in any given social environment, A douchebag is that guy that squawking choadspank who is completely full of shit, or that moron whose head is so far up his or her ass that they will never see the light nor breathe the air again. Their main topics of conversation are the gym, their car, their phone and pussy (even though most are closet homos). Has long, girlish fingernails with which he taps on tabletops in an annoying fashion. ForShizzle. Guido, wigger, or anyone who behaves similarly. comparing them to the cleansing They love talking shit, but cant back it up, I once received a death threat via text from a douchebag, I think he works at Abercrombie. 3. "Douchebag" as an epithet was originally coined in the Eastern Seaboard area as a general pejorative term for a woman. The former gender-specific nature of the word is likely exactly why such words cross genders; not only is the word still derogatory, but doubly so as the speaker implies the subject is unmanly. joins many other sexist slang terms that use words related to the female body to insult men. douchebag translate: . So Fresh & So Clean: A Brief History of Douchebags | Girls Are 5. He then got a nice Pit Bull and random tattoos all over his body to compliment his new roid muscle and turned into a full fledge Douchebag of Vancouver. Another favorite is oh, piss, as a response to a mistake made by the DB due to incompetency. Anyone who has an over-inflated sense of superiority. In its original context, the term "douchebag" refers to a form of "birth control" or actually a preventive measure taken AFTER the (f)act (that is, after the sperm has been spilled). Anyone who is annoying, usually because of none of them want the spotl goose. 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