Source: Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022. In a sense the origin of Almeida is arabic, in that the word dates back to the Moorish occupation of the Iberian Peninsula in the pre 12th century. Antnio de Almeida, 9 e ltimo alcaide-mor de Abrantes, morreu solteiro e sem gerao. detentor dos ttulos de Conde de Penaguio, Conde de Vila Nova de Portimo, Marqus de Abrantes, Marqus de Fontes. In this case, the surname is derived from one of several places so named in Portugal (northeast area). Spelling variations of this family name include: Almeida, De Almeida, Almaida and others. There are 17,000 immigration records available for the last name Almeida. The name Almeida is of Arabic,Portuguese origin. Jewish (Sephardic): adoption of the Iberian surname (see 1 above) at the moment of conversion to Roman Catholicism. Official Sites, Frequently plays menacing villans, mostly South Americans or other Hispanics. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Manoel Luiz de Almeida, which was dated September 10th 1599, christened at Santo Antao, Madeira, during the reign of King Phillip 11 of Spain (by temporary conquest) 1580-1640. He has been in more then 90 films and Television shows acting with actors and directors like Harrison Ford, Gene Hackman, Kim Basinger, Antonio Banderas, Robert Rodriguez, Steven Soderberg, Benicio del Toro and Kiefer Sutherland among others. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling. Thus "Al Majida" meaning "Glorious". Almeida Name Meaning. His stunt double for the role was Greg Fitzpatrick . The village of Almeida in the seventeenth century came to be called Almeidinha. First attributed to Joo Fernandes de Almeida (c 1205 - 1258), a knight, son of Ferno Martins (aka Ferno Canelas), who founded the village of Almeida (later known as Almeidinha) between 1223 and 1245. The surname occurs predominantly in The Americas, where 88 percent of de Almeida live; 88 percent live in South America and 87 percent live in Luso-South America. Recordings in Portugal are erratic, nethertheless we have been able to trace the development from the 16th century, which is quite rare. Laboratories. This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Almeida research. They were both graduated in Pharmacy and Technical Directors of J.A.B.A. Almeida is a common surname in Portuguese-speaking nations of Portugal, Brazil and in West India, which was at one time colonized by the Portuguese. View Census Data for Almeida | Data not to scale. In Brazil it is mostly found in: So Paulo, where 26 percent reside, Minas Gerais, where 13 percent reside and Rio de Janeiro, where 11 percent reside. His paternal grandfather Jos Antnio Baptista de Almeida (b. Lagos, 1887, d. Lisbon, 1950), was also a pharmaceutical (diplomed by the Pharmacy School of Lisbon in 1909) and the founder of J.A.B.A. Jose Fernandez de Almeida founded Azurara of Beira from 1223-1245. There are 3,000 military records available for the last name Almeida. The different meanings of the name Almeida are: Portuguese meaning: Low hill; plateau. Setting forth with a powerful fleet of 21 . It derives specifically from the town of Almeida in the province of Beira, Portugal, or from one of the several other villages so named. Understand it all by viewing our, Family Crest Download (JPG) Heritage Series - 600 DPI, Family Crests and Genealogy: how they relate, Contemporary Notables of the name Almeida (post 1700), Felipa Almeida, who settled in New Granada in 1557, Domingo De Almeida, who settled in Peru in 1580, Jose Cruz Almeida, who settled in Philadelphia in 1810, Francisco Almeida, who landed in Puerto Rico in 1816, Juan De Almeida, who arrived in New Orleans in 1832, Juan De Almeida, aged 50, who landed in New Orleans, La in 1832, Alice Valentim Almeida, aged 22, who immigrated to the United States, in 1919, Ade Almeida, aged 32, who settled in America, in 1921, Adelene Almeida, aged 31, who landed in America, in 1923, Gilberto Almeida Egas (1928-2015), Ecuadorian painter, Antonio Jose de Almeida (1866-1929), Portuguese politician, President of Portugal (1919-1915), Guilherme de Andrade e Almeida (1890-1969), Brazilian lawyer, journalist, film critic, poet, essayist and Brazilian translator, Joaquim Antnio Portugal Baptista de Almeida (b. Popularity: Back to Top Notable Persons With the Last Name Almeida Thomas Almeida Thomas was born on July 31st, 1991 in So Paulo. He was the 5th Lord of Pinheiro and Canela. There, he studied with Lee Strasberg, Nicholas Ray and Stella Adler while working as a bartender. But what everyone agrees is that the name is of Arabic origin. Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the USA, and how they made the journey - from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure. It translates loosely as "The family (Al) which lives on the plateau (ma'ida)". Leonor de Almeida de Portugal, Marquesa de Alorna, pseudonym Alcipe or Alcippe, (born 1750, Lisbon, Port.died 1839, Lisbon), Portuguese poet whose work forms a bridge between the literary periods of Arcdia and Romanticism in Portugal; her style leans toward the Romantic, but she favoured such classical forms as the ode and epithet and made many allusions to mythology and the classics. Besides Brazil de Almeida occurs in 87 countries. 34% of Almeida men worked as a Laborer and 9% of Almeida women worked as a Seamstress. 2000- 2023 Swyrich Corporation, all rights reserved. The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names. Son of Joo Baptista de Almeida and wife Maria Sara Alves Portugal (b. Belmonte, Inguias, Carvalhal Formoso, 1921, d. March 22, 2007). Nome completo Afonso Jos de Almeida Corte Real.Filho do Capito dos Drages do Rio Pardo Francisco de Borja de Almeida Corte Real, morto em ao no Comb BATISMO EM Brasil, So Paulo, Registgreja Catlica, 1640-2012 Itu Nossa Senhora da Candedria Batismos 1738, Jan-1753, Nov Paulistana - Silva LemeTtulo Almeidas Castanhos - pg. Casou com D. Isabel de Lorena, filha dos 1s Duques de Cadaval. Ahuja Almeida is a common surname in Portuguese-speaking nations of Portugal, Brazil and in West India, which was at one time colonized by the Portuguese.It is a toponym derived from the town of Almeida in Beira Alta Province, Portugal, or for any of a number of similarly named places in Portugal.In other instances it is a toponym derived from Almeida in the Province of Zamora, Spain. Son of two pharmacists and the sixth of eight kids, Joaquim showed signs at an early age that his future lay not in the family business. 659k Followers, 451 Following, 300 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Benjamin De Almeida (@benoftheweek) The last name was thereon carried by his children. The origin of Almeida is arabic, the word dates back to the Moorish occupation of the Iberian Peninsula in the pre 12th century. Between 1944 and 2004, in the United States, Almeida life expectancy was at its lowest point in 1944, and highest in 2000. 4195-2 Maria de Alme Alfeu Adolfo Monjardim de Andrade e Almeida, primeiro e nico baro de Monjardim, (Vitria, 20 de abril de 1836 Vitria, 7 de junho de 1924) foi um nobre e poltico brasileiro.Era filho do coronel Jo Albina Francisca de Almeida Silveira Leite, Alfeu Adelfo Monjardim de Andrade e Almeida, baro de Monjardim, Imigrantes Portugueses do Concelho de Montemor-o-Novo ao Brasil / Portuguese immigrants of Concelho of Montemor-o-Novo to Brazil, Revoluo Farroupilha / Farroupilha Revolution, Inquisio Portuguesa (Portuguese Inquisition), Os Conjurados da Restaurao da Independncia de Portugal, Notveis Intelectuais e Escritores Brasileiros / Brazilian Notables Intellectuals and Writers, Imigrantes Portugueses do Concelho de Porto ao Brasil / Portuguese immigrants of Concelho of Porto to Brazil, Archdiocese of Goa, Roman Catholic Priests (including Priests of Goan origin) / Arquidiocese de Goa, Padres Romanos Catlicos (incluidos os Padres de origem Goesa), Imigrantes portugueses dos Aores ao Brasil, Imigrantes Portugueses ao Brasil de Concelhos Desconhecidos, Genealogia das famlias da provncia de Salcete / Genealogy of families of the province of Salcete, Imigrantes Portugueses do Concelho de Coimbra ao Brasil / Portuguese immigrants of Concelho of Coimbra to Brazil, Imigrantes Portugueses do Concelho de Vila Nova de Gaia ao Brasil / Portuguese immigrants of Concelho of Vila Nova de Gaia to Brazil, Sefarditas e Cristos Novos na formao do povo brasileiro, Nascidos em outras ilhas aorianas - elos perdidos, Imigrantes Portugueses do Concelho de Olivena ao Brasil / Portuguese immigrants of Concelho of Olivena to Brazil, Root Ancestor of Goan, Luso-Goan Population, Faculdade de Direito do Largo de So Francisco - Docentes e Discentes, Brasileiros Afrodescendentes - escravos e libertos, Imigrantes Portugueses do Concelho de Lisboa ao Brasil / Portuguese immigrants of Concelho of Lisbon to Brazil, People whose ancestry extends back to the emperors of Rome, Descendants of the first King of Portugal, D.Afonso I Henriques, The Founder, You can see how Almeida families moved over time by selecting different census years. 2022 Name Origin Research. In France, the name De almeida is the 2,115th most popular surname with an estimated 2,991 people with that name. Alvar de D. Joo III para D. Martinho de Castelo Branco, conde de Vila Nova de Portimo, concedendo a dzima das pescarias da vila. At the age of eighteen, after attending the theater course at the Lisbon Conservatory for two years, he left Portugal to pursue his studies after the Conservatory was temporarily closed following the 1974 democratic revolution. In Italy they earn 90.98% less than the national average, earning 2,710 per year; in Peru they earn 65.63% more than the national average, earning S/. For the veterans among your Almeida ancestors, military collections provide insights into where and when they served, and even physical descriptions. By 1505, Portugal founded the 'Portuguese State of India' as a viceroyalty of the Kingdom of Portugal. Morreu sem gerao, ficando como nica herdeira da Casa D. Isabel de Mendona, condessa de Penaguio. ejemplos de salto arancelario. 1695. Approximately 1,032,941 people bear this surname. But it was his third film "Good Morning Babylon", directed by Paolo and Vittorio Taviani, that opened the Cannes Film Festival in 1987, that propelled him to an international career. Besides Portuguese, speaks five languages fluently: English, French, Italian, Spanish and German. mgr, Other Works There are 3,000 census records available for the last name De Almeida. XIII-XX Alvar de D. Joo III paraD. Francisco de Almeida (ca. The following year he had his first important role in "Honorary Consul", working next to Richard Gere, Michael Caine and Bob Hoskins. The surname De almeida was first found in the town of Viseu, which is today known as Mangualde, a municipality in the subregion of Do-Lafes in the central region of Portugal. D. Joo V, em 1718, mudou o ttulo de Marqus de Fontes para o de Marqus de Abrantes ao 7 conde de Penaguio e 3 marqus de Fontes, D. Rodrigo Anes de S Almeida e Meneses (1676-1733), terceiro filho do 4 conde de Penaguio e 1 marqus de Fontes, nascido em 1676, sendo assim o 1 Marqus de Abrantes. See Terms of Use for details. Source: Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022. Married firstly in Austria to a Hungarian classical pianist, secondly in New York to an American dancer and thirdly to a Portuguese designer. The average life expectancy for De Almeida in 1958 was 35, and 74 in 2004. de Almeida Family Members Add. [1], Last edited on 12 February 2023, at 09:52, Antnio Carlos Brasileiro de Almeida Jobim, Alfeu Adolfo Monjardim de Andrade e Almeida, Tom Barbosa de Figueiredo Almeida Cardoso, "Histria de Almeida Municpio de Almeida",, This page was last edited on 12 February 2023, at 09:52. Some of the first settlers of this family name were: We use cookies to enhance your personalized experience for ads, analytics, and more. Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations. There are 642 immigration records available for the last name De Almeida. Joaquim de Almeida was born in Lisbon, Portugal. Associated With He initially went viral on TikTok due to his appearance resembling Noah Centineo. (4.854 doc. Browse profiles of historical people with the De Almeida last name, This page needs Javascript enabled in order to work properly. There are also those who claim that it comes from the Arabic Almeidan which means field or place of horse racing. Frei Bernardo de Brito, born in Almeida and chief chronicler of the kingdom, claims that Almeida derives from the configuration of the land on which the village is built and whose original name is Talmeyda. Martinho de Castelo Branco. The name is derived from the Arabic words "al ma'ida," meaning a plateau. Foi aos descendentes de sua irm, D. Isabel de Mendona, condessa de Penaguio pelo casamento com D. Joo Rodrigues de S, 1 Conde de Penaguio, que coube a representao da Casa de Abrantes. 1984), Brazilian gold, silver and three-time bronze medalist swimmer, Joaquim Antnio Portugal Baptista de Almeida (b. This is a famous Portugese locational surname, which derives specifically from the town of Almeida in the province of Beira, Portugal, or from one of the several other villages so named. An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your De Almeida ancestors lived in harsh conditions. Antnio de Almeida, 9 e ltimo alcaide-mor de Abrantes, morreu solteiro e sem gerao. Browse profiles of historical people with the Almeida last name, This page needs Javascript enabled in order to work properly. In this case, the surname is derived from one of several places so named in Portugal (northeast area). By signing up to the mailing list you will only receive emails specifically about name reference on Forebears and your information will not be distributed to 3rd parties., Foi 8 Marqus, j durante o regime republicano, o 12 conde de Vila Nova de Portimo, D. Joo Maria da Piedade de Lancastre e Tvora, nascido em 1864, casado com D. Maria Carlota de S Pereira de Meneses Pais do Amaral, da Casa dos Condes da Anadia. | He moved to New York City in 1976. Like a window into their day-to-day life, De Almeida census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more. In Austria to a Portuguese designer TikTok due to his de almeida last name origin resembling Noah Centineo Casa. Joaquim de Almeida was born in Lisbon, Portugal `` develop '' often to. A plateau means field or place of horse racing de Lorena, filha 1s. Are also those who claim that it comes from the Arabic words `` Al ma'ida, '' a! 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