Crazy Days and Nights: Blind Items Revealed No personal attacks on other commenters. It makes me sad that Midnight in the Garden of Good and evil is my fave movie. Cusack is a known dick to women. Youve got to read this one! F*cking with people is his form of entertainment and how he gets the slightest sense of thrill, like a bored rich frat boy with warped sense of entitlement, right and wrong, repercussions, empathy - you name it. I adore her. Was it the worst spray tan ever in the history of the world? i think those trying to argue cusack is a nice guy have an uphill battle. Better Off Dead will still always be one of my faves though. It was never about the charity or foundation, which has never had a clear goal. It's like women who start dating womanizers and players and then act all victim when she catches him in be with another woman. Kinda heartbreaking. Didn't work with the guy, but did meet him and even had a few weird meetings. Shes a good ol Guelph girl.. He's in my pretend silver linings playbook. Crazy Days and Nights, a blind item gossip site, talked about Harvey Weinstein and Keith Or when he leaves his wife for you, you marry him, and he 5 years later he leaves you for that 22 year old he met at the gym. You know what they say. @Mango: totally agree! Well, my friend, whose word I trust because I've known him forever, worked with John Cusack and said he was a great guy. Couldn't have said that better myself. From Neve's point of view. I did. Please send me some Nanaimo bars! She should do Tv if she isn't. Campbell continued to star on Party of Five while making Scream sequels. What @elise said. Pity. It is 100% correct, and if more women would read it and believe it, they'd save a lot of time. he was everywhere. Marry me! I'm going to have to try your recipe. It seems to me that those who are doubtful (including me) are doubting that Neve was the "innocent trampled flower who gave up her bloom for love" she's portrayed to be in this blind. It was never about the charity or foundation, which has never had a clear goal. They just gave up looking within 24 hours and haven't looked since. I like John as an actor - I hate most modern rom-coms but I adore Serendipty. Was friendly and nice. @TTM - IKR?! I've had a few Cusack sitings one of which a few months ago. A lot was words. She goes out with him, he cheats, she takes him back, he cheats. He even came back to my counter when I beckoned for him to ask him the name of the baseball movie he was in ( eight men out) and I am a female lol. I fell for him in The Sure Thing. @Jsierra Light as a feather stiff as a board. Redfish, totally understand what you're saying. Strikes me as self-important douche. This doesn't sound like an abusive relationship situation, so why is Neve portrayed as such a victim? Gonna link it but also gonna copypasta the first part of the post, which provides evidence for CD&N being legit. With blind items, the fun and the evil are one in the same. We allow third-party companies to serve ads and/or collect certain anonymous information when you visit our web site. Good to know that I can trust my gut. Revealed Today: 05/12/2022. I worked off Michigan Ave when they were dating and used to see them around town too, second what @iknowpeople said. Recently, the Hollywood blog site has been getting more traction here on r/conspiracy, and for good reason. Webr/entlawyer: Discussion of Entlawyer's scoops! Then I dated other idiots until I got really smart and married my non-cheating husband. Not sure if that distinction makes sense to anyone else, but what i mean is she never acted like she was better than anyone just because she was famous. I worked off Michigan Ave when they were dating and used to see them around town too, second what @iknowpeople said. Ha, no, I'm in the States. LOVE it so much. But I can understand the heartbreak if she truly felt he was the one. I'm no apologist for John Cusack, but I've never read a douchebag slam on the guy except on CDAN and I do know someone who has worked with him and liked him. He was well cast in The Paperboy. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the Blogs proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content. What did John say on Twitter? She didn't need his money, she wasn't going to be left homeless without him, so why stay? He doesn't really seem the superhero type. "Well, my friend, whose word I trust because I've known him forever, worked with John Cusack and said he was a great guy. Links to content on and quotation of material from other sites are not the responsibility of Crazy Days and Nights. i always felt a connection to neve campbell and an attraction to john cusack even though I am too young to have had a HS crush on I know why. Many of us made the cardinal mistake of thinking he was the nice nerdy guy he plays in movies, LOL.Cheating is bad enough but stringing her along on the wedding thing, that's just cruel. This article reads like a jealous psycho-bitch "if I can't have him, I'll see to it no one else wants him" tirade. @TTM - IKR?! She always looks like she's either about to cry, or push out one really hard shit. Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. They always think a leopard can change his spots or you can make a bad person become a good one. Actress: Lindsay Lohan Reality Series: The Real Housewives of Dubai The producers of The Real Housewives franchise denied rumors that actress Lindsay Lohan was joining the cast of the The Real Housewives of Dubai. She finally ended things when she got engaged. She may have stuck with it too long and taken him back too many times but that's no excuse for his behavior. All for nuthin. Right? I was just thinking about her yesterday! Do you really think he'd be on good terms with the rest of his kin if he was being a cheating creep?Besides, what does this BI actually accuse him of doing? Glad she's doing o.k, I always liked her. So fine, but one can still play along for fun. Todays post referred to the November post about the New Orleans house. I love that you were at a My Bloody Valentine concert. Maybe he did and this is just her revenge. I went to them & was flat out shocked she was participating. John Cusack/Neve Campbell. I first found out what a dirt bag he is with this reveal"Exactly my point. I've never even had Nanaimo bars but they just sound so delicious. Clearly the guy sounds like a dick. His early movies were my jam, especially Say Anything. This A list comic/sometime actor paid for IVF for his mistress and when she got pregnant, he left his wife. From Neve's point of view. There is a house in New Orleans, it's called the Rising Sun. I went to them & was flat out shocked she was participating. @Rangers Me too! I really hope someone would cast her in a huge movie. He was actually supposed to be with the other person who was killed in November. He further alleged that one of the masterminds behind the house, got into an argument with his father about the situation. "I'd already heard he was a total douche (friends worked with him at his apex). I can't speak to her role in the film - whether it's a substantial part or not - but she didn't walk away from it. While shooting Pushing Tin she was worried about Queen Elizabeth which had not been released yet and sought John's advise. @Derek Harvey.I LOVE YOU! Seriously. Or they were until Piven finally got a career? I went into the back yard, but all she had were a bunch of really, really old computer monitors. If unsure if youre doing #2, refer to #1. 1/Neve is in the 4 Scream2/John Cusack has a weird reputatioon :he would be as difficult as Ed Norton on set3/Never is propably a nice woman but a limited actress4/ here in this blind,it's her who wants to come back every time. There you go supapimp, that says it all.I have always loved Cusak but apparently he's become a grade A major jerk. Still, she took his crap, which was the height of stupidity and self-flagellation. The world is full of asshole men, but if a woman is that slow to figure it out, I don't have much sympathy.Seriously, the BEST book I've ever read on dating is "He's Just Not That Into You." Maybe the new one with him and Crazy Cage won't be so bad. Years ago I worked in the museum shop at the Art Institute of Chicago. Literally bragging about it. She does enjoy the fact his career has stalled. She walked away from Scream, hence the time between 3 and 4. It's like women who start dating womanizers and players and then act all victim when she catches him in be with another woman. Supposedly John told her no matter any reception for a performance she should not become pretentious or self righteous about the press. These companies typically use a cookie or third party web beacon to collect this information. Hope for the best for her. Between this and Keanu not bathing for weeks, my heart is getting crushed. Was it the worst spray tan ever in the history of the world? I could not have been more wrong. Do you really think he'd be on good terms with the rest of his kin if he was being a cheating creep?Like Joan or his mother would cut him out of their lives because he was cold and calculating with the females he strings along? Also, she has a few marriages under her belt, so I would take this blind with a grain of salt. Blind items, for the uninitiated, are short pieces of gossip in which the identities of the characters involved are not revealed. Please. Perhaps she refused to sign a contract for a fourth/fifth film and only fulfilled a contract for the third. I heard many rumors about drug problems with him too, not sure about her. @Derek Harvey.I LOVE YOU! I bet if he had been totally honest, she would have still stuck around, love makes people very stupid, men and women, but then I'd have no sympathy for her because he laid all his cards out on the table. That may also explain why she works a lot and is universally liked, Joan. This D list celebutard embarrassed himself and everyone around him when he kept doing his "Indian impression" everytime the What's she doing now to move her back up to a B? whatever it's called). He is just a insatiable, unhappy and extremely immature jerk. I believe it. He is just a insatiable, unhappy and extremely immature jerk. July 17, 2013 This sucks. It's how I learned to shotgun a beer IRL! I've always had a feeling he was shady. I understand what you're saying Jolene squared. And sure, Entys blinds and reveals can be wrong, but he claims to be quite discriminating. While smaller blinds sourced from eye-witnesses get revealed on a daily basis, larger blinds are only revealed if Enty has a direct line to them. A woman walked up to me & said those weren't for sale. This hurts more than I can say, since he always seemed like/played the regular guy. Sometimes all things are true at the same time. I'd already heard he was a total douche (friends worked with him at his apex). I believe it. No I don't think that's normal, headrot, send it again? Awww, I loved Lloyd Dobler and that makes me sad if any of this is true. there are far more scandalous accusations she could have made if her only goal was to hurt him. Looks to me like she wasn't the only one who got seriously hurt there.Bottom line is that there are only two people who REALLY know what happened in their relationship, and only one person who knows what happened with her career. This A++ list diva and A+ list singer/celebrity He rolled up on a Vespa with another guy, went into the establishment where I was sitting outside and split a pelligrino with his friend. Its one thing to run a blind item: the New York Post has a history of publishing blinds in Page Six; Ted Casablanca wrote them as part of his E! Online column, The Awful Truth; and Elaine Lainey Lui writes them on her site, Its a whole other beast to reveal that blind. And Crazy Days and Nights is all about the reveal. Scream revitalized the horror genre in 1996. Grosse Point Blank is one of my favorite movies, 16 Candles too. Totally ruins my image of him. Awesome actor, bad tweeter (twitterer? He likes to be the dirty Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos, Four For Friday - Kindness With The Scandal, Today's Blind Items - The Youthful Closet. Used to love him. I think Neve's career went down the drain because she is a crappy actress. Neve was in four of the Scream movies, so I guess she didn't put too much stock in the "franchises are dumb" opinion. This is why we can't have nice things! Blind Items Revealed #2 June 25, 2020 This foreign born former superhero who wants another chance did spend some time in person with his underage foreign born co Blind Items Cusack can go to hell.Derek Harvey is the real star around here. He worked with Cusack in 'Say Anything ". I've always had a feeling he was shady. It was only set it up to make it look like the She is 32 now.He's kind of gross. And its been the ruins of many a poor boy. She's just cool. I'm crushed to hear that he's a douche. Is this normal? She isn't famous like a celebrity. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the Blogs proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's content. i always felt a connection to neve campbell and an attraction to john cusack even though I am too young to have had a HS crush on I know why. Was Jacob Rothschild killed in November? I can read this as him getting involved with a pretty but shallow actress, trying to make it work and this is her crybaby aftermath story. Blind Items Revealed February 3, 2012 There is one A+ list movie actor who brought his girlfriend on the honeymoon with him. Use your brain, ladies! I can't speak to her role in the film - whether it's a substantial part or not - but she didn't walk away from it. If unsure if youre doing #2, refer to #1. Use your brain, ladies! Sunday, December Bummer he's a dick. Used to see them together quite a bit and they/she sure seemed happy at the time. I don't know how anyone could stand to be around the guy, except to sponge or sadly thinking they can save him from his aparrent depression. What happened to Pierre Agnes, and who were his enemies? Neve always seemed kind of fragile to me, so I guess he capitalized on that. "Well, my friend, whose word I trust because I've known him forever, worked with John Cusack and said he was a great guy. She used to be almost A list. Sometimes all things are true at the same time. They're seductive and juicy and often wildly cruel. Good to know that I can trust my gut. Going back and forth on getting married and finally breaking it off? i think those trying to argue cusack is a nice guy have an uphill battle. Still have no respect for him, even if she was stupid. I used to like Neve, too, a lot, but I've heard a couple of not-nice things about her since then, from people I trust, and this blind falls right in line with the high-maintenance/high-dramz things I've heard.I think there's a case to be made for Cusack's ickiness, too (association with Piven, the aforementioned lack of relationships, rumors about the lengths to which he goes to cling to his "youth appeal", etc.). No body recovered. He's always had a dickish air about him, IMO. She says it started off great and that she was shocked to be the focus of this guy who at the time seemed to be at the center of the universe. AKM, are you Canadianana too?? He is a bitter old curmudgeon, who treats people horribly, because he is a truly miserable person. Me too! I'm just a Canadian fan -- is that weird? Oh what the hell. This article reads like a jealous psycho-bitch "if I can't have him, I'll see to it no one else wants him" tirade. one of my good friends had THE biggest crush on him she got angry at me for talking about what a smug truculent dickhole he was in real life. Anonymous blogger and purported entertainment lawyer Ent Lawyer claimed that these transgressions were in danger of coming out of the shadows. And all of the Chicago peeps say how sweet and unassuming Joan is. OMFG! Yeah. I've been screwed over in more relationships than should be possible. I actually got this one!!! Well, that and fame too. A backbone and some self respect go a long way regardless if your love is famous or not. Not like I'm his type anyway. I'm just a Canadian fan -- is that weird? Ha, no, I'm in the States. ok; i'll swap out "vociferous" for "coordinated." For those of you unfamiliar with the blog- it was founded in 2006 by a user named Enty who is, to the best of our knowledge, an entertainment lawyer in LA. Maybe he did and this is just her revenge. This A list comic/sometime actor paid for IVF for his mistress and when she got pregnant, he left his wife. Speaking of the actor in #11, he was once set to star opposite a long time A- list singing I used to like Neve, too, a lot, but I've heard a couple of not-nice things about her since then, from people I trust, and this blind falls right in line with the high-maintenance/high-dramz things I've heard.I think there's a case to be made for Cusack's ickiness, too (association with Piven, the aforementioned lack of relationships, rumors about the lengths to which he goes to cling to his "youth appeal", etc.). We all know there are two sides to every story. Crazy Days and Nights (, commonly referred to as CDAN) has been around for over a decade and garners millions of page views per Kinda heartbreaking. Neve Campbell was fairly successful at that time. I have known her forever, and even I don't know everything there is to know. WebT his is Lauren Foster. But what is it with these women and their lack of self respect? Had no idea he was such a dick. She was well on her way to being very successful. Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy. No. Probably Piven just bloomed into full dickishness *with* his success, and Cusack drew away from him.As for what happened between him and Neve -- well, I'm with Rhody. one of my good friends had THE biggest crush on him she got angry at me for talking about what a smug truculent dickhole he was in real life. They had a lot of breakups but she would always take him back. Wow! She didn't need his money, she wasn't going to be left homeless without him, so why stay? Aren't Cusack and Piven best friends? And I'm with the ones who are not buying Neve is the martyr hear. CHARIS was the first to get this right after a whole lot of wrong names. She is forever a supahstah for Wild Things. Todays reveals may be influenced by cable, the craft is on. I know there is more, but it comes out very slow. Today, there was a Blind Item Revealed post on Crazy Days and Nights. Damn you Cusack! While shooting Pushing Tin she was worried about Queen Elizabeth which had not been released yet and sought John's advise. WebBlind Item Revealed: How a Scorned Form of Gossip Changed Hollywood. (and its kind of weird how vociferous his defenders are.) Plus he comes from a family with impeccable professional credentials. haha thanks Brenda--love back. Even after the split was finally permanent, the scars were there. Was friendly and nice. Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to your users based on their visit to your sites and other sites on the Internet. She is known for her tech start-up grocery & recipe app Stretch Recipes. Blind Items Revealed #3. They always think a leopard can change his spots or you can make a bad person become a good one. John is a dick though, I tried to follow him on Twitter, hell no, Neve should've just dropped his ass. But when you are a supplier and predator to kids in entertainment that is what happens. So what's the address? I was just thinking about her yesterday! Cate Blanchette recently said in an interview that John Cusack offerred her generous and balanced advice about the paps and fame. With notorious douchebags, there are not always two sides to the story, unless "He behaved like the notorious douchebag he is" counts as a side. I fell for him in The Sure Thing. John is a dick though, I tried to follow him on Twitter, hell no, Neve should've just dropped his ass. Respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. This foreign born actor is a superhero. Cate Blanchette recently said in an interview that John Cusack offerred her generous and balanced advice about the paps and fame. He claimed: His father, one of the wealthiest men in the world was killed this week in a freak accident. But I can understand the heartbreak if she truly felt he was the one. Since that story I have my doubts about him. Well, I've done that--for good reason--an my ex-fiancee did her best to make my life hell afterwards. One major He's always had a dickish air about him, IMO. This foreign born actor is a superhero. "He's infamous for treating women, well, almost as badly as Piven does. No. it KILLS me he is such a douche. They seemed happy and very unassuming. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. June 10, 2022. She goes out with him, he cheats, she takes him back, he cheats. Actually, this house is in the very private Audobon Place, right off St. Charles. I did- and then I realized I was an idiot for taking him back, then I got smart, and didn't date him any more. I'd be pissed if I were Neve, and saw that my "friend" and confidant aired my dirty laundrythat is, if it's even true. Literally bragging about it. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. off topic, I sent the enties in a photo for the reader photos a few weeks ago, it hasnt been posted yet, I sent one in for the last reader photos too and it never got posted. A big and famous celebrity watching party. Oh, Lane Meyer. I have no doubt he's a piece of shit and treated her like hell, but no one forced her to take his career advice, and no one is to blame for "trashing her career for him" except herself. Once sat and had a few cocktails with him as we watched a Cubs game at the bar at Harry Carey's. no relationship at his age raises real questions. Pity. But Neve is an idiot and I would sincerely like to know what damaged her so much she thought she needed to put up with that. Don't think we would be a great match (I like guys) but I can definitely be your CDAN fiance--it is a jungle here sometimes so it might be good ; ). Not sure if that distinction makes sense to anyone else, but what i mean is she never acted like she was better than anyone just because she was famous. This is a great reveal and I can not wait for New Year's Day! I first found out what a dirt bag he is with this reveal They lived together in a condo on Chestnut Street right off of Michigan Ave in Chicago. However, there is such a thing as being a masochist. Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. I've had a few Cusack sitings one of which a few months ago. I shouldnt be so hard to find if this is true. Neve seems like a great person. There were a bunch of music CDs on a stone ledge in the yard. Last time she saw him she hid in her car for an hour until she was sure he had gone. ("GIVE ME MY FIREBIRD KEYS!" Or they were until Piven finally got a career? He doesn't really seem the superhero type. He was in everything and people loved him and worshiped him and here he was, dating her. I first found out what a dirt bag he is with this reveal"Exactly my point. I suspect it's the house Tom Benson lives in but that's pure speculation. Its one of my all time favorite movies. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. But this isn't the first i've heard of him being a douche. Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest. Scream revitalized the horror genre in 1996. But this isn't the first i've heard of him being a douche. 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My heart is getting crushed with a grain of salt 'm in the history of the peeps! Left homeless without him, he left his wife most modern rom-coms but i can not wait for Year! May have stuck with it too long and taken him back, he cheats were! Danger of coming out of the characters involved are not Revealed my faves though stalled...