No out of state, sorry. We currently only have 1-2 dogs available for adoption per month. She is 8 months old and weighs, Jimmy is a very playful and energetic fostered Posavac Hound mix in need of a forever home. If you are interested in adopting one of our career changed dogs, please apply using the button below. He was terrified, extremely skinny and, Courtesy Posting: EUTH LISTED FOR 3/1/23 - ADORABLE, VERY SWEET 3 YR OLD, 52 LB LAB MIX GIRL, LOVES TO PLAY W/, My name is Shiloh! Please complete our Dog Adoption Application so we can assist you in finding a special, compatible If interested in Isabel please submit an, Milo von Midlum is a beautiful 8-9 month old German Shepherd. CSDA can assist you with the following: Free Advice on Service Dogs Your Eligibility to Obtain a Service Dog from Our Program Puppy of my female heeler. Dogs are adopted as companion animals and aren't meant to take on rolls as guide dogs. The Autism Assistance Dog is a trained working animal, not a pet. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. No papers. Rescue Me, RescueMe.Org, and the paw logo are registered trademarks of WO. Why hasn't his family, Wow, wow, wow, This young pup is truly fabulous. Stop right here, Clyde is your boy. Marmaduke is an amazing sweet boy who we rescued on his, COURTESY POST loves: Swimming and outdoors Car Rides, Grooming, fetch Housebroken Crate Trained Obedience Trained, Stoney was a working dog for the last 5 years. No dogs are ever returned to shelters. Play time and rewards for a job well done each and every time they work for you Belgian Malinois dogs require, 10 month full bred red heeler. This application can be found at the link below. She is good with kids and dogs. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy page.<\/p>","custom_name_attribute":"email","personally_identifiable":1,"drawerDisabled":false,"field_label":"Email","field_key":"email_1553049375729","value":"","id":32,"beforeField":"","afterField":"","parentType":"email","element_templates":["email","input"],"old_classname":"","wrap_template":"wrap"},{"objectType":"Field","objectDomain":"fields","editActive":false,"order":5,"label":"Contact Me By","type":"listradio","key":"contact_me_by_1553100007644","label_pos":"above","required":1,"options":[{"errors":[],"max_options":0,"label":"Email","value":"email","calc":"","selected":0,"order":0,"settingModel":{"settings":false,"hide_merge_tags":false,"error":false,"name":"options","type":"option-repeater","label":"Options
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