You can review the eligibility requirementsonline. Sign up for a new account in our community. We immediately went in to try to schedule her ASC appointment in Ciudad Juarez but the website tells us that there are no ASC appointments available. Cases at NVC are being scheduled in the order that they became documentarily complete. Otherwise, please ask your family to wait in your hotel, guesthouse, or elsewhere in the city. Col. Jardn, Unless instructions have been received to the contrary, applicants must attend a medical exam at an authorized clinic and a biometrics appointment at the ASC. MendozaBerrueto, Local 9. The medical is only good for 6 months. Is it possible that ASC appointments will open up before her appointment? Bumping this because I still have no answers. COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements for Immigrant Visa Applicants. Original or certified copies of birth certificates for all children of the principal applicant (, Proof of your U.S. petitioners legal status and. there are available appointments for the week of her interview. Hamburgo #213, PB Anexo, 0000001867 00000 n
Here's the timeline of my whole process so far. eMedical system to deliver medical exams. Also they did mention that if I cant schedule an fingerprint appointment, to just show up at the ASC location 1-2 days prior to the interview appointment and they'll let me do the fingerprints done. Individuals who must still appear in person at an ASC will receive a new appointment letter in the mail. Despus de presentar su solicitud, peticin o solicitud, programaremos su cita de servicios biomtricos en un Centro de Asistencia en Solicitudes (ASC) local si necesita proporcionar sus huellas dactilares, fotografa y/o firma. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. If we select other locations (Nogales, Baja California, etc.) Wow, less than 2 months. If you are scheduled for an immigrant visa appointment in Ciudad Juarez: Consulate processes may be different than what you or family members experienced in the past. If the ConsulateGeneralhas instructedyou to seek a medical exam, but your passport is currently at the Consulate General, you may retrieve your passport before the exam or attend the exam with other identification. Please note: Visa applicants who live in the State of Mexico and Mexico City must have their medical examination at Medicos Especializados Internacionales in Mexico City. By Partido Senecu, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Localizador de Servicios y Oficinas Locales de USCIS, Privacidad y Descargo de Responsabilidad Legal, Su notificacin de cita en el ASC (Formulario I-797C); e. Identificacin vlida con foto (por ejemplo, su Tarjeta de Residente Permanente (Green Card), pasaporte, o licencia de conducir). 64000 Ciudad Jurez, Chihuahua, C.P. U.S. citizens are also required to have a valid passport (not a passport card) for all air travel within Mexico as well as any travel in Mexico past the immediate border region. Monday to Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturday - 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monterrey ASC Please read our list of prohibited items before your appointment. You should bring the following items to your medical examination: You must pay all medical examination fees, including x-ray and blood test fees, directly to the examining physician. Jurez and in accordance with the preventive measures for the control of risks due to COVID-19, during your consular appointment, . Please be advised: Applicants should check any email account provided during the immigrant visa application process, including attorney and petitioner email addresses. For visa applicants who live in the State of Mexico and Mexico City, you can make an appointment by phone from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. June 15, 2018 I-130 DCF Appointment in Juarez - June 18, 2018 Approval E-Mail August 2, 2018 Case Complete At Consulate September 25, 2018 Interview in CDJ and Approved! Biometric information including fingerprints and digital photographs will be collected at the Applicant Service Center (ASC). Ave. lvaro Obregn #3434, I am in the same situation. USCIS Immigrant Fee All individuals who are issued Immigrant Visas overseas must pay an Immigrant Fee to U.S. t8.~`raA=' {.3-UNG6fu@U@ a
Not sure we want to even go that route but want to know if that is an option. 31300 Ciudad Jurez Centro de Atencin a Solicitantes, Av. 84000 U.S. Visa: Reciprocity and Civil Documents by Country. It is right next door to the Consulate and at the opposite end of this parking lot from the. Didn't find the answer you were looking for? Rescheduling of Cancelled ASC Appointments. Copyright . Paseo de la Victoria 3640 L-2, Is it quicker for k1 than cr1? Ave. Unin 210, esq. The Consulate does not provide parking for visa applicants. The Ciudad Juarez Sub Office has jurisdiction over immigration benefits in the Mexican States of Chihuahua and Durango. I sent a contact form to the Consulate today asking if they have any timeline yet on opening back up, since I heard London is opening theirs back up in early May, and then also asked them about priority appointments. You will wear a face mask at all times when you are in the Service Center. Cuando usted comparezca a su cita, presentar sus datos biomtricos en mquinas diseadas para tomar estos datos biomtricos. Los procedimientos para cambiar, corregir o actualizar su registro de identificacin del FBI se describen en Ttulo 28, C.F.R., Seccin 16.34. Ave. La Paz, Tel: (011-52-656) 688-2700 Be prepared to provide evidence of essential employment, medical diagnoses, approved I-601A, I-601, or I-212 waiver receipts, or other documents relevant to your case, in PDF format, upon email request. 0000014620 00000 n
Petitioners must also show exceptional circumstances, which can include adoption, short notice of job relocation, U.S. military emergencies, or beneficiaries who are close to aging out of visa eligibility. Si usted necesita ayuda con el idioma durante su cita de datos biomtricos en el ASC, tenemos informacin e instrucciones disponibles en distintos idiomas en los PDF a continuacin. Ifyou are traveling to Ciudad Juarez from the United States, remember you are subject to Mexican laws while in Mexico. If you have any other questions related to your immigrant visa appointment or the status of your case, you may contact the Consulate General at: Public Inquiries: Immigrant Visa Public Inquiries U.S. Consulate General Ciudad Juarez, Legal Inquiries: Immigrant Visa Legal Inquiry Form: U.S. Consulate General Ciudad Juarez, Emergency Information for American Citizens, COVID-19 INFORMATION FOR U.S. CITIZENS IN MEXICO, Immigrant Visa Operations in Ciudad Juarez DRAFT, Last Updated: Reissued with updates to health information, U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Vienna, Visit for More Information,, you are traveling to Ciudad Juarez from the United States, Immigrant Visa Public Inquiries U.S. Consulate General Ciudad Juarez, Immigrant Visa Legal Inquiry Form: U.S. Consulate General Ciudad Juarez. All Rights Reserved Powered by, J-2 Visa: Spouse or Dependents of J-1 Visa Holders, E-3 Visa: Specialty Occupation Workers from Australia, H2B Visa: Temporary Non-Agricultural Workers, H-3 Visa: Nonimmigrant Trainee or Special Education Exchange Visitor, H-4 Visa: Immediate Family Members of H Visa-Holders, I Visa: Members of the Foreign Media, Press, and Radio, L-2 Visa: Dependent Spouse and Unmarried Children Under 21 Years of Age of Qualified L-1 Visa Holders, P Visa: Outstanding Athletes, Athletic Teams, and Entertainment Companies, TN Visa: Visas for Canadian and Mexican NAFTA Professional Workers, Crewmember Visa: Foreign Nationals on a Commercial Vessel or Aircraft, G Visa: Employees of International Organizations, O Visa: Foreign National with Extraordinary Ability, F2A Visa: Spouse and Children of Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs), F2B Visa: Spouse or Unmarried Minor Children of US Green Card holders, F-3 Visa: Married Children of US Citizens, F-4 Visa: Siblings of U.S. Citizens, Their Spouses, and Unmarried Children Under the Age of 21, IR1 & CR1 Visa: Immigrant Visa for a Spouse of a U.S. Citizen, IR2 Visa: Spouses and Children of Permanent Residents, IR3, IH3, IR4, and IH4 Visas: Children or Adopted Children of U.S. Citizens, EB1 Visa: Extraordinary Ability Green Card, EB2 Visa: Advanced Degree or Exceptional Ability, EB3 Visa: Skilled worker, Professional, or Other Worker, EW-3 Visa: US Third Priority Workers Visa for Unskilled Workers, SI Visa: Special Immigrant by Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), SIV Visa: Special Immigrant Visa for Iraqis, I-485: Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, I-751: Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, I-765: Application for Employment Authorization, DS-160: Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application, DS-260: Immigrant Visa & Alien Registration Application, DS-2019: Certificate Of Eligibility For Exchange Visitor (J-1), H4 Employment Authorization Document (EAD), I-140 Employment Authorization Document (EAD), I-192: Application for Advance Permission to Enter as Nonimmigrant, Form I-212: Application for Permission to Reapply for Admission, I-539: Application To Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status, I-601: Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility, Form I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record, I-821: Application for Temporary Protected Status, I-824: Application for Action on an Approved Application or Petition, I-864: Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the INA, I-864A: Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member, I-90: Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card, I-907: Request for Premium Processing Service, Form I-918: Petition for U Nonimmigrant Status, USCIS ELIS (Electronic Immigration System), Field Office Appointments and Rescheduling, Application Support Center (ASC) Appointments and Rescheduling, Deadlines for Certain Requests, Notices, and Appeals, H-2A Requirements During COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, H-2B Requirements During COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, Temporary Policy Changes for Certain Foreign Medical Graduates During the COVID-19 National Emergency, Extension of Stay/Change of Status Filing Delays Caused by Extraordinary Circumstances Related to COVID-19, Statutory Provisions for Certain Nonimmigrants, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada. Si programa una cita para un caso que no cumple con los criterios indicados . If your request for emergency processing is approved, the Consulate General will contact you by email, phone, or physical mail to schedule an interview appointment. After an application is filed with the U.S. Petitioners should be prepared to provide documentary evidence supporting the basis for local filing. If you do not receive an appointment notice or notification of biometrics reuse by mail within 90 days of your ASC reopening, call 800-375-5283. 808 0 obj
Ciudad de ChihuahuaPerifrico de la Juventud 4101 (Local 45 y 47),Plaza San ngel,Chihuahua, Chih. Matamoros, Tamaulipas, C.P. We will return your passport and complete visa packet to you by DHL courier at a later date (see Step 1). 32540 Applicant Service Center 201, You need to register your appointment online. Download our comprehensive study guide today!! If you need to pay a fee on the day of your visa appointment, you must pay in U.S. dollars or Mexican pesos. April 30, 2018 Mary moves from the Philippines to Mexico, Husband has MX Permanent Residency, June 13, 2018 Mary receives Mexican Residency Card, June 15, 2018 I-130 DCF Appointment in Juarez -June 18, 2018 Approval E-Mail, August 2, 2018 Case Complete At Consulate. So my advice would be to keep checking the site every day throughout the day and you will hopefully see an appointment show up. It is not possible toadjustor acceleratethis processto accommodate travel plans. When additional documents are requested, the consular officer will give you a refusal letter that asks you to submit additional documents. Hamburgo 206, Interior 204,2nd Floor, 87330 Anyone entering the Consulate General must always wear a face mask that completely covers their mouth and nose. Mexico City 06600 Did you hear back from the consulate in ciudad juarezyet? Don't get fooled by the others places in the area saying they can do your biometrics for a . 0000002674 00000 n
As of September 3, 2021, all applicants whose age is 18-24 years old must provide a urine sample for gonorrhea screening. By entering the Service Center, you agree to the following: Ciudad Jurez ASC If you do, you will lose your status as a Lawful Permanent Resident. A longer wait time to receive your biometrics appointment notice. You will not be allowed to bring in food or drink. appropriate appointment for the ASC as well as the consular section appointment, if required. DV applicants should be aware that visas are numerically limited and must be issued by September 30 of the program year. To avoid delaying your entry and that of those in line behind you, please bring only what is required for your interview. Paseo de la Victoria 3640 L-2, Despus de presentar su solicitud, peticin o solicitud, programaremos su cita de servicios biomtricos en un Centro de Asistencia en Solicitudes (ASC) local si necesita proporcionar sus huellas dactilares, fotografa y/o firma. These measures are to ensure the safety of visitors to the Consulate by maintaining strict social distancing, while also allowingforincreasedappointment capacity. IMPORTANTNOTICES. Puede obtener una copia de su propio registro de identificacin del FBI por medio de los procedimientos descritos en Ttulo 28 C.F.R., Seccin 16.32. CD. During the scheduling process, applicants will have an opportunity to choose a . Fax: (011-52-656) 688-2701 Toll-free from the U.S.: 1-844-624-9447 Debe traer a alguien como, por ejemplo, un familiar, su abogado o representante acreditado. This process is designed to detect and treat tuberculosis in order to reduce the risk of spreading tuberculosis within the population of the United States. More information on general medical requirements for U.S. immigrants is available here. How long did it take for you to get an appointment after petition left NVC? Applicants that need to update contact information (address, telephone number, or email address) after receiving the appointment notice should contact the Applicant Service Center (ASC) at +52-656-344-3003. If the state record is unavailable, you must submit a federal police record (Carta de No Antecedentes Penales) from the Direccin General de Ejecucin de Sanciones, Comisin Nacional de Seguridad. Registering your appointment provides us with the information we need to return your passport and visa package to you via DHL after your interview. Do not allow random individuals in the street to give you advice or review your documents. Av. (55) 5207-3794 ext. Those applicants who cannot wait for an immigrant visa appointment due to an emergency, should please see the Emergency Appointment Criteria and instructions, farther down on this page. No requerimos que los nios menores de 14 aos de edad proporcionen una firma en la solicitud o peticin, pero pueden optar por firmar su nombre durante su cita en el ASC si son capaces de firmar. I was just given a generic answer of what's going on right now and how they would contact us when more information is available. Mexico C.P. Paseo de la Victoria 3640 L-2, Col. Partido Senec, Ciudad Jurez, Chihuahua, C.P. How to Request an Emergency Immigrant Visa Appointment. Monterrey, Nuevo Len, C.P. We are trying to schedule her ASC in Juarez but the website tells us no appointments are available. FINGERPRINT APPOINTMENT AT CAS IN CIUDAD JUAREZ 2020 1,758 views Feb 18, 2020 45 Dislike Share Save Alex & Ali 523 subscribers Hello guys! Select your DHL courier office. Snacks and beverages are available for sale in the waiting area. Report any attempted robbery or assault to the Consulate staff. Please print the checklist below and bring it to your interview along with the listed documents. Hotel Mesaluna est ubicado en la nueva zona dorada de la ciudad, donde tenemos la mejor plaza comercial, llamada Las Misiones, a slo 9 km. 0000002515 00000 n
On the day of your visa interview, do not arrive at the Consulate more than 30 minutes before your appointmenttime. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. The letter will include instructions on how to send those documents to the consulate. Si necesita cambiar de direccin, por favor siga las instrucciones que se proveen en nuestro sitio web. ACS Appointment System - Instructions Please select the country and city of the consulate or embassy where you wish to schedule an appointment from the lists below. Disfruta de todo lo que Ciudad Jurez tiene para ofrecer. Rescheduling or cancelling your interview. What a tense and nerve-wracking experience this has been for us. 0000005932 00000 n
When You Should Travel You must enter the United States before the expiration date on your visa, which is usually six (6) months from the date of printing. immigrant visa appointment wait timeshow often does louisville water company bill. endstream
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CP 22015. Juarez) PRIVACY POLICY; Prol. Thousands of socially distanced routine appointments are scheduled at the Consulate General each week. 0000003786 00000 n
They will now pay only one visa The following Application Service Centers (ASCs) are located in Mexico for getting fingerprints and digital photographs taken. Basement. C.P. Col. Centro, Please read the following instructions carefully in preparation for your appointment with the Consulate. It is not possibletoadjustor acceleratethis processto accommodate travel plans. Consulate/Embassy Country. Applicant who must miss an appointment because of illness will be permitted to reschedule that appointment by contacting the Consulate through the public inquiry form. con Perifrico Luis Donaldo Colosio Murrieta, Information for New Immigrants Please visit the USCIS web page for helpful information on moving to the United States. COVID-19 Vaccine, required to process your VISA. The CDCs announcement can be found at the following link: Evidence of the relationship between the petitioner and visa applicant (such as photographs, letters, or emails). You will make use of the available hand washing / sanitizing facilities. So my wife and I just got our appointment for her consular interview in Juarez a couple of days ago, which is on February 10. 0000094836 00000 n
Tijuana, Baja California, C.P. In addition to the documents listed on the Pre-interview checklist in this package, DV applicants should also bring the following items to your visa interview: Prior to your visa interview, we recommend that you review the data on your initial E-DV entry. WH!'(q&YOEj bxaE0xxki2ut;%R3)se )$-QTQe2b&`eia>Hc({$L-H3*bJ)9-$ofv\j+SO[53iex1%H| Juarez, Chih., Mexico C.P. 4 years ago. El hotel se encuentra a 3 minutos, caminando, del Consulado Americano de Ciudad Jurez, por la misma acera. Rescheduling is only possible on a date after your assigned appointment. 0000003060 00000 n
Si tiene 14 aos de edad o ms, debe proporcionar una firma en su solicitud o peticin presentada con USCIS. %%EOF
First, one came up on the 3rd, then another came up on the 9th which we grabbed right away. If you answer affirmatively to the following three questions, you must bring a new or more recent police certificate to the interview: 1. My fiance's K-1 Visa interview date was April 2, 2020. Hermosillo, Sonora, C.P. Medardo GonzalezReynosa, Tamaulipas CP 88550, TijuanaComercial Barranquita local A,Boulevard Agua Caliente #10470Colonia RevolucionTijuana B.C. United States Consulate. completed waiver packet, and . From To prevent overcrowding and facilitate social distancing, applicants must not arrive to the Consulate General more than 15 minutes before their scheduled appointment time. Mrida, Yucatn, C.P. The only people exempt from paying this fee are: children entering the United States under the Hague Process, returning residents, and people traveling on a fianc(e) (K) visa. The applicant is an at-risk minor in Mexico without his/her parent(s). These individuals will not be permitted into the Consulate General except for parents and guardians of minor children or family members assisting with mobility issues. You are not experiencing any flu-like symptoms. Appointment, you must pay in U.S. dollars or Mexican pesos Consulate and at the Consulate not., letters, or emails ) appointment after petition left NVC emails ) GonzalezReynosa Tamaulipas... Acceleratethis processto accommodate travel plans visa appointment wait timeshow often does louisville water company bill registro identificacin! The Mexican States of Chihuahua and Durango possibletoadjustor acceleratethis processto accommodate travel plans his/her parent ( s ) in! See an appointment after petition left NVC be to keep checking the every... Del FBI se describen en Ttulo 28, C.F.R., Seccin 16.34 Seccin.... Cdcs announcement can be found at the Consulate does not provide parking for visa applicants principal applicant ( such photographs... 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