With certain coming events now unstoppable, with prophecies rapidly turning into predictions, it will take more than just being a prepper or survivalist, it will require being aclear thinker. He has probably seen what is happening in higher dimensions above this earthly. These places are real chills! All around was chaos. Belmont will transform a raw, blank land into a futuristic city built around a flexible infrastructure model added Belmont Properties. Gordon-Michael Scallion was a futurist, teacher of consciousness studies and metaphysics and a spiritual visionary. Because those who set the agenda wish to keep their activities secret, Al was robbed of his family, his memories, and ultimately, his identity. 1958 Warning to all the governments of Europe! Yes GMS, the Navy all have this mapold news and stolen idea.no time traveljust regurgitated shitewas supposed to happen 20 years ago according to Scallionwho has since gone into hiding. http://www.Relfe.com Central eastern Africas coast-lines will be completely inundated by water. Al Bielek discusses all of what he remembers from 6 weeks he spent in the year 2137 and two years he spent in 1749., The story behind this man is beyond fascinating and many have claimed the accounts Bielek has spoken about are already happening or will occur in the near future. Al Bielek, according to his friends and associates "embellished". His testimony, documented by Peter Moon in the Montauk books, was important in exposing the original work the government did on advanced technology. So, it is time to go nuts trying to figure out if it is real? All these lines suggest that this man was certainly a genius by birth. But the most compelling argument is that an asteroid or comet collision with earth could cause the entire planet to shift. Ultimately, a flood of memories returned. So now, like the billionaires that control the world, you can decide where you want to have a small parcel of . Answer (1 of 2): No. After his memories began to return, he was determined to share what he knew with the general public not only about the Philadelphia Experiment, but also about his other activities with the US government. Al Bielek, an elsuive figure thought to have been born in 1927, passed away in 2011, claiming he spent two periods of time living in the future. Alfred Bielek have had futuristic visions while being in an altered state of consciousness, like floating out of his body. He handled the operations of the mind control program. I think there is already right-wing terror going on in Europe and there are still many things to play out here in the US as well. The Navy has a similar map and Navajo elders have seen similar visions. Save my name, email, and website in this browser cookies for the next time I comment. With Al Bielek, Duncan Cameron, Preston Nichols. Scallion believed that a pole shift would stem from Earth Changes, nuclear activity, and the misuse of technology. In 1943, the United States became involved with a supposedly now-infamous experiment, known as the Philadelphia Experiment. Many people including Al Bielek and Preston Nichols believe that the Philadelphia Experiment created a alternate time-line on which the Germans were defeated in World War 2 (this time-line). He was the original whistle blower on the United States Mars Base Project and the Philadelphia Experiment / Project Rainbow. He again woke up in a hospital. After completing his studies, he took on various vocations in the field of electronics. In 1980s the time travelling experiment became operational. These include time travel programs in which Al Bielek claims to have participated. The future was different, and he claimed that he had spent a total of 2 years of his life there. Brian Sullivan lays out 2022 predictions: Inflation stays hot, and EV sales take off. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Al Bialek was born in 1927 and worked in some of the strangest and most controversial fringes of the US military. Al Bielek discusses all of what he remembers from 6 weeks he spent in the year 2137 and two years he spent in 1749., The story behind this man is beyond fascinating and many have claimed the accounts Bielek has spoken about are already happening or will occur in the near future. Sadra Sahebzadeh. Most coastal areas of Mexico will be inundated far inland. The alleged time traveller, who supposedly calls himself & December 23, 2017. You can unsubscribe at any time. Great article though its what you do best, and keep up the good work. I would urge people like Rumplestiltskin to keep an open mind. He was extraordinary because he was atime traveller Al Bielek. Whats your thought on it? The communities would have been called NewVistas, but local opposition killed the development plans. Al made some compelling revelations from his time travel episodes. Comment. The world in 2,749 was at peace. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. Your future inside the Internet of Things: Future of the Internet P4. Many researchers believe that evidence of time travel can be found in numerous ancient texts, among them the Bible. He claimed to have used to what he referred to as time tunnels to travel in the mid 80's. El a afirmat c cunotinele tehnologice ale Statelor Unite . The major twist occurred in his life when he started working for the Montauk Project. According to several prognosticators and much criticized theorists, here is the detailed list of predicted land changes based on geological positioning. Michael Horn Live, EP 38. According to the company announcement; Belmont will create a forward-thinking community with a communication and infrastructure spine that embraces cutting-edge technology, designed around high-speed digital networks, data centers, new manufacturing technologies and distribution models, autonomous vehicles and autonomous logistics hubs. The company details the plans including; 3,800 acres for office, commercial and retail space, 470 acres for public schools and there are plans for 80,000 residential units. Creation of the EU dictatorship and the Euro currency. Dr. John Von Neumann greets the two and convinces them to time travel back to the USS Eldridge in 1943. to destroy the control equipment and shut the experiment down. These crumpled up pages of what looks like standard printer paper, allegedly detailed the exact dates of future events. (LogOut/ Well, it is hard to believe the self-proclaimed time travellerAl Bieleks prophecies. A completely new waterway will then separate Switzerland from France, creating a line from Geneva to Zurich. The new sea will stretch all the way to the Jenisej River in Siberia. Compared to all these dreams and feelings very little. Time traveller Noah: Alien encounters are set spike in Janaury 2019, Time travel news: Many viewers said the pages do not look like genuine book pages, Time travel proof? From a new world order to devastating climate change taking over Earth, the story told by Bielek is one that is worth listening to. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. COPYRIGHT UNSOLVED MYSTERIES & PARANORMAL ACTIVITIES, 2017-2018. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Your email address will not be published. Al Bielek himself participated in those time travel experiments. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. But today, it is extremely difficult to debate whether or not time travel is real, even though there are many incredible accounts which allegedly prove it is possible. Countries that Relied on Chinese Vaccines. Take Al Bielek's story for example: Internationally, moguls in Australia and New Zealand have been snapping up farmland at record paces. Al Bielek and his journys to 2137 and 2749. Aliens are something I cannot describe with my words.. READ MORE:Brazil's World Cup chances 'ruined by time traveller' who 'changed the outcome'. The details of the notorious project have been wrapped up in secret, which Al Bielek says is due to the mental control exercised over all those who participated in the configuration of the experiment. New land will then rise in the Arabian Sea. Both he and Duncan traveled to Mars on several occasions. Express. Al Bielek was born in 1927. An individual who claims to have survived thePhiladelphia experiment discussed openly about the various programmes for time travel as well as the future that awaits our civilization. He claims that the technological prowess of . Get notified of the best best booming posts weekly. Upon further research, many billionaires are preparing for future escape plans with vacation homes in remote locations. And what about cataclysmic earthquakes causing a planetary shift and coastal flooding? There have been various notable predictions made throughout history, including those by scientists based on the scientific method, predictions of social and technological change of futurologists, economic forecasts, religious prophecies, and the fictional imaginings of authors and science fiction.Science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke wrote three laws of prediction. Get On The List To Receive Your Daily Dose Of Weird News And Amazing Phenomena, Al Bieleks future map of the USA is terrifying (video), about how to invest in GOLD, SILVER and other PRECIOUS METALS to limit the effects of inflation on your IRA/401K, Ancient Biblical city of Corinth destroyed by earthquake 1,400 years ago uncovered in underwater excavations, Herder dies from extremely rare SEPTICEMIC PLAGUE in China Prevention methods are being imposed to stop eventual outbreak. As Al went through grade school, he was know as the "walking encyclopedia". He claims that the technological prowess of the United States is far more advanced than one might imagine due to the profoundly unusual sources that the country has to extract, including extraterrestrial beings. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Boy who predicted 2020 world reveals what he got right 2 January 2020 Courtesy Mitch Brogan Mitch Brogan says opening the letter was like getting an email from yourself In August 1991, an. In this experiment, a warship called the USS Eldridge was equipped with equipment that allowed light to bend around the ship and the crew and teleport them to another location. Gordon thought it would happen in the beginning of the century. Pedestrian wind environment assessment is becoming an essential part of the urban design process especially in dense urban areas due to its ability to address the wind comfort . All property is far away from coastal areas, and in locations conducive to self-survival, farming and coal mining. Italy will be entirely divided by water. More than 2.5 miles high, the cities were capable to stand against the law of gravity. In the future, aliens come in the year 2028. Brace yourselves for the coming of the (third) Antichrist, a third world war, a massively destructive volcano and an extinction-level catastrophe. That interview with Alfred Bielek took place well over 10 years ago. Ed and Duncan Cameron find themselves at Montauk 1983 after spending six weeks in 2137 . Many will be hoping that his predictions, particularly those of nuclear war, turn out to be wide of the mark. They used advanced technologies to erase what was dear to him. (Source), Interestingly, in the 1980s when the time control programs were operational, Al participated in some of the time travel experiments. "100 Million Animals Have Been Injected With mRNA Technology", Hardly Anyone Knows About it Dr. Bryan Ardis: Australia: Army Exercises and Training in Crowd Control!? It was an alleged Naval Military Experiment, during the year1943. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. Time traveller Al Bielek made scary predictions about the year 2025 (Image: Youtube) A man who claimed he was a time traveller said nuclear war will break out on Earth in the year 2025. He stayed in that world for two years. [] Al Bielek has lead a life most would not choose to live. He began contacting for various Military contractors. So why are videos like this becoming so prevalent? Researchers find liquid mercury under the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl in Teotihuacan. He claimed that he could recall his first memory at the age of nine months old where he said at a family Christmas party he could understand conversations the adults talking in the room around him were having. While conspiracy theorists debate the existence of the . If someone can travel fasterthan the speed of light, thentheoretically, someonecould travel in time and time travel would become a definite possibility. Something Was Always Off Al Bielek was born in 1927. More info. Lake Victoria will merge with Lake Nyasa and flow into the Indian Ocean. He also claimed most of England had disappeared though the Scottish Highlands and some of Ireland remained, with much of Europe being underwater. While skeptics have dismissed it as a hoax, this project has captured the fascination of many conspiracy theorists. It's time for my best guesses for next year: 2022 is a year to go big and bold, because a boom is coming . They had their own credits, allowing them to purchase whatever they wanted. I thought this was Gordon Michael Scallions map? Worst Nuclear Disasters that couldnt be forgotten by humanity, 9 Goddesses of Navaratri: The details of their special significance. This heavily seismic region will have the most severe and dramatic Earth changes. Sky Trumpets 2020. Venice, Naples, Rome and Genoa will sink below the rising sea. The entire coastal region of China will be pushed inland hundreds of miles. We need to stop this. His first memories of being Al Bielek were when he was nine months old during a family Christmas party. Your email address will not be published. Why have you started a mission whose main goal is to deflect the trajectory of a near-Earth asteroid named 2008 EV5? A man named Noah said he risked his life to return to 2017 to warn humanities about the future. No militaries existed, with military conflict non-existent and everything was now free. His Aunt Arnold raised him and Duncan in a 26-room mansion in Long Island. On 2020's overall vibe. From what i recall, Al Bielek was talking about an alleged alternate dimension`s time-line from 2020 to 2025, but not this one we are on. There are states that are basically covered in water from now to 2030. Among the many things mentioned by Bielek is the Montauk Project: an alleged series of secret United States Government projects conducted at Camp Hero and/or Montauk Air Force StationonMontauk,Long Island where researchers were developing psychological warfaretechniques and exotic research includingtime travel. Among less earth-shattering predictions, they also claim that in 2022 the NBA's Los Angeles Lakers will defeat the Brooklyn Nets in game seven. There are forest fires everywhere. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The experiments were carried out at . "Aliens are something I cannot describe with my words." Noah then went on to describe a number of future predictions such as the rise of an artificial intelligence (AI) world government, smart. (LogOut/ Etna volcano in Italy and Mt. Bielek revelo cosas muy inquietantes de lo que suceder con la humanidad en esa poca, aqu sus mas importantes revelaciones: La humanidad sufri cambios geogrficos significativos que dieron inicio con los terremotos que se han desatado en el mundo desde el 2005 y durara hasta 2025. (LogOut/ Upon their return, they had some very startling things to tell the world. Starting off with his 2020 predictions, he said that Donald Trump will be re-elected as a president and that . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. http://www.TheMarsRecords.com As the Eldridge was stationed at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, the events concerning the ship have commonly been referred to as the Philadelphia Experiment. The answer, from the geologic and fossil records we have from hundreds of past magnetic polarity reversals, seems to be no. There is nothing in the millions of years of geologic record to suggest that any of the doomsday scenarios connected to a pole reversal should be taken seriously.. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. Strange things started to happen to him soon afterwards. Do you believe time travel is possible? Between the increase of bizarre weather patterns hitting the earth, and recent major volcanic activity, now more than ever our focus is on our planets future. He also affirmed that there would be a terrible catastrophe in the next decades that would irrevocably change the panorama of the United States. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Much of central Europe will sink and most of the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Baltic Sea will be completely lost underwater. Theyused advanced technologies to erase what was dear to him. We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. Due to extreme land buckling and lowering the elevation of the country, the population of India will be told not to seek higher ground within the interior country, but to head to the Himalayas, to Tibet and Nepal and China or the higher mountains that are officially with Indian territory. [INSIGHT]. Predicted: Team he would play pro football for as a nine-year-old. Al Bielek: Time traveler revealed the map of the USA after important catastrophes (2020-2025). The TikTok user named, ThatOneTimeTravele r claimed he was a real time traveller . Well, that's according to the 16th-century astrologer, physician and "seer" Nostradamus, anyway. And there are happening really dynamic things, partially due to powerful energies flowing from space, there are huge earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcano eruptions, sometimes alien wars, spiritual wars etc. Mummies are found inside Egyptian pyramids: Why are pyramids made? With little population, there existed no army, military or air force, avoiding all the chances of conflict. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have entered an incorrect email address! Required fields are marked *. The self-styled time-traveller, who calls himself Noah . Al Bielek was one of the Montauk Boys programmers. Of course we keep hearing that it will be years into the future at each telling/showing. Edgar Cayce.Eruption/s Vesuvius.Pelee3 months later Major Quakes in So Cal leading to flooding. Alfred Bielek took birth in the year 1927. However, while jumping off the Navy shipEldridgeon August 12, 1943, the experiment went out of control, and they mistakenly landed in 2137. An entirely new sea will rise to take over much of central Argentina. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. A brand new waterway will split the entire area, from the Mediterranean Sea towards Gabon. Change). Maybe more is still going to happen, who knows. The Simpson and Gibson Deserts will eventually become fertile, farming land. Higher elevations will be created as new islands. The Black Sea will merge with the North Sea as well, leaving Bulgaria and Romania completely under water. The medical system of 2,749 incorporated the treatment methods using vibrations and light. Then again A man was looking for a safe space to live, he did a lot of research, found a place & moved.To the Falkland Islands.. Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, saw himself reborn on the west coast of the United States around 2100 AD. Many have installed helipads on their properties for easy access and many are buying up Silos and bunkers around the world. That is the one sure thing we all face. As the Red Sea enlarges, Cairo will ultimately disappear into the sea. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We dont know the time or the hour or how. 2020 - 2025* * * * * NOTICE! It just needs to stop.. I knew Al Bielek. Do you believe his stories? Some of us may think the mere though of it is pure nonsense. (Al Bielek) Al Bielek was born in 1927 and developed a career for himself in some of the most bizarre and controversial margins of the US Army. http://www.DoNotJoinTheMilitary.com My film, DECEPTION ON DEMAND,just won the Diamond Award, the top award in the Best Documentary Short at Pinnacle Film Awards. However, some of these events were already supposed to happen in the year 2019 but have failed to materialise. However, Bielek insisted that the true reason for the experiment was to create a time travel machine. Al Bielek was born in 1927 and developed a career for himself in some of the strangest and most controversial fringes of the US military. Al Bielek discusses what he remembers from his 6 weeks spent in the year 2137 and 2 years he spent in 2749. He claims that the technological prowess of the United States. Ed went to Princeton in 1932 and finished . Even a wealthy member of the Mormon church, David Hall reportedly had plans for 20,000 person self-sustained communities throughout the country, including the first in Vermont with a recent 900-acre farmland purchase. China coronavirus cover-up: Death toll 'TEN TIMES official figure', Trump opens investigation into China coronavirus lab conspiracy, China coronavirus cover up: Tory MP points to graph confronts China. MYSTERIESRUNSOLVED & MRU MEDIA, 2019-2022. Bielek would claim that, as Ed Cameron, he and his brother, Duncan, another Navy officer, witnessed the horror all around them. And its contractors to ensure complete secrecy around some of its strangest operations. For more information:http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/montauk.html. While working for various military contractors, the people who worked with him began to reveal the truth about the US government's involvement with extraterrestrials and PSYOPS (Psychological Operations) programs. He claims that the technological prowess of the United States is far more advanced than one could imagine because of the deeply unusual sources that the country has to draw from - including extra . The Philadelphia Experiment was an alleged event claimed to have been witnessed by an ex- merchant mariner named Carl M. Allen at the United States Navy's Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, sometime around October 28, 1943. Recounting his time travel experience, Bielek said in 1943 that he and his brother jumped off a US ship to escape a strange light, when they rose to the surface, they had reportedly been transported to the year 2137. He also said that the two-third states of Florida had immersed in the ocean. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. He was stunned to see the highly advanced surgical material. In 1943, a man named Al Bielek and his brother, Duncan Cameron, apparently traveled to the distant future. Most of the United Kingdom, from Scotland to the English Channel, will disappear beneath the sea. He said he traveled to Mars several times and also visited the year 100,000 BC to see a research station and until 6037 to recover technology. Gordon M. Scalion was talking about this stuff happening in the mid 90s. January 2020: Controversy began after the release of the A1 Machine Android as protesters are against the new technology. The Truth About The Philadelphia Experiment: Invisibility, Time Travel and Mind Control - The Shocking Truth: Directed by Bill Knell. Earths inner core seems to have stopped spinning, and may be in the process of changing direction, Arizona: Coldest day in the Valley since 2019 Tonight could also be the coldest night in four years, California weather war: Storm death toll rises to 17 as flooding, mudslides prompt evacuations, Utah Great Salt Lake is on the verge of collapse, and could expose millions to arsenic laced dust, Al Bieleks future map of the USA is terrifying Whistleblower Jeff, Al Bieleks future map of the USA is terrifying (video) Occasion2B, Al Bieleks future map of the USA is terrifying (video) | YoNews #News. A new waterway will eventually develop from the Bay of Honduras to Salinas, Ecuador. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Ultimately, a flood of memories returned. Indonesia will break up, however some islands will remain and new land will emerge. If you love such maps, look at thegrim prediction of Al Bielek for the US in this apocalyptic video. Bielek says he does not think that talking about his experiences has altered the course of the future as he saw it because he was locked in his timeline. January 1, 2020; Kyra Oser; Dating and Soul Mates, News from the Future, Poetry Predictions, Psychic Life Coaching, Psychic Predictions; website builder In today's News from the Future, we have 2020 predictions for global and U.S. politics, the climate crisis, and more.Imagine we're psychic time travellers, being transported to the future of 2020 on a psychic time machine, with tarot cards . grim prediction of Al Bielek for the US in this apocalyptic video, Norfolk Southern Offers Buyout to East PalestineResidents, The Orchestrated Destruction Of America Is Exploding Before Our Eyes Attacks Upon Our Food Supply, Water AndAir, Most Ukrainian Soldiers On Bakhmut Front-Line Killed Within 4Hours. The result, while not based on any science, nonetheless provides a vivid and compelling picture of an Earth ravaged by flooding. http://www.NordicConspiracy.com He and his brother, Duncan, were commissioned in 1983 to travel in the past to the year 1943 to destroy the equipment of the USS Eldridge. He said he was transported to the year 2137 where he witnessed flying mega cities and futuristic technology as well as another period where he travelled to the year 2025, the year in which, he claims, apocalyptic nuclear war broke out. Higher elevations will be considered safe. 'Time traveller from 2033' reveals his shock predictions for the future A SELF-CONFESSED time traveller from the year 2033 has revealed the exact dates of future events in a bizarre confession . He said most of the world's governments had crumbled away by the year 2025 and a nuclear world war three killed million of people. Al Bielek says that when he worked as a contractor, he himself was in charge of the operations of the Mind Control program, which he said was used against members of the US military. That type of cataclysms can happen so fast there is nothing we can do about it. The Nile will widen significantly. He was in regular contact with Duncan Cameron and Preston Nichols. The majority of Madagascar will also be taken by the sea. A self-proclaimed time traveller, a TikToker named Kawhi Leonard has predicted quite a bizarre future, which includes 2 million people disappearing mysteriously on August 9, this year. New land will also be created off the coast. When Al Bielek first began to claim that he was a time traveler as part of a top secret government operation, no one believed him. Bielek claimed he was part of the something called the "Philadelphia Experiment", a series of top-secret tests conducted by the US military during the Second World War to try and create a warship that would be "invisible". He is all but forgotten by the current crop of pseudo-researchers and profiteers. Required fields are marked *. Al and Duncan's story started in 1943 on Montauk, Long Island. Self-proclaimed time traveller Al Bielek made a horror prediction that World War Three would break out in the year 2025, also claiming that in the future there would be no governments, For out-of-this-world news, sign up for the Spaced Out newsletter. Zombie outbreak: Coronavirus tells us all we need to know, Coronavirus cure: Bizarre source of antibodies revealed. 1. . Loud Booms 1930-2019; Disasters; Sky & Space; Mystery; History; Society; . Many people often asked him that why he didnt get kill if the information was so secretive. Al Bielek is a man who tells a different story. 1983. Your email address will not be published. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Often we use Al Bielek's own data to point out where he has either lied; mixed-and-matched bits-and-pieces of the real story; or else just made up a great deal of nonsense. Robert Gadling commented on the YouTube video: Thoseare not bookpages. Al Bielek ~ Future Map of the U.S. - YouTube 0:00 4:39 Al Bielek ~ Future Map of the U.S. CHANNEL3X 34.2K subscribers Subscribe 3.4K Share Save 1.7M views 11 years ago 2020 - 2025 * * * * *. The cities were at the great heights. Take Al Bielek's story for example: "According to popular legend, in 1943, the US Navy undertook secret experiments based out of the port of Philadelphia. Most of Northern Europe will sink beneath the sea, as the tectonic plate underneath it collapses. The scientists working on the project have been able to time- travel through a hyperspace loop between the experiment dates, but could not go beyond December 21 2012. Reasons to quit smoking are plenty because it causes more than cancer, El Silbon: Young boy who killed his father and cursed to become ghost, https://www.facebook.com/scientificMysteries. Warn humanities about the Philadelphia Experiment / Project Rainbow cataclysms can happen so fast there is nothing we do... Football for as a president and that be a terrible catastrophe in the ways you 've consented to to. Things started to happen, who knows opting out of some of Ireland remained with. Become fertile, farming land today 's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back and. Soon afterwards will sink and most controversial fringes of the United States Mars Base Project and the misuse technology. 2008 EV5 hard to believe the al bielek predictions 2020 time travellerAl Bieleks prophecies more is still going to happen in year... Standard printer paper, allegedly detailed the exact dates of future events machine Android protesters! 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