Bishop made numerous discoveries that extended the caves known passageways and also helped produce one of the first maps of its interior. The Agartha Kingdom is a 5th dimensional inner paradise of the divine goddess Gaia, our beloved mother Earth.They are the descendants of Lumeria and those of Atlantis who had remained faithful to the Light.They had to find shelter in the womb of Gaia and created a paradise for themselves in Inner Earth when our paradise planet was perturbed by dark invaders 550,000 thousand years ago.What we are seeing is the immense Light sent to Gaia from the Galactic Federation Armada, entering the Polar entry in order to save Gaia's life and heal her energy so she is ready \u0026 strong enough for the spiritual Ascension Process of 2012. According to his secret entry, he met the ancient race underground and witnessed a huge base with animals and plants previously thought to have been extinct. The three continents for questing (i.e. The DELTA symbol is a Black Triangle on a Red Background. We began by strolling down an ice-coated path to the caves entrance, through rows of leafless trees that stood straight as telephone poles. In 1855, the author Bayard Taylor took a tour with him and wrote, I think no one can travel under his guidance without being interested in the man, and associating him in memory with the realm over which he is the chief ruler.. On August 16, 1987, believing the mountain to be one of the seven major planetary chakras of spiritual tuning forks,thousands came together as part of an international "Harmonic Convergence," designed to bring peace to the whole world. Agartha is supposedly a place where beings are more beautiful and much wiser than we are and which has a king that has the power to read the human soul. While the entrance to Bhogavati is somewhere in the Himalayas, it has been asserted that Patala can be entered through the Well, of Sheshna in Benares, India. Light and shadow switch roles, and everything thats not directly lit settles beneath a hazy, comfortable gloom. A truly Celestial vision more beautiful than we could have ever imagined, simply breathtaking. The underground world is sometimes associated with "Agartha.". Ranier, and entered these caverns and tunnels. During ancient times, these windows were accessible by boat. According to the Cherokee they inhabited the areas of Kentucky as well. Morganton is "about 15 miles north of an actual highway marker which has been posted by the state providing any visitor the best view" of Brown Mountain. He was thought to have gone to Nashville, but soon he moved back. Your email address will not be published. As they continued forth, a strong cold wind blew their torches out, leaving them in the dark and causing them to take flight hurriedly back out of the cave. Brown Mountain is an area in which many strange lights have been seen. Is that a silly question? Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this? This base is connected to Los Alamos research facilities via an underground "tube-shuttle. Before the Civil War was over, three of Mats children were sold to slave buyers. The videos description claims that viewers of this footage are looking into the 5th dimension. A portal to an inner paradise.. While Shamballa the Lesser is an inner continent, its satellite colonies are smaller enclosed ecosystems located just beneath the Earths crust or discreetly within mountains. This hatch covered an entrance leading into underground tunnels. devils and ordered the entrance be forever sealed. Just north of Batesville, explorers found a tunnel illuminated by a greenish phosphorescence where they met a race of beings who stood 7 to 8 feet tall and had bluish skin. Symmes believed that his theory was not science fiction, but science fact, and that it applied not only to the Earth, but to all planetary bodies. Occasionally, inspired by the demonstration, a visitor would draw his pistol and fire, sending a barrage of explosive echoes thundering back. It was hard to look at the vats and not contemplate what Stephen Bishop might have thought of them when he first passed by more than 20 years after they had been abandoned. Southwestern California holds the legend of Crystal Cave , a large cavern that links to Kokoweek Peak. The only clue we have to its location is that the field is in a valley surrounded by woods and that a report of its discovery can be found in "A History of Staffordshire" by Dr. 99% of what I found simply referred to Mammoth Cave as the purported entrance to the mythical Agartha, of which we will discuss in due time, or referenced the map from OP. For two years he lived with the inhabitants of the Agharta network of colonies who, Emerson writes, were a full 12 feet tall and whose world was lit by . I havent finished Elites yet, but Ive accidentally gone through that warp multiple times /facepalm So I dont know if theres a quest you need. It says simply, Mat 1850., Whenever I see a signature from my kin, I feel awed by what they did, he said. Mountain, disappearing and then reappearing in New Mexico. Agartha (sometimes Agartta, Agharti or Agarttha) is a legendary city that is said to reside in the Earth's core. Near the foot of Mt. When thousand of nuclear explosions where detonated in the 1950's, It is Gaia the Soul of the Earth, that called for help \u0026 brought the Gal fed Armada here.The Gal Fed have been doing massive de-pollution work in our atmosphere since many decades, neutralizing nuclear radiations \u0026 the toxic chemicals of our industry \u0026 the Chem Trails secret military operation to annihilate Humanity..( ABOUT THE MUSIC SOUNTRACK: The specific soundtrack in this video has been produced by Aalborg a musician who added a synth voicing over the original recording from a Tibet cave. In Kentucky, a Family at the Center of the Earth,, Stephen Alvarez/National GeographicGetty Images, Adam Jones/Photo ResearchersGetty Images. The people have scientific knowledge and expertise far beyond that of the people who live on the surface of the planet. One of the most common names cited for the society of underground dwellers is Agharta (or Agartha) with its capital city of Shamballa. Rumored to have an underground complex and tunnels is in the area around the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. Dulce Base's symbol is a Delta (triangle) with the Greek Letter "Tau" (t) within it, and then the entire symbol is inverted, so the triangle points down, and the "Tau" is also inverted. (Mammoth gets about 600,000 visitors a year, 400,000 of whom take the cave tour.). But in winter, the outside air was sinking in, creating a wind tunnel effect that gently pushed us forward. Change). The underground City of Shingwa exists beneath the borders of Mongolia and China. Which was needed. For a nickel or a dime, the guides would lash a candle to a stick and write your name up on the ceiling, Mr. Bransford said. I think you just need the elite completion achievement. With more than 400 miles of explored passageways and possibly 600 more miles yet to be discovered, Mammoth Cave is the largest of these it is the longest known cave system in the world by far. The Old Ones generally remain aloof from the surface peoples, but from time to time, they have been known to offer constructive criticism; and it has been said, they often kidnap human children to tutor and rear as their own.. This is the hope beyond hope and the great Light of Hope that is being hidden from us.-----------------------------THE AGARTHA MAGALITHIC SACRED SITE, discovered by Astraelia near montreal, Quebec:Astraelia is the discoverer and protector Shaman of an ancient megalithic sacred site located in Quebec. The researchers at Dulce Base have also abducted MMO guide writer and blogger. Ive already written a little about Shambhala in my article The Cintamani Stone, but theres a lot of ground to cover when you enter the world of the Hollow Earth. The mystical realm at the very center of the Hollow Earth. (Note: The elevators, lights, and doors at Dulce Base are all magnetically controlled.). Note: When the Cherokee came into that area, they killed these blue skinned men off. Maybe even a little creepy. Part 1 can be found here*Agartha (sometimes referred to as Agartta, Agharti or Agarttha) is a legendary city that is said to reside in the Earth's core. Brown Mountain is in North Carolina near Morganton. Tunnels and Entrances to Shambhala (Agharta), Agharta (Argarti) is said to be the mysterious under ground kingdom located in Asia and linked to the other continents of the world by a gigantic network of underground tunnels. Lassen is a town called Manten. Shamballa the Lesser, one of the colonies, was also the seat of government for the network. Plot, who wrote the book in the late 1700s. The Agharthean city of Telos allegedly exists within and beneath this mountain. The Old Ones In an article entitled The Hollow Earth: Myth or Reality for Atlantis Rising, Brad Steiger writes of the legends of the Old Ones, an ancient race that populated the surface world millions of years ago and then moved underground. Openings are most often named at the North Pole and the South Pole, yet there are some other intriguing locations cited around the world. The soldiers which were hell bent on capturing the illusive Apache Chief were mystified as to how he was able to escape the human net surrounding him and his band. According to Agartha - Secrets of the Subterranean Cities, the story, written by Willis Emerson, explains how Jansen's sloop sailed through an entrance to the Earth's interior at the North Pole. Brown Mountain is in North Carolina near Morganton. The Sahara, the Gobi, the Australian Outback and the deserts of the U.S. are but a few examples of the devastation that resulted. From these openings you can see the green of the ranch below you and Furnace Creek Wash across the valley. At the entrance there are two jump portals. This series of underground rooms. For a small tip, one of the slave guides would lash a candle to a stick and smoke a visitors name on the ceiling. Canadian UFO Bases and the Great Lakes Triangle. Over a railing, a jumbled pile of limestone shards gives an idea what the path used to look like; it follows parallel to the boardwalk like a quake-struck road. Instead, you need to take the portal to make the jump to the next branch. The book explains how Jansen's sloop sailed through an entrance to the Earth's interior at the North Pole. His messages are transmitted through certain secret tunnels connecting the inner world of Agartha with Tibet. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. They discovered what seemed to be an endless passageway with bones strewn before them from others that had come before them. A print of Stephen Bishop, 1882. Another area to be investigated is the Superstition Mountains in Arizona. You can then park beside the road between Furnace Creek Ranch and the Salt Bed. Some of the entrances are found on planetary grid points indwells and outwells of energy. Hey everyone, recently a reader asked me to create a little guide for Agartha and I thought this would be a good idea as I had a lot of difficulty navigating the Agartha until I got familiar with it. For two years he . Hopi legends say that this mountain is one of the thirteen homes of the Lizard People, Reptoids. Agartha (sometimes referred to as Agartta, Agharti or Agarttha) is a legendary city that is said to reside in the Earths core and is the center of the Hollow Earth Theory. This information should help you locate the underground complex, if of course you feel brave enough to venture onto the Dulce properties. The Old Ones, an immensely intelligent and scientifically advanced race, Steiger writes, have chosen to structure their own environment under the surface of the planet and manufacture all their necessities., The Old Ones are hominid, extremely long-lived, and pre-date Homo sapiens by more than a million years. Underground cities and networks around the World - Discoveries (Part 2) The Mysterious Tierradentro Hypogea, Tombs and Corpses of the Pre-Colombians Father Crespi and the missing golden artifacts In northern Arkansas, a 12-man speleological team broke into an ancient tunnel system, encountering inhabitants of the inner-world. Geronimo would be seen walking into the face of the Mountain, disappearing and then reappearing in New Mexico. Morganton is "about 15 miles north of an actual highway marker which has been posted by the state providing any visitor the best view" of Brown Mountain. Admiral Richard E. Byrd allegedly wrote his encounter with a lost civilization during an expedition to North and South Poles. Scroll to continue reading. Been there a few times but never ventured into middle earth. Kentucky Mammoth Cave, in the south-central part of Kentucky, Mount Shasta, California, USA (presumably, under the mountain is the agar city of Telos). Writer, blogger, and part-time peddler of mysterious tales. The result is a tunnel with a smooth, glazing lining.) On his time off, Matt Bransford (Matersons grandson) would take a train up to Niagara Falls and hand out business cards to middle- and working-class black Americans, spurring tourism among black families, at a time when Jim Crow-era segregation laws made nearly every aspect of travel for them difficult. A very active UFO base exists beneath Mt. Agartha (sometimes referred to as Agartta, Agharti or Agarttha) is a legendary city that is said to reside in the Earths core. The following are thought As they advanced into the mountain, they were assailed with the smell of putrid air and snakes. 2023 MMO Guides, Walkthroughs and News. Here he entered a large cavern that he explored for a distance of eight miles. This information should help you locate the underground complex, if of course you feel brave enough to venture onto the Dulce properties. Good news, surface dwellers. Once on the surface, they passed on their great knowledge to the human race before once again seeking their great sanctuary. His charisma and skill as a guide made him one of Mammoth Caves most famous explorers. But when I see Mats, it just knocks me down. While his style of giving tours was less flamboyant than other guides, during his final years, visitors remarked on how thoroughly imbued with the spirit of the place he seemed. "I . But throughout Asia it is best known by its Sanskrit name, Shambhala, meaning 'the place of peace, of tranquillity. The Sahara, the Gobi, the Australian Outback and the deserts of the U.S. are but a few examples of the devastation that resulted. In 1812, after the British blockaded the eastern ports of the United States, the newly liberated colonies were forced to find substitute sources for saltpeter in places like Mammoth Cave. He tells the story of Nicholas Bransford, Old Nick, who is not a relative but who has the same surname because both men were slaves of the same landowner from Glasgow. He persuaded at least 13 patients to contract to live for a year inside the cave, in canvas huts placed at various heights. Nick bought his freedom partly through money he earned selling the caves eyeless fish to tourists. In 1857, he died of unknown causes. Sometimes I come here, and I can hear the moans and groans of these Americans, Mr. Bransford said. The tunnel systems of the Superstitions are dangerous though and are rumored to be inhabited by Reptilian-type Creatures and supernatural forces. The ice cap of Mt. Another entrance is found in the Nahanni Valley but many of those that have dared to enter this area have been found decapitated, thus giving the region its name The Valley of the Headless Men. To him, the whole universe was hollow. If you're worried about how things are going topside, help is on its way from down under WAY down under. While very short, the video shows what would appear to be a giant swirling opening in Earth, a luminous orange glow seemingly pulling the atmosphere down inside, as if it were a black hole. Large sections of the floor had been gouged. above sea level, and is near a rock outcropping. In 1904, J.C. Brown, an explorer for a British mining company, reported that he had discovered a caved in hollow in the side of the mountain complete with one skeleton and hieroglyphic writings on the walls. Beneath its plain lies the city of Posid. Less than 10 years later Dr. Croghan died of tuberculosis. It was reportedly found by Earl Dorr, a miner and prospector who followed clues given to him by Indians. The result is a tunnel with a smooth, glazing lining.) One time, while Bishop was taking a party over the river his boat tipped and all the lamps were extinguished. For the pleasure of his client, Nick scrambled across precarious ledges, illuminating the caves remote crags, while Mr. Stevenson watched in gleeful horror, until he became so giddy that he beckoned his weary guide down to help him reach the very same spot. Sometimes, during tours, people were shocked half to death to see these ghostly figures emerge from those huts and ask about the outside world, Mr. Bransford said. Dont press W key or anything, just let your character free fall to the branch below! One day he found a rare interview, taken from a journal of a Union soldier and abolitionist, who had taken a liking to Mat and tried to persuade him to go to Nashville, where he could live out his life as a free man. There are a lot of entrance to the inner Earth of Agartha including Giza and Iguazu falls the one you are showing are the ones at North pole in which Admiral Byrd enter. Shortcut to Transylvania. Lassen is a town called Manten. The lengthy Atlantean-Lemurian war and the power of thermonuclear weaponry is what many believe eventually sank and destroyed these two highly advanced civilizations. This ancient sacred site was built by the agartha civilization and later inherited by the local Indian tribes. Sometimes, the guides would scrape their names into a wall to show where they had been. According to reports of knowledgeable people, there are several entrances to the Kingdom of Agartha: Advertisement. It has been said that during the early 1800s, as many as 70 slaves labored in these rectangular hoppers, streaming water over cave earth to leach nitrate minerals from the soil. (LogOut/ In summertime, ministers would bring their congregations out of the heat and hold services in a recess of the cave known as the Church. From the entrance, instead of going to the right, go left, near where the Seoul portal is. In 1934, Abraham Mansfield said he encountered a tribe of Lemurians, who had dug tunnels connecting Mount Shasta and the Bluff Creek area. Tribes so ancient we dont know their names would come in and use mussel shells to scrape gypsum off the walls.. The Portal series. Learn how your comment data is processed. A series of wood-framed pits sat sunken in the dirt beneath the antiquated pipeline Mr. Bransford had described. It was the first image of its kind ever taken.. Mongolia - the underground city of Shingwa allegedly exists beneath the border of Mongolia and China. The coordinates of the Agartha portal in The Shadowy Forest are 929, 902 [,29]. According to British explorer T. Wilkins, the Mongolian tribes of Inner Mongolia believe that there are entrances to a great tunnel system that leads to a subterranean world of Antediluvian descent somewhere in a recess of Afghanistan, Hindu s an entrance to the tunnels in New Manhattan, New York An entrance to the inner earth tunnels is thought to be reached through an abandoned elevator shaft in Manhattan, New York. The left one leads to the elite and nightmare dungeons while the right one leads to the quest zones, starting with Kingsmouth. An early source for the belief in underground civilizations is The Smoky God (aff link) (1908) by Willis George Emerson (1856 1918), which claims to be the biography of a Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jansen. In retreating from the cave, the priest claimed they heard ghastly noises coming from within. Igua Falls, Border or Brazil and Argentina. Jerry Bransford remembers the short day trips his family used to make to Mammoth Cave, half an hour away from their home in Glasgow, Ky. His father would tell him stories about how his family first came to know the cave as slaves but eventually became famous guides, starting a legacy that would last four generations. Other visitors to the mountain have reported seeing various sub-human cultures including dwarfs, big-foot or yeti type creatures and giants dressed in white robes. Manaus, Brazil; . The Land of the Living Gods and the Land of Wonders. Early tours were less structured than todays, but in ways that made them more animated, too. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Being from Kentucky, I always enjoy when a topic I love and am exploring, surprises me with a Kentucky Connection. Providing guides and walkthroughs for your favorite games! Eventually, they decided to seek a new home on a new planet, evacuating the Earth and leaving behind their underground cities populated by artificial beings: the evil Dero detrimental robots and the good Tero integrated robots. The beings, which have advanced technology, told the explorers they are the direct descendents of Noah. A promotional card for the Bransford Summer Resort in Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. Dedicated to weird science, unexplained phenomena, and unusual matters of space and time since 2011. 04/06/17: 7: Mammoth Lake Part of Earth's Largest . Ranier, and entered these caverns and tunnels. Re: Kentucky Mammoth Cave - Hollow Earth Entrances. Vintage Postcard 1930's Mammoth Cave Entrance National Park Old Kentucky KY. $8.96. That is the Egypt branch. The Pueblo Indians mythology also places their gods place of origin in the inner earth. The village of Liyobba, translated, means The Cavern of Death. Years later, after the mine closed, the slave quarters were clapboarded together under one roof and became the first Mammoth Cave Hotel. However, like his tuberculosis experiment, these plans also were abandoned. An elaborate hoax? Most of the lakes near Dulce were made via government grants "for" the Indians. Tunnel entrances to Inner Earth (as suggested in diagram): Kentucky Mammoth Cave (USA) Manaus Mato Grosso (Brazil) Iguassu Falls Mount Epomeo (Italy) Pyramid of Giza (Egypt) King Solomos Mines Dero Caves The most strange hint is given, that the Center of Gravity is not the center of Earth, but also a sub-sphere or a layer quite 200 miles below of On tours, he talks about his great-great-grandfather Materson Bransford, a guide known as Uncle Mat. Create a free website or blog at The source for this information, apparently, is The Smoky God, the "biography" of a Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jansen. Adventurers from around the young United States and abroad would thread down buffalo trails and old corduroy roads to spend a few days in a mustard-colored cave suit, exploring the sublime wonders beneath the earth. The numerous efforts of search parties looking for the children and guide were in vain. I am very interested in the idea of a hollow earth and agartha i was doing some research and all i find about this is the m cave that the hiker found and then turned up dead there are alot of storys saying the man committed suicide or the man got lost in the cave but i dont buy it i beleive that this m cave he found was something big which explains why he was never found and this story seems to be getting buried with lies and more lies no one knows what happened to this man what if he found the so called agartha and was murdered ? From what I understand, the army bulldozed the peak out and placed a steel door over the entrance to the mountain passageways. Its origins lie in ancient mythology, and even some well-known scientists have mused that the earth is hollow. In the early eighteenth century, American John Cleves Symmes Jr supplemented the theory with the suggestion of 'blowholes': openings about 2.300 km across at both poles. Many around Archuleta Mesa, others to the source around Dulce Lake and even as far east as Lindrich. The Ramayana tells the story of the great Avatar Rama. The Indian epic, the Ramayana and the Bhagavad Gita are the two most famous texts of India. (. Dulce Base's symbol is a Delta (triangle) with the Greek Letter "Tau" (t) within it, and then the entire symbol is inverted, so the triangle points down, and the "Tau" is also inverted. The ancient writings of the Chinese, Egyptians, and Eskimos speak of a great opening in the North and of a race of people who live under the Earths crust. Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. And in my remote viewing session, the only entrance not guarded by the illuminati is through a secret passage in mammoth cave in Kentucky. The book explains how Jansen's sloop sailed through an entrance to the Earth's interior at the North Pole. His grave can still be found in the park, in an area known as the old guides cemetery. The Minneapolis Dog Park :-) ***This is just a local cave called 'the Agartha cave' and not the entrance to the mythical inner earth realm that goes by the same name. Kentucky Mammoth Cave, in south-central Kentucky, US. When Admiral Byrd's task force got to Antarctica, one of the first things they discovered was an entrance into a hollow Earth civilization. Agharta. Manaus, Brazil At Carter Caves, which is also in Ky, I did notice something out of the ordinary but never put much thought into it. The Nagas also traditionally have an affinity with water, and the entrances to their underground palaces are often said to be hidden at the bottom of wells, deep lakes and rivers. An early source for the belief in underground civilizations is The Smoky God (1908) by Willis George Emerson (1856 1918), which claims to be the biography of a Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jansen. According to Secrets, Shamballa the Lesser, one of the colonies, was also the seat of government for the network. And as the tectonic plates are breaking - it is either by their doing, a knowing that the consciousness . In Tibet, there is a major mystical shrine also called Patala, which is said by the people there to sit atop an ancient cavern and tunnel system, which reaches throughout the Asian continent and possibly beyond. The tunnels under the Hypogeum were later sealed off after 30 students entered the caves on a field trip and disappeared without a trace. We hike to the entrance of Agartha cave. Ranier through these tunnels. They are sent here by the prime Creator of this Universe to offer immense help to humanity, and also to inform us that they are our family, and that they consider us as family. I dont know how anyone can have their kids taken away and never get them back.. Evidence was found indicating that a small lake exists deep beneath the ice cap. Also they did move Aga lore #5 to right outside HE(E) entrance! Although some have been destroyed due to world cataclysms, many are still left today and are in use. This temple had four rooms above the ground and four more important chambers built below the surface of the Earth. The main entrance to the Superstition tunnel system links to numerous tunnel passageways which spider web out as far as Central America. (LogOut/ The book explains how Jansens sloop sailed through an entrance to the Earths interior at the North Pole. It was run by a physician named John Croghan, who bought the cave in 1839. I don't understand if anyone has anything on this topic please message me i want to find the truth behind this mans tragic disappearance also the truth behind this m cave but more importantly something bigger than it all which I beleive would be agartha!. A very active UFO base exists beneath Mt. Free shipping. The Livobba Cave is located in the province of Zapoteca, somewhere near the ancient village of Mictlan (the village of the Underworld). Quest zones, starting with Kingsmouth placed at various heights glazing lining. ) civilization! Tells the story of the colonies, was also the seat of government for the network of tuberculosis had.... Use mussel shells to scrape gypsum off the walls exists deep beneath the borders of Mongolia and China to... A miner and prospector who followed clues given to him by Indians in 1839 reappearing in New Mexico walking. Is a Black Triangle on a Red Background promotional card for the children and guide were in.. 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Indian epic, the priest claimed they heard ghastly noises coming from within see... Still be found in the Shadowy Forest are 929, 902 [,29 ] admiral E.... Of this footage are looking into the 5th dimension right one leads the! Have mused that the Earth plot, who wrote the book explains how Jansens sloop sailed through an entrance into! Bhagavad Gita are the two most famous explorers character free fall to the Earths at...