1861) (No. In 1863, Rosecrans was to capture Chattanooga, and there he met Braggs in his way. Chapter 13: His camps were laid out in formal military pattern; food, munitions, and equipment were evenly distributed; he even inspected new divisions himself. Ch 2 The armies were headed toward Atlanta, but Atlanta was not the objective. General Sherman of the North, and General Johnston of the South discuss treaties at the end of the war. 5 These battles made citizens and troops alike see that the war could and would be won. The terms of surrender made by Lee and Grant were quite different from a lot of surrenders at that time. What were the political consequences? Through trick maneuvers and flanking Pope, Lee won the battle . Because of the Battle of Antietam, the British did not recognize the South as a separate nation as they had planned to do. Railroads and roads were not good enough to move what little supplies the South could produce, and they could not be maintained or improved because of the lack of funds and supplies to do so. There were either going to be extremely good consequences coming out of it or extremely bad. Slaves were in fact considered property. The test will focus on specific objectives discussed on the blog. Do you know why Lincoln waited until after the Battle at Antietam to deliver the Emancipation Proclamation? Bio from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Chapter 5 discusses how weak that the US navy was at the time. Ch. I read these three books about 30 years ago and they set the hook as far as my interest in the Civil War goesgreat stories told told surpassingly welltruly enjoyable A great book for true history researchers. Before this point in the war, the majority of Union soldiers did not care about the abolition of slavery. His education at Oberlin College, Ohio, was interrupted by two years of naval service in World War I and was subsequently abandoned for a career in journalism. Chapter 18 discusses John Wilkes Booth and his assassination of President Lincoln, and the negotiations between Generals Sherman and Johnston. Chapter 18: Visit American Coin Treasures Storefront on Amazon for a variety of stamps and coin gifts and collections. Building the Republican Party XVI. Chapter 5: One of these such industries was the leather and hide industry. A huge factor was probably Lees division of his army into three parts although this had worked for him in the past, he shouldnt have divided his army at such a crucial battle of the war. Why was Maryland more important than others? I have read quite a bit about the Civil War in my years and there was nothing new here, but it was a nice review and I completely understand why it is considered a classic. mr.catton's writing style is distinctly in the way of a novelist, which makes all of his books, a better, more understandable read than most contemporary authors, writing about the same subject matter. Consider this a group activity. Baltimore SunInfinitely readable and absorbing, Pulitzer Prize-winner Bruce Cattons The Civil War is one of the most widely read general histories of the war available in a single volume. books, articles, PDF free E-Books Library find related books. The Union farmer had increased production and increased wealth was because of many reasons. He got these victories before election time. In Chapter 16, Hood tried to force Sherman out of the South by trying to get Sherman to follow him North of Atlanta. What were the consequences? Chapter Nineteen: 16 Sherman marched his army to Savannah from Atlanta. Chapter 10 provided an interesting look at the armies and types of people in the armies in the Civil War. Mr. Lincoln's Army Chapter Summary. Eventually the Union realized that they had to destroy the entire Confederacy, and to do this they had to destroy slavery. Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation said that all slaves in the states that seceded from the Union were free, making the Civil war about slavery. I believe there were three key battle in this chapter that not only allowed the Union to see winning the war was possible, but showed Lincoln would more than likely win the next election. There was no chance of success for Burnsides army now that Lee was so prepared for the attack. Great narratives explaining the mindset of the Union generals. My father had the Science Series, which I absolutely adored, and my grandparents thought that I would fall similarly in love with the Civil War series. The cabinets of Davis and Lincoln were very different. What was Cattons view of the document? One of which were led by Ambrose Burnside. Slavery was abolished and no longer apart of the lives they had been living for a long time now. Catton's writing is clear and easy to follow and the book is so interesting that before you know it, you are almost finished! 2. This chapter showed us the differences between the North and South and how they viewed slavery. What factors allowed the Union farmer to increase production and enjoy the wealth of the war years? Chapter 11: This isn't anything like Shelby Foote's trilogy. This novel has introduced the topics of abolition, John Brown, and train of refugee slaves who followed Shermans army. Some were caught and others were not. The governments of the North and South played a role in their success. A very detailed book about the political motivations for the Civil war and the military maneuvering of it as well. Generals Lee and Jackson soundly defeated Pope in the second battle of Bull Run. Mr. Phillips, I think you told us our test will be January 13th before we got out for Christmas break. By January 6 he got boats and men to Fort Henry, which was unexpectedly weak. It left the Hoods Confederate army completely free to do whatever they wanted while Sherman was marching to Savannah. So, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that this good, solid overview of the conflict does not go much into the details of the numerous battles - even Gettysburg. 4. The South built iron clad steam boats while the North only had sail boats. Sku. I enjoyed reading this book. ch15 this chapter explains the battle of atlanted when sherman finally defeated hood. Lee and Jackson were to face Pope and McClellan in the Second Battle of Bull Run. Bragg. What were the consequences? There was increased immigration from Europe that would have helped farming even without the new innovations. Ch. If he could do one of these things then the campaign would be considered a success. Sherman went beyond Lincolns orders concerning the surrender of Johnstons army. Prior to First Bull Run, Johnstons army was in the Shenandoah Valley. By the time Bragg figured out what happened Rosecran was on his right side. 10 The book that I chose to write about for my book report is Mr. Lincoln's Army by Bruce Catton. Fremonts gunboats were a key part of the victory. Patterson was keeping pressure on Johnston to make sure that his troops could not escape to help Beauregard. The fifth column had little outcome on the war. Grant had forced the Conferderates to retreat after he captured 15,000 of Johnstons men. 1. (In other words, avoid making comments which are repetitive of those made by other students.) is one of the most widely read general histories of the war available in a single volume. What two commanders faced off in the Battle of Fort Sumter? But I guess everyone just assumed that these threats were only politically motivated and posed no real problem. Anyone interested in the Civil War who hasn't read Catton's trilogy should do so and see what great story telling is like. What were the three key Union victories during the summer and fall of 1864 which led to Lincolns reelection? He wanted the country to forget about the issue of slavery and think about the development of Western lands (specifically a transcontinental railroad). People believed that this was a tool of the radical Republicans to insight additional anger in the Northern citizens and more conservative figures. Thus, this novel exemplifies the civil war; its causes, as well as its impact in the modern world. Chapter 7 discusses the Emancipation Proclamation and how Lincoln didnt want to issue it until the North had one the battle of Antietam. The original government was mostly pro-union and was opposed by a pro-confederacy government which was formed by . While Sherman was making his way from Tennessee to Atlanta, Davis made a decision that he would probably regret later. Now the country had to discover how to heal those wounds and become the United States once again. So the Southern culture developed around these feelings of resentment toward the North. Less than 1% of our population is affected negatively by the war. He hoped that in proving this to the South, he would crush their spirit and optimism and demonstrate that the Confederacy was too weak to survive any longer. The North couldnt be successful until the sail boats were replaced with iron clad boats. Some arguments for the invasion of the North was that the war was not going anywhere and somebody eventually had to make an offensive move. Early again tried to attack Sheridan on October 19 near Winchester, but Sheridan drove the army off and removed the threat of attack from the Shenandoah Valley. The Army of the Tennessee (led by General Ulysses S. Grant and located along the Mississippi River), The Army of the Cumberland ( led by William S. Rosecrans and located mainly in Tennessee), and The Army of the Potomac ( led by Major General Ambrose E. Burnside and located in Virginia). As a result, it has progressed for over ten years. Grant put Sheridan in charge, told him what he was supposed to do, then returned to Petersburg to await the results. Though Davis was surrounded by good men, such as Judah P. Benjamin and Stephen Mallory. . In addition, Grant would make a brilliant decision to change Union strategy from that of conquering territory, to that of destroying enemy armies. Sherman makes a decision that was very risky, I probably would not have went through with it, but it worked for him. I also think Southern culture was impacted more simply because the South lost the war. The Alabama and Shenandoah were not very important, even though they drew a great deal of importance during the war time. Chapter 5: Grant turned east toward Fort Donnelson on the Cumberland, and sent Foote around on the water. Chapter 8 tells us of three Union armies. Ch. He kills Lincoln and then flees to the South thinking he would be alright, however, the Radical Republicans were now in charge of the South allowing his flee to be a mistake. Lee left part of his force in Fredericksburg to occupy Hookers remaining men. What factors contributed to this different attitude? Him commanding one, and Jackson commanding the other. This led to poorly fought battles and many deaths that could have been averted. Booth was boastful of his plans. Chapter eight dictates of three armies. The author of this book made a very interesting point that if Booth had only wanted to kill Lincoln, he could have arranged an appointment. How was it a tragedy for the South? ${cardName} unavailable for quantities greater than ${maxQuantity}. The South had a bunch of backwoods type of people who had been riding horses their whole lives while the North was mostly city-dwellers who had never been on a horse. Later he would almost relieve one of his greatest officers General George Thomas, The Rock of Chickamauga from command of the Army of the Tennessee because Grant was freaking out with impatience near the end of the war. The existence of slavery had kept the south from developing a skilled class of workers. Burnside lacked the mental agility to change his plan and therefore went through with his original plan of building bridges. Bruce Catton addressed that neither the North or the South took each other seriously. Beauregard and Johnston combined their forces in order to save the South from losing western land. Easy to read. Seward filed a protest against the occupation and Napoleon withdrew. Give examples. One interesting strategy of the Union army was the decision of Sherman to completely ignore Confederate armies and make a direct march from Atlanta to Savannah destroying everything in his path. January 6. Chapter 10 provides a microcosmic view of army life during the war. How was he able to free his army and join the battle? As soon as the Confederacy surrendered, they were once again Americans. A group of masked Montague's risk further conict by . Someone told me this was Brad Birzer's favorite general history of the Civil War. How was the Army of the Cumberland motivated to divide the lines of the Army of Tennessee at Missionary Ridge? At the Battle of Shiloh, Beauregard and Johnston engaged Grant. Burnsides plan was to engage Lee between Fredericksburg and Richmond, win, and then take the Confederate capital. Hooker planned to use his calvary to cut off Lees communication with Richmond. The only problem with the South was the fact they hardly had any heavy weapons. Also, many people in the Confederacy had their own horses they could provide for the war while the North had to buy horses to supply the cavalry. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The first chapter of this book was an introduction to the causes of the civil war. the subject by reading Bruce Catton's beautiful and evocative . The British were outraged by this because they thought the Americans had no right to stop one of their ships. Though the Federals forced the Confederates to retreat there was nothing really to show for this victory in the end. The Union on Trial XIII. Halleck had an amazing force of 100,000 but since he wanted to do things by the book instead of the smart thing, which was to keep his force together, he split his force and set out to capture as much territory as possible because the book recommended occupying enemy territory. After seeing how Hookers army was set up in Chancellorsville, Lee sent half of his troops with Stonewall Jackson to flank Hooker, and the smaller Confederate army defeated the bigger Union army. Bragg engaged Rosecrans at Chickmauga Creek and won a great victory. 2. Many of the Southerns were raised in a culture were guns were apart of ones daily life. The Union army broke the rebels streched lines and forced the Confederates to evacuate Petersburg. I did some more research and found out they both went to West Point where they were classmates. The South being rural, small farms producing cotton, and the North being full of immigration, ctites, and factories; leaving them with two different mind sets. I also believe they had probably grown very familiar with the late Henry Clay (died 1852) solving the nations disagreements with another compromise. The flow of this book, truly captured what occurred during this tough time of our country's history. When McClellan did not leave the number of troops that they required, Lincoln removed a battalion of troops from McClellans command, leaving him with only 90,000 troops instead of the 130,000 he wanted. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Without the institution of slavery, most southerners had to completely change their lifestyle. He speaks about the events which lead up to the war, and his analyses of them. But his march from Atlanta to Savannah was successful, so maybe he was smarter than Grant in that aspect. Another issue was the time it took to train Northern soldiers in the cavalry; soldiers from the South needed little to no training. There were new innovations in farming, like the improved plow, the corn planter, the two-horse cultivator, and the steam-driven threshing machine. 9 Not a military history, with in-depth descriptions and analysis of campaigns. Bruce Catton, Lewis Gannett (Editor) 4.35 1,095 ratings90 reviews This fascinating book tells the story of the Civil War as seen from the Union side. These three battles were, the Battle of Atlanta, where Sherman defeated Hood, the Battle of Mobile Bay, and when Sheridan was defeated Early in Shenandoah Valley. Catton believed that Booth was fairly crazy, like most people did and still do. Knowing they could not defeat both at the same time, Lee sent Jackson to engage Pope. The Confederate soldiers would deposit all weapons at their state capitals and sign a pledge not to take up arms again. Cattons thesis is that the war provided growth for the Union economy while driving the Confederates into ruin. The reason why the Civil War has had more of an impact on the South was because of the long lasting hatred some Southerners would have on the North. Another example of industry growth for the North because of the war was the iron works industry, specifically Pittsburgh. The North completely destroyed most of the South and took away their slaves. Grant got his first recognition when he took Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. Ch 3 Free returns are available for the shipping address you chose. Most useful to the Confederacy were the blockade runners that brought in much needed supplies. Though, Lincolns proclamation only freed slaves in the South. This was a big blow to the Confederates because it hurt their economy so much. 2. Why does he say that if it hadnt been for slavery, the other conflict which led to war could have been decided through political process? The Unions back was at the TN River, leaving them nowhere to go. A concise yet comprehensive explanation of the major causes, political events, military movements, and (to a lesser extent) aftermaths of the Civil War. - Consolidate understanding of practical work, methodology, mathematical and other skills out of the laboratory with exam tips and knowledge check questions, with answers in the back of the book. The war was not going to be one from naval battles so the Union decided that they would just blockade the Souths harbors. Catton's survey of the final year of the Civil War shows that it was both triumphant and devastating for all who were involved. Chapter 19-Why do you believe that the Civil War has had a more lasting impact on the culture of the South than the North? The American Civil War is one of the most written about conflicts in history. The North did not take the South seriously, even when they threatened to secede. Prior to being replaced as commanders in the West, what significant decisions were made by General Fremont (USA) and General Polk (CSA)? How did the actions of Lee and Grant at the end of the war help contribute to a more immediate peace between the two regions? Something that covers the larger conflicts, movementsboth political and militarily, yet more well-written than your standard U.S. History textbook. Lee and Jackson soundly defeated Hookers army that was originally about twice as big as the confederate army. Democrats wanted a softer war and, therefore, opposed Lincolns election. 4. What were the results? How did the United States ultimately respond? 3. Yes. In Jacksons administration, we have states telling the national government they will not obey laws they do not see as constitutional. Sheridan beat Early and forced him to retreat. It viewed slavery as one of the main causes. Chapter 11: BP. 2. Strangely, he used a combination of tactful delicacy and hardfisted reuthlesness. Ch. It was understood internationally that during times of war, a country could halt a neutral commerce ship and search them for members of the country they were at war against peacefully. It had the usual Generals and dates and locations. At Chancellorsville, Jackson took 26,000 men and battered the Unions right flank, while Lee attacked from the front. It was a war that that tore both. In return, Grant would direct the war from the field while employing such key figures as George Meade over the Army of the Potomac, and Philip Sheriden over the Army of the Potomacs cavalry. With the threat of 11,000 soldiers in Canada, England asked for the prisoners and an apology. While the South threatened to secede, the North wasnt takeing it serious. Then, all state governments would be considered lawful once their members took an oath to support the Constitution. I am currently starting a class on the Civil War, and I expect that the historiography has changed substantially since 1960, but it is nice to have a good foundation moving into the spring semester. Catton thought it was absurd because it was focused on areas where the United States authority was not effective. This is a book on how an army overcomes the trials and tribulations of a very difficult time in our history. The north did not get any direct reward that was really worth what they had fought for, in my opinion. Nothing in our time makes the Civil War as alive as the writings of Bruce Catton. They had to do away with slavery which was pretty much what kept the south running well. Chapter 4: The people of Washington had tagged along to see what they thought would be a great show. How did he trick the South in supporting this goal? . Chapter 12: Hoods objective was to get Sherman out of the South. Catton has written many books on the war and this book is a simple, straightforward account. Known as a narrative historian, Catton specialized in popular history, featuring colorful characters and historical vignettes, in addition to the basic facts, dates, and analyses. After they recovered the ship, the Confederacy choped off the top of the ship and rebuilt it and covered it with iron and outfited it with ten cannons. This chapter explains the ending of the war and the abolishment of slavery. The North almost did not win because the South kept fighting and not giving up. In a Republic, a war couldnt be fought without the support of the countries citizens. Lincoln and Stanton were uneasy about this plan because it left Washington vulnerable to a sudden Confederate thrust so they ordered McClellan to leave enough troops to ensure Washingtons safety. "Nothing in our time makes the Civil War as alive as the writings of Bruce Catton." In 1864 the Union Party niminated Abraham Lincoln as President and Andrew Johnson of Tennessee as his running mate. His objective was to occupy the western part of Memphis and the important railroads runnung eat and northeastfrom that cirt and north from the top of the Mississippi River, catch up with the union forces and open the river from headwaters to gulf. Shipping cost, delivery date, and order total (including tax) shown at checkout. They both lacked uniforms, tents, and guns. 9487), is a well-known and controversial U.S. federal court case that arose out of the American Civil War. If this offer had been made in 1863, it possibly would have brought what Richmond wanted. What impact did Gettysburg and Vicksburg have on the British entry into the war? How did British support for the Confederate navy almost bring them into the Civil War? While I agree with you regarding the Radical Reconstruction being a bit much, we will be reading in the text regarding the high level of arrogance on the part of southerners following the war that might make you a little more sympathetic of the closed-minded views of the Radical Republicans regarding a punitive Reconstruction. Catton is a very skilled writer. Mr. Catton makes it clear that the war could not be won with naval strength. A Union ship searched a British commerce ship and captured some members. The Civil War by Bruce Catton Chapter Three: 2. Sherman put together three armies: Army of the Tennessee under Major General McPherson, the Army of the Cumberland under Thomas, and the Army of the Ohio under Schofield. As Grant was attacking Jackson, Mississippi in order to position his army on the eastern side of Vicksburg, the Confederate General Pemberton received conflicting orders from General Joe Johnston and President Jefferson Davis. Sherman had agreed and tried to follow Grants objective following the breakout from Chattanooga in his effort to destroy the Confederate Army of Tennessee under Johnston and then Hood. For the industrial Union, the Civil war was still very profitable. And everything in between in this easy to read history of the Civil War. Its an excellent account of the Army of the Potomac, and very informative. summary of the required practical work examined in the A-level specifications. I think the passing of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was one of the huge contributing factors to the start of the war. They did not think before the war cotton was being produced so rapidly England and France had plenty of cotton to last them for a while; therefore not all the soldiers were armed. More lasting impact on the culture of the countries citizens it has progressed for over ten.. Twice as big as the Confederate navy almost bring them into the Civil has. 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