Spitler Peak Trail had 10 new treefall hazards, almost all in the upper switchbacks. All trails above about 6500 ft remain lightly (or above 9000 ft, moderately) snow-covered. At the Peak on Sunday 1st January 2023 at 0830 the air temperature was 17.9F (-8C), with a windchill temperature of -2.3F (-19C), 100% relative humidity, and a sharp WSW wind sustained at 11 mph gusting to 21.1 mph. In the wake of an immense storm and with more snow on the way, San Bernardino County officials declared a local emergency Monday to secure state and federal assistance . Devils Slide Trail has an excellent compacted track to follow to Saddle Junction. In Idyllwild for several days both overnight low and daytime high temperatures will be more typical of March or even April than of late December. The State Park cut about a dozen trees on the section of trail under their jurisdiction in late July. Thank you for taking the time to read this. All trails above about 6000 ft are currently lightly (or above 9000 ft, moderately) snow-covered. Since then Idyllwild had a very light dusting (<0.25 inch) of snow on Friday 20th, but the high country was above the cloud and unaffected. This trail will become significantly more treacherous as it undergoes freeze/thaw cycles and compaction over the next week or two. Fire lookouts at Black Mountain and Tahquitz Peak were closed for the season ahead of schedule in anticipation of the snow storm in early November. Snow cover is shallow up to about 7000 ft, but relatively heavy above 8000 ft. This was tricky for postholing which went through the ice layer. Details of snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. More rain and snow is expected in the San Diego area Monday and forecast to arrive . New treefall hazards on major trails have been reported to relevant agencies, and those on Spitler Peak Trail have already been cleared by the Trail Report. In the days since the storm, we have also surveyed trails around Tahquitz Peak, South Ridge, Spitler Peak, and Deer Springs, among others. Underlying the fresh snow is in places a thin layer of ice and/or icy snow remaining from the previous storm in early November. South Ridge Trail is now functionally clear of snow to Tahquitz Peak with only 1-2% icy snow cover overall. It turned to occasional light snow at about 1500, but less than 0.5 inch has accumulated so far (at 5550 ft). Snowshoes are not advisable due to the angle of the icy snow. Both trails were virtually completely clear of snow. I stubbornly kept on my snowshoes to 10,100 ft elevation on the Peak Trail, despite some lateral slipping as I traversed the icy snow slopes. Above Little Round Valley the track through the snow does not follow the trail route to San Jacinto Peak, and is steep and direct. We surveyed the PCT where it crosses Highway 74 (approx. 25F-4C. Spikes are not essential for ascending, but most hikers will find them useful at least for descending. Thank you so much for your support. Idyllwild (at 5550 ft): 0.75 inches (melting rapidly this afternoon). So, that avalanche looks very large.. Your contribution keeps the Report available to all, free from advertising or paywalls, and independent from agencies. Above Little Round Valley there are at least half-a-dozen tracks ascending toward San Jacinto Peak, none of which accurately follow the established trail route. It made for one of the easiest trips to . They are not however required, depending upon your comfort level hiking on shallow variable snow, mixed with slushy and icy patches. An additional six inches of accumulation today brings the total in Idyllwild since 21st February to 20.5 inches. At the Peak on Wednesday 15th February 2023 at 1030 the air temperature was 4.9F (-15C), with a windchill temperature of -26.3F (-32C), 65% relative humidity, and a bitter due North wind sustained at 19 mph gusting to 27.7 mph. However the fresh powder is very fine and drifting heavily in the strong SW wind, and I had 2-3 inches in places in the upper Peak Trail. Details of snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. Little Round Valley (9800 ft): 45 inches, heavily drifted, Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 40 inches (45 inches), Annies Junction/PCT Mile 180.8 (9070 ft): 44 inches (45-48 inches), Tahquitz Peak (8836 ft): 25 inches, heavily drifted to 40 inches in places (measured 20th January), Seven Pines Trail junction with Deer Springs Trail (8700 ft): 36 inches, Strawberry Junction/PCT Mile 183 (8100 ft): 15 inches, Saddle Junction/PCT Mile 179 (8070 ft): 19 inches (21 inches), Suicide Rock Trail junction with Deer Springs Trail (6950 ft): 1-3 inches, Devils Slide trailhead at Humber Park (6550 ft): 2-4 inches (5-6 inches), Idyllwild (at 5550 ft): 0-2 inches (3 inches). Conversely in places scouring by the wind means the depths are well below the average. Spikes tend to be especially useful for descending trails. This trail has had limited hiker traffic since November 2018, largely because Dark Canyon Road has only been open for a few months since February 2019. San Jacinto Peak (10810 ft): 6-8 inches (12-14 inches on 12th December), Little Round Valley (9800 ft): 8 inches (10-12 inches on 12th December), Wellman Divide (9700 ft): 0-2 inches (7 inches on 12th December), Annies Junction/approx. However they will remain very valuable for off-trail travel at elevations above about 9000 ft (potentially lower in places) for the next week or two at least. Note however that snow depth itself is rarely indicative of the difficulty (or otherwise) of hiking a particular route. Skyline Trail has a good track to follow through very thin and patchy icy snow above about 7200 ft (the Traverse to Grubbs Notch). The main track is clearest just above LRV and again close to the Peak junction. Be prepared for trails above about 8000 ft (perhaps lower in places) completely or largely obscured by moderate to deep snow. Snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. Be prepared for trails above about 7500 ft (lower in places) obscured by moderate to deep snow, and even fresh tracks being erased by spindrift snow in places. Only 2.5 inches of snow fell at San Jacinto Peak (10,810ft) decreasing to 0.25 inch in upper Fern Valley (at approximately 6000 ft). Details of snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. The latter includes interpreting the snow/ice conditions, understanding your physical and mental abilities, and conservative decision making. [UPDATE 1st December 2022: the double storm system that looks likely to bring significant precipitation to northern and central California appears to be missing the San Jacinto mountains, despite optimistic forecasts over the previous week. There is steep, dangerous snow along the PCT on Mount San Jacinto, and in the mountains further north all the way to Canada. They are now invaluable on heavily traveled, compacted, icy tracks (before they clear of snow in the coming weeks) such as Devils Slide, Ernie Maxwell, and Deer Springs trails, at least, especially mornings when conditions tend to be most icy, and for descending. Snowshoes are not currently advisable on these slopes due to the angle of the underlying ice. Snow cover is a patchy 20% from Strawberry Junction north for about 1.5 mile (roughly 8600 ft). Please check this page for periodic updates the most recent is at the top throughout the multiple day storm sequence. The 0.4 mile section of South Ridge Trail between Chinquapin Flat/PCT and Tahquitz Peak [checked 20th January] has no steps to follow through the steeply angled ice with overlying deep snow. Details of snow depths measured at various locations on the trail system are given at the foot of this posting. The forecasts are very unsettled for the next week, but significant snowfall arrives on Saturday 31st (12+ inches expected in the high country) and may continue on/off until Friday 6th January 2023, potentially totaling 2-3 feet above 10,000 ft elevation. Above that elevation, icy snow is largely continuous to Saddle Junction. Dark Canyon Road (4S02, the access to Seven Pines Trail) and Santa Rosa Truck Trail (7S02) closed to vehicle traffic for the season on 7th November 2022. However the remaining snow patches are icy in the morning. Forest Service campgrounds at Boulder Basin, Marion Mountain, and Fern Basin are now closed for the season. Marion Mountain Trail [updated 15th] has a mix of snowshoe and posthole tracks all the way up to its junction with Deer Springs Trail. UPDATE 17th November 2022: as predicted, and even as melting proceeds steadily, trails are getting increasing icy due to daily freeze/thaw cycles, and spikes are recommended throughout the trail system above about 7000 ft. On my hike to San Jacinto Peak this morning, again I did not need spikes to ascend, but they were invaluable for descending all the way down to upper Devils Slide Trail. Two more significant atmospheric river storm systems are forecast on Saturday 14th-Sunday 15th, and on 16th-18th. The park's namesake, Mount San Jacinto, rises to 11,000 feet at San Jacinto Peak and offers hikers stunning granite rock faces, subalpine forests, and a lush, fern laden forest floor. Altitudes are approximate. The next comprehensive update of the Report will likely be in the evening of Wednesday 11th. Idyllwild received 2.75 inches, and I measured five inches at San Jacinto Peak on my hike through the storm this morning, with 3-4 inches at locations in between. Note that tracks discussed are obscured quickly by heavy drifting of snow from strong winds, sometimes in days or even hours. Average snow cover is 40%, but is nearly continuous near Humber Park. Forecasts are currently indicating about 30-40 inches of snow for the highest peaks of the San Jacinto mountains (>10,000 ft) between 21st and 25th February, and about 18-30 inches for Idyllwild (5000-6000 ft elevations). WEATHER UPDATE Thursday 26th January 2023: Wild Santa Ana (north-east) winds today in the San Jacinto mountains have included gusts of 69 and 73 mph early this morning at automated stations at each end of Bonita Vista Road. Snowfall in the high country has been somewhat below expectations, with nine inches at San Jacinto Peak (for a current total depth of about 16-18 inches), and 5-6 inches in Long Valley (8600ft, total c.6 inches). They tend to be especially valuable for descending trails. Snowshoes are no longer required on the established trail system, which is now too compacted for snowshoes. Spikes are recommended. An additional 5.5 inches of snow fell in Idyllwild overnight, rather more than forecast, meaning we had to dig out yet again this morning. Since the depths given in the previous Report, there had been very minor storms on 28th and 29th December, which added a couple of inches at the highest elevations, down to 0.5 inch at 8000 ft. Devils Slide Trail is almost clear of icy snow to about 7700 ft although some extended dirty icy patches remain below that. Snow is virtually continuous from there to San Jacinto Peak, with an excellent track to follow. This morning the PCT at the top of Spitler Peak Trail (roughly Mile 168.5) was basically clear of snow. No fresh snow fell overnight, with storm totals of about nine inches at San Jacinto Peak and 0.5 inch in Idyllwild unchanged. Sadly it is looking increasingly likely that neither storm will significantly impact the San Jacinto mountains. With another storm imminent tomorrow, I do not plan a thorough update until Wednesday 15th. I descended Deer Springs Trail, again breaking trail the entire way, but again through light snow sitting on top of a very solid, icy snow layer. Hikers will encounter new treefall hazards due to the enormous weight of ice from freezing rain associated with the early November storm, followed by recent Santa Ana winds, and since the passage of Tropical Storm Kay in September. All trails above about 5500 ft are currently lightly (or above 8500 ft, moderately) snow-covered. Note that temperatures fluctuating either side of freezing are forecast for both mid and upper elevations starting in a few days time. An informal use trail to Laws is much more direct and avoids all of the very challenging bushwhacking of the former trails (local hikers Charles Phelan and Mark Gumprecht kindly nicknamed it the King Trail when I established the route in 2019). On the mornings of both Wednesday 1st February and Monday 30th January I ascended San Jacinto Peak via the east side (Devils Slide, Wellman, Peak, and East Ridge trails), descending the same way. As I described above, spikes tend to be much more valuable for descending trails rather than ascending. However by this afternoon, melting was already underway below 9000 ft on sun-exposed slopes. Crunchy layers as high as 9800 ft elevation told me it had rained that high at the start of the storm yesterday, but conversely there was very light snow (<1 inch) down to 5500 ft in Idyllwild. As described below, there were only about three inches at Saddle Junction (PCT Mile 179) yesterday. The high country was above the weather most of the night, and added an inch of fresh snow at most, however there were 2.25 inches in Idyllwild, and also roughly the same fresh snow depth at Humber Park and Saddle Junction. The Wellman Trail track was disappearing under spindrift as I re-broke it on Monday 23rd. On 19th the cold icy early morning snow had good bite for grippy boots and I barebooted all the way to San Jacinto Peak. There is evidence of a relatively well-traveled track south from Saddle Junction on the PCT, but as of the morning of Saturday 17th this track did not make it through to Chinquapin Flat. The traversing slopes above Wellmans Divide (roughly 9800-10,500 ft) were extremely firm early in the morning and potentially treacherous. But in 2020, two people had to be rescued when they were caught in an avalanche while hiking in. Snow depths are currently suitable for snowshoeing everywhere above about 9000 ft. Spikes tend to be most valuable for descending even when not needed for ascending. Reliable tracks are in place (at least) for Devils Slide Trail. However the combined effect of the two minor storms, in combination with wild gusty winds pushing spindrift snow all over the high country, had completely erased the few tracks that were in place by the morning of Wednesday 15th. Average snow cover is 60%, but is nearly continuous near Humber Park. On cold mornings the trail will be icy and some hikers will find spikes are useful, however on warmer days and afternoons spikes are not required. The freeze level will initially be above 10,000 ft, ultimately only falling to about 9000 ft, so many of the main access trails to the high country may get no new snowfall. A major warming trend will significantly change conditions on the trail system in the next week or two. These icy slopes are notoriously treacherous. Snowshoes are useful in low to moderate angle terrain with adequate snow depth above about 8000 ft, for example the Tahquitz area meadows near Saddle Junction, sections of Deer Springs Trail, and Long Valley/Round Valley. Fresh snowfall in Long Valley is now at about four inches. That is expected to change, with up to several inches of snow forecast both in the high country and at mid elevations tonight. Deer Springs Trail [updated 22nd December] has an accurate track to follow all the way to San Jacinto Peak as I broke trail the entire way down to the Suicide Rock Trail junction on 15th December. Altitudes are approximate. Their arrival followed a period of several days of temperatures well above seasonal the previous week which had produced some significant melting. For the foreseeable future hikers should be prepared for temperatures below freezing in the high country, and well below freezing when considering wind chill effects (see below for my recent weather observations from San Jacinto Peak). While these are expected to bring significant precipitation throughout the state, there remains considerable uncertainty regarding timing and precipitation amounts for Southern California. However the snow conditions may not be suitable for snowshoeing on certain slopes, as described above. If you have found this Report useful, please consider using this link to the Donate page. This is a summary of conditions following the second significant Pacific storm of winter 2022/23 to impact the San Jacinto mountains. Thank you so much for your support. The previous Report (available here) summarized the conditions following the multiple storm event of 14th-17th January. It warmed last night to just above freezing below 6000 ft, with a mixture of rain and sleet falling on top of the prior snow, turning it increasingly to wet slush at mid elevations (we measured about 0.25 inch rain in Idyllwild). Very shallow snow is often icy and potentially perilous, while deeper powder can actually be much safer, albeit slow-going for hiking. Monday 5th was the first day since the snow storm in early November that I did not use spikes for descending, as the icy snow in the high country was crisp and grippy in cold, cloudy conditions. As mentioned above, the focus is on heavy snowfall expected over the next 5-6 days (and potentially again on 28th February-1st March). However they are not required, depending on your comfort level with postholing in drifted snow of moderate depth. With such mild storms this winter, it is interesting to speculate how much snow would currently be around the high peaks if air temperatures had been just a couple of degrees cooler. Trails down to 4000 ft elevation currently have shallow snow cover. Spikes tend to be especially useful for descending trails. Remarkably Tropical Storm Kay did not add any new treefall hazards to this trail. Spikes could potentially be used to ascend to the highest peaks at this time, although crampons are certainly safer for traversing. Winters are highly variable in Mount San Jacinto State Park. Suitable for snowshoeing on certain slopes, as described above, spikes tend be! Conservative decision making the multiple day storm sequence trail has an excellent compacted track follow. And I barebooted all the way to San Jacinto mountains too compacted for snowshoes are given at the throughout! Already underway below 9000 ft, moderately ) snow-covered in late July due to the Peak.. 1500, but is nearly continuous near Humber Park the main track is clearest just above LRV again. In Mount San Jacinto Peak and 0.5 inch in Idyllwild unchanged I barebooted all the to... 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