PETER KEATING: Dr. Omalu is excluded, just underscoring how they don't want to do business with him. Maybe 10 minutes passed, and he looked at me with the same puzzled expression and asked the same sequence of questions. I mean, it was great it was very "Deep Throat" by somebody who shall remain nameless. Use these letters in both in-text citations and the Reference list. No. NARRATOR: And Tagliabue said he was skeptical about the risk from concussions, once calling the controversy the result of "pack journalism.". JULIAN BAILES, M.D., Team Neurosurgeon, Steelers, 1988-97: For the most part, people didn't want to believe it's true. Dr. JULIAN BAILES: There was skepticism. It was pretty obvious, actually, the first interview that he had some type of cognitive impairment. APA style requires two elements for citing outside sources: Reference Citations in Text and a Reference List. Once his career was over, McHale ran a successful chain of restaurants. He had issues, certainly, during his career. NARRATOR: 49ers quarterback Steve Young was another one of Leigh Steinberg's clients. ROBERT STERN, Ph.D., Neuropsychologist, BU CTE Center: Owen Thomas to me was a critical case. NARRATOR: The committee members believed Dr. McKee could not answer two important questions. It was it was like, you know, a picture of him that was just shattered into a million pieces. And she says, "Absolutely." I had no idea that she was a super football fan. They were now research partners. And so the image of the situation to most fans is that the NFL got taken to task for the concussion problem, OK? STEVE FAINARU, FRONTLINE/ESPN: The level of denial was just profound. ANNOUNCER: Here's the run-up, and Super Bowl 43 is under way with the flashbulbs a-poppin'! Topics. And then he'd lift his shoulders. NARRATOR: Now Goodell was fully in charge of the league's handling of the concussion crisis. Sexism is part of my life. MLA citation generator could help will change over time, you Soon he and his family would come to believe those hits to the head had taken a devastating toll. MARK FAINARU-WADA: The NFL convenes a summit in the summer of 2007. He moved to Lodi, California. HARRY CARSON: You know, most people are keyed in on the big hit. Steve Young apparently knocked cold, knocked out cold, walks off the field. NARRATOR: The commissioner arrived like a celebrity, the star attraction at the hearing and the focus of all the cameras. ROBERT STERN, Ph.D., Neuropsychologist, Boston University: Those initial studies from the NFL were notorious in telling the world over and over and over again, "No, there's no relationship between hitting your head in football and later life problems. I believe in empirically determined, scientifically valid data. NARRATOR: Harry Carson has been studying the matter since he retired 25 years ago. I think McKee uses the word "crisis." BENNET OMALU, M.D., Neuropathologist: I was not aware of it. NARRATOR: NFL doctors say the decision was made purely in the interest of science. APA Activity 2: Citing PracticeCreate a reference page by citing the following sources in correct APA format. And it wasn't hypothetical. Snickers commercial PBS Frontline special League of Denial . BOB SCHIEFFER, CBS News Face the Nation: [February 3, 2013] I'm going to ask you this question because some widows of some NFL players have asked me to ask you. 1 1 329-331 of the Publication Manual of the site that hosts the page followed. Apuzzo was also a consultant for the New York Giants. You'll receive access to exclusive information and early alerts about our documentaries and investigations. And thank you for coming.". Our bills are all overdue. He's not a neuro anything. And the next thing you know, they are reliving this conversation they'd had five minutes earlier. And so you knew that this was going to be big. Dr. HENRY FEUER: She was seeing only those that were in trouble, and we know that there are thousands roaming around that are not having problems. He said, "No, you don't." That's all I can say about that. Michael Kirk. The Chegg Writing APA citation generator will show you the elements, guides formats. For FRONTLINE, ESPN and in their own book, they've been investigating how the NFL has handled evidence that football may be destroying the brains of NFL players. CEL 2103. In a two-part documentary, FRONTLINE and Forbidden Films explore how the powerful spyware Pegasus, sold to governments around the world by the Israeli company NSO Group, was used on journalists, activists, the wife and fiance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and others. NEWSCASTER: The National Football League says it will encourage current and former players to donate their brains, NARRATOR: As the story of the deal broke, NEWSCASTER: The NFL is donating $1 million towards the study. And while he's up there, Casson is off to the side and he's rolling his eyes. They basically told him to go away and never come back. ", BENNET OMALU, M.D., Medical Examiner: And everybody looked at me, like, "Where is he from? Said, "Oh, he's even bigger than Mike Webster." Once you hit full speed and you're moving backwards and he hits you, you're gone. Each time that happens, it's around 20G or more. Dr. ANN McKEE: Because the way football is being played currently that I've seen, it's dangerous. NEWSCASTER: The right-hand man to Tagliabue is running the show. DOCUMENT: "has determined that Mr. Webster is currently totally and permanently disabled.". There's nobody in America who doesn't know what that means. And that just didn't make sense to anyone that's a scientist. NARRATOR: Long was an offensive lineman with the Steelers for eight years. And Ann said, "Well, actually, I was on the NIH committee that defined how you diagnose that disease. These are the sources and citations used to . I watched them completely fight with doctors at every time to get into the game. NARRATOR: At home, there were bouts of rage. STEVE FAINARU: Webster's forehead was essentially fixed to its scalp. Simply copy it to the References page as is. In the meantime, we have to do everything we can to advance the game and make sure it's safe. NEWSCASTER: including compulsive gambling, alcohol abuse. And I feel strongly about that, too. GEORGE ATKINSON, Oakland Raiders, 1968-77: You have to survive, so you learn the methods to survive and be the best at surviving in that environment. I said, "What are you talking about?" Educational DVDs ofLeague of Denial: The NFL's Concussion Crisisare available from ShopPBS. NARRATOR: Earlier, Goodell had watched his mentor, Tagliabue, downplay the concussion controversy. It's pretty scary. Look out! nintendo account nickname change; winco lentil rice blend recipe; delanco dmv road test route; advantages and disadvantages of budding reproduction And there may be other confounding factors in terms of the genetics that we simply don't understand. The skin on his forehead had built up almost a shelf of scar tissue that from the continuous pounding of his head into other people. A text book: The second edition of Psychology and Your Life by Robert S. Feldman written in 2013. DIRECTED BY. Junior Seau's daughter says the focus of her dad's induction into the NFL Hall of Fame this weekend should be on his time as a player, not brain disease. The question is, do you want it to be your child? NARRATOR: Then there was the matter of Webster's forehead. Dr. ROBERT CANTU: You have a brain that's intact. NARRATOR: He had used his body and his head for 20 years in the NFL. We don't know. MEGAN NODERER: Oh, my God! NARRATOR: The commissioner and the league had successfully held the line, denying the dangers of football. STEVE FAINARU: One of his mantras was to "protect the shield," the NFL shield, to protect the integrity of the game. I really worry for my running back brothers. NARRATOR: From the beginning, the league's board was skeptical, reluctant to give Webster money. That was the message, "Don't worry about it. Using APA reference style, the references is attached below from Feldman, R. S. (2013) to American Psychology Association (2020). We don't know if concussion in and of itself is what causes the abnormalities. So we continued talking again. NARRATOR: Almost right away, Nowinski secured a portion of the brain of a 45-year-old former Tampa Bay Buccaneer, Tom McHale. Just a few blocks from NFL headquarters, the commissioner had another problem. HANK WILLIAMS, Jr.: [ABC "Monday Night Football," 1996] [singing] Are you ready for some football, a Monday night invasion. It's huge business. He may have been "the" legend and "the" hero because here's that blue-collar worker, a center, who doesn't get any glory, doesn't catch the touchdown passes, doesn't kick the 52-yard field goal to win a game. To lead it, he chose Elliot Pellman, the New York Jets team doctor, a firm believer that concussions were not a serious problem. And we take those issues very seriously. NARRATOR: What she saw was that telltale protein, tau. STEVE FAINARU: At that point, there's nothing else to do except leave. And there's only one place in your body that you really don't understand. Oh, yeah! Segments from videos are created and titled by Films on Demand, making the segmenting proprietary. It was a new understanding that, "Hey, you know, this might be bigger than we think.". NARRATOR: On this day, the commissioner would take a front row seat to listen to the best medical minds in the league. NARRATOR: Omalu submitted another paper to Neurosurgery, this one about Terry Long. You have to sacrifice years down the line. SUNNY JANI, Friend: He had a lot of pain, and he hasn't slept for days. (Producer) Bruce, C. (Producer) & Gigliotti, D. (Producer) He was he actually he broke down in tears in front of me a couple of times because he couldn't get his thoughts together and he couldn't keep them in order. Mike Wiser. I think that really was how he felt because he really was. These are questions, not statements of fact. NARRATOR: He talked about the price he was willing to pay. STEVE FAINARU: He was a steroid user. STEVE FAINARU: Just as they're finishing up the autopsy, the chaplain comes walking into the room and he says, literally, "Houston, we have a problem." Dr. ANN McKEE: I don't want to get into the sexism too much, but sexism plays a big role when you're a doctor of my age who's come up in the ranks with a lot of male doctors. JANE LEAVY: This is a process that is awe-inspiring in the old-fashioned sense of the word. APA produced and directed by Janet Tobias and Laura Rabhan Bar-On ; written by Michel Martin and Janet Tobias. ALAN SCHWARTZ, The New York Times: It appears as if it ties it up quite nicely. I looked. Don't watch the dramatized version of what happened, as this is the original documentary based off the book of the NFL's coverup of head injuries. NARRATOR: They even questioned whether Mike Webster was suffering from neurological problems. And I honestly don't know whether he was seeing my disappointment, or whether it was his own disappointment that he was seeing reflected back. They granted Webster monthly disability payments. NARRATOR: Brain trauma became an obsession. MARK FAINARU-WADA: He said, almost identically to what he had said before Congress back in 2009, which was, you know, "We're going to let the medical people decide that.". They haven't looked at brain after brain after brain. NARRATOR: the NFL'S spokesman, Greg Aiello, received a call from reporter Alan Schwarz. It looks like in the heart. He's up. And you know, her husband, suffering, you know, from dementia, obviously can't be represented there by anybody but her. A lawyer is there to figure out what the league needs to do to defend itself against a storm that may or may not come, but the league has to be ready to fight. It was during that time that a brain arrived that would dramatically raise the stakes. For a majority of Mike Webster's adult life, he was defined by his work as a professional football player. Search the physical and online collections at UW-Madison, UW System libraries, and the Wisconsin Historical Society. . We strong we strongly deny those allegations that we withheld any information or misled the players. NARRATOR: In 1991, Mike Webster left football. Dr. ANN McKEE: I think it's going to be a shockingly high percentage. In this section, the new framework is examined and potential benefits and costs discussed. The NFL knew it, but the players certainly didn't know it. Paraphrasing content from first source . That's, like, the budget of a Harry Potter movie every week, week in, week out. NARRATOR: Also on the panel, Nowinski's other star, Lisa McHale. The FRONTLINE investigation details how, for years, the league denied and worked to refute scientific evidence that the violent collisions at the heart of the game are linked to an alarming . Dr. JULIAN BAILES: So I presented and showed our data, which was four or five cases at that point. NARRATOR: She'd spent years trying to get help from the NFL and its players association. You may use your text or the OWL. And the NFL's message was, "Sorry. But he doesn't know anything about football. And let's see Minnesota has it! Find journal titles available online and in print. It's been removed from the upper spinal cord. ROBERT STERN: Tom McHale was a brilliant guy, went to Cornell, had been playing football since a kid. I think the fault of the paper was, it was maybe too early to be making those statements based on a fairly small sample of players, which is the major criticism of the study which I think is a valid one. NARRATOR: It was now in writing. GUULEED MUUMIN UNV 504 Week 2 APA Activity 1 and 2.doc. PETER KEATING, Reporter, ESPN: A lawyer is not there to offer medical advice. And they had asked players, or their representatives, their wives, "Have you been diagnosed by a physician as having Alzheimer's, dementia, or any other memory-related disease?"". I can spend hours doing it. What time is it? Then he submitted a scientific paper on the Webster case to the one journal that seemed to be most interested in head injuries in football, Neurosurgery, and Dr. Apuzzo accepted it. NARRATOR: They had even invited outside scientists who had become some of the league's biggest critics. He suffered countless head injuries. NARRATOR: Aiello insisted the study's design was flawed. The threat was that the league was going to have to pay out in the billions with a B, not millions with an M. NARRATOR: About one third of NFL veterans, including some of the biggest former stars, claimed the NFL had fraudulently concealed the danger to their brains. ANNOUNCERS: Oh, did they hit him that time! NARRATOR: A doctor, Omalu was also a trained neuropathologist. Dr. BENNET OMALU: I wish I never met Mike Webster. NARRATOR: Steve Fainaru and his brother, Mark Fainaru-Wada, are investigative reporters. HARRY CARSON: From a physical risk standpoint, you know what you are doing when you sign your kid up, that he can hurt his knee, OK? NARRATOR: Presiding over it all, the most powerful man in sports. MARK FAINARU-WADA: Dr. Ira Casson ends up with this sort of very famous exchange that earns him the nickname "Dr. NARRATOR: Once one of Pittsburgh's greatest football heroes, Webster began living out of a pickup truck. CHRIS NOWINSKI: And then, seemingly out of nowhere, he decided to take his own life. So they're basically paying around $120 million per game. There was just something just about the way she said it. NARRATOR: The head of Goodell's concussion committee, Dr. Ira Casson, took on the critics. MIKE WEBSTER: No, I'm talking about no, I'm just trying to find yeah, well, everybody went through trauma as a kid. NARRATOR: Most of Pellman's committee was made up of NFL loyalists. You know, she describes it as like the greatest collision on earth for her. MARK FAINARU-WADA: The players, initially, they were requesting around $2 billion, or a little more than $2 billion. . This was not something that I made up. PBS will premiere a Frontline documentary%2C League of Denial%2C on Tuesday night. So I think we should be treating youths differently. It surely has. They're now denying their own study. LEIGH STEINBERG: I watched athletes I represented play with collapsed lungs. He's going forward, but all of a sudden, his head is going back and his brain is hitting up against the inside of his skull. The Steelers have their receivers in, Stallworth on the left, 82, Swann 88 on the right. NARRATOR: Mark Lovell was a member of the committee and an author on some of the studies. You only get one brain. NARRATOR: Then 11 years after he retired, the people of Pittsburgh received some bad news. MARK FAINARU-WADA, FRONTLINE/ESPN: This is the genius of Nowinski, really, I mean, right? STAN SAVRAN: They loved that hard-hitting, punishing, brutal defense that they played. And he said, "I used to be." NARRATOR: It was the first hard evidence that playing football could cause permanent brain damage. They insinuated I was not practicing medicine, I was practicing voodoo. NARRATOR: Webster's Sunday afternoons were spent on the line of scrimmage, brutal territory known as "the pit.". He looked he looked worn out. GINA SEAU: I can understand where certain groups are saying, "Wow. I remember late at night looking at the brain and thinking, "Just going to knock this one off." [laughs] So we continued talking, talking. I'm not saying I was different than that. Chris Nowinski secured his brain for Dr. McKee. The National Football League, a multibillion-dollar commercial juggernaut, presides over Americas indisputable national pastime. Dr. ANN McKEE: I don't feel that I am in a position to make a proclamation for everyone else. DOCUMENT: "It might be safe for college/high school football players to be cleared to return to play on the same day as their injury.". STEVE FAINARU: He was very much a creature of this expanding juggernaut of the NFL. The Super Bowl is a spectacle. NARRATOR: In the 1970s, Webster anchored four Super Bowl championship teams. The way the Steelers played the game meshed perfectly with the people. MICHAEL ORIARD, Center, Kansas City Chiefs, 1970-73: The way the game is played, I don't see how you can eliminate all of those routine hits that linemen make every play. NARRATOR: The meeting had changed nothing. DOCUMENT: "indicate that his disability is the result of head injuries he suffered as a football player.". CHRIS NOWINSKI: Chris Harvard landed on his head quite a bit. And you know, if you're going up against top-flight players who are able to perfect those skills of hitting you upside the head, or you know, getting hit with an elbow or it's one of those things that at some point, you're going to pay for it down the line. Sequence of questions n't know if concussion in and of itself is causes... Week out football fan that really was how he felt Because he really was how he Because... Years in the 1970s, Webster anchored four Super Bowl 43 is under way the. 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