Dental Disease Does your dog have death breath? If youve been trying to figure out why your dog yawns All of the advice and content on this website is written from our own personal perspective of owning and caring for dogs over the last few years. Sometimes the glands get so full it's difficult to push the liquid out. This helps lessen the chance of infections. Thats the reason why your dog is interested in another dogs poop. A pyometra can lead to blood poisoning, kidney failure, peritonitis and even death.. But the common ones are the following: Spayed female dogs may smell like fish due to infections of the uterus. If your dog's glands are really full, they may leak out a stinky, pungent smell . This will make the butt smell like fish in most cases. Learn about the symptoms, outlook, and treatment options for dogs with this degenerative disc disease. In these cases, a good bath should solve the problem, but if you notice that your female dog often smells like fish, then it could be a deeper health issue, such as blocked anal glands or a yeast infection. By then my friend was already aware that dogs express their anal sacs when scared. Is the added expense worth the trouble to insure your beloved pet? Why does my dog smell like fish? The likely explanation for why your dog suddenly smells like fish is anal sac disease. Changes to poop. Other signs may include a change in stool, such as smelly diarrhea. One particular study has very interesting findings regarding coprophagia. I regularly write about my experiences with dogs. Note: Enzymatic toothpaste doesnt need rinsing. 2023 The bad smell is due to the sulfur compounds in the bacteria. Leave it! is also another handy command to distract your dog. Thinking that his dog bled and slept on the blood, he gave her a bath. It can be because of anal gland issues, bad breath, yeast infection, and stomach disorders. They may eat their own poop. Especially if youre trying to remove the smell of dead fish from your dog. Though it is rare in dogs, this disease can lead to a fishy smell. Get health tips and wellness advice for your pet straight to your inbox. In other cases, it is not just the butt of your female dog that smells fishy. This condition can affect any dog, but small breed dogs seem more prone to anal gland issues than larger ones. For best results, try using an enzymatic toothpaste, such as: and brush your dogs teeth two or three times a week, and the smell should be no more! We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The PDSA dog charity describe is as follows: A pyometra is an infection inside the womb. If your pups breath smells fishy, there could be a few things going on. Pyometra is an infection inside the womb, which can affect both neutered and unneutered female dogs. Other symptoms include: urine that is cloudy or . However, these could also be released when your dog is scared or stressed. Keeping your dogs anal glands expressed and clean is a service we provide at Scenthound, along with the basic hygiene and routine care that all dogs need. Sometimes, an ordinary shampoo doesnt do the work. Improved dental carelike brushing your dog's teethwon't solve the problem on its own, so contact your vet for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Older dogs are more likely to deal with constipation due to dehydration. Youll smell fish from their breath, especially when they belch. Bad odors can be a great indicator of your dogs health. Dogs with dental disease may have fishy-smelling breath, due to high levels of bacteria and food particles in their mouth. Sixteen percent (230) of respondents reported having seen their dogs eating poop more than 6 times. Unpleasant dog smells are typical. Your dog may require tests to diagnose his problem. Copyright 2023 Meredith Corporation. Disclaimer: My website and blog should not be considered as being professional pet medical advice. It tells them that a certain female dog is at peak fertility. 17 actionable and practical tips when your dog smells like fish. Older and overweight dogs are also more prone to anal sac issues. Chlorophyll is available in medical supply stores. If your puppy smells like fish, they probably ate animal poop. She took her dog to the vet for a check up. "Nine times out of 10, a fishy odor coming from a dog's backend is related to the anal glands," Tracey says. Normally, dogs squeeze a little bit of that liquid out through the gland's opening when they poop. 9 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Suddenly Ignoring You + 5 Tips, 11 Reasons Why Your Dog Smells Like Pee / Urine + 15 Tips. There are a few other symptoms that may accompany the fishy smell when an infection is present: As soon as you notice the smell or other symptoms, you should get your dog to the vet. 5 Common Causes Behind the Stink. Still, it is undoubtedly unpleasant, and the smell can sometimes be overwhelming. Well, in the case of blocked anal glands you can either express them manually yourself or have a vet do it for you. This can cause the female dogs urine to smell like fish. Your vet can firstly empty your dogs anal glands. Note: Mouthwash is your best bet if your dog doesnt allow you to brush their teeth. Of all coprophagic dogs, 82% preferred fresh poops (not more than 2 days old). The following factors could lead to vaginitis: According to this article, vaginitis could lead to uterine infections, subfertility, or infertility. When you click on our chosen products, we may receive a commission. Not every bad smell coming from a dog is a fishy smell but regardless of the odor, if its unusual or new, it warrants a trip to the vet. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Dogs suffering from urinary tract infections may have a strong fishy-type odor. If you notice a fishy smell on your females dogs breath, it could possibly be a gum condition like periodontal disease or gingivitis, which is caused by poor oral hygiene. If the anal glands are healthy, the next likely culprit is a urinary tract infection (UTI), Tracey says. Cystitis can be seen at any age but is more common in female dogs than male dogs. Here are some selected articles which are on a similar topic to the one you have taken the time to read. Fishy smelling urine is most commonly caused by a urinary tract infection (UTI) or other infection like a yeast infection. If this is the case, then it will smell fishy, and your dog may need medical assistance. That stands for Veterinary Oral Health Council. Its important you go to the vet because abscesses can rupture through a dogs skin. But the distended uterus leads to abdominal enlargement. One of the most common infections of the female reproductive tract is pyometra (infection of the uterus/womb). The two most common reasons include blocked anal glands emitting a fishy odor or a vaginal yeast infection making the urine smell fishy. She poured a tablespoon of liquid chlorophyll into her dogs food. Having to wonder, why does my dog smell like fish? is definitely stressful. When yeast grows out of control, though, it makes the skin itchy and irritated. Anal glands are usually the culprit when fishy smells occur. Infection or inflammation surrounding the teeth is an indication of periodontal disease. You can get rid of fishy smell from dogs in many ways, depending on the cause. Anal sac disease is more common in both small and obese dogs. It could be a tooth infection, an infected wound, or periodontal disease that needs addressing. It is a serious medical condition that requires urgent attention. If a female dog has a UTI and it is not treated, it could lead to a yeast infection. In such cases, use a deodorizing shampoo. In mild cases of stomach upset or excessive wind, a change of diet could help improve things. The best course of action is to take them to the vet. She says that when her dog is about to roll in a dead animal, she calls him to her. Kerry knows more than anyone how adjusting to new life with a puppy can turn your life upside down, and she wants to ease some of the burdens through her articles. Its an infection of the uterus that leads to a fishy smell. She explains some common reasons why your dog might smell like fish, depending on where the scent is coming from. A fishy smell coming from a female dog is not uncommon, as you may have noticed it with a few female canine companions in the past. Mix these ingredients in a plastic container. Dogs have plenty of natural flora that come from their bladders and reproductive tract. This is a form of distraction to keep your dogs attention from the dead fish. This leads to an infection where the womb is filled with pus. 1. Kibble was the main diet for 82.3% of poop eaters and 78.3% of non-poop eaters. It helps canines leave their scent for other dogs. Other dogs are affected, too. At that point, routine brushing doesn't get rid of it. 4. An infection of the gums can give your dog fishy-smelling breath. During this phase, they go through hormonal changes. Your dog smell like fish because of it's impacted anal glands. This is because water and salt get trapped in the fur of dogs, causing them to give off an odor that can sometimes be fishy . A dog only needs manual expression if their anal sacs are not emptying naturally. It is classified as close or open. Aside from using an enzymatic toothpaste, dental chews and treats also help prevent tartar and plaque buildup. They will compose further tests to make sure its not something more serious. These infections cause bacteria to accumulate in the urine. Apparently, male dogs are attracted to this smell. Impacted anal glands are painful, and dogs often scoot their hind end on the carpet to relieve the pain. Its going to cause them discomfort. This site is intended for informational purposes only. If you want to give your dog dental chews in addition to daily brushing, look for ones that have the VOHC seal. Find the location nearest you and sign up for updates directly from your local Scenter. By disgusting, I mean cat poop, other dogs poop, dead fish, and dead carcasses of other animals. Conversely, pyometra is more common in intact female dogs. In fact, there is nothing NOT adorably perfect about him. Dogs with digestive upset may have loose stools and intermittent vomiting. Why not smell the face? This study looked into several cases of female dogs with pyometra. Look for other symptoms such as: Some dogs are more prone to anal sac problems. She or he will often look embarrassed or afraid and promptly groom under his or her tail. 300+ Cute Cat Names for Every Kind of Kitty. And these infections have a fishy smell. While every dog breed can discharge a fishy smell, this condition is majorly observed in adult and senior dogs. More often than not, the real problem behind a fishy-smelling pup is anal glands. In some other cases, a female dog may secrete fishy smells when she is nervous, anxious, or scared. The vet will clean the dogs anal sacs with antiseptics. The vet might prescribe antibiotics or perform surgery when needed. If your female dogs UTI isnt adequately treated, they may develop a yeast infection in their vagina, which will result in a fishy odor coming from her genital area. A male or female. For more severe disease or illness, the vet may compose further tests and prescribe antibiotics. "It's like thinking you could eat carrots and get clean teeth. This poop-eating behavior is called coprophagia. Whats more. This goes without saying, but its important to bathe your dog often. Dont let your dog roll in that dead fish! Youve seen it happen almost every time you pet them or right in the middle of a cuddling session your dog yawning out of the blue. On the other hand, if your dogs urine is smelling fishy, then it may be due to a urinary tract infection, or a yeast infection that will need some antibiotics. "A fishy smell can mean different things to different people," says Alicen Tracey, DVM, a member of the Daily Paws Advisory Board. You can tell if your female dogs anal sacs are infected not just by the fishy odor, but by checking if the anal area seems discoloured, swollen or otherwise visually different than normal. As previously mentioned, obese dogs are at a higher risk of anal sac problems. However, if you want to know more about some of the reasons why your female dog might smell, keep reading! With watery poop, theres no pressure on the anal sacs. Why does my dog smell like fish when scared? Acid reflux is also called gastroesophageal reflux or GERD. Second, your dog has a soft stool. Canines may release the liquid when they're stressed or scared, too. Anal glands can also become infected and abscessed, which causes a fishy smell. Built-up bacteria in the urinary tract causes pain when urinating, blood in the urine, and powerful odors. To conclude, if you have a female dog, then you may notice that they smell from time to time, and most of the time, this is nothing to worry about. Signs may be different for each dog. Insurance for dogs, cats, and other household animals can run as low as $20 a month, but that cost can add up over time. This is a special kind of toothpaste that has enzymes to fight bacteria. Simple carbohydrates include lentils, legumes, potatoes, and starchy grains. Similarly, yeast infections smell like fish. Go for natural products that are safe for your pets. want that odor gone ASAP. Dental Disease Does your dog have death breath? If they start displaying any of the following accompanying symptoms, it might be a sign one one of the latter more serious health issues: If your pup is experiencing any of the aforementioned additional symptoms, you should see the vet. The truth is there could be several reasons why your dog smells a bit unusual. After estrus (in heat), dogs either go back to normal or develop complications. Thats why you might notice the neighborhood male dogs camping outside your gate. Urinary tract infection (UTI) A UTI develops due to bacteria in the urine that should not be there. This liquid substance has a strong odor and so full anal glands are one of the most common reasons for a fishy odor. This is not uncommon for female dogs and is usually an issue with the vagina. Exercise is a dogs reliable partner in keeping healthy anal sacs. Find your local Scenthound location and learn more about how we can help keep your pup clean and healthy. A dogs anal sacs can get infected. They were walking home when Oreo was almost run over by a car. Although the fishy smell is undeniably potent and unpleasant, you can take a bit of comfort of the fact that you arent the only female dog owner with this problem. It is common in intact female dogs. Some posts may contain affiliate links. 1. They may have increased gut noises (borborygmi) and flatulence, leading to the smell. Impacted anal sacs cant express oils. Dont worry. A dogs anal sacs contain secretions that smell like fish. Since her graduation from the Royal Veterinary College in 2009 she has gained a wealth of experience in first opinion small animal practice, in both clinical and managerial roles. To treat blocked anal glands, you are going to want to take your pet to the veterinarian. A fish-based diet may be responsible for why your puppy smells like fish. Dog breath never smells good. Just inside and on either side of your dogs anus are two small sacs. A UTI might leave a fishy smell on your dogs urine. These can make the anal glands enlarged, hard, and painful, which can make going to the toilet very difficult for your doggie. In particular, if a dog is very old, then it will begin to emit more smells as time goes on. But it's easily remedied with antibiotics from your vet. This is because they either have narrow ducts or the excess of weight on the dog puts pressure on anal sacs and blocks pores. "It could be that the liquid inside is thicker, making it more difficult to pass. Vaginitis affects dogs just before puberty or in the adult stage. As a result, the anal sacs cant be expressed properly when your dog poops. That explains the terrible smell Oreo had. And carries that fishy odor from room to room. Review symptoms, medications & behavior to keep your pets healthy with a Vet Online in just minutes. Pet parents can do a lot to keep anal glands in good shape by keeping their dogs clean and healthy. Dogs have anal glands on either side of their anus. Its horrible if your dogs breath smells like fish. Puppy breath is one thing and full-grown dog breath is a different story. Everything we create is factually accurate and biased toward science, The best toothpaste for dogs, according to vets, White specks in dog poop: Heres what to do. Once you have tackled any medical reasons behind your female dogs fishy odors, be sure to keep up with their hygiene. Dental issues, gastrointestinal disorders, certain infections, and anal gland disorders can all lead to a fishy odor in dogs. Smelling fish coming from your female dog can be a common occurrence, and it is usually nothing to worry about, as it will happen to most female dogs. In the worst cases, or if your female dog has repeated problems with their anal glands, then the veterinarian may suggest surgery so that they can flush out the anal glands entirely and prevent your dog from suffering any discomfort. Despite our best efforts to educate our dogs to our standards, they retain elements of the wild in their genes. Another thing Lee does is say a firm No! when her dog is about to roll. To rectify this issue, you can just simply brush your dogs teeth a few times a week. Sign up for the best pet advice you can get. What they did. If you have seen your dog roll in something stinky, then it is likely a bath will fix the situation, but otherwise, you should get your pet checked over. Bathing & GroomingWhy Membership?Monthly Care Club, Routine Dog CareOur StoryCareersDog Wellness. Vaginitis symptoms include smelly discharge, itching, and inflammation. When stools are too soft or too hard, they dont express their glands well. Although rare, smelly urine could indicate that there's a problem with the liver or kidneys, too. However, it will eventually creep up on your dog. You can buy one on Amazon which is said to fight fish smelling breath. But in instances when dogs happily meet, they get up close and personal. All rights reserved. The water additive type. Your dog will experience vaginal discharge with a greenish tinge. Pay attention to areas that smell, such as their rear end, ears, face, and paws. Entire female dogs of any breed, but especially older ones. The dog may also have started to drag their butt all across the floor. Licking. Excessive licking of the anal area. Some owners will often report their dog smelling like pee and it can be for a UTI, or a range of other reasons. Still, your veterinarian may prescribe pain medication as these infections can be rather painful and uncomfortable for your dog. In severe disease, the periodontal ligaments become damaged with tooth loosening and loss. Tumors, cysts or abscesses in your dogs anal glands can be problematic and stop your dog from expressing their anal glands properly, because they make the anal glands feel firm and enlarged. Your dogs anal glands are normally expressed and cleared of excess fluid when they defecate. More severe than vaginitis, pyometra typically requires emergency surgery. "Sometimes pets smell differently than people and it's all right because, well, they're animals," Tracey says. But this is actually normal for dogs and puppies. It promotes better digestion. This infection can be very common, which is why many veterinarians advise owners to spay their dogs, as it can become very painful as the womb fills up with pus. Is your dog suddenly wobbling or unwilling or unable to stand or walk? To prevent tartar, many pet parents give their dogs dental chews. After spaying, the stump of the uterus may get infected. Kerry has been writing for PetDT for three years now, wanting to use her knowledge for good and share everything she can with new dog owners. Dogs carry parasites that can infect people. There was nothing wrong with the dogs teeth, the vet found out. Dogs are curious creatures. They are little sacs on the dogs anus that contain oily material that releases/expresses when a dog passes a bowel movement. Aside from medications, the owner was advised to give the dog a higher fiber diet. Place bowls of clean water strategically around the house. There is no real way to prevent urinary diseases from occurring, but ensuring your dog drinks plenty of freshwater can help. Specifically, when theyre stressed or they lounge in certain positions. You should always consult the veterinarian if you have any concerns regarding changes to your dogs health and well-being, but most of the time, stinky breath is due to bacteria, plaque, and dirty teeth. Dogs have scent glands on either side of the anus that release a stinky liquid that commonly smells fishy. Where are dogs able to have a pee when on a plane? Factors like gender, age, breed and conformation (the way your dogs body is formed) can all have an impact on how likely it is for them to develop a fish smell. A fishlike smell is one possible indicator of impacted anal glands. If this is the case, then you may need to seek medical advice from a professional or a veterinarian. Why do dogs smells like fish? Seasonal or food allergies can cause inflammation of the skin which leads to excessive secretion of oil from certain glands in the skin, producing a musty smell. Once you have visited the veterinarian with your furry friend, you should be back on track, and your dog will be back to its normal health in no time! Betterpet - Advice from veterinarians and actual pet experts. The size or volume of a dogs stool is very important. Daily Paws is part of the Meredith National Digital Network. Use vinegar, specifically apple cider vinegar, to clean a dogs ears. Otherwise, you might end up with an unplanned litter. Medications and even ingredients you can find at home can also help remove or mask the odor. In fact, theres this one dog parent who shared his experience on a forum. Then apply it directly to the gums and teeth. People also ask: Why does my dog's breath suddenly smell like fish? Having a female in heat can be challenging in some ways. In puppies, this behavior is part of their exploration of their surroundings. Get the dog moms and dads in your life something unique this year. As such, cysts can occur in the uterus. I guess this is one thing that will forever puzzle dog parents. For most cases, a dose of antibiotics will clear a UTI very quickly. These are most commonly found in the vagina, which will give off a rather fishy smell in the genital area, and will make the urine smell fishy. In addition, a veterinarian can empty the anal glands if this is the problem and help reduce any inflammation. Your dog smells like fish after being outside because they roll in dead fish or poop. Particularly if there are problems with your dogs anal sacs. If the fishy breath is the problem, and its not a serious medical issue, a dog mouthwash could help. Difficulty pooping. Your dog may strain or appear in pain, or may act like they want to poop but then stop. Increasing the amount of fiber in the diet can help to create a bigger, bulkier stool that will press on the glands as it passes through to express them naturally. It goes a long way in preventing gingivitis, plaque, and calculus. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Helps here! To treat it, vets surgically remove the uterus and ovaries (spay). You should always seek an expert opinion. The vet will do an analysis of their mouth and teeth and suggest treatment methods. Sometimes the fishy smell is so strong that pet parents can't tell exactly where it's coming from. It refers to impaction, infection, abscess, and tumors in the anal sacs. You should introduce your dog to teeth brushing from an early age. + First Time Litter Sizes, 5 Reasons Why Joint Health Is Important in Dogs, Smelling like fish when nervous or scared. They love to explore their surroundings. You will need to seek help from your veterinary surgeon. And puppies Well, they may be more curious. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. A dog can release a fishy smell due to various reasons. Whats with butts? All of the conditions in this list are treatable, but early intervention is advised to give the best possible outcome. This is an affiliate advertising program that is designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees and revenue by advertising and linking to with recommendations. If you have a dog, then you will know how big a part of our lives that they can become. Tumors near the anal glands can keep them from expressing and make them appear more rigid and prominent than they are. When dogs are frightened, they can have sudden anal gland secretions. These areas are the perfect places for yeast to grow. This website is not intended to replace the professional advice of vets. She explains some common reasons why your dog might smell like fish, depending on where the scent is coming from. But, its another story when your dog smells fishy. Or feet? When your dog smells like something other than what it is, it can point to a urinary tract infection (UTI). Extended periods of poor oral care lead to periodontal disease and bad breath. Why does my dog suddenly smell like fish? A vets help is required when anal sac issues develop because of their shape or tumors. Dogs have small sacs that sit either side of their anus and produce a distinctive smelling liquid that helps other dogs to recognise them. The DoggySaurus website works as a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Diabetes, kidney disease, tumors, and upset stomach are more serious illnesses that can cause fishy breath. If your female dog is scared, she will tend to start secreting fluids from her anus which may tend to smell unpleasant like fish. Again, one of the things that will forever puzzle humans. There are many underlying causes of a dog's fishy smell It's important to identify the cause of the odor to make sure your dog does not have an illness. Otherwise, if your dog smells like fish she may have an abnormal medical condition that needs to be addressed. If your dog smells of fish, the most common cause is usually problems with their anal sacs, but it could also be a sign of dental issues, digestive conditions or infections. On the other hand, the anal sacs and glands can become infected, which is what will give off a fish-like scent. Dont panic if your dogs stool is colored green after taking chlorophyll. Some dogs in heat go through hormonal changes. Some breeds like bulldogs are prone to getting infections in the skin surrounding the vulva, Tracey says. Our pups offer benefits far beyond companionship. Regular visits to the vet to check for underlying conditions. Some underlying causes of a dogs fishy odor are dangerous and some arent. Here we explore the various reasons why your dog might be smelling like fish. Pyometra could be responsible for why your female dog smells like fish. It can lead to blood poisoning, kidney failure, or death. It was also found out that sepsis was more common in dogs with closed cervix pyometra. On the whole, its when a dogs anal sacs do not release enough oil as they poop, thus leading to glands becoming solid and eventually impacted. UTI. While certain infections are inevitable, there are a few preventative measures you can take so that the smell of fish doesnt arise in lieu of an illness. Anal sac disease is one of the umbrella terms used to describe problems with a dogs anal glands that may cause a fishy smell. This gets the liquid out and relieves the pressure. A veterinarians treatment is the only recourse when a female dog smells fishy from vaginitis or pyometra. When your dog has acid reflux, you may notice the following symptoms: A vet will usually prescribe antacid to control these symptoms. 15 surprising reasons why your dog suddenly smells like fish (when scared), #13: Rolling in dead fish (and other disgusting stuff), #10: Distraction from rolling in dead animals, urine can also be the reason why your dog smells, Why Does My Dog Suddenly Have Bad Breath? You should spay your dog at an early age. Dogs are serial offenders when it comes to rolling in disgusting stuff. In these cases, a vet must take a biopsy and ultrasound to determine the extent of the issue. Because there are instances when treatment is not enough. A lot of owners, especially owners of female dogs, can relate to the smell of fish at some point in their lives. Dogs also release this fishy smell when scared. If chlorophyll masked the scent, the male may not be interested to breed. Because you (and your pup!) The scent of secretions helps a dog get information about other dogs. The fish-like smell may be caused by a problem with the natural balance of a female dog's vagina. In such cases, your dogs breath smells like fish due to dental diseases. This will ensure that your dog will not smell like fish anytime soon, again! Heres what could be causing your dogs bad fishy odor. Get a taste of the things they shouldnt chew or eat. Canines can have a lot of stinky odors like gas, poop, and the notorious wet-dog smell. However, it is more common in puppies. Anal sac disease is a blanket term for problems involving the anal sacs. Note: Your dog might not like the taste of vinegar in their water at first. UTIs are more common in women than men. A lot of pet parents have complained that the smell of dead fish takes forever to disappear. In some dogs, this material doesnt empty as it should, so the glands become full and uncomfortable. Butt sniffing also helps dogs identify other dogs they havent seen in years. A periodontal disease might not be apparent right away. If this happens, the fluid becomes dry and causes an impaction, which means that your female dog will be unable to fully express these glands properly. You might also want to try chewable dental sticks (view on Amazon) to help fight oral bacteria in between brushes. There is a fishy smell due to the sulfur compounds in the bacteria. Oftentimes, a fishy smell coming from your female dogs behind is the result of secretions from her anal glands, which is also known as an anal sac. 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The female dogs may smell like fish because of it & # x27 ; s breath smell..., leading to the vet because abscesses can rupture through a dogs.... To Store and/or access information on a plane early age VOHC seal pyometra typically requires emergency.! Peritonitis and even death not be apparent right away urinating, blood in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program vulva! Expense worth the trouble to insure your beloved pet surgery when needed than vaginitis, pyometra typically requires emergency.... Scent glands on either side of the anus that contain oily material that releases/expresses a. Breed, but ensuring your dog may need to seek help from your dog might be smelling like due! Strategically around the house extent of the most common infections of the anus that contain oily that!