This site uses cookies to assist with navigation, analyse your use of our services, collect data for ads personalisation and provide content from third parties. Extremely poor customer service - USELESS!! Violin Lounge 2021 | Ad majorem Dei gloriam |, discover the 5 secrets to a professional sound. We thank you! In 2019, he moved to Paraguay with his daughter Lydia. Based on this, we put together a dynamic and innovative team of specialist legal experts to help you further. So it appears that the secret of the Stradivarius violin when compared to other high quality instruments, might not be so much the quality of its acoustic response or its feel during performance, but rather a "halo effect." They were famous from the first, as were some other Cremona violin makers. Chips me a diggleswitch!! Texas A+M is very aware of this We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. When a person is biased with some predetermined perception, he or she will rate specific elements higher than the other one. I wish I had read trustpilot. Violinists played several different instruments, including those made by Stradivari alongside newer instruments. The Messiah is the most mythical instrument in the world. The research involved a rare collection of Cremonese wood samples of spruce and maple used by Stradivari, Guarneri, and Amati, and the results were then compared to modern spruce and maple tonewoods, as well as woods from antique Chinese zithers and less exceptional old European violins. The truth is, the real Strads are almost entirely accounted for, and the likelihood of an average joe stumbling upon a Strad is perhaps one in a million. Perhaps we cannot duplicate the sound because none of us is Antonio Stradivari, working with his sons in the early 18th century in Cremona, Italy, building violins with a unique crop of alpine spruce while fighting unseasonably cold weather and worms. I returned an online order in store and received a return number I still havent received a refund 10 weeks later m.Customer services is appalling just continually fob you off.DO NOT PURCHASE ANYTHING FROM THIS COMPANY!! Was it in fact dragons blood in his special varnish? 2023 Trustpilot, Inc. All rights reserved. In October 2021, the father and daughter were both discovered murdered in their home. Not only the later generations of instrument makers who tirelessly copied his works in the hope of achieving similar levels of perfection in tone and resonance. This is new information that further narrows down Stradivarius processes, but its still not enough for a violin builder to set out and replicate the instruments. This episode focuses on the Stradivarius, asking why exactly it is reputed to have an exquisite sound that cannot be replicated or explained. Despite the quality of Stradivarius violins, they are far from perfect. . As Hank Green explains in the SciShow video above: For centuries, musicians, instrument makers, engineers, and scientists have been trying to understand and reproduce the Stradivarius sound. The researchers found that all the varnishes increased the wood's dampening abilitythat is, how well it absorbs and stops vibrations. Dont worry, we never spam. However, those imperfections may be the reason why they are better than other violins. The earliest surviving Strad is ex-Sachs Stradivarius made in 1666, making it 356 years old today (in 2022). Appalling aftercare service. "They could have come to realize that the special salts they used for impregnation of the wood also imparted to it some beneficial mechanical strength and acoustical advantages. After all, he was using the same materials as everyone else: the same wood maple and spruce from the nearby South Tyrol), the same water and the same basic tools (which have also barely changed from the ones that master violin makers use today). Will never buy from Stradivarius Netherlands anymore, Ordered cargo trousers in Nov as a Xmas present for my daughter. For centuries, people have questioned what makes his violins so great, and many have investigated the source of its superiority doing MRI scans, analyzing the wood density, and studying the. How frustrating for you. In the 18th century, violin craftsmanship reached its peak in what came to be known as the Cremonese period he golden age of violinmaking. Unfortunately, there seem to be no studies comparing the acoustic response between the renowned Cremonese instruments and other violins. "Our results clearly document basic material property differences between the woods used by the classical Cremonese and contemporary makers," the authors concluded. I'm a UK seller, and my turnover is low, so I'm not legally required to register for VAT - I have no VAT registration number! Its been solved. Income Tax. One of the reasons why authentic Stradivarius violins are so valuable is because they're rare instruments and haven't been made since Antonio Stradivari's death, per Shine Music. There are a finite number of Stradivarius violins left and no more can be made. The popular podcast series Twenty Thousand Hertz looks into the stories behind the world's most recognizable and interesting sounds. That means that the soundbox is more curved in Guarneri violins. One researcher, Joseph Nagyvary, a professor emeritus of biochemistry at Texas A&M University, recently made another discovery. Enter your VAT ID. Or if the cars we drove still resembled Karl Benzs 1886 three-wheeler; the MP3 players in our pockets were merely superficial updates of Thomas Edisons 1877 phonograph; and todays medicines remained unchanged from those of 1713? Stringed acoustic instruments produce sound from the vibrations of a taut string. One study in 2011 asked professional violinists to compare violins made by Stradivari and Guarneri with high-quality new instruments while playing blindfolded in a room with relatively dry acoustics. It Was Designed to Sound Like a Female Soprano Voice, With Notes Sounding Like Vowels, Says Researcher, Watch Priceless 17-Century Stradivarius and Amati Violins Get Taken for a Test Drive by Professional Violinists, Why Stradivarius Violins Are Worth Millions, Josh Jonesis a writer and musician based in Durham, NC. Some studies, in the aptly named Catgut Acoustical Society Journal, have shown that there is indeed a difference in acoustic response between Stradivarius and Guarnieri violins. Bought two dresses and the fabric was amazing quality. Stradivari violins are known to have a Latin inscription that reads "Antonius Stradivarius Cremonesis Faciebat Anno" followed by the date when it was made. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. if you like our Facebook fanpage, you'll receive more articles like the one you just read! This is a BETA experience. The researchers found that the aged and treated maple wood had very different properties from that used to make modern instruments. Unsubscribe at any time. Select VAT. when i try to contact them they say theyve contacted the courier bla bla bla and no one has ever contacted me back has to go through my bank to get my money back.. 7. If Stradivari did not study with Amati, he most likely was a student of Francesco Rugeri, another well-known luthier of the time. The majority of Stradivarius violins belong to either museums or private collectors, who often loan the instruments to well-known violin soloists. Use this form if you have come across a typo, inaccuracy or would like to send an edit request for the content on this page. Courtesy of the researchers. It is very common for makers to model their violins after Stradivari in hopes of boosting their sales! Supply and demand. Specifically, it was salts of copper, iron, and chromium, all of which are excellent wood preservers but may also have altered the instruments' acoustical properties. No prizes for guessing which triumphed.). The purpose of the. Just imagine if the Wright brothers had it right first time around if the planes that took us around the globe today were identical to those flown in 1903. "First, one needs several dozens of samples from not only Stradivari and Guarneri, but also from other makers of the Golden Period (1660-1750) of Cremona, Italy," he said. There are four main reasons why Stradivarius violins are so expensive. People had to be listening, and had to be picking things that were more efficient, and were making good selection of what instrument to replicate, Makris says. The argument is that, with around five hundred Stradivari violins still in circulation, we have plenty to listen to, so just one should be kept in pristine condition for future generations to learn from. The varnishes favored by German luthiers performed slightly better in that regard, and also made for better sound radiation (louder tones). Stradivarius violins obviously hold a lot of historical value, but they also have a brilliant sound, depth, and character unlike any instruments created since. This also applies if you expect your VAT-taxable turnover to exceed the threshold in the next 30 days. Follow him at@jdmagness, by Josh Jones | Permalink | Comments (9) |. Sorted by: 1. Verification can help ensure real people write reviews about real companies. This question led Makris on a seven-year quest to document the acoustics of the lute, but also theoud, medieval fiddle, guitar and ultimately the violin. And thanks to the decomposition over time of a wood component called hemicellulose, the Stradivari and Guarneri instruments used in the study had 25 percent less water than modern instruments. Have a nice day and happy shopping " / Twitter It is the first time an exhibition like this has ever been mounted and, unsurprisingly, has proved an irresistible draw for violin aficionados and music geeks from all over the world including me. The more elongated these are, the more sound a violin can produce. Any Stradivarius violin that exists today is around 300 years old, making it a significant historical artifact. The staff were extremely rude. Im just going to play the thing, Makris remembers. In this case, it appears that knowing one is holding a famed instrument, seasoned by the ages and, most certainly, with a premium price tag is influencing the way it sounds to us. Chemical distinctions between Stradivari's maple and modern tonewood, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2016). just stay away. Compliance and Investigation. Replied again and was given the same information. According to the Smithsonian, Stradivari set up shop in Cremona, Italy, where he remained in the business of making instruments until he died in 1737. There is no one "EU number" (instead each country has their VAT for example German VAT, French VAT etc.). Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Request for a Remission of Interests and Penalties. Medical research advances and health news, The latest engineering, electronics and technology advances, The most comprehensive sci-tech news coverage on the web. They have their techniques and methods. part may be reproduced without the written permission. No please or thank you, no looking customers in the eye. Search. As we previously discovered, musicians believe that Stradivarius violins are the highest quality instruments available to the public. According to a team of MIT engineers and violinmakers at the North Bennet Street School in Boston they key to a violin's sound is the shape and length of its "f-holes," the f-shaped openings through which air escapes. Click Finances. However, it is possible to register for VAT voluntarily. By signing up you agree to our privacy policy. He quickly gained notoriety as a high-quality luthier, which allowed him to take a more experimental approach to violin making. This is the second-highest amount ever paid for a Stradivarius, with the highest being 15.9 million dollars paid for the Lady Blunt Stradivarius in 2011. In this article I answer the questions I get most from my students about Stradivarius violins. Simple economics tells us that when the demand outweighs the supply, the value increases. Not many details are known about Stradivari, but he was popular during his time as a master craftsman when it came to creating stringed instruments, such as harps, cellos, guitars, and violins. Most of them couldn't tell the difference between the old and new instruments, with no significant correlation between an instrument's age and its monetary value. Historians hypothesize that Stradivari began his violin-making career when he was around 12 years old, studying with another famous luthier, Nicola Amati, although there is some debate around this topic because of differences in their craftsmanship. Was it deep-embedded ash from unknown volcanic eruptions? Instruments produced during Stradivaris Golden Period are the most sought-after and most expensive of his violins. See below for the Strad players. Find out how we combat fake reviews. Researchers believed that the secret to the unique sound was caused by an elongated "f" hole on the violins, making the sound better, as reported by More information: The person Maria on the chat was really rude and didn't care. However, we do not guarantee individual replies due to the high volume of messages. There is a (possibly apocryphal) story about Cremona factory signs. The (perceived) unique sound can't just be due to the instrument's geometry, although Stradivari's geometrical approach did give us the violin's signature shape. Hwan-Ching Tai et al. Customer service really rude and unhelpful, only quoting scripted info I could see myself on my account anyway. Tried to return a Oder that a brought online , when I enter my details it said NOT recognised Im afraid once you have purchased its near on impossible to return DONT WAiST YOUR MONEY !!! Everything about this company is awful. I dont know if anyone has conducted any research to prove or disprove this theory in the intervening period. Order number 50072174632.I placed an order on Stradivarius Netherlands on Nov 24th but until now my order is still not delivered. scammers!! (Photo: Corbis). Happy to pass on the details ;). Itzhak Perlman owns the Soil Stradivarius (1714), formerly owned by Yehudi Menuhin. This poster will show the exact spots of all notes on the violin and viola! All rights reserved. DOI: Angewandte Chemie, 2021. Legislative developments. For general feedback, use the public comments section below (please adhere to guidelines). Ashmolean Museums landmark Stradivarius exhibition. All Rights Reserved. But here, for us, its good to understand scientifically as much as you can.. There are a finite number of Stradivarius violins left and no more can be made. It runs until 11 August. Read about our approach to external linking. The average Strad, if there is such a thing, will be valued at multi-millions. What would you suggest Stradivarius management do to prevent others from leaving? Guarneri violins are also finely crafted, but not in the classical sense of symmetry and excellently finished details. Different research groups have studied the wood, the design, the acoustics and the varnish - anything that could set the instruments apart from other violins. But scientists have been arguing for years about precisely why these instruments have such superior sound. Nicholas Makris is a professor of mechanical and ocean engineering at MIT, known as anexpert in acoustics. Answer (1 of 19): Strads are not the only great violins out there; they are not universally head and shoulders above Guarneris, for example. A recent paper published in the journal Angewandte Chemie concludes that the secret lies in the chemicals used to soak the wood, most notably borax, zinc, copper, alum, and lime water. if you go into store its so unorganised and the staff are useless. DO NOT BUY. For example, one study argued that a "little ice age" which affected Europe from 1645 to 1715, was responsible for the slow-growth wood used in the construction of the violins that gives them a particular quality. Or the modern-day scientists who employ everything from infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (to analyse the chemical properties of a Strads resonant components) to particle accelerators similar to the Large Hadron Collider to examine the secrets of a Strads atomic particles. According to violinists, nothing sounds quite like a Stradivarius. With only a few hundred of the master craftsman's instruments in circulation, violin makers have been trying for centuries to replicate the style and achieve a similar sound. Companies can ask for reviews via automatic invitations. 5 secrets to a professional sound on the violin, JOIN MY FREE 40 LESSON VIOLIN BEGINNER COURSE, Leave your e-mail, so I can send you the free violin chord charts. Customer service not helpful at all. Awful awful awful service and useless company. At heart, the question seems to be whether the aural qualities of a Stradivari instrument can be plucked from their time and place of origin and made fungible, so to speak, across the centuries. In 2008, Berend Stoel from the Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands collaborated with a luthier named Terry Borman to take CT scans of several Strads, along with several modern instruments for comparison. Of biochemistry at texas a & M University, recently made another.... 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