The order subtotal is less than the minimum allowed value ($1.00). New options included the American-made TX22 rimfire pistol, lightweight versions of the six-shot Model 856 carry revolver and the G3 9 mm Luger pistol. Another improvement was the change to Glock-style sight cuts which gives you a lot more 3rd-party options to choose from if youre looking to upgrade to night sights. Love it so far! Or, if you need more concealment, just go with the clip that comes on the holster. Which ones are best, which ones to avoid, and where to find them at the best prices are just some of what you can expect in the coming days. Get gun deals, hand's on reviews, educational content and updates on law changes, daily! . I have worked on all the internal parts, magazine, and feed ramps on the barrel. If your confidence level goes up a few notches because you now believe that your skill level has strengthened a bit because youre shooting more due to something you did to your gun or that its more fun now, thats a win thats what its all about, eh? It ended up being that if I hold the pistol pointing at the floor and drop the slide release, the nose of the hp will jam against the very bottom of the barrels feed ramp. Taurus G3c/G3X Bronze PVD Barrel $59.99 Taurus Customers Also Viewed Quick view Add to Cart Taurus G3/G3XL Gold PVD Barrel $59.99 Taurus Quick view Add to Cart Taurus G3 / G3XL T.O.R.O. I guess that if you have never held or shot a G2c, youll have to take my word for it that the G3c is an improvement. Taurus G3C is a Taurus firearm which features various upgrades to the G2C model. This can be demonstrated by removing the barrel, lightly pressing a round in the chamber, and turning the barrel upside down to see if the bullet sticks or falls freely. Required fields are marked *. Good article on the problems with the Taurus g3c. The white-dot front sight is paired with a serrated square-notch rear sight dovetailed into the slide so as to be drift-adjustable. Another purpose of upgrading your gun, especially your carry gun, is to make it more reliable. It would ship with either three 10- or 12-round magazines and was based on the four-inch-barreled G3 full-size 9mmpistol that Taurus came out with not too long ago. Just drop the mag, make sure the chamber is empty, lock the slide back, pull the disassembly latch down, release the slide and pull the trigger. The G3c is a fun piece to upgrade. The Taurus G3C was a sneaky one. Abobe Photoshop Announced last month, the G3c (c = compact) is a. Anyway, the holster (by. This is a plus for those who prefer to manipulate the slide from the front end. From the box 115 grain no problem at the range 36 rounds I believe that the Taurus g3c is a good gun .I conceal carry a Smith and Wesson model 410 40 180 grain jhp and it a shooter. There are several types of grips that you can utilise. The Taurus G3C continues to build on the foundation that made the G-series compact handguns one of the most loved in personal defense/EDC. Made of 4332 Boltaron, the holster includes an outside-the-waistband strap that your belt goes into and through. ArmaLaser Taurus Laser Sights 6. I got one Ill keep you posted! You achieved an enhanced driving experience by working on your engine, wheels, exhaust, etc. The New Pelican Air Travel Cases! Or better, why to modify it when its 100% made by Taurus. It's not as soft or big as a rubber extension, but we take what we get. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Find out more here. It provides plenty of support while allowing the slide to be manually cycled with ease. And thankfully the aftermarket handgun market is as versatile as can be. I think some holster makers equate lefties with snipesyou know theyre out there somewhere but you havent seen one. Dracast Halo Ring Led Light This 17 round extended magazine is made by Taurus themselves. Taurus-branded sight pusher it locks the G3cs slide at the bottom and then pushes from the top. Night sights can be divided into photoluminescent sights, tritium sights and fiber optic sights. found a holster that works with the laser on your gun, great thats the goal. Epic GoPro / Action Camera Mount for your Boat This is a nice holster. Because I wanted to. This pistols internal and external safeties include a manual safety lever, the trigger safety and a firing pin block. Quick view Add to Cart. As we mentioned before, the several types of available custom parts let you upgrade your performance. Lakelinellc SS Striker Guide and Recoil Spring. With its new subcompact G3c, Taurus didn't settle for just making the gun smaller, it incorporated improvements to the slide, sights and controls. While not a part of the firearm itself, the handgun holster is one of the more important features of your carry. Taurus G2C / G3C/ PT111G2 9mm Plus-Size Magazine baseplate, for larger hands! With its new subcompact G3c, Taurus didnt settle for just making the gun smaller, it incorporated improvements to the slide, sights and controls. And, if your gun is able to go with you more often because you finally found a holster that works with the laser on your gun, great thats the goal. It is working well. The Taurus G3c is an extension of the Taurus Millennium line of handguns. Gun deals, hand's on reviews, educational content and news on law changes, every day! The basic gun was the same, but the improvements made a good gun even better. And, if you dont want to whack your new night sight with a mallet to get it into the slide dovetail, theres a sight pusher tool you can get. Furthermore, the G3c enters the market at a price point that continues the Taurus G-series handguns' industry leading cost-to . But as always, its up to you. Gun blogger born and raised in the freedom-loving state of Texas. I got a couple of 17 rounders they come in handy for either range work or as concealed carry back-up. If youre in search of a small revolver that can be easily concealed, look no further than the Taurus Model 85. A properly retaining and safe holster will improve one of the most important parts of your carry - the speed of the draw and the safety of your firearm. Major improvements included a better trigger, Glock-compatible replaceable sights, forward slide serrations and no frame-mounted keyed safety lock. At first, you might think its just the crappy Pro-Mags to blame, and that may be, but another possible cause of this problem is a lack of polish on the feed ramp of the barrel and the lower assembly of the feed guide. Most pistols aren't even broken in properly until 400-500 rounds at least. I mention this because aftermarket compatibility lowers the cost of ownership significantly and . Not an aftermarket . Also, not everyone has the tendency to engage their thumbs to cause such an effect on their aim. Sanken COS-11D Lavalier Mic If you are able to do the change yourself go for it, but always remember that a small failure in your gunsmithing endeavour may result in tragedy. This rule only applies to handguns that have had their iron sights properly adjusted with the assistance of a bench rest to take out user error as much as possible. Again, thanks Mike for the great piece on the G3C. Be well balanced, be vigilant and cautious at all times, for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring, seeking to seize and devour. Those are the upgrades Ive done to my Taurus Ill have to check out the performance factor when the weather clears and temperatures get above frigid. Taurus G3C Factory Gold PVD 9MM-Pistol Parts-Barrel, Taurus G3C 9mm, Pistol Parts, Slide, Barrel, Recoil Spring, Taurus G2C Factory Gold PVD 9MM-Pistol Parts-Barrel, Aluminum Slide Cover Plate for 9mm/40 Taurus G2C G3 G3C PT111/140 G2 Accessories, Squad Drop Taurus G2C, G2, G3,PT111 Optics Rail Sight.\u0026ti=810777\u0026pw=24203714. The new Taurus G3c is a new polymer frame, striker-fired, compact pistol offering a 12-rounds magazine and a 3.2" barrel in a slimline, stubby overall design, filling in as the perfect replacement for the Company's own, earlier subcompact models. Available in a compact, EDC-friendly frame. Hey everyone!! There are also upgrades that improve the aesthetics of your firearm. I reviewed the gun (here) after the deadline had passed. OEM Barrel. If longer magazines mean you dont have to stop to reload as often, great thats their purpose. It is primarily a G2C upgrade. Also, there are a couple of magazine loaders available. Not a problem, we offer gift certificates in any amount to suit your needs. Links for all products are provided below. The Taurus G3C is an attractive option for the budget-minded individual and its hard to argue with the general reliability of most G-series handguns. Adobe After Effects I'm Mike, one of the oldest writer of Sniper Country! May I suggest that you reconsider the Viridian in favor of a good light/laser combination? $3.99 to $4.99. photos of guns a clear, acrylic thick rod with a larger disc on one end with the Taurus logo. This happens because the case expansion on a fired round is friction-bound to the chamber and overcomes the spring tension of the extractor. The polymer sights have been replaced with an all-steel sight system. With Detailed Notes And Suggestions Relative To The Equipment And Operation Of A Commercial Gunshop. It's easier for newbies to have a complete mag than building from the ground. Magazine-Sleeve for Taurus-G2C / G3C / PT111 G2 9mm - Read Description!! The final improvement is the Tenifer-like finish that doesnt rub off so easily as the G2C tends to do. There are several parts and accessories such as handgun sights, grips or magazines which will be mentioned in this article briefly and you can find detailed information in articles about them here: sights, grips or magazines. Unsubscribe at any time. Very informative article. Taurus G3c Gold PVD 9MM Barrel $59.99. Threaded barrels for the G2C, G3C, PT111 G2 and G2S are back in stock! Never one to be satisfied with the status quo, he is often found at his reloading bench concocting yet another load. Anyway, Ill post the two videos in question as I was rather amused by the hate received in the comments of the first video.Taurus G3C Problems- The Humble Marksman demonstrates the flaw in the frame safety and receives much hate for his efforts. This one is typically caused by some Taurus G3C pistols having a tighter chamber and not a problem with the extractor but is more prominent when using steel-cased ammo. The new Taurus G3c Pistol features a common sight mounting system, providing maximum compatibility with leading sights on the handgun aftermarket. Hello there! If you are skilled enough then just delve into modifications for your Taurus G3c. The fiber optics are on order. This can be mitigated by adding stippling or rubber sleeves and implementing a grip technique that allows the thumbs to relax. Constructed of 416R stainless steel Target grade, precision Cut Rifling, 1 : 10 twist 3.53 inch barrel length with SAAMI specification chamber 11 degree Target Crown Engineered and Made in the U.S.A. Gold colored, TiN PVD finish. Remember, always choose custom holsters. Retired Firefighter, Advanced Georgia Master Gardener, Hazardous Material Response Member, Certified Hazardous Material Incident Commander, 1911 Addict and General Gun Lover. I could have sworn Ive been to this blog before but after reading through some of the post I realized its new to me. Plus, even better, they seem to have most of these items in stock, ready to ship. The bore of the 3.2"-long, stainless steel barrel features traditional six-groove rifling that allows for the use of cast lead bullets. Kingston, NY 12401 Phone: 866.686.7424 Fax: 877.486.7278 If longer magazines mean you dont have to stop to reload as often, great thats their purpose. What is really the cause? Replacement sights are from XS, TruGlo and Tandemkross and come in either fiber optic or night sight versions. The result is a trigger that feels tuned instead of factory-installed, and its short reset aids in quick follow-up shots. Today, well be exploring the top 7 Taurus G3C problems that have been reported by owners of this budget-minded, compact 9mm handgun. Here are the different items youll see if you look at the G3c Store page: There are other options out there for a G3c upgrade, but the Taurus store has a lot of quality items at reasonable prices. Its mostly caused by improper grip habits that are largely influenced by hand size and the ergonomics of the pistol. Reviewing the latest accessories and upgrades to my new Taurus G3c. The slide can now be pressed forward off of the frame. The first is the obvious, you take your pew to the range and shoot and shoot and repeat. Just because every Tom, Dick, and Harry professes that their insert-gun-of-choice functions flawlessly does not mean that you wont need to vet your own! This is the same capacity as the, Taurus-branded sight pusher it locks the, You build up your gun for much the same reason (minus the opposite sex one) you want a heightened experience when you can find the time and ammo to go out to do some shooting. It is more common on guns with compact frames like the Taurus G3C and for shooters with larger hands or long fingers. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. Namely the military personnel, law enforcement, and people with money. Save with our sponsors: Safe House Defense Legal Concierge Program GunsmithingFree standard shipping at Apex Tactical. Thanks for the question, Bart! At the shooting range, the G3c proved to be utterly reliable with all of the test ammunition fired, including practice-grade and premium, defensive hollow-point loads. Granted, several of them are holster variations, but you will still need something to carry your gun in, right? Manufactured in Brazil, the G3c is a polymer-frame, striker-fired semi-automatic employing a short-recoil, locked-breech action. The selection is truly decent, with models from Crossbreed, UM Tactical, Galco, Sticky and Bulldog. That's basically zero rounds. MakerShot Custom Magazine Speedloader 3. This design allows the Taurus pistol to accept TRUGLO TRITIUM PRO sights all of which are widely available through distributors and dealers nationwide. When you get there, you will that there are 37 different items that you can buy for your G3c. The trigger guard is curved and rounded along the front edge, to serve as a support hand/finger rest, and undercut where it meets the grip for added comfort. The basic gun was the same, but the improvements made a good gun even better. If you want a rail-mount sight (as opposed to Viridians trigger guard mount), go for a LaserMax Spartan laser no matter if you want red or green, theyre there. The trigger comes to rest against the frame and only needs about a 1/4" release in order to reset. Also, dont forget to lubricate all internal contact points to ensure the proper functionality of the firearm. Remove the recoil assembly and barrel from the interior of the slide and the pistol is ready to clean. That feature is not available on many striker-fired pistols. Description Lakeline Ported Barrel for the 9mm Taurus G3X, G3C, G2C, G2S and PT111 G2. I liked the gun so much I ended up buying it., The G3c is an upgrade to Taurus great-selling compact, the. Not worth the headache to me. heyve been treated with black Teflon, which is not only corrosion-resistant but also increases lubricity for smoother operation. Quick view Add to Cart. The magazine well and polymer baseplates of the 12-round magazines share matching dimples on both sides. Shop our selection of Taurus parts today! Quick Release Shoulder Plate . The magazine in the image above is a SIG P22 pattern, so between these and the Glock pattern sights, the market for upgrades exists. Best Mossberg 500 Heat Shields [Ultimate Buying Guide], Starting At The Beginning: The Taurus Shop, Best 9mm Ammo in 2021 [Self-Defense & Target], 6.5 Creedmoor vs .243 Win Cartridge Comparison, Best Budget 1911s: Everything Around $500. Dismantling and assembling should be done with caution or by the hands of professionals to prevent a risk of malfunctions or accidents. It really is a coin-flip gamble buying a Taurus semi-auto pistol just to save a few bucks- only to have to invest more time and money, in the end, trying to fix the lemons. Mag upgrades differ and vary, you can just upgrade your baseplate or you can invest in a larger capacity magazine. Sometimes, this is a simple break-in issue that goes away after a few boxes of ammo along with proper cleaning and lubrication prior to shooting. Sony A7 4k Video and Still Second Camera Find more info below. Insufficient lubrication and faulty magazine springs and followers are often the case of mag failures. And without further ado lets get onto it. With external dimensions comparable to those of the Glock G26, its easy to find suitable holsters for comfortable concealment, such as the DeSantis Inner Piece 2.0 inside-the-waistband holster. Taurus An established firearms manufacturer and importer of handguns and rifles based in Brazil. The options for your Taurus G3cinclude sights, slide stops, barrels, triggers, cylinders, hammers, muzzles, trigger guards etc. The feed ramp is polished mirror-smooth for reliable feeding. With the release of the new Taurus G3c, I was hoping to see the same level of commitment to consistent quality control, reliability and value that I found in the G3. The G3C has a hand-filling grip, a dual spring recoil assembly and enough metal in the slide to help manage felt recoil. All of those can be divided in broad categories: Action Parts, Barrel Parts, Books & Videos, Frame Parts, Grip Parts, Recoil Parts, Safety Parts, Sights, Slide Parts and Trigger Group Parts. Find more info below. At $250, the Taurus G2c is a budget-friendly compact CCW pistol that everyone raves about. While the gun is ideal for concealed carry, inexpensive, and has many useful features, we cannot ignore the fact that it has Night vision scopes used to be only available to select groups of people. The barrel and slide have also been engraved. The overall fit and finish was top-notch. Thank you for subscribing to the newsletter! Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. You can the original OEM rod and spring for $9.99 or the Lakeline stainless one for $26.95 from the Taurus store. For me, this is really more of a non-issue since only a fool loads a round in the chamber and stages the trigger without the intent to fire! The spring tension of the most loved in personal defense/EDC what we get companies linked to on this.. Cycled with ease of Texas a short-recoil, locked-breech Action a trigger that feels tuned instead of factory-installed and! Zero rounds allows the Taurus G-series handguns in either fiber optic sights to ship less than the minimum allowed (! An outside-the-waistband strap that your belt goes into and through 37 different that! 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