Could you imagine what could or might happen. I was a new LPN nurse that made a documentation error in 2012 with that being said I had no idea of what the OBN was capable of doing I didnt know I needed a lawyer figured I didnt anything wrong boy was I wrong! Nurse License Verification service enables nurses to verify their license (s) from a Nursys verification participating board when applying for endorsement into another state. I received a complaint in California in 2012. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. Three were due to drugs (diversion, working impaired, etc). Select license to be verified. This person is working through an agency and using my full name -DOB- and even has pics from my Facebook page. Be subtle with that and leave room for interpretation). So you have to sell your soul to the boards. My dream was to be an RN. Reasons Nurses Lose their License. Get in touch at 323-794-070 or fill out our form for a free consultation. Its just a way to reward good boys and girls. However, unless those are clearly defined in the employee handbook, they are subject to personal interpretation. Good Luck and hang in there. Missing an important finding? Was your license suspended or revoked? Breach of Ethics. They sent in a woman who basically degraded the most teachers in the state. These include two (2) hours relating to preventing medical errors and two (2) hours on Laws and Rules in Nursing. I never thought I would never be able to get my license back. I am finding it difficult to convince potential employers to give me a chance to prove that I am not an addict and am an honest and ethical RN. (7) Bad checks: $30. Create well-written care plans that meets your patient's health goals. I told my supervisor and she said she told him to stop so it was over. Let us take the hard work out of your job search with the new Jobs. The only reason I found out was through a friend of a friend of a friend that so happened to remember her saying my not so common name. One voluntarily surrendered his license because of gross incompetence, one had her license suspended for insurance fraud. All I know is healthcareI started as a CNA then phlebotomist. I did find one website for around my local area, but it is not easy to search. Again, you must adhere to the BON requirements without fail. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 I was made to be charge nurse of this trauma center and did not want to do it. Has 4 years experience. They post your discipline, and court records if any on the internet for 10 years; in some states for LIFE! I dont drink or smoke Ive never taken any narcotics. My advice is to clean up your first mess as best you can before moving forward into anything else, it makes you accountable to your past and holds promise for your future. Attended and completed all stipulations with Drug court - 2 years of clean drug tests, countless therapy hours I have provided numerous letters of character references, as well as from Probation officers, Judge, work, sponsor, women's shelter I volunteer at . An additional two states are in the process of carrying out NLC status. Check North Carolina (NC) as the state to receive the verification on step #2. Thank you! Issuing licenses can take far longer, though. You are proving yourself. Looking for stories of hope or words of advice. Nursing is a profession that requires licensure by state as a safeguard for public health. You become a huge liability. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. Having a license issue, especially in the nasty NCBON world is one of the WORST states almost worse than Texas. . Learn more. this is what works for me in Texas, hopefully Ohio will be the same. I refused. To expedite your renewal you may renew online at If these nazis warriors want to use the tax payers money under the false pretense protect the public !! But no one will give me a chance to see that, and thats heartbreaking! 1-612-816-8773. Anyone, I mean anyone can file a complaint on you and with this world becoming so evil, self righteous and unmerciful its best not to do public service. Find a nurse career coach by asking around, doing an Internet search, or getting a referral from the International Coach Federation ( So I signedi didnt even initial where I was supposed to do it wasnt even legal. but I do not believe an employer has access to those details. Management refused to let me call the police over violence to my staff..I didnt listen and called every time one of my staff was assaulted. He lost his license! Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. Nurses, your stories of what its like to be a nurse are inspirations to all of us, and we would love to hear yours. My question is.what do I do now?? I learned some very expensive and very challenging lessons from my mistakes, and I truly am a better nurse because of it. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 1-612 . They are a result of each individual's upbringing, self-teaching and life experience. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. the investigation turns out to be a witch hunt. Please be advised that the application fee for Professional and Practical Nurses and Advanced Practice Nurses who apply for a plenary license in the State of New Jersey from July 1, 2022 and through June 30, 2023, will be waived. I am wondering if they are using a different social shouldn't the agency verify that compared to the license number? 1 Article; Period! What is usually Board decision on boundary violation. 7,349 Posts. Specializes in 15 years in ICU, 22 years in PACU. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. You will receive your ATT via the email address you provided when registering. We have to unite to be successful. OBN is now requiring me to complete a 2yr probationary period along with a 2 yr narcotic restriction thats ridiculous! Create well-written care plans that meets your patient's health goals. She fully admitted that she had been doing it to 'help' a family member with a problem and she was taking the meds so that he would not be out stealing, etc to get money to buy the drugs. It was discovered by the board I was employed in an aspect of nursing that I was restricted from working in at the time. Please allow 1-2 weeks for receipt of your new nursing license. You DO know, or I suspect you SHOULD, most people dont get caught breaking the law. Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac. Specializes in Many areas, currently adult psych. I filed multiple complaints the Attorney Generals office and Better Business Bureau to no avail who polices these people what the hell can I do Im just lost please someone help me. Has 12 years experience. Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation: The Community You Didn't Know You Needed. GN/GPN status is lost when you fail to take your scheduled examination. It is a shame in NC there is NO and I mean NO advocacy for the nurses who reside in that state. Prior to finally having their licenses revolked. Sneaky maybe. 1 Article; So something spilled on my license and now there's a huge stain and the paper is all weird and wrinkled. lost Nursing license..starting reinstatement process looking for advice. Email: allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 1 . She was right. Thank you. I knew a nurse years ago who lost her license after an individual died in restraints while she was . They will have to delete your accounts and start new one. The board diagnoses the nurse, but they hold no Degree nor do they have the knowledge and training to make diagnosis. That's a scary prospect. Unintentional physical harm to a patient? You will have to learn and practice the delicate art of discussing your past and focusing on your strengths, selling yourself and overcoming objections. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 1-612 . Dental hygiene schools, BTW, have the most stringent admission requirements I've seen aside from nursing schools. Is revoked most all states grant application to reinstate, in Texas it is after one year i I applied and was granted reinstatement in 1996, for my RN lis., but did not like the stipulations re: uds, having to call or check in every day to learn if it was my turn. Do you feel their is a recovery program with the NCBON ? The CA BON is one that lists everything on their website. How to request a duplicate nursing license? Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website. If you recall, a revocation of a license is the most serious of all disciplinary actions that can be taken by a board of nursing. Had never broken a law or anything. Adversity. I think it's here: NYS Professions - Contact Us. While my license was suspended, mine also expired, but because it was close enough & I was talking to the BON often, I didn't have to take the exam again. Usually they're drug/alcohol related, not paying child support or loans in the states we talked about, etc. You must click and go through every individual. Practicing nursing outside ones legal scope can also lead to a revocation of ones nursing license. Andrea Yates was an RN who admitted drowning 5 of her kids, but was convicted of killing 3. I have since completed the drug court program and have over 2 years of sobriety from all mood and mind altering substances. Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation: The Community You Didn't Know You Needed. Ends up I was transferred away from him( the aid) and then when EPIC went live I was reported for documentation errors and fired and my license was probated. Then tell you to do it all over again. The BON paints the rehab as the lesser of all evils and that MANY nurses complete the program successfully and return to work. In 2014 the Ca. It's 5.30am and I've just managed to sit down and start my notes. Well, they'll take it away from you if you're a serial killer. Keep us posted. 2 subscription options. Set a goal, not matter what it is and work for that goal, you can do it. Find a nurse attorney through a referral from your state chapter of the American Nurses Association ( and The American Association of Nurse Attorneys ( Ive been drug screened now for the past 2 yrs not one negative result urine or hair follicle. Specializes in ICU, LTACH, Internal Medicine. street drug? Furthermore, you require two (2) hours of domestic . And then one day just a simple error or correctible error slams to our face that the BON revoke or suspend our license I lost my Administrative Hearing based on hearsay evidence and some nurse administrator that had a vested interest in the hospital that had reported me to the Board as making a medication error. I am so sorry! My mom was a nurse who got in trouble for stealing drugs from her employer. Kentucky Board of Nursing mission statement: The Kentucky Board of Nursing protects the well-being of the public by development and enforcement of state law governing the safe practice of nursing, nursing education and credentialing. In the state of California . It is nice to see at least one BON protecting nurses' privacy. After the nursing regulatory body (NRB) declares you eligible, you will receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) email. We have a new nurse (graduated 2 yrs ago and new to HH) who is afraid of making a mistake and losing her license. when not at work, what would stop you from engaging in those behaviors at work? This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. Despite the consequences of a professional disciplinary action, it is most likely in the reader's best interest to accept the offer by her board of nursing. Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac. she is out of line and a true witch hunter. I faced discipline by the board of nursing and my license was placed on probation. You can sift through to see what nurses lose their licenses for. I have done that and had a Texas nursing license issued in 2020, but the Ca BRN came in and told Texas they had to put Discipline on my license since I had not met my probation in Ca. When you go to work even as a food server, go beyond the the basics. Some states, such as Florida and Massachusetts, will include the preface "RN" before the number. My license wasn't revoked, but suspended for one year (related to the monitoring program) and I was able to get it back rather quickly, once the year was up. Has 18 years experience. If a nurse has lost their license and wants to have it reinstated, they can file a petition of reinstatement. No failed or missed drug screenings and submit EVERYTHING on time. Fast forward to 2019 in the depthsof my disease I decided to make a change, I'm not going to lie I completely gave up the idea of ever being a nurse again. If I were you I would consult a nurse attorney to be sure you are on the right track. Can you reapply to get your restricted license back? 7). Anyway, these nurses find small errors in charting and Use other preposterous accusations as evidence that your incapable or detrimental. What the public doesnt get is that their care is actually worse now than ever before, and will only continue to decline with the push for turnover; even if that means targeting innocent people. My lawyer stood and said, no your not unless you want a law suit. If they follow my IP, its not in the state where I am now. Has 18 years experience. I was fired from my job for diverting pain meds, started the chemical dependency program but it was SO hard and too much right after I lost my job, nursing license, car got repoed and I was trying to do everything they wanted also. I waited 5 months to sign some screwed up consent agreement but I was starving and lost my home. I have been a nurse for under a year and I have never faced anything like this before. How is it that there can be only 306 unsuccessful teachers in the atate out of 186,000 plus teachers and she had at least 6 that she forced out. 1.Failure to Pay Child Support. You must have an invitation to join. As far as going back to school, I would just make sure that you would be eligible to sit for the state exam. If so what were the stipulations? Specializes in PDN; Burn; Phone triage. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. I had a friend who received a deferred prosecution (drug court) @ 18. Just out of curiosity, have you ever known someone that has lost their license? After all, a social security number is required to apply for many jobs. but I believe the BON documents the issue and the discipline. The fact that you have so many positive people & statements on your side is very encouraging. 1). The rationale is this: if you are reckless (DUI, drugs, etc.) The Arizona state board of nursing contacted me when the complaint reached them. I literally have met teachers who were taken from their homes because someone in line for or in an administrative job set them up by deciding they thought they drank too much on their off time. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 I wouldnt work at a licensed position again, its too dangerous. So tell your story without lying, but omit some minor details that could make you look bad and touch on the details that got you a raw deal (without saying that directly. Round one I signed an interim consent agreement whatever that is my license came up for Renewal I paid 350 to renew a suspended license. Good luck & congrats! You still must submit your licensure fee and any other associated fees. But I moved to a different state and now it seems that all anyone sees are the mistakes I made 5 years ago, not all the good Ive done since. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. Your arrogance- and the arrogance of MILLIONS of Americans- is the reason we have become the pit of hypocrisy that weve become. Has 17 years experience. Primary source equivalent: The Nursys licensure and disciplinary database is the repository of the data provided directly from state boards of nursing. I sued the Board in circuit court and the Judge sided with the boardI fought my ass off..after 3 years of homelessness and loss of most family and friends I have not signed it! Incompetence. i am very encouraged. Specializes in Emergency & Trauma/Adult ICU. Completion of an approved CNA program. The majority of people investigated are able come out ok depending on the reason and their own determination to do what they need to do to keep it. 26 Feb Feb And a bunch of pencil pushers telling you faster, faster! but i dont knwo about pennsylvania. I also searched online but was unable to find any information on it. You must have your ATT email to schedule an appointment to take the NCLEX. I got suspended for smoking in my car. Look at the people in control right now. a. Nurse License Verification. Questions Im looking for guidance inare.. Has anyone gotten their license revoked and reinstated after waiting the three years? Many state boards of nursing will let you look up online what the cause of license actions were for nurses. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. Several. I knew an extremely addicted meth head- the biggest drug addict I had ever known- who is now a Paramedic. Check your dependency upon the external vs internal. Hello nurses, He threw a full Big Gulp at a woman driving down Main Street- in a small town we lived in. Several options, but I am speaking from Texas Bon, and Texas Board of Health, that granted me my respiratory care practioner lis. I went to their monkey court and refused to sign so they suspended me. And you dont have to be incompetent in your field all you have to do is get a DUI, in YOUR personal time, and not report it to the BON (even though they run a background check every year to renew license, and charge YOU for it, they expect you to tell on yourself). Has 17 years experience. so, I entered local technical school got my associates in Resp therapy, actually passed my CRT, before I graduated, but had to apply to State of Texas for RCP..of course one of the questions was past displinary actions and or criminal history. I caught shoplifters, and hed steal from the store to see if Id go after him. The requirements include 24 hours of appropriate CE during each renewal period. Administrative hearings are costly, lengthy . ! Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. I was stressed, overworked, and in way over my head at the time. I am so sorry that you have had this experience. 1) freeze all your credit card accounts AND those of your family. Do more! Contacting ex spouses ! Our subpoenas were rejected by the hospital because we were unable to send a consumer notification. Unless they ask specifics, do not offer details. The pics are of my family not me. I looked on the nysbon website. She may not lose her license for a med error but any kind of disciplinary action can bring a whole heapin' helpin' of pain in the butt from education requirements, to probation with restrictions, to a fine and you just don't want that kind of attention from your friendly BoN. The most common reason for an LNA to lose their license is theft. 4). 1-612-816-8773. Definition of CNE: K.S.A 651117 (a) Continuing nursing education means learning experiences intended to build . Who would? Use internet at work, or in a public library. Also, I suggest you find a nurse career coach who has experience helping nurses with challenges in their work history to help you overcome those obstacles. 2). Increased insurance premiums. I was told resign or youll never teach again. I was fired from my job I worked in a trauma ICU. It's usually a string of errors that occur despite remediation or a failure to comply with probationary requirements that are occasionally imposed on the more serious one-time med errors. There issues are not posted all over the internet like the nurses. When I have taken the time to read disciplinary actions on the internet, most of the time that I can recall, people reported for med/practice errors were given some type of education, probationary status consequences; or the med/practice errors were listed in a cavalcade of charges including juicer tidbits that called for the more severe punishments. I know it's just a piece of paper but I'm still pretty sad about it. He was able to have it expunged. Im not a nurse but a psychologist with the BOP wanting to chop my head off for not having enough records. Reprimand recommendations for nurse readers. I was really done with nursing by that time. Looks like youre not logged in! Then freeze your checking account. I'm trying to get my license reinstated after a felony conviction. You are doing public relations for yourself. You are controlling the narrative. Forget lunch. I am not in NC but in my state you can do that. exams, and national certifications. but all of this would have been mute, without mature, stable recovery. You will feel embarrassed, even humiliated, but you grin and bare it. Has 10 years experience. NON-NURSYS: If your original and/or current state of licensure does not participate in NURSYS (CA, MI, PA, Canada, other countries), please contact . (You imply this. Yes nursing school is obviously hard and not comparable to other bachelor degrees but I still dwell on it occasionally. And I know one personally that volunteraly surrendered her license (drugs were involoved with her). This frustrates me cause Id hate to complete the 2 year program not knowing what the future holds. The board may have been concerned about a full reinstatement. They rarely ever side with the nurse. I am going to make this as short and sweet as possibleI was an LPN, diverted demerolfrom my job in 2009 (still cant beleive I did this) I gave up my license called the NCBON, went through all their hoops got my restricted license back. Some of us, like me, had my license for 15 years- w/ out 1 complaint against my license. Now what do I do? The next most common finding by the BON is for working impaired and/or diversion. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 (everyone does it) I got suspended for 2 month expired ACLS ( We have new grads working for at least a year without ACLS) I was accused of diverting drugs, did a drug test that showed a drug i had a expired prescription for but didnt take in my urine but not the medications I actually take daily but they never asked me about. Thanks! All I want is to be succesfull. new dewalt tools coming 2023; kevin robinson cause of death; CC THNG HIU. My heart goes out to you. I recently ran into a situation with an individual and I was wondering if there was a website that will post an easy way to find out why someone has lost thier nursing license. I want to be successful and look back at this time as a nightmare and my worst low. If you applied since July 1, 2022, and . The information in the NPDB database can significantly affect your nursing career. Ends up I was transferred away from him( the aid) and then when EPIC went live I was reported for documentation errors and fired and my license was probated. ;-(. California must approve candidates before they can be authorized to test. Official results are ONLY available through your NRB and will be sent to you . just an arrest record that no longer shows up anywhere. And if youre telling me youve never broken a law, I am telling you MR/MS Irritated- you are a liar!! By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. The journey to passing was not a short one. but i dont knwo about pennsylvania. they have never met me, they did not review my employment history as a nurse. Setting us up for failure with ridiculous stipulations scarring of our nursing licenses, charging exorbitant fees for drug screens and reporting our private activities all over the internet. Nurses are held to high moral and ethical standards. Wake up! This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. Hold your head high, you are a compasionate, caring, knowledgable women. In them you'll find all sorts of cases that come in front of the BON and their rulings. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. Choosing a specialty can be a daunting task and we made it easier. Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac. respiratory therapy is another option, in my state, the fact i had been reinstated, even though not completed the pre req., before restricted lis helped, i was able to take state practioner lis. Specializes in Neuroscience. Were HUMAN- every single one of us. Choosing a specialty can be a daunting task and we made it easier. The fee to verify a license (s) is $30.00. Good luck ever finding a job doing anything. Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development. $60 plus current licensure renewal fee. I was never employed as a lpn, no one hired me because of my criminal history i guess. It doesnt pay as well and can be boring, but its a job and a stepping stone. Ive been on many interviews and theyre all saying the same thing the restrictions are to much. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. Too many Americans think that people cant compartmentalize. Yes it is! allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 Tell them the story from the beginning and how REHAB was presented to you as the best case scenario. 1-612-816-8773. If your license application is denied because of a conviction or for some other reason, you will most typically receive a letter of denial from the Board. Here, this should help: 6 Articles; student, and educator. Texas took 118 days on average to license new graduates as RNs in 2021. For PA, you have to have a username and password to access the licensure verification feature. Any help is appreciated. I do not know the dates she lost her license, but we were curious if there was such a posting about licensing information. Even if a nurse self reports they still crucify you. When will I receive my card? How do I "transfer" my CNA license? Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. It is the regulatory. There are two methods by which a Nurse may apply for a license with the Texas Board of Nursing (BON): 1) Online or 2) Paper. Unfortunately, we never see it but, about Karma, I believe! Create well-written care plans that meets your patient's health goals. How has their recovery program aided you in your recovery? (It looks like you have to cause an injury and try to cover it up to get into trouble with the BON.). Most state nurse practice acts or their rules require that a nurse licensee maintain the privacy and confidentiality of patient information (unless required to release . I read these posts and I agree 100%, the Arizona State Board of Nursing is completely out of control! I only had my therapists' evaluation & my own statement. Does anyone have any advice? The Board is empowered to: (7) Cause the prosecution of all persons violating this Article. Ultimately I want to go to school to get my RN, but I cant even do that because I cant have my CNA and you cant go to school with any restrictions on your license basically I just would love any and every advice. The Obama medical and educational reforms have forced experienced educated professionals from their livelyhoods with absolutely no respect for education level or experience. After each failure, she had to tell her nurse manager 3 times that she had failed. I do know a couple of nurses that lost their liscenses for drug related issues. It is frightening! Once I received my license back, it was under restriction, again related to the monitoring program. Everything they say and post is SLANDER. After numerous attempts of finding a job after I reagained y restricted license at no luck, I had a migraine and relapsed. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. Then I had 2 years of hell jumping through hoops to get it reinstated. The details are in your BON file, To obtain a duplicate Registration Certificate or replacement License Parchment: Registration Certificate: Phone: 518-474-3817, ext. She ended up surrendering her license while on probation. The Nursys nurse licensure and disciplinary database is the repository of the license and disciplinary data of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing ("NCSBN") member boards of nursing. Choosing a specialty can be a daunting task and we made it easier. accusations from a facility in another state just out-of-the blue, and baseless? Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. Hello family. (9) Declaratory order of eligibility: Looking for a simpler way to find your next nursing role? This person is working through an agency and using my full name -DOB- and even has pics from my Facebook page. Just go to the BON for your state you do not need a license number just her name and it might narrow down the search if you new what city, street etc. Side note: Home health care could be your best option at this time (until I really dont believe that sealing my case would have protected me for future employment. Establish programs for aiding in the remediation of nurses who experience. So What! Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. But we were curious if there was such a posting about licensing.! Feb Feb and a bunch of pencil pushers telling you faster, faster ) is $ 30.00 him! Sent to you these include two ( 2 ) hours of appropriate CE during renewal! You grin and bare it to: ( 7 ) cause the prosecution of persons! 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You did n't know you Needed aiding in the NPDB database can significantly your! Years of hell jumping through hoops to get it reinstated, they did not review my employment history as lpn! Of sobriety from all mood and mind altering substances of domestic lists everything time... Surrendered his license because of gross incompetence, one had her license after an individual died in restraints she. 5 of her kids, but it is not easy to search on their website the public! such Florida... Of all persons violating this Article off for not having enough records thats ridiculous knew an extremely lost my nursing license allnurses. Mean no advocacy for the past 2 yrs not one negative result urine or follicle! The discipline had my license and wants to have a username and password to access the licensure verification.! Requirements include 24 hours of appropriate CE during each renewal period Articles ; student and.