Applicants are eligible if they have graduated within two years of the program start date, or will graduate prior to the program start date. Smithsonian Internships are workplace-based guided learning opportunities that provide participants with hands-on The National Eye Institute has two summer internship programs open to high school students who are age 17 or olderthe NIH Summer Intern Program and the Diversity In Vision Research & Ophthalmology (DIVRO) Program, which is aimed at students from underrepresented groups in vision research. This program is sponsored by the Great Lakes Commission, the NOAA National Sea Grant College Program, and the Great Lakes Sea Grant Network. Youll also need to commit to a Monday through Friday work week for the course of the six-week internship. WINGS fellows will be UCAR employees and will receive funding for 0.5 full-time equivalent (FTE) for 9 months and 1.0 FTE for 3 months including benefits (1,320 hours per year at an hourly salary range of $25.50-26.52). NOAA's Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) and the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences invite applications for the William L. Smith Sr. Graduate Scholarship available to a Ph.D. student entering the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences program at UW-Madison every 3 years. The National Cancer Institute in Frederick, MD, The National Institute on Aging in Baltimore, MD, The National Institute on Drug Abuse in Baltimore, MD, The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in Research Triangle Park, NC (will not be hosting high school students during summer 2023), The Rocky Mountain Laboratories of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Hamilton, MT, The Phoenix Epidemiology and Clinical Research Branch of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases in Phoenix, AZ*, The Framingham Heart Study of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in Framingham, MA*. Applications are currently closed. To see how your activities stack up, use our. GSL research improves environmental prediction models, develops state-of-the-science decision support tools and visualization systems, and uses high-performance computing technology to support a Weather-Ready Nation. However, high school summer internship selection committees will clearly prefer applicants who appear likely to make the greatest contributions to NIH research. a national award). If you are a junior who lives in the state of Maine, youre eligible for this six-week STEM internship. The National Water Center Innovators Program Summer Institute is a seven-week experiential learning program that brings graduate students together with academic researchers, other professionals, and National Water Center staff. The program is aimed at underrepresented and low-income students and is intended to expose them to careers in health care. Positions are available to students with an interest in plant science research and computational biology and no prior lab experience is required. Are there other research training opportunities at the NIH that I might find of interest? Can I submit more than the required two letters of reference? The 2023 opportunity has not yet been announced. During the program interns have the opportunity to attend scientific seminars, visit national scientific laboratories, and participate in a variety of professional development training. Does that mean I cannot be a summer intern? Selected students known as Hutton Scholars, are matched and mentored by a fisheries professional to enjoy an 8-week hands-on fisheries science summer experience in a marine and/or freshwater setting. Contact:Margaret Mooney, Ship-to-Shore connections are available daily through December 19, 2021. Applications for the 2024-26 National Coral Reef Management Fellowship will open in early summer 2023. Internships take place over the summer and are generally within a 45-minute commute of the students home. Each activity can generally fall into one of four tiers, with Tier 1 being the most outstanding (i.e. If you replace an existing reference, please notify that individual that you will no longer require a letter. Receive $500 per week, paid bi-weekly and reimbursement for travel to/from University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES). All high school applicants for summer internships complete the same application. Here is a summary of our advice on resumes/CVs. Please read the program webpages carefully and follow the directions for the program the interests you. Interns are paid $15.50-19.90 per hour and must work around their class schedules, for up to 20 hours each week during spring and fall and up to 35 hours during summer. We are seeking a research scientist to perform original research advancing the state of the art in plasma etch technology. Can I apply to HS-SIP and HiSTEP (or HiSTEP 2.0) simultaneously? If you live close enough that commuting will be feasible, pleasecontact the OITEto explain your situation and request a waiver. Application Deadline: February 1. How are HS-SIP applications reviewed?High school summer interns for 2023 will be selected by central committees in the NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs). WebHigh School Summer Internships Undergraduate Scholarship Program Postbac IRTA Program NIH Academy Graduate Partnerships Program Programs for Medical and Dental If a lab does not have the funds to cover the stipend, they may invite you to join the lab as an unpaid Special Volunteer. Teenagers have options when it comes to finding the right internship opportunity, despite the fact that it may be difficult to find one during high school. Getting around via Metro is generally a good choice. Can you provide any advice on how to write a good application? What do summer interns actually do? Youll also need an interest in learning, teaching, and science. are high school juniors or seniors at the time of application, are U.S. citizens or permanent residents (U.S. citizens may apply if they are enrolled at least half-time in high school. SOARS participants, called protgs, spend up to four summers doing research in atmospheric and related sciences. . To whom should I address my cover letter?Since your application will be read by selection committees in the NIH Institutes and Centers, you may wish to use the greeting "To Whom It May Concern:". The program consists of a four-week course and a six-to-ten week research project in Woods Hole, MA. Youll also receive a $3,000 stipend and an all-expense paid trip to the Hutton Scholars Summit. Fellows will work with their academic advisor and a mentor recommended by WPO and CPAESS, to provide guidance during the dissertation process. An internship may fall into Tiers 1-3, depending on how selective it is. Applicants must be at least 18 years old. Is summer housing provided by the NIH?The NIH is unable to provide housing for summer interns. WebMiddle and High School Students Short-Term Internships for Students | Fellowships and Training Opportunities | CDC Middle and High School Students Interested in Public Health? Here are just a few of the top reasons to look for an internship. Another option is "Dear NIH Selection Committee". Applying to the NIH Summer Internship Program (SIP): Webinar and Q&A. Please include your full name and email address (the ones you will use in the application), the address where you will live during the summer, the name of the individual with whom you will live during the summer, and your relationship to that individual. Held at NOAAs Seattle Sand Point facility each July, NOAA Science Camp offers hands-on science-learning opportunities for middle and high school students. Where else might I find information on research opportunities?Please check our Other Summer Programs at the NIH and Summer Programs Outside the NIHpages for opportunities that might suit your interests. The Summer Internship Program (SIP) provides experience in biomedical and/or public health research to students from all backgrounds - includingstudents from racial/ethnic groups underrepresented in science and medicine, students from low-income/underserved backgrounds, and students with disabilities. It is held at the Joint BioEnergy Institute, and in it, students will gain skills in advanced scientific topics like microbiology, biochemistry, and biofuels as they work on a research project alongside JBEI researchers and undergrads. Depending on the posting, both paid Selected students receive a $3,000 stipend. Students can participate and submit individual projects from home or in small teams with classmates. If you live within 50 miles of Redmond, Washington, and have an interest in programming, this internship is for you. Local and regional school groups visit NOAA Fisheries Milford Laboratory for a day of lab visits in Milford, Connecticut. You may have provided an incorrect email address. Are students who are U.S. citizens attending foreign institutions eligible to apply? This program provides an opportunity for recent graduates of master's and Ph.D. programs to work with state coastal zone programs to gain on-the-job education and training opportunities in coastal resource management and policy. Farrin. If selected, youre required to work eight consecutive weeks (40 hours per week) over the summer prior to your senior year of high school. Are there other research training opportunities at the NIH that I might find of interest?If you are interested in coming to the NIH ina non-research capacity, please take a look at the NIH Pathways Student Trainee Program operated by Human Resources. Make certain your application materials, including transcripts are pre-loaded into your USAJobs profile prior to the opening date. The Maryland requirement that service-learning activities directly address human needs in areas such as health, education, environment, or public safety does not appear to describe NIH programs, which provide full-time biomedical research training. The application deadline is in March, but you should plan to submit your cover letter at least three to four months before due to the high competition for internships. NOAA is offering paid summer internships targeted towards current 2nd and 3rd-year undergraduate and enrolled graduate students to work in areas that will provide Since you need to provide your own transportation, its best if you live near either the Gaithersburg, MD facility or the Boulder, CO facility. The fellowship program creates seven two-year positions at institutions in coral reef states and territories. The National Weather Service (NWS) National School Outreach team is ready to teach and answer your students' weather questions. Location: New York City. Participation is limited to the first 50 high school students who apply. Subprogram Selection); you will not be able to edit other sections. You should check to make sure your references have received our email requesting a letter. WebNIH Summer Internship Program (SIP) Intended to provide exciting research experiences on the campus of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland or at selected off-campus NIH locations. Summer internships generally last from eight to ten weeks. The Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR)administers an annual Great Lakes Summer Fellows Program, in partnership with the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL). BTI, Cornell University, and the USDA Internships are available at all levels of education from high school to graduate. As an intern, youll work alongside professionals to see firsthand what science is like in the field. Contact:Cindy Bruyre ( At the completion of the program, youll receive a $3,600 stipend and partial reimbursement for travel expenses. How will this affect the application process? Fall 2019: Volume 17 Number 1 Institute for Advanced Learning and Research (IALR) Summer Internship Program Location: Danville, Virginia Length: 8 weeks Time Commitment: 28 hours per week The Institute of Advanced Learning and Research (IALR) offers high school students meaningful hands-on experience and training in STEM fields. Is there a deadline for submission of applications?Yes, the HS-SIP application deadline is February 1 for all participating NIH Institutes and Centers. The main requirement is using data from GOES-16 or GOES-17 to investigate weather and natural hazards. Can I get SSL (Maryland Student Service-Learning) credit for my summer internship? Anyone who could comment on your skills in the laboratory, creativity, problem solving abilities, motivation, ability to handle complex scientific literature and concepts, etc. Iwill be 17 on June 15, 2023, and I dont live within 40 miles of a campus. Students will receive a $1,500 stipend at the completion of the program. The Boyce Thompson Institute, a life sciences research institution located on the Cornell University campus, offers internship opportunities to students within a reasonable daily commute. Most project teams have published their work in a scientific journal after the completion of the program. This is a competitive program and interns are selected based on their academic achievement, personal statements, recommendations, and career and research interests. San Antonio, TX 78205 (Downtown area) +5 locations. This year successful candidates will be paid a stipend of $4000 for the six-week program with all other expenses being the responsibility of the student. The REU program at the NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center offers paid summer internships to undergraduates interested in marine and estuarine science. Internships focus on scientific field research to resource management and policy. Once you clear the academic threshold at selective colleges, your extracurriculars can be just as important as your grades. What Are the Differences Between State and Federal Financial Aid Programs. and Ph.D. students enrolled in U.S. universities in hydrology or a related field. An official website of the United States government. Available across time zones worldwide, subject to ship schedule. They are usually due in mid-January. Should I apply to a specific Institute or Center (IC)?You may select up to three Institutes or Centers from the "Preferred IC" drop-down list. This program provides an opportunity for graduate students to work with members of the Great Lakes science, policy and information/education communities to advance the environmental quality and sustainable economic development goals of the Great Lakes states. Are you looking for a way to develop the skills you need to engage in conservation opportunities? Through this program, students work on substantive research issues in the Great Lakes and undergo a career training program that equips them with the knowledge and skills to be the next generation of Great Lakes scientists. WebHigh School Internship Summer 2022 Jobs, Employment | Skip to main content Find jobs Company reviews Find salaries Upload your resume Sign in Employers / Post Job Start of main content What Where Search jobs Date Posted Remote Salary Estimate Job Type Encouraged to apply Location Company Experience Level Education Am I eligible to apply to HS-SIP?Pleasecontact the OITEto explain your situation and request a waiver. RT @hcatfhawaii: 2022 Summer Intern John Herold-Namu of Mililani High School learns to use the eyelevel to shoot elevetions at HCATF's state-of-the-art Training Centers in Kapolei before heading out to the field. HiSTEP 2.0 is an option for HiSTEP graduates and general high school students in the Bethesda area. During the school year I live more than 40 miles from any NIH campus, but during the summer, I live within 40 miles of a campus. Two (2) two-year Graduate Student Fellowships will be awarded, with a maximum Sea Grant support of $40,000/year for a total of $80,000 for stipend and tuition costs for each Fellow over the two-year period. (The online application system will not allow you to apply to both.). Sea Grant is a national network that consists of 34 university-based college programs around the U.S and the National Sea Grant Library. The National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Internship Program (GRIP) provides NSF graduate fellows and graduate students supported by grants funded by NSF's Geosciences Directorate with internship opportunities at federal facilities. located across the state of Maineinternship specifics vary depending on the host organization. Permanent residents must be enrolled in a high school in the U.S. to be eligible. Time Commitment: Full-time from Monday to Friday, 35 to 40 hours per week. Sea Grant undergraduate opportunities provide hands-on research experiences, financial assistance, research funding, and professional development experiences in new careers. Important dates:Positions are announced each December, with application deadlines in February. Interns will have at least one research mentor, participate in training, and go on field trips. Interns are required to complete at least 150 hours of work and are paid between $16 and $17 an hour. , with Tier 1 being the most outstanding (i.e. You can change a reference IF the original reference has not yet submitted a letter on your behalf. Recommendations from family members are never appropriate. If you are a permanent resident, you must be attending ahigh school in the U.S. To be eligible, you need to be a junior in high school at the time of application and be at least 17 years old by the start of the program in June. Workweek and hours are flexible. NOAA's Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) host an online weather camp for high school students each summer. This program has allowed me to work towards my Associate's degree in science through a local community college. IN FISH provides a stipend and also covers travel, lodgings, food, tuition and course supplies. Endangered Species Day (the third Friday in May) is an annual day of celebration for the public to learn about endangered and threatened species and what we can all do to help them. WebHigh School and Summer Programs. Generally, they reach capacity within a day or two of the opening date, so you should apply as soon as the positions are announced. Is there a deadline for receipt of my reference letters? There are opportunities available in the following states: To be eligible, you need to be in ninth grade and 16 years old at the time of the internship. Here at NOAA, GRIP interns can grow professionally and build their network with a rewarding research experience. However, my family home, where I live in the summer. What are the start and end dates for the program?The NIH Institutes and Centers and the NIH Office of Intramural Training & Education (OITE) sponsor a required summer orientation. All other opportunities are seeking only an undegraduate summer inter. Applications open every other year in winter. WebInternships - Jobs - Careers at Apple Find your perfect role. The email contains login credentials and directions for submitting the letter online. Open to9 12 grade students, must attend a school in the United States (including territories) to be eligible for the NOAA awards at the ISEF competition. Important dates: The application period for the 2023 Lapenta Internship will be open from Oct 1 to Dec 31 2022. The online application system will accept only two reference letters. Tune in to daily weather briefs to enter the Friday weather forecast contest. U.S. citizenship; GPA: 3.0 on a 4.0 scale; High school students Please include your full name and email address (the ones you will use in the application), the name of the school in which you are currently enrolled, and the address where you will live with your parent(s)/guardian(s) during the summer. Specifying the IC in which you would like to work makes sense in some circumstances, for example, if you are returning to a lab for a second summer or have a very specific, well-defined research interest. . What are my chances of receiving a position in the Summer Internship Program? Explore the mysteries of our oceans and atmosphere! Participants in the Microsoft Discovery Program must also be available to work full-time during the course of the program and are paid. References do not mail letters. May I apply?The goal if this eligibility criterion is to ensure that you live within commuting distance of your campus. Terms of appointment for this post-doctoral fellowship are for one year, renewable for a second year subject to satisfactory performance. Please contactlibrary.reference@noaa.govfor details on open opportunities. Fall 2019: Volume 17 Number 1 What are my chances of receiving a position in the Summer Internship Program?Like many of the research training programs at the NIH, the High School Summer Internship Program is highly competitive. Admissions officers rate a students extracurriculars based on their impressiveness and uniqueness. Shore-based or at-sea internships can include collaboration on ongoing projects or supporting expeditions and are available to undergraduate students, graduate students and recent graduates. HS-SIP internships generally cover a minimum of eight weeks. 16 Best High School Internships in NYC 1. If you are interested in coming to the NIH in some other capacity, please take a look at theNIH Pathways for Students and Recent Graduates Program operated by Human Resources. NOTE: You must complete your application by February 1 (11:59 p.m., EST). Most of the laboratories are located on the main NIH campus in Bethesda, MD. In 2019 we received 1436 completed applications; 213 high school applicants awarded offered positions. To graduate to look for an internship ) host an online weather Camp for high school the... Of eight weeks first 50 high school applicants for summer interns credit for my summer internship committees... Eastern Shore ( UMES ) I live in the state of Maine, youre eligible for this post-doctoral fellowship for., 35 to 40 hours per week position in the state of Maine, youre eligible for this STEM! A four-week course and a six-to-ten week research project in Woods Hole MA... 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