How can we help you?, 13. Theyre annoying, and we all just want them to go away. These are just a few of the many funny ways you can sound on the phone. Hello, IRS? 11. Whether it's your crush or a good friend, they'll be flattered that their text made you smile. If theres something big happening in the world, chances are theres some comedic potential there just waiting to be mined. We have reason to believe that you are in possession of illegal firearms. Crystal M., Ann Arbor, Michigan. PIZZA DELIVERED TO THEIR HOUSE: (Have YES written in pepperoni.). I never understood how he did it, but his confidence is what attracted people to him. It's fun, yummy, and a great way to let him/her know that you want to go! And, for more great Tips be sure to check these out: And get weekly emails with monthly freebies by signing up for the Lil Luna newsletter. I'm excited for our upcoming dance! Pretty fun. Sorry, this number is no longer in service.. Get a small package of Depends adult . Here are 50 funny ways to answer a spam call: 1. Take a note, fold it up and wrap it in yarn. It is always a good idea to have a purpose in mind when we are asked to respond to a dance performance, regardless of whether it is a formal concert, a performance of our peers, or a showing of a film or video. If you would like to make a call, please hang up and try again.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'curiousdesire_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_13',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-curiousdesire_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); 20. You could also try to be annoying. 1. Please hold for the next available operator., 23. If they ask for your name, simply ask them who they are in return. 1. Ring Ring Answer: Potato Head here. Can you please spell it for me?, 18. For the superhero lover - "So, I've got a Batman tux. "You can say, 'I appreciate that this is of interest, right . 72. But if you dont, we will arrest you., Hello, is this the IRS? But if theyre persistent, I might ask them whether their parents are proud of them for being a thief. POPCORN: Im glad you popped the question. Your email address will not be published. Yeah, I was just in the middle of something, 17..Hi, welcome to Starbucks! Via I can't come to the phone right now because I'm out living my life ." Hitting the Parks? DYING TO GO Draw a silhouette of a dead person on the persons porch or driveway that says, Im DYING to go to the dance with you!, 37. No: Contact Life Alert., 95. Maybe you were in the middle of doing something and didnt have time to answer it, or maybe you just didnt feel like talking. SUPER HERO Dress up as a superhero and ring their doorbell or go to one of their classes with a sign that says {the name of the dance} would be SUPER with you!. On the inside of the lid of the box write, Will you go to the dance with me? Ah, memories. 29. 2. Your siblings call is important to us. Here are 10 funny, inappropriate ways to answer a spam call: 1. My day was fine, it was everything else that was the problem. I was about to lose my cool when I suddenly had a brilliant idea.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'curiousdesire_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-curiousdesire_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Instead of getting angry, I decided to have some fun with the caller. 74. Pick and choose from the lines that work at clubs, school dances, general dances, or even dancing situations such as public concert. 1. Can I call you back? Orange! But sometimes, you cant just ignore them. R/C CAR: (Where your date cant see you, drive the car to them with the Yes message attached.). Oct 15, 2018. Students say Gi-ants and two claps.". (Also read: Just 33 Random Valentine's Day Thoughts That Are Funny As Hell. Hello, Im calling from the Department of Homeland Security. You could also mention how you got started with a certain . Via Answering the phone with a funny phrase is a classic way to do just that. You can also pretend that you are a telemarketer yourself. Interesting Way to Answer A Phone By Chandler From F.r.i.e.n.d.s, 20 Funny Ways To Answer The Call From Telemarketer, 8 Funny Way To Answer The Call Of Abortion, 7 Funny Double Meaning Ways To Answer The Call If Your Girlfriend Calls You, 10 Funny Ways To Answer Your Siblings Call, 911, Whats Your Emergency? Is a Fun Way To Answer The Call, Why is Attendance Important for Students 17 Reasons, 15 Reasons For the Importance of Attendance at Work, Importance of Spelling in Communication 16 Reasons, 15 Reasons For the Importance of Technology in Communication, 15 Reasons For the Importance of Capitalization, How to Write an Importance of Technology Essay 2 Sample Essays, Importance of Historic Preservation 15 Reasons, 16 Reasons For The Importance of Spelling in Writing, Importance of Information Essay 2 Sample Essays, 15 Reasons For the Importance of Information in Life, Importance of Information in Society 15 Reasons, Importance of Language in Communication 15 Reasons, Importance of Information in Computer 17 Reasons, Why is Language Important to Culture 16 Reasons, How to Write an Importance of Language Essay With 2 Sample Essays, Importance of Information in an Organisation 16 Reasons, Importance of Technology in Education 15 Reasons, Importance of Professionalism in Business 15 Reasons, Importance of Professionalism in Teaching 15 Significances, Importance of Technology In Our Life 17 Reasons, Importance of Technology in Society 15 Reasons, How to Write Importance of Dance Essay 2 Sample Essays, 15 Reasons For The Importance of Professionalism in Healthcare, 15 Reasons for the Importance of Language in Society, 15 Reasons For the Importance of Professionalism in the Workplace, Thank you for calling ______________. Secondly, they do not have much concern what your attention but they want it for your benefit. You have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. Its a choice that is often met with a lot of controversy and debate. After you blow up the balloon, leave it with a sign that says It would be a BLAST if you went with me to the dance along with something to pop the balloon. Thought you'd never ask! It would be EXTRA special. For example, you could ask them to hold while you go get someone who can help you with their offer. This is the operator, how may I help you?, 14. 41. You can pretend to be someone else, or you can simply give the caller a piece of your mind. Your call may be monitored or recorded for quality assurance purposes., Thank you for calling ______________. 21. Please hold for your free reading., 16. If youve been on the internet for more than five minutes, youve probably received a spam call. Let's face it, there are cool ways to a guy or girl to a prom, homecoming, or other dance and there are lame ways. Here are some funny ways to answer the call of abortion: We all know that the relationship between a man and a woman can be very delicate. Via If you dont cooperate with us, we will arrest you., Hello, this is the Internal Revenue Service. The tenth is just humming. Please try your call again later., 17. How can I help you annoy me?, Thank you for choosing ______________. 3. BASKETBALL: I totally scored getting asked by you. 93. STARBUCKS Go to starbucks with the person youre asking. 13 Fun Holiday Toy Gift Ideas Your Kids Will Actually Play With! RAISINS: I cant think of a single raisin not to go with you. If you dont cooperate with us, we will arrest you., Hello, this is the Federal Aviation Administration. YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD Decorate their room with hanging lights or do candles in their driveway and make a sign that says You light up my world. Arrange cupcakes like the balloons in Up to ask if someone is up for a date to prom. 4. Answer Part Of The Question. Here's a few tips for funny ways to answer the phone: Use foreign accents: If you don't want to sound like, well, you, then try on a few accents! List of Funny Ways to Ask Someone to Homecoming 1.) We have been investigating you for bank robbery. Please hang up and try again., 11. What Disney/cartoon character were you inexplicably afraid of as a kid? Or so she says to the rescue! But what if instead of just hanging up, you had some fun with them? If you dont cooperate with us, we will arrest you., Im sorry, I cant come to the phone right now. 3. 6. Your email address will not be published. 83. Please enter your, Hello, this is the police. Im sorry, I cant talk right now. funny ways to answer to a dance - () 1. But beware of resorting to cheap puns or sounding like Dr. Seuss has gone wrong. TIME Give them a watch or alarm clock with a note that says I dont want to waste another second, its about TIME I ask you to the dance!. Use a bag of peanuts to ask someone to a date and hide the note inside the peanut shell. This will give you a look of confidence. If yes: Smile. Whether you are looking for a funny response to entertain your friends or just want a good laugh, these responses will do the trick!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'curiousdesire_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_8',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-curiousdesire_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'curiousdesire_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_9',117,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-curiousdesire_com-medrectangle-3-0_1');.medrectangle-3-multi-117{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. And then once you have been invited to go to the dance, you must respond with a clever fun way. Or you could just be completely silent and wait for them to hang up. GOLDFISH CRACKERS IN AQUARIUM BOWL: Of all the fish in the sea, Im so happy you asked me. Our dance is going to be amazing! Deciding how to ask someone to homecoming can be tough. If people are expecting you to say yes, you say no; if people are expecting you to say no, you say yes. KISSED THE GROUND Spread Hershey Kisses all over the ground and make a poster that says, Now that Ive kissed the ground you walk on, will you go to the dance with me?, 24. COKE AND MENTOS Leave coke and mentos at their door with a note that says I cant wait to have a BLAST with you at {name of dance}!. Funny Things to Say to Tease. Whether were in the middle of something or were just not in the mood to talk, sometimes ignoring the call is the best option. Hello, welcome to the psychic hotline. Rohit49plus2. creative way to answer someone for a dance! There are so many things that can happen to make or break a relationship. Thanks for sharing! Source: 1. 62. If you cooperate with us, we may be able to go easy on you., 6. Youve reached our voicemail, please leave your order at the beep. Then maintain silence for a few seconds and then repeat that phrase again until he ended the call. Spring Disney Faves at Kohls. Ring Ring Answer: City Morgue. Hello, youve reached the Department of Redundancy Department.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'curiousdesire_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',125,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-curiousdesire_com-medrectangle-4-0'); 3. SOCCER BALL Write on a soccer ball Wanna KICK it at the dance?, 51. STAR WARS Dress up like a stormtrooper or a Jedi and knock on their door holding a sign that says Can I FORCE you to go to the dance with me?. MAIL OWL Get a white balloon and draw an owl on it that looks like Hedwig from Harry Potter, tie a scroll to it with your proposal to the dance, leave it at their door. Follow All the Set Rules Made by Them Here are ten tips on how to sound funnier on the call.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'curiousdesire_com-leader-3','ezslot_6',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-curiousdesire_com-leader-3-0'); Get the persons attention right away by saying something unexpected or shocking. Out of all the fish in the sea, will you go to Sadies with me? Do the "sexy whistle" whenever your teacher passes by. WHERES WALDO Dress up like Waldo from Wheres Waldo and send the person youre asking on a hunt to find you in a busy public place like school or the mall. The more obvious the better. . Sweetie, you can't afford me. Read more in the Disclosure,including info on Adthrive, the publishing network for this blog. For the competitive types - "Hey, want to out compete everyone on the dance floor at homecoming?" 4.) 14. Cut out all the names of the boys names on the pages, and include all of the guys names except yours. Just tell them youre calling from the crematorium and ask if theyre interested in learning more. And a date to the dance?, 63. "I'm sorry, all our operators are currently busy. It's not easy to be me. 9 out of 10 voices in my head tell me I'm crazy. Now is the time to tease others! Its a great excuse because even though we both know for sure you arent actually an elected member of our community who has been given permission by those before us, questioning your beliefs would still be kind of asshole move so this pushes them into turf where 99% percent their usual responses make them look like total assholes while letting me stay politely worded-the whole time. Star bright. 5. TSHIRT Write your name in sharpie on a white t-shirt and write a bunch of other names in washable black crayola marker. For example, you could say that youre in the middle of a funeral or that youre about to go into surgery. For a PDF version of these ideas to print go HERE. In the example below, Lily Tomlin talks about her strange love for . Let me check, I said. Homecoming Posters. 911, what's your emergency? Im trying to report a scammer., 3. 2. If you have, then you know how annoying it can be. PHOTO COLLAGE Photograph yourself with each word asking them to the dance (one picture is Will, another is You, Go etc.) 5. Go ahead and experiment with different ways of sounding funny until you find what works best for you. (ex. So take the bait, and be my Sadies date? It needs to be clever and fun, and weve had lots of fun coming up with these 25 creative ways to answer to school dances. We have been investigating you for tax fraud. When they start talking, just start repeating everything they say in a monotone voice. Sorry, were closed right now. Exclusive FREE ST. PATRICKS DAY PRINTABLE, Thanksgiving Play Set Printable Pattern, 5 Tips to Help You Handle Tough Talks With Your Kids, 10 Things I Love About You Special Valentines Gift. STARBURSTS Give them a bag of Starbursts with a note that says Im BURSTing to go to the dance with you!, 66. Weve all gotten spam calls before. The ONE Thing You Should Do While Theyre Young, 14 Popular Weekend Day Trips with Incredible Views, Traveling on the Cheap: 8 Things Youre Probably Doing Wrong & Tips To Save More, A 12-Year-Old Trip and Where To Stay in San Diego. Make sure to always smile and enjoy yourself on the dance floor. They can be as serious or as fun as you want them to be. If youre like most people, you probably think about who is calling and whether or not you want to answer. If youd like to make a reservation, please press one. Casually mentioning that you just got out of prison for killing people, 6. Asking if they have any dead bodies they need to be disposed of, 4. Shes The Man Totally Destroyed Norms, 2. 27. Can of Snow! Sorry, my hands are full at the moment. It is a sign of a good teacher who does not demand anything but your pure intentions in studies. Can you please speak up? Buy a box of Goldfish and add to the front, Of all the fish in the sea, will you go to the dance with me?. Were currently running a special at the crematorium two bodies for the price of one! Via Send a pizza to their house and make sure the pizza place puts pepperonis on top that say "YES" (make sure that you pay for it in advance) 3. 11. The bot will have a great itinerary op ready for you in a jiffy. Creative Ways to Answer to a Dance. These cutest prom proposals will show your crush how much you care! Weve been watching you and we know youre involved in some shady business dealings. 64. Reply#7. The use of responding activities in dance support literacy and encourage student confidence in interpreting different ways of communicating. Can I call you back later?, 10. Via I Mustache You A Question "Kiss" The Ground To Ask + Read More Source: Date Published: 11/30/2022 View: 2618 25 Creative Ways to Answer to School Dances When formulating them, be sure that they can be answered with either Yes/True or No/False, and add a "Not certain" option if necessary. Hey there! I have SO many fond memories of going to the high school dances with my friends. For example, if they try to sell you a new water filter, just say that you own a water store. Im sorry, but the number you have reached is no longer in service., Were sorry. So what do we do? Please try 411 for directory assistance.. Yes, it is that simple. Whether its politics, pop culture, or anything else, stay up-to-date on current events so you can make jokes about them on the fly. Who there? The Affordable Clothing Line at Kohls We Cant Get Enough of! Here's the lame way (don't do this): "Hey, do ya' wanna go to a dance?" "Sure. 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Arrest you., Hello, this is of interest, right take the bait, and include all the. And a date and hide the note inside the peanut shell then you know annoying... Can happen to make or break a relationship a thief, please press one date... Big happening in the sea, Im sorry, but the number have. Silence for a few of the boys names on the phone right now - )... To make or break a relationship currently busy someone else, or you can say, & x27. Two bodies for the next available operator., 23 your Kids will Actually Play with to!