If the height of the containing Can I use this tire + rim combination : CONTINENTAL GRAND PRIX 5000 (28mm) + GT540 (24mm). The forums ran from 2008-2020 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive. Does Cosmic Background radiation transmit heat? How to make div height expand with its content using CSS ? click on "known issues" here: @SuperUberDuper Well you can use it in bootstrap as this: This is not a right answer, cuz this needs to set parent height. height: 50vh; is a way to go. If I set my container element to display:table with height:inherit it acts exactly the same way as if I'd give it a min-height of 100%. The height is not calculated at all. Firstly, you are using height:100%; which in your case is wrong. There are two methods to stretch the div to fit the container using CSS that are discussed below: Method 1: First method is to simply assign 100% width and 100% height to the child div so that it will take all available space of the parent div. Use flexbox to achieve desired layout. Answering this old question, as this worked for me, and seems pretty easy to implement. Use, How to Make a Child Div Element Wider than the Parent Div, How to Make an HTML
Element not Larger Than its Content, How to Horizontally Center a
in Another
, How to Give a Div Element 100% Height of the Browser Window, How to Make the Div Height to Auto-Adjust to the Background Size, How to Make a