However, about 1/2 hour later, a real weird 2-year old buck came sniffing down the trail. Read more. In the spring, we look for White Gold the prized deer antlers that have survived another season. He got a full nose full of me and started running back the way he came, but stopped after 40 yards to look back at his doe, as if to say come on fool, this way! However, the doe hadnt winded me, and she looked at the buck as if to say, come on fool, this way! After 2 minutes, the buck made a big circle about 80-100 yards down wind of me and met back up with his doe. It would be extremely difficult to hunt near that point, but I would take into account both wind and thermal flow direction. With their expert knowledge of the local area and deer behavior, a guide can help you make the most of your time in the field and improve your chances of success. Read millions of eBooks and audiobooks on the web, iPad, iPhone and Android. One buck and the doe were with Archery and the two others were with rifle. Hunt Whitetail Deer in Kansas. Location: northeast Kansas When compared to what Ive seen in the past, some areas have low deer populations, which means you must remain mentally engaged. If you want to share your experience as a hunter, please do so. If a deer head is submitted to KSVDL, there is a $16 fee for KSVDL to sample the head and a head dis-posal fee of $15.50. I do a ton of scouting this way too because it allows me to go farther than I would on foot, which gets me to places others arent willing to go. It'll give you an idea on what to look for on a map via e scouting a new area. Its put more in the books than any other state. Looking for someone that wouldn't mind giving a guy advice that's new to hunting the Midwest as I've always hunted Texas for deer. Check out this Big Buck Profile segment from NAW TV: For updated deer-hunting rules and regulations, including information on seasons, bag limits and quotas, visit the KDWP website. . All Rights Reserved. Archery, muzzleloading shotguns, shotguns, and rifles are all permitted during hunting. This hunting land in Mitchell County totals 13,200 acres. Plan B, C, and D all proved to be popular spots for bowhunting deer. Brochures and complete public lands regulations are available by phoning (620) 672-5911 or check for each locations individual regulations. 1,575. 3 bucks and one doe. After about 30 seconds, he very nervously kept walking, and then stopped again (now directly downwind) at 12 yards. Of course, CRP on its own isnt prime deer habitat, but these places can become important components of whitetail ranges. YouTube Dan Infalt farm country. Enter to win by filling out the form below. Then, get out and start scouting. I got a second. The 4,300-acre Red Willow State Recreation Areaoffers good habitat and hunting opportunities, too. Camping is allowed in designated areas only. Some people hunt with outfitters, own or lease land, knock on doors, and even hunt public lands. Legal shooting light began at 6:40 a.m. Theyre too close, I thought. Bow hunting in Kansas is a great way to get outdoors and enjoy the beauty of nature. For those seeking an abundance of early successional habitat, consider Cedar Bend WMA. At 10 a.m., I planned to move to a different location on the same piece of property that looked better for all day cruising activity. Only show this user. Kansas has 300,000 acres of public land and more than 1 million acres of private land seasonally open to hunters. Eighteen percent hunted land they owned, and only 11 percent . Any and all advice is greatly appreciated. I looked behind my stand, across the county road, and caught sight of two bucks now chasing this doe, 80 yards from my location. Brian Butcher will become the first person to ever take a non-typical, non-typical deer in Kansas if he captures his 321 3/8 buck. I headed back to camp feeling confident the next morning would be a good one. States in the West lead the country in the amount of public land available, with states including Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho making more than 50% of the state available to the public to hunt. The Hunting Public. There is no definitive answer to the question of what the best public hunting land in Kansas is. You can learn more about hunting on public land in Kansas by visiting the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Wildlifes website, which has landowner permits, hunting seasons, and other information. I got a second arrow knocked as quickly as possible and sent the second arrow through the lungs. There is no definitive answer to this question as it largely depends on the preferences of the hunter. Private Lands. He wont score for anything, but was definitely a mature deer. One solid pick is the Sugar Ridge Fish and Wildlife Area. By some miracle, he didnt bolt after the arrow hit him. Just $1 per month . Often overlooked, Minnesota has a good bit of public land. My first public-land deer hunt in Kansas was almost a complete bust. Regardless of the exact ownership, dig up as many of these locally-owned public lands as possible. Heaven is just an hour away from Kansas City. Its 5,600 acres of timber, oak savannah, wetlands, and grasslands. I had done a lot of e-scouting prior to the trip in preparation to find the best ground. For a period of time, Kansas was an almost-guaranteed draw every year, and many units had whitetail tags to spare. Our Kansas bow hunting deer packages are the hunt of a lifetime! Two 3-day hunts usually happen here in October and December. The Buckeye State is a relative newcomer as a top destination. When it comes to public land, Kansas ranks near the bottom in the nation. In this graduate-level course, well teach you about deer biology, behavior, and ultimately, how to become a better hunter. Location: southeast Kansas 1. He bounded off and crashed 40 yards away in the draw. Been hunting public land for years, pick an area, scout it and hunt it. 1 Pope and Young Bucks Before They Were Beat, Best Gear of 2022 for Whitetail Property Managers, A Whitetail Hunter's Guide to Ballistic Reticles, Two Brothers' Shed Hunting Strategy Yields Non-Typical Match Set in Missouri. Those who spend time on public land should understand proper rules and etiquettes. This vast ground now reaches into units 4,6,7,8 & 14. Jefferson 3, Morris 3, Reno 3, Linn 3, Greenwood 3. . If there was only one thing I could pick, it would be the top three. Also, the 7,684-acre Marais des Cygnes Wildlife Area to the southeast is a public-land whitetail haven. Halstead, KS. This is a 300 acre wildlife preserve with deer, ducks, predators, and exotic animals. The buck walked to within 3 yards of my tree, and then caught a good whiff of my scent. Tuttle Creek Wildlife Area Location: northeast Kansas Size: 12,000 acres ZIP: 66411 Think of nearby Tuttle Creek as Milfords tougher By Other public spots in Buffalo, Columbia, Dane, Polk, Sauk, Trempealeau, Waukesha, and Waupaca counties are usually productive as well. Hunts are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Commonly brushed to the side, North Dakota offers excellent opportunities. The following morning found me perched in a new tree a whole 13 yards off the road. My hunt in 2020 didn't result in a buck with a mega score, but I did manage to put down a mature buck utilizing what I had learned on my previous two trips to Kansas in 2018 and 2016. Brodie Swisher Size: 7,600 acres One Rifle to do it all Or a rifle for each occasion? It was around 6:05 a.m. when I completed the , Around 6:35 a.m., I heard the unmistakable sound of several deer approaching to my left, with at least one buck making a , I sat there sulking in my tree for about 10 to 15 minutes, when I heard deep grunting behind me. If you are an archery hunter, you will feel at home at KFO. Nearly half the states in the country have some version of this. To purchase your Kansas hunting and fishing licenses, permits and boat registrations visit, . Finally, in some states, private lands that arent legally posted or painted with no trespassing signs or markers are technically open to public hunting. From deer and turkey to quail and pheasant, Kansas has something for everyone. With a variety of game species to choose from, Kansas offers hunters a unique hunting experience. In these regions, there are a variety of habitats that support a healthy deer population. This episode of the Whitetail Slam I'm returning to the Kansas public land that I shot my buck in last year. Hoping to get some help from someone that hunts the area or has hunted the general area as to methods and tactics that will increase my odds of success. Most of what Im looking at is farm land type areas with creeks that border or run through it. But the state actually has a surprisingly diverse topography, ranging from the Great Plains in the West to the Smoky Hills in the center, to the Flint Hills and Arkansas River Lowlands in the southern and eastern reaches. You've probably heard all the talk recently about the decline in hunter numbers, with the U.S. The No. 27-Jul-12. "We will make some minor adjustments in shortening or eliminating antlerless-only seasons in some units, and reduce the number of antlerless permits in other units," he notes. Hunting whitetails on on public land in Kansas is about as good as it gets for the chance at a legitimate trophy buck. Archery season begins in mid-September and runs through December, providing plenty of time for hunters to identify and pattern deer carrying trophy antlers. You dont need access to thousands, or even hundreds of acres to kill a good buck. Gordon Whittington talks with Steven Sprout about the trophy buck he took back in 1998 while bowhunting public land in Illinois. A majority of hunters are going to stick to those big parcels, but you can certainly find deer in places that require a boat ride. This 217 acre tract in Woodson County, Kansas absolutely has it all! Here are things you should remember for your next public land deer hunt. We have over 30,000 acres of prime hunting ground scattered around and along the Republican river valley. Zangerle and his two cameramen, Keith Robinson and Aaron Warbritton, arrived a few days prior to opening day to scout and find find areas to focus on for their five-day hunt. Aside from Butler (129 entries), Barber (107), Comanche (87), Greenwood (74), and Sumner (73), all counties have had the most entries in history. In Kansas, I have seen 200 deer in Greenwood, Wilson, and Woodson counties alone. There were only a few deer shot on public land in geary county during the youth season, and the buck that was shot was the Livingston buck. Known as the geographic center of the contiguous 48 states, Kansas' open windswept landscape is right in the heart of the Great Plains. Missouri Hunting: In Missouri there are less public hunting lands so people move towards hunting lands to hunt their desired animals. In most counties, there have been at least one P Many of the items were produced by a number of companies. Then, once you have that tag, youll be ready for the best public land deer hunt of your life. Hunters and trappers must get permission before hunting or trapping on private land that is not part of a public access program, whether it is posted or not. Kansas Clays & Arrows . Here are few tactics Ive employed over the years that have resulted in some darn good public hunts. In this edition of "From The Stand," Pat Hogan explains the importance of being aware of proper clearance when using your bow or crossbow out in the field. During the season, the obvious spots will have other hunters hanging out in treestands from one end of the property to the other. There are some large tracts of open ground. In northern Minnesota, the Chippewa National Forest and Superior National Forest both have large acreages. One of my buddies in Illinois hunts public areas that are open to duck hunters in the morning and deer hunters in the afternoon. Size: 12,000 acres The American frontier, also known as the Old West, popularly known as the Wild West, encompasses the geography, history, folklore, and culture associated with the forward wave of American expansion in mainland North America that began with European colonial settlements in the early 17th century and ended with the admission of the last few western territories as states in 1912 (except Alaska . Mulvane, KS. To purchase your Kansas hunting and fishing licenses, permits and boat registrationsvisit, Price: $500 - $1,000. Throughout the nation, many different varieties of public-land hunting are available to hunters. There are a lot of public venues that are a mix of lakes and islands and large tracts of land. This is the average sized spot for one hunter. Do your research and find a method that works best for you to get a cheap hunting trip put together! Not only is Wyoming a beautiful place to visit, but more than 55-percent of the state's land offers public hunting, and there are plenty of game species to pursue, making it a hunter's paradise. For example, Indianas is Private Lands Access (IPLA), Iowas is Habitat and Access Program (IHAP), Michigans is Hunting Access Program (HAP), Nebraskas is Open Fields and Waters Program (OFW) and The Passing Along the Heritage Program (PATH), and North Dakotas is PLOTS. Even if you've hunted the same farm for 20 years, look at it from a bird's perspective. Of these, roughly 15,000 were bucks. It must be at least 1.28-inches long for a 22 caliber and handgun cartridge. While thats never a guarantee, the 15,800-acre Rathbun Wildlife Area has plenty of deer. Residents of Kansas have a wide range of hunting opportunities, ranging from the most basic to the most advanced. I honestly dont think Ill have trouble killing a deer, but Im up there for one reason, and thats to shoot something over 150. I've had trail cameras soaking for most of the y. Messages. I am lucky enough to have a farm in the family. Nonetheless, the fact remains that a crossbow is very different from a firearm, so it should not be confused for one. Some tracts are legitimately land-locked by private but you can knock on a landowners door to find out if he or she will let you walk across their property to access the public. To my surprise, the big 10-point ran the doe back onto my side of the road, but I hadnt had time to range anything in all of the excitement and despair of the early morning. My hunt in 2020 didnt result in a buck with a mega score, but I did manage to put down a mature buck utilizing what I had learned on my previous two trips to Kansas in 2018 and 2016. He has alot of content out there, and if you feel like sifting through it, I'm sure you'll find some info to help kill a nice Kansas buck. The Kansas River Bottoms are a great place to hunt waterfowl and other wetland animals. Deer: Balancing Expectations for Small Properties, Get to Know Your Neighbors for Better Deer Herd Management, Big Buck Profile: Reid Crawford Kansas Buck, Choosing Correct Magnification for Rifle Scope, Big Buck Profile: Troy Metzger's East Illinois Giant. Hunting dates and prices may change; therefore, keep an eye out for the most current information on the official website. Also, there are plenty of other destinations available. There are different hunting days, and each days prices differ slightly, but all include a hunting tag and a hunting license. It was mid-November, and I quickly discovered that non-residents from across the country had descended on Kansas. Saddle Setups, Ground Hunting, Shot Placement on Deer by with a free trial. For example, there are numerous things you should never do on public lands. I walked 50 yards from the barn and jumped a deer from its bed. Bottoms are a mix of lakes and islands and large tracts of land when it to! 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